The Zhongshen zombie looked to the side in confusion, and a Xiaoshen zombie suddenly screamed, and then was dragged to the side. Then, it disappeared instantly.

The Zhongshen zombie was shocked and ran over, but he saw nothing.

He was puzzled, not knowing what happened to the Xiaoshen zombie and why he disappeared inexplicably in that space.

That's right, in the eyes of the Zhongshen zombie, the Xiaoshen zombie was absorbed by a space.

He didn't know whether the absorbed Xiaoshen zombie was still alive, everything was full of unknowns.

At this time, a Xiaoshen zombie next to him suffered the same situation again.

The Zhongshen zombie's eyes turned cold, and then he rushed over frantically, locked the space that was swallowing the Xiaoshen zombie, and grabbed it fiercely with a claw.

Mo Yu, who was swallowing the Xiaoshen zombie, looked at the Zhongshen zombie calmly. It took him two seconds to swallow the Xiaoshen zombie, which was enough for the Zhongshen zombie to attack him several times.

Now, the Zhongshen zombie locked onto his position, but he was not afraid, nor did he dodge.

Because, he was not afraid at all, he was a great god!

Mo Yu stared at the Zhongshen zombie's eyes, and looked directly into the Zhongshen zombie's eyes.

Zhongshen zombie didn't know that he had looked into Mo Yu's eyes, and his eyes suddenly became irrational, paranoid, and bloodthirsty.

Then, like a madman, he suddenly lost his mind and attacked everything around him crazily.

His crazy eyes locked onto the Xiaoshen zombie who was being devoured by Mo Yu, and then he attacked violently.

Xiaoshen zombie, who was only half alive, was torn apart by Zhongshen zombie after being attacked by Zhongshen zombie.

Xiaoshen zombie died with his eyes open.

Mo Yu also instantly devoured half of Xiaoshen zombie's body, and as for the other half, he quickly went invisible and devoured it.

After Mo Yu dealt with the small god zombie, he took a look at the middle god zombie and did not attack the middle god zombie, because there were many zombies next to him.

He went invisible and went to the zombies next to him, and then devoured these zombies crazily, and no zombie could see him.

In the invisible state, unless the opponent is a great god.

The middle god zombie was affected by his ability and was still madly attacking everything around him.

Suddenly, the middle god zombie saw the zombies next to him, and then he rushed over madly. As long as he saw the active zombies, he started to attack.

The strength of the middle god zombie was very terrifying, and many zombies were directly torn into pieces by him.

The zombies attacked by him, many intelligent zombies were full of puzzlement, and did not understand why the middle god zombie suddenly attacked them.

However, although the zombie race is strictly hierarchical, if they are attacked, they will resist.

Now, this middle god zombie attacked them regardless of right or wrong. Many zombies also resisted the middle god zombie.

Especially the remaining small god zombies, at this moment, after being attacked by the middle god zombie, they even united to attack the middle god zombie.

In just a moment, all the zombies were in a melee. All the zombies united to attack the middle god zombie, because the middle god zombie was attacking them.

"Roar!" The middle god zombie roared angrily, with paranoid eyes, bloodthirsty attacking the zombies around him, and a large number of zombies were torn apart by him.

Mo Yu was hidden in the darkness, and the middle god zombie was affected by him, and now paranoidly attacked all the zombies around him. He nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he came to the zombies and used the power of chaos to devour the zombies around him crazily.

Suddenly, the dense zombies were devoured by him.

However, at this moment, all the zombies were fighting with the middle god zombie. Even if they found that the zombies around them disappeared, they could not be distracted.

The remaining zombies were either torn apart by the middle god zombie or devoured by Mo Yu.

Soon, there were only four small zombies left around the middle zombie, and all the other zombies had been devoured by Mo Yu.

The middle zombie was still under the influence of Mo Yu, and was still madly attacking the four small zombies.

Mo Yu calmly sucked a small zombie and used the power of chaos to devour it madly.

In just two seconds, the small zombie was devoured by him.

At the same time, the other three small zombies were also seriously injured by the crazy attack of the middle zombie.

Mo Yu came to the side of a small zombie in an instant, and in just one second, he devoured the seriously injured small zombie.

The remaining two small zombies found that something was wrong and wanted toRun away.

However, they were attacked crazily by the Zhongshen zombie, and Mo Yu was devouring them nearby.

They only lasted a few seconds before they were all devoured by Mo Yu.

Between heaven and earth, only the Zhongshen zombie was left.

The Zhongshen zombie stood there, his eyes full of irrationality, paranoia, and bloodlust. He was looking for a living person.

However, there were no living people around, and his eyes gradually regained a bit of clarity.

At this moment, Mo Yu came to the Zhongshen zombie's shoulder.

Then, he used the Chaos Devouring Power without hesitation.

The next second, the Chaos Devouring Power sucked the Zhongshen zombie's head and began to devour him crazily.

The Zhongshen zombie was conscious, and suddenly all woke up, but at this moment, Mo Yu used the bewitching power that occupied the mask.

The next second, a bewitching power entered the Zhongshen zombie's mind, and instantly bewitched the Zhongshen zombie's consciousness.

Then, Mo Yu controlled the power of bewitching and instantly wiped out the consciousness of the middle god zombie.

He was a great god, and it was very easy for him to use the power of bewitching to wipe out the consciousness of the middle god zombie.

The life breath on the middle god zombie completely disappeared.

Mo Yu quickly devoured the body of the middle god zombie. When the middle god zombie died, Mo Yu had no obstacles to devour.

It took only a few seconds for him to devour the body of the middle god zombie.

After devouring so many zombies, Mo Yu found that his strength had basically not increased.

He frowned. He had basically no pressure to devour the small god zombie and the middle god zombie. He had just used the other two abilities and easily killed the middle god zombie.

His eyes looked at the battlefield in the distance. He needed to find a great god to test his strength.

See if he can get rid of the great god-level enemies now.

Therefore, he quickly went to the central battlefield in front of him in stealth. He wanted to find a great god to test it!

PS: Please give me a gift


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