The fastest way to find out the basic information of this world is to use computers.

In this building, there are more than 30 companies working here.

Each company has many computers.

So, he only needs to find one of the computers and let the system connect to the database of these computers.

Then he can find out a lot of information in this world.

"Quark Finance!"

He looked down at the company logo on his clothes.

The people who robbed his clothes were from a company called Quark Finance.

He walked out of the bathroom and looked for Quark Finance in the corridor.

On both sides of the corridor are companies.

The names of the companies are on the doors.

So, he found Quark Finance easily.

Behind the two glass doors is the front desk.

A beautiful girl in her 20s stood behind the counter with a professional smile.

But when Mo Yu walked into the door, she was stunned.

She has worked in Quark Finance for three years, but she has never seen Mo Yu.

Because Mo Yu's temperament is so great, and he is so handsome, it is hard for people to forget him after just one look.

So, she is very sure that she has never seen Mo Yu.

"Could it be a leader sent by the head office!"

Wang Feifei thought to herself.

Mo Yu's temperament is too noble and domineering, and it is obvious that he is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, the clothes on Mo Yu are from Quark Finance.

Mo Yu is not from the branch, so he must be sent by the headquarters.

Wang Feifei did not dare to be careless and looked at Mo Yu carefully.

"Hello, is there anything I can do for you?"

"I need a computer!"

Mo Yu looked at Wang Feifei calmly.

When Mo Yu looked over, Wang Feifei looked straight into his eyes, her heart beating violently, like a deer beating wildly.

"Domineering president, yes, it must be a leader sent by the headquarters!"

Wang Feifei was a little at a loss.

"I have a computer here!"

Wang Feifei pointed to her computer.

"Very good!"

Mo Yu was overjoyed.

He walked behind the counter, and Wang Feifei stood up and made way.

He sat down, and then looked at the screen on the computer.

Then, he asked the system in his mind what to do next.

"Just keep your eyes on the computer!"

The system's voice came.

Then, Mo Yu stared at the computer without moving.

While he was staring at the computer, the system began to connect to the database on the computer through his eyes.

Wang Feifei looked at Mo Yu in surprise. She thought Mo Yu would use a computer.

He would open some office software or something, but Mo Yu just sat in front of the computer and stared at the computer in a daze for more than ten seconds.

"Hello, do you need my help?"

Wang Feifei was full of confusion and kindly reminded Mo Yu.

Mo Yu stretched out his hand to signal Wang Feifei not to speak.

Wang Feifei's big eyes looked at Mo Yu in confusion.

Mo Yu stared at the computer for more than a minute, and Wang Feifei had 10,000 question marks in her heart.

She was very sure that Mo Yu had asked her if she had a computer before.

However, now Mo Yu has been sitting in front of the computer in a daze for several minutes.

Moreover, she was told not to disturb him, because she felt that Mo Yu was a weirdo.

Finally, Mo Yu moved.

He blinked his eyes gently, and the system had connected all the data in the computer.

At the same time, he had digested all the data he had just obtained in his mind.

He was also full of understanding of this world.

Unfortunately, the data in this computer was just basic common sense.

Some of the knowledge he wanted to obtain was not in it.

For example, regarding the SCP Foundation, apart from some simple introductions, he could not obtain some confidential documents from the computer.

However, he found a way to deal with wasps in the computer.

He knew that to deal with wasps, he needed to cover his entire face with a mask.

However, if you wear a mask in this world, you will be arrested immediately, and the law of this world stipulates that you cannot wear a mask.

Only criminals wear masks.

"What a strange law!"

However, this world has created a killing weapon like wasps.

Masks are not allowed, which is specially designed for wasps!

"I'm done, you can continue using the computer!"

Mo Yu stood up and said to Wang Feifei with a smile.

Wang Feifei stared at Mo Yu in amazement, then looked at the computer.

Mo Yu had just sat in front of the computer in a daze for a few minutes, and suddenly told her that she had finished using the computer.

Wang Feifei's mind crashed, and everything went blank.

"Are you sure you've finished using the computer?"

Wang Feifei wanted to continueConfirm once.

"It's finished, thank you."

Mo Yu said with a smile.

Then, he strode away from the counter and prepared to leave Quark Finance.

"Wait a minute, who are you?"

Wang Feifei still hasn't figured out Mo Yu's identity.

Mo Yu just walked into Quark Finance, stared at the computer for a few minutes and left.

She was confused.


Mo Yu turned around and smiled slightly.

Then, he strode away from Quark Finance.


Wang Feifei looked at Mo Yu's back with a question mark on her face.

Their world is a planet very similar to the earth. Of course, the name of this planet is Panlong.

After Mo Yu got the information he wanted from the computer, he was ready to leave this area. He wanted to see if the real SCP-1010 was still in the containment base of the SCP Foundation.

After all, SCP-1010 is theoretically his father, and he resurrected him.

Now, the city he is in is called Xishan City.

Xishan City is a big city with a population of over 100 million, and it is very prosperous.

Even the SCP Foundation has established a secret base inside Xishan City.

Of course, this secret base is unknown to anyone except the SCP internal staff.

As a former C-level staff of the SCP Foundation, Mo Yu naturally knows about this secret base.

"Changshan Base!"

Mo Yu has already checked the location of the base where SCP-1010 is contained through the computer.

He is going to Changshan Base to save SCP-1010.

However, when he came out of the building, he saw some wasps flying in the sky.

The wasps caught his appearance.

He quickly dodged and broke into the crowd. The wasps chased him and he entered the subway entrance next to him.

The wasps followed him into the station.

He wanted to use the confined space of the subway to get rid of the wasps.

In the subway station, Line 4, the next subway train is heading to Dongchuan.

The door opened, but Mo Yu did not go in, but wandered outside.

The wasp followed him, and he deliberately led the wasp in a circle.

When the subway door was closing, he took a leap and rushed into the subway door like an arrow. The wasp had no time to catch up, and the subway door closed. Mo Yu raised his middle finger to a wasp outside the door.

"Damn, he is too cunning!"

Wang Ming and others who were monitoring Mo Yu were furious.

"SCP-035 escaped from the Xishan base. All agents and task force soldiers in Xishan City should pay attention and must capture SCP-035 as soon as possible. The last place where SCP-035 appeared was the train to Dongchuan on Line 4 of the subway!"

At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in the communicators of Wang Ming and others at the same time!

Wang Ming and others were stunned.

Isn't the subway train that Mo Yu just took the train to Dongchuan on Line 4!

Five more chapters are here, please give me gifts, urge me to update, and give me five-star praise


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Five more chapters are here, please urge me to update, please give me gifts, and give me five-star praise

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