God looked at the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King, and then said in a deep voice, "Humans have decided to use a terrible weapon against zombies. If you don't want to hurt your people by mistake, you two should order a retreat and leave the zombie army alone."

The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King were stunned, and then the Lord of the Abyss frowned and said, "What is the weapon of humans? Is it so terrible that they want us to retreat!"

"Yes, what weapon is so powerful that they want us to retreat." The Insect King was also puzzled.

"In short, you order a retreat. If you don't retreat and are accidentally injured by humans, don't blame me for not reminding you!" God said calmly.

"God, you are not bragging, right? In the current war situation, we can't retreat casually. Once we retreat and are surrounded by the zombie army, the loss to us is very terrible, and the consequences are very serious!" The Lord of the Abyss said solemnly.

"Yes, we finally stabilized the situation. Once we retreat, it is easy to be chased by the zombie army, causing greater losses. Are you sure you want us to retreat?" The Insect King said.

"If I tell you to retreat, then retreat. Why so much nonsense? You don't have to retreat. If you suffer heavy losses, don't blame me for not reminding you, and don't resent humans!" God said coldly.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King looked at each other. Although they looked down on humans in their hearts, they were a little unsure when God asked them to retreat so seriously.

If what God said was true, then they might suffer heavy losses.

However, they were a little unhappy that they had to retreat just because of God's words.

"Okay, you decide for yourself. I'll let humans launch an attack!" God shook his head, and then prepared to notify Jun Tiance to launch an attack.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King had a bad premonition in their hearts. After that, the two weighed it and decided to listen to God and order a retreat.

Suddenly, the demon army received the order from the Lord of the Abyss. The Lord of the Abyss ordered all the demon armies to retreat and try to keep a distance from the zombie army.

When they received the order from the Lord of the Abyss, all the demons were stunned. They couldn't understand it.

After all, now that they finally stood firm, the Lord of the Abyss asked them to retreat. Isn't this messing with them!

Therefore, many demons were dissatisfied and did not retreat immediately.

However, most demons did not dare to resist the order of the Lord of the Abyss, and they retreated immediately.

Although they were unwilling, most demons still left, and they distanced themselves from the zombie army...

At the same time, the Zerg army also received the order from the Zerg King, and the Zerg also doubted the order of the Zerg King.

However, they were loyal to the Zerg King, and this was the order from the Zerg King himself, so despite being very confused, the Zerg army still retreated.

Soon, the demons and Zerg left the zombie army, and only a small number of demons were unwilling to leave and continued to fight with the zombie army.

However, since the large army had left, they would naturally not be the opponent of the zombie army if they continued to stay.

Therefore, after fighting for a while and finding that they could not defeat the zombies, they could only retreat.

The purpose of the zombie army was just to find Mo Yu, so after the demons and Zerg retreated, the zombie army did not chase them. They were carefully looking for Mo Yu in the abyss...

After seeing the demons and Zerg pull away from the zombie army, God also signaled Jun Tiance to use the HE weapon.

Jun Tiance looked at the dense zombie army in front of him, then took a deep breath and signaled the agent to use the HE weapon.

In front of Jun Tiance, there was a control button and a screen, and he entered the password on the screen.

Then, he pressed the red button.

The next second, a HE weapon rushed into the sky from the back and rumbled towards the zombie army.

The zombie army, which was looking for Mo Yu everywhere, felt the HE weapon flying over, and almost all the zombies raised their heads to look at the HE weapon flying over.

The HE weapon quickly fell into the zombie army and exploded instantly. The explosion of 10 million tons of explosive equivalent formed a terrifying explosion...

The explosion instantly released terrifying energy and destroyed everything around it. The HE reaction was very rapid and was completed almost within a microsecond.

The 10 million tons of explosive equivalent directly formed extremely high temperatures within an effective area of ​​700 square kilometers, heating and compressing the surrounding air, causing the air to expand rapidly, and generating high-pressure shock waves that impacted everything in all directions.

The terrible HE reaction produced various rays and radioactive material fragments. At the same time, the strong pulse rays radiating outwards and the surrounding matterThe interaction caused the growth and disappearance of the electric current.

The final result was an electromagnetic pulse.

The explosion of HE weapons is different from the characteristics of chemical explosives. The explosion of HE weapons forms strong shock waves, light radiation, early HE radiation, radioactive contamination and nuclear electromagnetic pulses.

Suddenly, the zombies within 700 square kilometers were horribly exterminated by HE weapons.

The zombies in this range were destroyed almost in an instant. The earth trembled wildly, an unprecedented deep pit appeared, and countless zombies were wiped out.

The explosion shock wave formed by the HE weapon shocked all the creatures in the abyss.

The demons and Zergs around the explosion range were affected. Although they had retreated, they were still affected.

Some Zergs and demons that were too close were almost wiped out in an instant.

The demons and Zergs who realized the horror of HE weapons wanted to escape at this time, but it was too late. Many demons and Zergs were wiped out and had no power to resist.


The terrible explosion stunned the Supreme Gods in the sky.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King took a breath of cold air. They just looked down on human weapons.

At this moment, the explosion of the weapon directly shocked the two Supreme Gods. They were afraid that if they had not obeyed God's words and ordered a retreat.

Then, countless of their people would have died. Everything within a radius of 700 square kilometers would be destroyed...

"It's so terrifying!" The Lord of the Abyss took a breath of cold air and had a new understanding of human weapons.

"Humans are so terrible, this technological power..." The Insect King was also stunned. He has been in the universe for so many years, and he rarely sees such weapons made by pure technology. His view of humans has changed dramatically!

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