The SCP Foundation set up a cordon at the subway exit.

There was no ordinary person within a kilometer radius.

The surroundings were empty. After Mo Yu rushed into the task force soldiers, he grabbed two task force soldiers.

One on the left and one on the right blocked in front of him, blocking the bullets of other task force soldiers, and rushed to a building next to him.

The building had been evacuated and there was no one inside.

Mo Yu's figure, as if installed on a spring, crossed the street in a few steps, came to the opposite side of the street, and jumped to the second floor next to it.

"Block the building!"

The task force soldiers surrounded the building.

Then, they searched the Internet layer by layer, preparing to catch Mo Yu.

After Mo Yu entered the building, he ran directly to the top of the building.

He climbed up the stairs. He ran from the stairs much faster than taking the elevator.

This building has thirty floors. It can be regarded as the tallest building next to the subway entrance, and it is also the most luxurious building.

However, there is no one in this building now.

He went to the top of the building unimpeded.

He thought about taking the elevator, but the electricity of this building was turned off by the SCP task force.

The building had no electricity, the elevator could not start, and he could only climb the stairs.


Helicopters appeared near the building, and they circled.

Locked the building.

Once Mo Yu appeared, the helicopter would attack.


The figure of the wasp appeared in Mo Yu's ears.

The elevator was open, and the wasp could fly in.

So, it was easy to lock his position.

Mo Yu looked at the wasp beside him helplessly.

Although he could avoid the wasp by wearing a mask, he was the only one in the whole building.

The wasp did not need to know his face, he only needed to see his figure to know who he was.

He came to the twentieth floor, and he heard the sound of the helicopter.

He realized that if he climbed to the top of the building, he would be attacked by a helicopter.

He stopped.

He entered the corridor on the twentieth floor.

Following the corridor, he came to an office.

This office was very luxurious, like the office of a certain group president, with floor-to-ceiling windows.

Through the window, you can see everything outside.

It feels like you are on top of the world, overlooking all the mountains.

Opposite the window is another building.

Mo Yu's eyes turned.

Then, he took a few steps back and made a starting and ready-to-run posture.

He took a deep breath.

The next second, he trotted towards the window.

He instantly broke through the window and jumped to the roof of the building opposite.

"SCP-1010 is here!"

The task force soldiers on the helicopter saw Mo Yu jumping out of the window.

Then, the machine gun fired at him crazily.

Mo Yu's figure drew a parabola in the air and landed perfectly on the roof of the opposite building.

Then, he ran on the roof.

The roofs of this street are basically connected to each other.

He ran on the rooftop, running as far as possible towards the crowd.

As long as he entered the crowd, the SCP Foundation would not dare to attack ordinary people.

"Stop him!"

In order to stop him, the SCP task force soldiers used artillery shells with terrifying lethality.

One by one, the shells fell beside Mo Yu, and holes were blown out on the roof.


Mo Yu jumped from the roof of a building.

He jumped directly into the window of a building next to him.

Some people were working in the building, and they did not expect Mo Yu to suddenly break in.

Everyone was stunned.

Mo Yu stood up, quickly walked through the crowd, and came to the corridor.

"Who are you?"

A middle-aged man asked Mo Yu loudly.

Mo Yu ignored him, but turned and went into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Mo Yu took off the clothes of the task force soldiers on his body.

Then, he walked out of the bathroom.

Just then, a young man was about to enter the bathroom.

Mo Yu grabbed the man, dragged him to the bathroom, stripped him of his clothes and put them on.

"'re going too far. If you want my clothes, just say it nicely and I'll take them off for you. Why are you so rude to me!"

The young man looked at Mo Yu with fear.

Mo Yu looked at the young man calmly, and knocked him on the back of his neck with his palm, knocking him out directly.

Mo Yu walked out of the bathroom calmly and flashed into a closed room next to him.

A wasp just passed by him.

"Hey, who are you? It's not your turn yet. Go out and wait!"

A pleasant female voice came, and a beautiful woman in her twenties in professional attire frowned and said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu looked at the woman in confusion,The woman sat behind the desk, looking like a leader.


Mo Yu smiled slightly, opened the door and walked out.

After going out, he noticed that there was a corridor next to him, where four or five young men and women were sitting.

"How is it, buddy?"

A man asked Mo Yu enthusiastically.

Mo Yu saw a wasp flying through the corridor, and he quickly sat next to the man to hide himself.

"What's going on?"

He lowered his head, trying to hide his face.

"Interview, didn't you just go in? You came out so quickly, did you pass it in seconds?"

Wang Jie said to Mo Yu with a smile.

"No, she asked me to come out and wait!"

Mo Yu shook his head, he was a little confused, he happened to be in an interview team.

He looked up at the corridor, the wasp was still there.

"Yousheng Education is the best college entrance examination tutoring institution. If we pass the interview, we can earn 7,000 to 8,000 yuan in the internship period alone. After becoming a regular employee, we can earn 10,000 yuan!"

Wang Jie said with anticipation.

"So good!"

Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

You know, on Earth, ordinary people only earn a few thousand yuan a month.

There are very few people with a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan. Yousheng Education only earns 7,000 to 8,000 yuan during the internship period, which is really good.

"I have interviewed seven or eight companies this month, but there is no news. I will try my luck at Yousheng Education and see if I can get in!"

Wang Jie sighed. Finding a job is really difficult.

"Brother, I feel that you should be able to pass the interview. No matter which industry, appearance is the most popular thing!"

Wang Jie looked at Mo Yu with envy.

Mo Yu is handsome and has temperament. The key is that he has an inexplicable attraction that makes people can't help but get close to him.

He thinks Mo Yu has a great chance of passing the interview.

Mo Yu smiled and didn't know how to respond.

He wasn't here for an interview. If the wasp hadn't been in the corridor, he would have left long ago.


Just at this moment, the door next to him opened, and a girl who looked like an assistant shouted to Mo Yu and others.

"It's your turn, buddy!"

Wang Jie said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu glanced at the corridor and saw the wasp flying over.

He quickly stood up from his seat, followed the assistant into the room, and closed the door.

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