The Xuanwu battle formation is mainly for defense, and its defense is the best in the world. If he can obtain the essence of the Xuanwu battle formation, plus he controls everyone...

His heart suddenly became hot. If he can control everyone to form the Xuanwu battle formation, then there is even a glimmer of hope that he can resist that terrifying existence.

"No, in addition to the Xuanwu battle formation, there are three other battle formations!"

The emperor suddenly had a strong desire in his heart, and he wanted to obtain all four battle formations.

Since Mo Yu has arranged the Xuanwu battle formation, does it mean that he also knows the other three battle formations!

He guessed in his heart that Mo Yu might know the essence of the four battle formations. If he can obtain the essence of the four battle formations from Mo Yu, then, with the four battle formations, he has the confidence to resist that terrifying existence!

After all, the four battle formations are one of the four strongest formations on the ancient earth, destroying the world and being omnipotent.

"Leave him alive!"

Since he decided to get the four battle formations from Mo Yu, then he can't kill Mo Yu.

If Mo Yu died, he would not get the formation.

Therefore, he ordered the 18 dragons to capture Mo Yu as much as possible and not to hurt his life. Suddenly, the attacks of the 18 dragons slowed down a lot.


The 18 dragons roared and surrounded the Xuanwu battle formation from all directions.

Their dragon claws frantically grabbed the Xuanwu battle formation, trying to tear it apart. Their claws could tear through the sky and fell on the Xuanwu battle formation, leaving white marks. However, the Xuanwu battle formation did not break...

The eighteen dragons swung their tails and lashed at the Xuanwu battle formation like a whip of heaven and earth. The Xuanwu battle formation trembled wildly.

"What a powerful attack power!"

Mo Yu took a breath of cold air.

This Xuanwu battle formation gathered thousands of demons and Zergs, and there were many powerful gods among these Zergs and demons!

The power of so many people, all gathered on the Xuanwu battle formation, was beaten like this by 18 dragons.

Each of these 18 dragons is at least at the level of a great god, infinitely close to the Supreme God.

The 18 dragons combined together can even fight against ordinary Supreme Gods.

The emperor relied on 18 dragons to fight against the three gods, which is enough to show how strong they are.

At this moment, Mo Yu clearly felt the horror of the 18 dragons!


The 18 dragons turned into 18 lightning bolts and attacked the Xuanwu battle formation frantically.

Mo Yu controlled the Xuanwu battle formation, like a turtle shell, and withstood the attacks of 18 dragons.

However, he could not take the initiative to attack, and the Xuanwu battle formation was mainly for defense!

His eyes looked at the 18 dragons. These 18 dragons attacked them frantically, and it was unknown how long the Xuanwu battle formation could last.

When the Xuanwu battle formation was broken, it would be the day of their demise.

He could already feel that many people could not hold on. Every attack of the 18 dragons could kill a large number of demons and Zergs.

Those weak Zergs and demons were being penetrated by the attacks of the 18 dragons and were shattered into pieces.

You can see the dense Zergs and demons turned to ashes, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Mo Yu's mouth.

Even he couldn't bear it, let alone those weak Zergs and demons.

If so many people hadn't gathered together to form the Xuanwu battle formation, they would have been slaughtered by the 18 dragons.

"It's not a solution to defend like this. I have to take the initiative to attack." Mo Yu stared coldly at the 18 dragons in the sky.

Now, with the Xuanwu battle formation, their defense is temporarily fine.

However, it's not okay to defend all the time, you have to take the initiative to attack.

Therefore, an idea flashed through his mind.

"The Xuanwu battle is just one of the four battle formations on the last page of "The Art of War". I will try to use the White Tiger battle formation." Mo Yu thought in his mind.

"The Art of War" is indeed a wonderful book. On its last page, there are four battle formations, which are very powerful.

He has only arranged the Xuanwu battle formation now, and he has blocked the attacks of 18 dragons.

So, if he arranges the White Tiger battle formation, will it pose a fatal threat to the 18 dragons?

After all, the White Tiger battle formation is the main attack formation among the four battle formations. The attack power is the best in the world.

However, it is a little difficult to arrange the White Tiger battle, after all, all the manpower has been arranged by him to arrange the Xuanwu battle formation.

To arrange the White Tiger battle formation, then he must draw some manpower.

In this way, the power of the Xuanwu battle formation will be reduced a lot, and the defense will be reduced.

He dared not move a little, fearing that if he drew manpower, the XuanwuThe power of the battle formation decreased...

Once the defense decreased, if the 18 dragons found an opportunity to break through in one fell swoop, the consequences would be disastrous.

His brows were tightly locked, and he was thinking about how to survive.

How can he arrange the White Tiger Battle Formation while ensuring the defense of the Black Tortoise Battle Formation?

Of course, while thinking, he still controlled the Black Tortoise Battle Formation to resist the 18 dragons. He could still hold on for a while. He must find a way to arrange the White Tiger before the Black Tortoise Battle Formation could not hold on...

In the sky, the three supreme gods saw that the Black Tortoise Battle Formation arranged by Mo Yu had blocked the attacks of 18 dragons, and they were all ecstatic.

Mo Yu was simply a miracle, which was completely beyond their expectations. They all underestimated Mo Yu.

"You are indeed an Earthling!" God exclaimed.

"That is a mysterious planet. Many powerful people have emerged from it since ancient times. I didn't expect this little guy to be so powerful. His survival ability is really strong!"

"It seems that we have underestimated him. He should be able to hold on for a minute!"

"No, I'm afraid not for a minute. The defense of this battle formation is declining. Too many people have died..." the Insect King suddenly said.

Hearing the Insect King's words, God and the Lord of the Abyss also looked at the Xuanwu battle formation.

At this moment, one-tenth of the people in the Xuanwu battle formation have died. After losing one-tenth, the defense of the Xuanwu battle formation has indeed declined a lot.

Even with the continuous attacks of 18 dragons, sometimes a crack appeared on the Xuanwu battle formation.

"We must believe in him. He will definitely hold on!" God said loudly.

Now, they can only hope for Mo Yu. They are also frantically attacking the screen next to them, trying to break out.

The emperor stared at Mo Yu coldly, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes, as if he was expecting Mo Yu to do something that surprised him.

"Increase the intensity of the attack and put crazy pressure on him!" the emperor ordered the eighteen dragons.

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