Then, he looked into the distance, and indeed saw Ziyun's figure coming quickly.

The figure of the Undertaker also appeared. Four Undertaker carried the coffin, and the breath was terrifying. The strong breath of death could be felt from a long distance.

The Undertaker chased Ziyun and soon came nearby.

The Emperor's Will also felt it, and his eyes immediately looked at the Undertaker.

"The Undertaker..." A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Emperor's Will, as if he knew the Undertaker.

"Didn't he die seriously injured? How come he is still alive..." His brows knitted tightly, and he thought of the Undertaker in his mind.

The Undertaker is not from this time and space. The Undertaker comes from the depths of the universe and is a terrifying supreme god!

However, in a battle in the universe, the Undertaker encountered a powerful enemy, or the Undertaker was beaten up by a group.

Because the Undertaker at his peak was too terrifying, he buried everything in the world!

Anyone targeted by the Undertaker will eventually be sent away by the Undertaker!

Send away the sky!

Bury the earth!

Bury away all enemies in the world!

At that time, the Undertaker was so powerful that the Supreme Gods of all parties changed their faces when talking about the Undertaker, and they did not dare to provoke the Undertaker at all.

The Undertaker was extremely powerful and arrogant, trying to bury all the Supreme Gods!

In the end, the Supreme Gods had no choice but to find a way to unite and resist the Undertaker together.

The Undertaker was surrounded and killed unprecedentedly, and the Supreme Gods wanted to completely destroy the Undertaker.

However, the Undertaker was too powerful.

Even though he was surrounded and killed by a large number of Supreme Gods, he was already invincible and buried more than a dozen Supreme Gods in a row!

At that time, the universe was shocked by the battle!

The Undertaker was so strong that it was shocking!

Afterwards, many hidden Supreme Gods came out and surrounded and killed the Undertaker.

The Undertaker was isolated and helpless. He had no friends and was besieged by countless Supreme Gods. He fled eastward.

The Supreme Gods chased him for tens of trillions of years. The Undertaker fled through multiple high-dimensional universes and was finally besieged by the Supreme Gods in a forbidden area in the universe.

The Undertaker was reduced to ashes and his coffin was broken...

The Supreme Gods thought that the Undertaker was finally killed by them. After paying an extremely tragic price, the Supreme Gods died or were injured and went home.

Since then, the legend of the Undertaker in the universe has completely disappeared.

It has been a long time, so long that no one in the world knows about the Undertaker...

However, some Supreme Gods still remember the Undertaker's fierce reputation!

Although the Emperor had never fought with the Undertaker, he was a later Supreme God.

However, he had also heard of the legend of the Undertaker.

At this moment, seeing the Undertaker in front of him, he was very shocked.

However, the current Undertaker is very weak, what's going on!

"Isn't he the real Undertaker?" The Emperor's Will frowned at the Undertaker, and even forgot to attack Mo Yu.

In his mind, the Undertaker is much more threatening than Mo Yu.

If he meets the real Undertaker, he will probably have to run away.

However, the Undertaker doesn't look very powerful now, so there is no need for him to run away.

"No, there is a ball of dead air in his body that is reviving. Could it be that he was not killed at the beginning, but just escaped with serious injuries, and finally escaped to this remote star field..."

The Emperor's Will guessed, thinking of the Undertaker's narrow escape from the pursuit of the Supreme God, and finally came to this remote place to hide and grow.

Perhaps the injury was too serious, and he has not recovered until now.

However, the Undertaker is now a great god, and he is not far from the Supreme God.

If the Undertaker is restored to the Supreme God, then the Undertaker is likely to recover to his peak state!

"The serious injury has not healed yet!" The Emperor's will saw the hidden injury in the body of the Undertaker. This kind of injury cannot be cured in a short time, and it takes time to accumulate.

Thinking of this, the Emperor felt relieved. As long as the Undertaker was not in the peak state, then he would be fine.

However, the Undertaker was chasing a great god here, which might affect his killing Mo Yu.

Moreover, it seemed that the purpose of the great god was to their side. The Emperor's will looked at Mo Yu. He doubted whether Mo Yu knew this great god.

Otherwise, why would the other party run towards this side.


The Emperor's will snorted coldly. He didn't care whether Ziyun knew Mo Yu or not.

The great god was just an ant in his eyes. He could easily execute the great god.

"Ziyun, come here and find a way to seal him!" Mo Yu communicated with Ziyun through the communicator.

"Okay!Ziyun rushed over quickly, and the Undertaker chased him closely.

The Undertaker buried all kinds of creatures along the way, whether they were humans, zombies, demons or Zerg, all of them were his targets for burial.

As long as he buried the enemy, the Undertaker could become stronger!

This point of the Undertaker is a bit similar to Mo Yu's Chaos Devouring Power.

Mo Yu became stronger by devouring the enemy!

When the Undertaker buried the enemy, he actually sucked the enemy into the coffin and sent him away.

Now, the abilities of the Undertaker and Mo Yu are almost the same.

However, the Undertaker was too seriously injured, and he was not a threat to the Supreme God now, but he was a threat to Ziyun and Mo Yu.

At this moment, the Undertaker became stronger little by little, constantly burying strong men one by one, perhaps wanting to make a comeback!

"I'm here!" Ziyun quickly came to the space barrier, and the Emperor's will looked at Ziyun coldly.

However, he didn't care. He stepped on the coffin and attacked Mo Yu frantically. He was very confident in his space barrier.

He didn't believe that Ziyun could break his space barrier.

So, after Ziyun came over, he just took a calm look and stopped paying attention.

Ziyun came to the outside of the space barrier and looked at the space barrier in front of her solemnly. Then, she released the sealing power in her body with all her strength.

The next second, the strong sealing power touched the space barrier, and a layer of sealing power instantly covered the outside of the space barrier.

However, after the sealing power touched the space barrier, it disappeared like snow in just a few seconds.

"Brother Mo Yu, I can't do it!" Ziyun shook her head. The space barrier was too powerful. It contained the power of the Supreme God. Her sealing power was no match at all.

"It's okay, just lead the undertaker over!" Mo Yu comforted.

Then, Ziyun listened to Mo Yu's words and stood near the space barrier.

The Undertaker came over quickly. As soon as the Undertaker came over, the will of the careless Emperor beside him suddenly became tense.

He could not care about Ziyun, but he could not care about the Undertaker.

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