So, start from the second planet.

Mo Yu plans to set the diameter of all planets at 5000km.

In this way, he can quickly complete the plan to create 10,000 planets.

However, when Mo Yu thought about this.

SCP-722 told Mo Yu that the strength of the Supreme God is related to their planets.

When the number of planets in a Supreme God's world is more.

And the larger the diameter of these planets.

Then, the strength of this Supreme God will be stronger.

On the contrary.

The fewer the planets, the smaller the diameter of the planets, the lower the strength of the Supreme God.

After Mo Yu finished listening, he also frowned and thought for a long time.

In the end, he decided to create 10,000 planets first.

Let the diameter of these 10,000 planets be 5000km first.

Become the Supreme God first, and then develop slowly.

"Human, this is laying the foundation. If you don't lay a good foundation, it will be difficult to develop in the future, and you will pay a greater price. Think about it carefully." SCP-722 also said to Mo Yu in a deep voice.

"I have thought it through, let's do it!"

Mo Yu nodded affirmatively.

He is different from other supreme gods.

Perhaps, it is difficult for other supreme gods to develop their own worlds.

But he is different. He can devour everything to expand his world.

Just like now.

Others need to spend countless years and countless efforts to create the first planet.

He just swallows the abyss to create his own planet.

So, he thought about it.

Even if his planets are few and the diameters of the planets are small in the future.

But he can expand his world by swallowing the worlds of other supreme gods.

So, his primary goal now is to create 10,000 planets as soon as possible and become the supreme god first.

After hearing Mo Yu's idea, SCP-722 also nodded in agreement.

Mo Yu is indeed the most awesome person he has ever seen.

It is really too easy for Mo Yu to create the world.

It is 10,000 times simpler than other supreme gods, or even more times.

Next, Mo Yu devoured the abyss crazily.

If the diameter of a planet is only 5,000 km, the difficulty will be reduced many times.

The area of ​​the abyss is constantly shrinking.

Soon, the area of ​​the abyss has shrunk by one ten-thousandth.

Mo Yu also created the second planet.

The diameter of this second planet just reached 5,000 km.

Mo Yu was full of excitement. Now, he can create the third planet.

However, his troubles also came.

In the universe, the Lord of the Abyss couldn't sit still after seeing the area of ​​the abyss shrink by one ten-thousandth.

"Damn it, he actually swallowed one ten-thousandth of my area. I'm going to go down and kill him." The Lord of the Abyss roared.

The faces of God and the Insect King were not very good either.

Someone actually swallowed up one ten-thousandth of the abyss right under their noses. This is not a small number.

The emperor on the opposite side also had a very ugly face.

The abyss had been taken as a bag by him, but it was swallowed up by one ten-thousandth of it. His face was full of murderous intent.

"Emperor, don't you want to get the abyss? Now, the abyss has been swallowed up halfway. Do you still want to fight us?" God suddenly shouted to the emperor.

After the emperor heard what God said, his face darkened.

"Emperor, how about this, let's stop fighting first, go down and kill the person who secretly swallowed the abyss, and then fight to the death, how about it?" God suddenly shouted.

After hearing what God said, the emperor's eyes also lit up.

He can't do anything to God and the other three now, and the other party can't do anything to him.

If they continue to fight in this universe, then the person in the dark will swallow up the abyss bit by bit right under their noses.

If the abyss is completely swallowed up by the man in the dark, then all of them will be empty-handed.

Therefore, what God said is also what the emperor is thinking at the moment.

The emperor looked at the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King.

God and the other three must agree to this matter before he can agree.

If it is just God's idea, then there is no compromise on this matter.

After God felt the emperor's gaze, he also said to the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King, "Let's go down and kill that person before fighting with the emperor."

"Okay!" The Insect King nodded without hesitation.

"Are you sure the emperor can agree to us?" The Lord of the Abyss said in a deep voice. He is willing to go down, butWorried that the Emperor would not agree.

"As long as the three of us compromise, then the Emperor should also compromise. After all, his goal is the abyss, and he can't watch what he is eyeing being eaten by others." God said confidently.

"Okay, I agree!" The Lord of the Abyss nodded heavily.

So far, the three Gods have reached an agreement.

Then, God came forward to talk to the Emperor.

"Emperor, the three of us have agreed to go down and deal with that person before fighting with you. What do you think?"

"Since you have this idea, then I have the same idea." The Emperor said calmly.

He also wanted to go down and kill that person.

After all, the abyss has been swallowed up by one ten-thousandth.

If he continues to entangle with the three Gods here, the other party will definitely swallow up the abyss completely.

At that time, his plan will be ruined.

The three Gods were all happy to see that the Emperor agreed.

Then, the two sides separated to the left and right without hesitation.

There was no more fighting.

Afterwards, both sides flew down to the abyss, ready to enter the abyss and kill the person who was secretly devouring the abyss.

Soon, all four supreme gods descended into the abyss.

Mo Yu, who was devouring the abyss, felt the four terrifying wills descending.

His heart trembled, and he stopped devouring without hesitation.

He teleported to a remote place and hid.

"My God, why are all four supreme gods coming down." Mo Yu was afraid.

If he had reacted a little later, I'm afraid the four supreme gods would have locked him.

After all, he was just devouring the abyss.

The four supreme gods who had just descended into the abyss locked their willpower on the abyss without hesitation.

At the same time, they began to search inch by inch, trying to find out who was secretly devouring the abyss.

The emperor was responsible for the left side of the abyss alone.

The three gods were responsible for the right side of the abyss.

Their breath locked the abyss.

Once any Supreme God appeared in the abyss, they would be discovered.

The four Supreme Gods all thought that there was a Supreme God swallowing up the abyss in secret.

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