Mo Yu looked at the dozen or so mid-level zombies and the demon lord in front of him, his eyes flickered, and the eyebrows of these mid-level zombies all had a third eye.

This shows that the emperor knows all this, and the emperor can lock everything here through these mid-level zombies.

Mo Yu frowned, so many mid-level zombies surrounded a demon lord, the purpose is self-evident.

Mo Yu's eyes showed a trace of expectation, these mid-level zombies surrounded such a seriously injured demon lord, naturally wanting to transform this demon lord into a zombie.

Moreover, the emperor also knows what is going on here, so this demon lord is likely to be transformed into a zombie.

At that time, the first great god-level zombie will appear in the zombie army.

The appearance of great god-level zombies is a good start for the zombie army.

However, Mo Yu was also a little excited in his heart, because he had been waiting for the appearance of great god-level zombies.

He waited for a long time and didn't wait, and now it is finally about to appear.

He stared at the battlefield in front of him, watching a dozen middle-level zombies surround and kill the Demon Lord.

At this moment, the Demon Lord was getting more and more seriously injured under the attack of a dozen middle-level zombies.

Although the Demon Lord was strong and could condense the abyss energy to form various weapons to split the surrounding middle-level zombies.

However, these middle-level zombies could also condense the abyss energy to form weapons to attack him.

In the eyes of the middle-level zombies, they only needed to kill the Great Demon Lord. As for whether the body of the Demon Lord would be destroyed, they didn't care at all.

As long as the integrity of the body could be guaranteed, then they could turn the body of the Demon Lord into a zombie.

Mo Yu stared at the Demon Lord, and he naturally hoped that the Demon Lord would be killed by the zombies.

However, he didn't want the Demon Lord to be transformed into a zombie.

If the Demon Lord was transformed into a zombie, then his strength would become even more terrifying. It was much more terrifying than when he was in demon form.

So, Mo Yu stared at the Demon Lord, and suddenly a crazy idea came to his mind.

He wanted to take advantage of the middle god zombies attacking the Demon Lord, and see if he could find a chance to devour the Demon Lord when the Demon Lord was about to die or after death.

As long as he devoured the body of the Demon Lord, he should be able to break through to the Great God.

He felt that he was ready for everything now, and he only needed an opportunity, which was to devour a Great God!

Now, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appeared in front of him, and he would naturally not give up.

However, it might be a little difficult to devour the Demon Lord in front of a dozen middle god zombies.

The most critical point is that these dozen middle god zombies have a third eye between their eyebrows, and they are all the eyes of the emperor. If he appears in front of these middle god zombies, he will be discovered by the emperor.

Therefore, this is his biggest problem at present. He must devour this demon lord without being discovered by the emperor.

Therefore, he frowned and looked at the demon lord in front of him, and began to think in his heart, how can he devour the demon lord.

Ziyun was beside him, looking up at him, watching him frowning and thinking.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mo Yu looked down at Ziyun, who rarely spoke on his own initiative.

He frowned and said, "I'm thinking about how to devour the demon lord in front of so many zombies."

"This is very difficult, but I will help you!" Ziyun clenched his fists, indicating that he could help Mo Yu seal the zombies.

Mo Yu looked down at Ziyun, who could indeed help him.

Ziyun's current sealing power has reached the level of a middle god.

Once Ziyun releases the sealing power, it will be no problem to seal a middle god zombie with all his strength, and he can even kill it.

However, if Ziyun targets all the middle god zombies, she can only contain these dozen middle god zombies, but cannot seal all of them.

Mo Yu was planning in his heart. He wanted Ziyun to help him contain these middle god zombies at a critical moment.

However, he had to find a way to deal with the third eye of these middle god zombies. He couldn't be seen by the third eye, otherwise, the emperor would know he was here.

However, this solution could not be thought of anyway. This was a dead end.

At the same time, the emperor in the sky stared at the demon lord below.

He was waiting for the followingThe Zhongshen zombies severely injured the Demon Lord, and the injury was enough for him to kill the Demon Lord with one blow.

Now, the Demon Lord was also weak under the attack of the Zhongshen zombies, and he would soon be able to attack.

Therefore, he also divided some of his mind on the Demon Lord, ready to attack at any time.

The three supreme gods, such as God, did not know the emperor's plan.

They were fighting the emperor madly, and the emperor seemed to be concentrating on fighting them.

However, they could not guess the emperor's inner thoughts.


In the battlefield below, the Demon Lord was frantically breaking out, trying to rush out of the encirclement of more than a dozen Zhongshen zombies.

However, he could not do it anyway.

These Zhongshen zombies were too crazy and tried their best to stop him. Moreover, zombies were different from demons. Zombies did not know pain. They had unlimited fighting power and would never be weak.

Even if their hands and feet are cut off, they can still attack people. Unless their heads are completely destroyed, they can be truly killed.

However, it is extremely difficult to destroy the heads of zombies that have reached the middle god level.

Although the Demon Overlord is powerful, most of his attacks can only fall on the bodies of the middle god zombies, and he cannot attack the heads of the middle god zombies at all.

Therefore, until now, these dozen middle god zombies are intact.

Except for the loss of some body parts, their combat effectiveness is still at its peak.

On the contrary, the Demon Overlord was continuously attacked by so many middle god zombies, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Although he continued to absorb the abyss energy in the abyss to restore his strength.

However, he is already a great god, and it is not easy to recover from his injuries. It requires a quiet environment and absorb a large amount of abyss energy to recover.

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