Feeling that the power in his body has increased again, he is also very excited.

Now, he can become stronger by swallowing.

The best way to become stronger quickly is to continue to swallow the great gods!

Now, there are still many great god zombies on the battlefield, and he decided to continue to swallow all of them!

Of course, if he encounters other zombies along the way, he will not show mercy.

Although these zombies have no effect on him, just like ant meat.

However, no matter how small the ant is, it is still meat.

He did not let go of any zombies and swallowed them along the way.

Of course, if he encountered some unlucky Zerg and demons, he would swallow them without hesitation.

Anyway, no one knew it was him who did it.

In the sky, the battle between the three supreme gods of God and the emperor became more and more intense.

In the battle of the supreme gods, the abyss suffered the most.

Every move of the supreme god has the power to destroy the world.

At this moment, with so many supreme gods fighting, the abyss has been torn apart and split into many plates.

"No, we must force the emperor out of the abyss. We can't fight in the abyss, otherwise, the abyss will be broken!" The Lord of the Abyss said with a grim face.

The longer they fight in the abyss, the more disadvantageous it is for the abyss.

The abyss may be broken into pieces by them at any time.

If the abyss is broken into pieces, then his strength will be severely damaged, and even he will fall.

After all, the abyss is the world he created, and his roots are the abyss. If the roots are gone, he will be gone.

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Abyss, God also nodded solemnly, and he did not agree to fight in the abyss.

After all, the abyss is the last checkpoint of the human world.

If the abyss is broken, then the human world will be exposed.

It will be easily occupied by the emperor.

Therefore, he must protect the last barrier of the main abyss, which is also to protect mankind.

The Lord of the Abyss looked at the Insect King, who naturally had no objection.

After all, the Zerg army was prepared to recuperate in the Abyss. If the Abyss was gone, how could they rest!

After the three supreme gods reached an agreement, they attacked the Emperor madly, and at the same time, prepared to lead the battlefield outside the Abyss.

The Emperor seemed to know their intentions, but the Emperor refused to leave the Abyss, and even attacked other places in the Abyss madly.

With each attack, the territory of the Abyss was broken into large pieces.

The Lord of the Abyss felt that the Emperor did this on purpose.

"Emperor, don't you want to rule the Abyss? If you break the Abyss, what do you rule? Why don't you come with me to fight to the death outside the Abyss? If you win, I am willing to hand over the Abyss to you!" The Lord of the Abyss roared.

The Emperor glanced at the Lord of the Abyss unexpectedly. At the beginning, the Lord of the Abyss strongly opposed his occupation of the Abyss.

Even, he would rather destroy the abyss than hand it over.

Now he actually said such words, which was a 180-degree turn!

God and the Insect King also looked at the Lord of the Abyss unexpectedly.

However, their goal now is to get the Emperor out of the abyss, and they didn't think much about it.

"Okay, I'll help you!" The Emperor thought for a while.

He really wanted to occupy the abyss. If the abyss was broken, it would not be good for him.

Besides, he was not afraid of the three supreme gods at all. Even if he fought outside the abyss, he was not weak!

Moreover, he had been roaming the universe for so many years, and fighting in the universe was his home.

He was a little restrained in this abyss. He was worried that his attack would be too fierce and break the abyss.

If he was in the universe, there would be no such scruples.

Therefore, he turned around without hesitation and flew out of the abyss.

The three supreme gods of God looked at each other, and then followed the emperor to fly over.

They flew over the border of the abyss and came directly to the universe outside the abyss.

In the endless darkness, filled with coldness, the boundless universe, no one knows where its boundaries are.

At this moment, the emperor and the three supreme gods are suspended in the void of the universe.

The two sides broke out in a war without hesitation.

In the abyss, both sides compressed their own strength, trying to control their own strength and not to cause damage to the abyss.

Therefore, they were all restrained in the battle.

At this moment, fighting in this universe, they no longer have any concerns.

All the supreme gods have exerted their true combat power.


The void of the universe trembled wildly, but the void of the universe is more than the void in the abyss.The void is much more stable.

No matter how they fight, these voids are solid, and even difficult to break!

However, the scale of their battle aftermath is terrifying. When an attack falls, it can form waves of battle aftermath in the universe that impact in all directions.

However, the universe is too vast, and their battle aftermath disappears without a trace after vibrating for a distance.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, in the universe, although they are the supreme gods, they are so small.

Without the restraint, they fight much more smoothly.

However, the emperor's strength is extremely terrifying, and he feels like a fish in water in the universe.

The Lord of the Abyss and God are not very adapted to fighting in the universe. After all, they have always stayed in their own world.

Even if they fight, they fight in their own world, and rarely fight in the universe.

Therefore, the two of them are a little unfamiliar fighting in the universe.

In contrast, the Insect King is better. After all, he has been fleeing in the universe, avoiding the pursuit of that terrifying existence.

He is very familiar with the universe, and he is also very strong in battle.

At least much better than the Lord of the Abyss and God.

The Emperor has been in the universe for so many years, and what he is best at is fighting in the universe.

God and the Lord of the Abyss found that they were at a disadvantage after coming to the universe to fight.

The Emperor was like a fish in water in the universe and suppressed them.

"Haha, you three wastes, you'd better submit to me obediently, I will lead you to the peak!" The Emperor laughed and laughed mercilessly.


"You are the waste, arrogant, we are the peak!"

The three Lords of the Abyss were very aggrieved. They were originally the peak supreme gods. Now, they were ridiculed by the Emperor, and they were very angry.

"You guys are just frogs in the well, sitting in the well and looking at the sky, you don't know the vastness of the universe, and you dare to say that you are the top!" The emperor looked at the three gods with contempt.

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