Therefore, he kept devouring in the abyss.

It can be seen that deep pits of nothingness appeared in the abyss.

These pits were like holes gnawed by ants, covering the entire surface of the abyss.

On the battlefield, the demons and Zerg also discovered these deep pits of nothingness. When they saw these pits, the demons and Zerg were stunned.

Then, there was fear.

They didn't know where these deep pits of nothingness came from.

However, there were such pits everywhere on the battlefield.

Moreover, the number of such pits was increasing.

They were terrified and didn't understand what happened in the abyss.


Because Mo Yu kept devouring the abyss, the five elements of the abyss were seriously out of balance.

Therefore, there were more and more disasters in the abyss.

Various terrible natural disasters suddenly occurred frequently, causing many demons, Zergs and zombies to be killed by these natural disasters.

On the battlefield, there was another variable, that is, natural disasters.

Even the damage caused by natural disasters to demons, Zergs and zombies is far more horrible than the damage caused by the three parties fighting each other.

In the face of natural disasters, not to mention demons and Zergs, all creatures are very small in front of it.

Countless demons, Zergs and zombies died in the face of natural disasters. Looking at the constant natural disasters, he was also shocked.

"What's going on?" He looked solemn.

"Human, you swallowed the abyss, causing the five-star elements of the abyss to lose balance. The abyss slowly collapsed and may even disintegrate!"

SCP-722 said to Mo Yu calmly.

"Are you saying that all these appeared because of me?" Mo Yu was surprised.

"Naturally, if you want to create a world, then you have to destroy a world." SCP-722 said meaningfully.

Mo Yu frowned. He wanted to create his own world, so he had to madly swallow the five elements in the abyss.

Looking at the natural disasters that kept happening around him, these were all caused by the loss of balance of the five elements.

Moreover, the noise was getting louder and louder.

He frowned slightly, this was not good.

If these natural disasters continued to happen, it would be very disadvantageous for his swallowing.

Because if the noise caused by these natural disasters was too loud, it would alarm the Lord of the Abyss.

If the Lord of the Abyss found out about these natural disasters, it would be bad for him.

Once the Lord of the Abyss came down from the universe, he would be able to find out what he was doing.

He absolutely could not let the Lord of the Abyss know that he was swallowing his world.

Therefore, he had to stop these natural disasters from happening.

And if he wanted to stop these natural disasters from happening, he had to keep the five elements of the abyss in a balanced state.

Therefore, his swallowing could no longer be blind, and he could no longer swallow everything he saw.

He had to keep the five elements of the abyss in balance, and only in a balanced state would natural disasters not occur.

"Human, you finally figured it out." SCP-722 said to Mo Yu with relief.

Before, he had reminded Mo Yu to keep his balance.

However, Mo Yu did not listen.

Mo Yu just wanted to devour everything, a little eager for quick success, and wanted to devour everything madly to make his world take shape.

Now, Mo Yu witnessed the natural disasters that occurred after the abyss lost its balance, and he figured it out himself. This is much better than his persuasion.

After Mo Yu kept the abyss balanced, he madly devoured the natural disasters that erupted around him.

These natural disasters were caused by a certain element suddenly exceeding the index and out of balance.

The volcanic eruption was caused by the fire element being too rich and erupting madly.

Therefore, Mo Yu had to devour all the volcanoes in the volcano.

As long as the volcano was devoured, there would be no more volcanic eruptions in the place where the volcano was located.

The sudden flood was also because the water element was too rich.

He wanted to devour all the erupting floods, so that the water element content here would disappear and reach a balance.

Then, the landform here would return to calm.

Wherever there was a natural disaster, there was Mo Yu.

He continued to devour these natural disasters until they were devoured one by one, and the surroundings returned to peace.

The demons, Zerg, and zombies that were frantically fleeing under the attack of natural disasters suddenly felt that the surroundings had become quiet and all the natural disasters had disappeared. They were also stunned.

They didn't understand what had happened.

Their level was too low, and they didn't understand the impact of these natural disasters.The occurrence is related to the five elements.

Only the Supreme God or the existence that is about to break through to the Supreme God can understand the principles of the five elements.

Of course, the friends who are reading the book now should also understand the five elements.

If Mo Yu wants to create his own world, then he needs to constantly devour the five elements in the abyss.

This devouring must be done quietly and must not be discovered by the Lord of the Abyss.

Therefore, no natural disaster can be allowed to happen.

After maintaining balance, Mo Yu's devouring speed slowed down a bit.

However, this devouring was all quiet, and the Lord of the Abyss did not discover it.

Although there are constantly deep pits of nothingness appearing on the land of the abyss, the demons, Zerg and zombies around cannot understand it.

Moreover, they have to fight each other and have no time to care about these things.

Only when they are close to these deep pits of nothingness will they be cautious, worried about falling into the deep pits.

Mo Yu keeps devouring, and there are more and more deep pits of nothingness.

After many void pits appeared, the surrounding landforms also underwent crustal movement.

After the crustal ground in the middle was swallowed by Mo Yu, the surrounding ground would squeeze towards the middle and fill up the empty area.

Just like digging a pit in the desert, after digging a pit on the ground, the surrounding yellow sand would slide down and fill up the pit in the middle.

Now, this is the situation. Mo Yu keeps swallowing up void pits.

The ground next to the void pit will slowly squeeze over and fill up the void pit.

In this way, the ground of the abyss will shrink.

Of course, the ground that Mo Yu is swallowing now is too small compared to the abyss, and this shrinking speed cannot be detected at all.

However, in fact, the area of ​​the abyss is indeed shrinking at an extremely slow speed.

Mo Yu keeps swallowing the abyss, and one day, the area of ​​the abyss will be swallowed by him.

Even, in theory, the entire abyss will be swallowed up by him.

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