Ziyun had fought side by side with 682 for a while, and the relationship between them was relatively good.

Now they are basically good friends.

Seeing 682 so pitiful, she also felt compassion.

Therefore, she looked at Mo Yu, wanting to plead for 682.

"Mo Yu, just now, the big lizard didn't mean it. He won't let the Supreme God kill you. Please let him go." Ziyun looked at Mo Yu eagerly.

She was also a little worried in her heart. Mo Yu's rage at this moment was too scary, and she was also a little scared.

"Ziyun, you also heard it. His father is the Supreme God, and his boss is also the Supreme God. The two Supreme Gods are above me. If these two Supreme Gods know that I bullied him, how could these two Supreme Gods let me go? They will definitely kill me. I can only wipe him out in advance to prevent future troubles." Mo Yu said earnestly.

Ziyun's heart trembled after hearing Mo Yu's words.

She knew very well how terrifying the Supreme God was.

If the Crimson King and the God of Flesh and Blood, Adabaoth, knew that Mo Yu bullied 682 like this, they might really kill Mo Yu.

Therefore, she was a little shaken.

682 saw the hesitation in Ziyun's eyes, and his heart trembled. He pounded the ground with his chin frantically, begging constantly.

"I won't tell them, don't worry, I'm not that abnormal!"

682 was crying and was afraid that Mo Yu would swallow him.

He was imprisoned in a small container by the SCP Foundation all his life. It was not easy to grow to 100,000m, which was the peak of his life!

He hadn't enjoyed it well yet, and he couldn't be swallowed by Mo Yu like this.

"Uncle, your background is too fierce, I can't afford to offend you." Mo Yu sighed.

"No, no, no, don't kill me, we are friends, friends should help each other!" 682 frantically tried to please Mo Yu.

"Your father and your boss are both supreme gods, I'm afraid." Mo Yu said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, I won't tell them, my boss is very busy now and has no time to take care of me, my father is sealed and can't come out in a short time, you don't have to worry." 682 frantically begged for peace.

"That being said, I'm still afraid." Mo Yu said.

"Big lizard, I can't help you this time. Brother Mo Yu is in a very bad situation. The Supreme God is targeting him, he is in danger." Ziyun also looked at 682 seriously.

"Woo woo, don't be like this, I really don't mean to target you at all, don't devour me." 682 felt that Mo Yu increased his devouring power.

He could already feel that his body was being devoured, and part of his tail had been devoured by Mo Yu.

Although his regenerative power grew his tail in time, his body shrank by several meters.

Although it was only a few meters, at 100,000 meters, every additional meter was crazy difficult.

In just a moment, he was swallowed by Mo Yu for several meters. How terrifying!

"Uncle, I call you uncle, please don't swallow me. I'll be your little brother, please don't bully me, let the child go." 682 cried.

It was really too scary.

He resisted and tried to resist Mo Yu's chaotic swallowing power, but Mo Yu seemed to restrain him naturally.

He didn't dare to attack Mo Yu actively. If he attacked Mo Yu, this matter would really be unclear. Mo Yu might really want to kill him.

He was most afraid of Mo Yu, because Mo Yu's chaotic swallowing power restrained him naturally.

He was killed by others, no matter how destroyed he was, even if he was torn into pieces, he could reassemble and recover bit by bit.

However, if he was swallowed by Mo Yu, then he would really be dead.

Mo Yu's chaotic swallowing power would swallow him up completely and disappear from the world completely.

Therefore, he was most afraid of Mo Yu.

He had resisted Mo Yu and was frightened by him...

He didn't dare to provoke him. Even when facing the Supreme God, he was not so afraid.

Because Mo Yu was born to defeat him!

Ziyun saw that 682 was so scared that he cried. She felt that 682 was not really targeting Mo Yu.

Ziyun felt sorry for 682 again. She didn't want to lose a friend like 682.

Therefore, she pleaded for 682 again.

"Brother Mo Yu, please let the big lizard go."

Mo Yu looked at 682 calmly and retracted his Chaos Devouring Power.

"Do you know you are wrong?" Mo Yu said to 682 lightly.

"I am wrong!" 682's huge body crawled in front of Mo Yu, his head on the ground, trying to keep his posture as low as possible.

However, his body was too huge.Even if he put his head on the ground, he was still looking down at Mo Yu.

He was really worried that his condescending gaze would anger Mo Yu, but after Mo Yu withdrew the power of chaos devouring, the murderous aura on his body disappeared.

682 breathed a sigh of relief, and finally resolved this misunderstanding.

He swore in his heart that he would never provoke Mo Yu unless he was absolutely sure. Mo Yu was really too scary.

He was even more frightening to him than the Supreme God.

Ziyun was very happy to see that Mo Yu finally stopped targeting 682.

Mo Yu looked at 682 calmly. In fact, he didn't really want to devour 682, but just wanted to scare 682.

Now, if he devoured 682, 682's power would not have much effect on him.

Now, what he wanted was the power of the Supreme God.

Because his next step was to break through to the Supreme God.

682 had no effect on him. Of course, he had his own ideas for keeping 682.

682 has a lot of room for growth, and he may become a supreme god in the future.

If he can break through to the supreme god in the future, he needs a mount.

If he wants to fly in the universe, he needs a powerful anomaly like 682 to ride on his mount.

In this way, he will be more stylish in the universe.

Of course, 682's huge size and strength can deter some people who have plots against him through his appearance!

After all, he is just a human.

The human body is too small. When ordinary people see something huge, they will instinctively feel a little awe, and when they see something small, they will instinctively feel a little contempt.

So, he chose 682 as his mount to fly in the universe in the future!

Of course, he was naturally full of fear of 682's father, the Crimson King, and his boss, the God of Flesh and Blood, the two supreme gods.

However, he dared to provoke even the Emperor, so he was naturally not afraid of these two supreme gods.

He has confidence in himself. As long as he is given time to grow, he will become the Supreme God. He is not afraid of any Supreme God!

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