A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great God Zombie. It seems that he still underestimated 682's bloodline.

682's body contains the bloodline power of the Supreme God.

Now, 682 is combined with the spear, and there is a little charm of the combination of the Crimson King and the spear.

682 is the fourth offspring of the Crimson King, and contains a little bloodline power of the Crimson King. The spear belongs to the weapon of the Crimson King.

Now, 682 is combined with the spear, which is equivalent to the combination of the Crimson King and the spear.

Of course, 682 is countless times weaker than the Crimson King.

Now, 682 combined with the spear can only exert one ten-thousandth of the power of the Crimson King combined with the spear.

However, even one ten-thousandth of the power is almost enough.

If Mo Yu uses the power of Chaos Devouring to bless it, it should be no problem to resist the attack of the Great God Zombie.

"Young man, what's the situation with your lizard!" The attention of the Great God Zombie finally fell on 682.

He originally thought that 682 was just an ordinary lizard, but he didn't expect that it actually had the blood of the Supreme God.

Originally, he could still suppress Mo Yu, but because of the appearance of 682, he couldn't suppress Mo Yu now.

682 and the spear were surprisingly well matched.

It was as if they were born as one.

However, as a Supreme God, the emperor's eyes were still correct. He was now possessed by the Great God Zombie and could still feel that there should be a connection between 682 and the spear.

Although this connection was very weak, he could still see at a glance that this connection belonged to the Supreme God blood power in 682's body.

He came to a conclusion in his heart instantly.

The owner of the blood power in 682's body should have a close relationship with the spear, or the spear is the weapon of the owner of the blood power in 682's body.

In this way, 682 can be regarded as the offspring of the owner of this weapon!

"The offspring of the Supreme God!"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great God Zombie.

After cultivating to the Supreme God, it is very difficult to give birth to the next generation, and it is even almost impossible to give birth.

Because they are too powerful.

It is almost impossible to give birth to the next generation.

Of course, the universe is full of wonders and various unknown existences.

Maybe there are other ways to give birth to the next generation, and maybe 682 is such a product.

Now, 682 cooperated with the spear and Mo Yu to block his attack.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Great God Zombie. He didn't expect Mo Yu to be so cunning that he brought 682, a descendant of the Supreme God.

Moreover, 682 seems to have become Mo Yu's mount. It seems that Mo Yu's ability is still beyond his expectations.

I didn't expect Mo Yu to dare to use the offspring of the Supreme God as a mount. Isn't he afraid of offending the Supreme God!

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great God Zombie. The descendants of the Supreme God are all geniuses with extraordinary talents, and they are generally domineering.

682 actually became Mo Yu's mount. Mo Yu is too bold.

The Great God Zombie was a little surprised in his heart. He couldn't do this when he was young.

At most, he could defeat the descendants of the Supreme God, but he couldn't make the descendants of the Supreme God his mount.

Now, Mo Yu's behavior has surpassed his youth.

Therefore, he is more afraid of Mo Yu in his heart, and he is more certain that he can't let Mo Yu survive.

He doesn't want to be unable to sleep...

In the universe, the main body of the emperor looked down at the abyss world.

He has an impulse in his heart. He wants to abandon the three Supreme Gods and go to the abyss to kill Mo Yu first.

This idea is getting stronger and stronger, prompting him to frantically want to get rid of the attacks of the three Supreme Gods.

The three supreme gods of God saw that the emperor wanted to enter the abyss, although they didn't know what the emperor wanted to do.

However, they finally moved the battlefield to the universe, so it was impossible for them to let the emperor return to the abyss.

Especially the Lord of the Abyss.

The abyss was his world. If the emperor was allowed to return to the abyss, the power of the supreme god would be vented wantonly, and the abyss would probably be broken into pieces, which was what he didn't want to see the most.

Therefore, he was the craziest to stop the emperor. He didn't want the emperor to return to the abyss.

The insect king and God were also crazy to stop him. The emperor was attacked by the three supreme gods, and he couldn't enter the abyss.

He felt very aggrieved in his heart, and he didn't feel so aggrieved when he fought the three supreme gods.

Unexpectedly, he felt aggrieved here with Mo Yu, which was really unbearable for him.Accept.


In the abyss, Mo Yu and 682 fought side by side to resist the great god zombie possessed by the emperor.

The great god zombie was full of terrifying fighting power, just like the emperor descended, the great god zombie stepped on the coffin, crossed the sky, and pressed down madly towards Mo Yu.

However, Mo Yu used 682 as a mount and a spear as a weapon, like a god of killing against the sky, and madly attacked the coffin under the feet of the great god zombie.

The coffin shook, and some cracks appeared.

After all, the spear belongs to the magic weapon of the Supreme God, and its attack power is very amazing.

Especially in this situation, the power of the Supreme God's bloodline in 682's body poured into the spear, and instantly made the spear burst into a dazzling blood light.

It seemed to stimulate the real attack power of the spear.

The spear broke through the air, and a burst of blood-red light appeared on the horizon, like a blood-red moon breaking through the sky, fiercely bombarding the great god zombie.

The Great God Zombie gathered all kinds of weapons, and runes flowed in the sky, colliding with the blood-red spears crazily.


Between heaven and earth, there were bursts of roars.

The terrible explosion shock wave shook in all directions, and the Demon Lord and another Great God Zombie who were fighting nearby were all shaken by the explosion shock wave.

Their figures were instantly blown away by the explosion shock wave for tens of thousands of meters.

The terrible power destroyed everything around.

The three Demon Lords looked at the Great God Zombie stepping on the coffin in shock. They were terrified. They had just fought with this Great God Zombie.

However, the Great God Zombie in their impression was not as powerful as it is now. The Great God Zombie now is several times more powerful than before.

If the Great God Zombie had shown such strength before, they would have been killed long ago, and how could they survive until now.

Their eyes were locked on Mo Yu and 682, as well as the spear in Mo Yu's hand, and they were even more shocked.

"That spear is probably the weapon of the Supreme God!"

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