The Shadow of Destruction is a part of that terrifying existence. They travel through the universe, looking for places where life exists.

Once they find a life that they cannot deal with, they will summon that existence at the first time.

At this moment, the Shadow of Destruction was slaughtered by the Supreme God, and the number was decreasing madly. The Shadow of Destruction was summoning that terrifying existence.

"Kill them all!"

"Seal the abyss!"

"Don't let any of them escape!"

Suddenly, in the sky, the Supreme God made a crazy move, and big hands fell from the sky and hit the Shadow of Destruction below fiercely.

Suddenly, the dense black clouds disappeared, and the Shadow of Destruction was attacked devastatingly.

Even the God of Flesh and Blood and the God of Brokenness, who had been fighting each other in the abyss, were now attacking the Shadow of Destruction.

All the Supreme Gods reached a consensus to fight against the Shadow of Destruction together, and the damage to the Shadow of Destruction was fatal.

The Zerg army and the demon army were also frantically destroying the Shadow of Destruction.

The Shadow of Destruction was directly surrounded, and they had nowhere to escape.

Disappearing bit by bit under the crazy attack of the Supreme God, Mo Yu was also on the battlefield at this moment, watching all the Supreme Gods attacking the Shadow of Destruction, and his heart was also very shocked.

It seems that these Supreme Gods also feel the crisis, that terrifying existence can kill the Supreme God.

Most of the Supreme Gods who came to the abyss were hunted down by that terrifying existence.

They were deeply impressed by that terrifying existence, and knew that if they didn't kill the Shadow of Destruction now, then the Shadow of Destruction would summon that terrifying existence.

All of them might die, or they would continue to escape.

They have been escaping in the universe for a long time, and don't want to continue escaping. They want to rest in the abyss for a while.

"I've had enough." A Supreme God was tired of this life of escape.

As a high Supreme God, he was originally the supreme ruler of a universe, but now he is running away in the universe like a stray dog. This feeling of frustration made him very unhappy.

Basically, all the Supreme Gods are like this. They are proud. No one is happy to be hunted down.


The Shadow of Destruction dodged frantically. Even when it was desperate, the Shadow of Destruction rushed directly into the army of demons and Zerg, and mixed in with the enemy.

After watching the Shadow of Destruction rush into the Zerg and Demon armies, the Supreme God in the sky did not show any mercy.

They did not distinguish between friend and foe. As long as they saw the Shadow of Destruction, they would attack immediately. Suddenly, many Zerg and demons were implicated and killed.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Zerg King frowned, but considering that the Shadow of Destruction was too threatening to them. Therefore, they also acquiesced to this kind of attack.

The dense Zerg and demons were wiped out, and of course, the Shadow of Destruction also perished.

Mo Yu looked at all this in amazement. There were also Shadows of Destruction beside him. Seeing these Shadows of Destruction rushing over, he teleported away from here.

The Supreme God attacks indiscriminately. Wherever there is the Shadow of Destruction, it will be attacked. Now, he cannot fight the Shadow of Destruction.

Otherwise, if attacked by the Supreme God, he may be killed.

He moved to the platform in an instant, and once again teleported to bring Ziyun back.

And 682 saw that the situation was not good, and had already slipped away, more cunning than anyone else.

The platform is the safest, and the surroundings are very quiet. At this moment, all the demons and Zergs are resisting the Shadow of Destruction at the border of the abyss.

Mo Yu stood solemnly on the platform, and he did not continue to go to the border of the abyss. Because the situation there is very dangerous.

Everything was smashed to pieces, a large number of Shadows of Destruction were destroyed, and the Zerg army and the demon army also suffered heavy losses.

All the Supreme Gods attacked together, and if he intervened, he might be killed at any time.

The human agents and people from other organizations lurking at the border of the abyss were also retreating frantically at this moment. Everyone saw that something was wrong.

The battle at the border of the abyss lasted for a long time until the world suddenly became quiet.

The Shadow of Destruction seemed to have been completely destroyed. Mo Yu instantly moved to the side of a demon and used the ability of being ignored. The demon ignored him.

He looked around and saw ruins and corpses everywhere.

This battle was very tragic. Although the Shadow of Destruction was completely destroyed, everything was destroyed. The demons and Zerg suffered heavy losses and their numbers were reduced by half.

In the sky, the breath of the Supreme God remained, and they did not continue to fight.

Faintly in the sky,There was a sound of conversation, and these supreme gods seemed to be discussing something.

Then, some of the supreme gods left and disappeared into the abyss, while some of the supreme gods stayed in the abyss.

Mo Yu frowned strangely, not understanding what these supreme gods were discussing. Suddenly, the God of Flesh and Blood and the God of Brokenness continued to fight.

The Supreme God took action, and the sky collapsed and the earth broke. After there was no common enemy, the demon army and the Zerg army also separated at the first time.

The two armies stood on both sides and confronted each other.

"Zerg King, if the Zerg wants to stay in the abyss, then you must guard the border of the abyss with us!" The Lord of the Abyss gave in and agreed to let the Zerg stay in the abyss.

"That terrifying existence will come to the abyss soon, although we have eliminated the Shadow of Destruction. However, his arrival is only a matter of time. We will not stay in the abyss for too long and will leave soon." The Insect King said in a deep voice.

After the battle just now, the Zerg army suffered heavy losses. The Zerg King did not want the Zerg to continue to help the Abyss guard the border. He wanted the Zerg to rest for a while and let all the Zerg recuperate.

Because he knew in his heart that the destruction of the Abyss was inevitable.

That terrifying existence might already be on its way to the Abyss. Instead of wasting time guarding the Abyss, it is better to take the time to recuperate and restore strength.

Perhaps, before that terrifying existence comes, we can strengthen our strength and escape one step ahead.

"Lord of the Abyss, I advise you to prepare for escape. The Abyss cannot be defended." The Zerg King kindly reminded the Lord of the Abyss.

"Lord of the Abyss, do you mean you are going to continue to escape?" The Lord of the Abyss asked in a deep voice.

"You have not seen that terrifying existence, you don't know how terrifying he is, so you said these words. Those who have seen him once have no desire to fight him. He is invincible." The Zerg King said in a deep voice. Thinking of the terrifying existence, he still had lingering fears.

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