682 kept devouring zombies.

His size was also growing.

There were many powerful anomalies above the God of War.

For example, Cain and Abel, they all joined the battlefield.

Moreover, they were still very terrifying in the face of zombies' lethality on the battlefield.

Especially Cain's ability to rebound all physical attacks.

Many zombies attacked him and were rebounded.

Using this method, he also killed one person every ten steps, and did not leave any traces in a hundred steps. His lethality to zombies was very terrifying.

However, among all the anomalies, the most powerful one was still Uncle 682.

Because his size was too big, all the anomalies were not as good as him.

Moreover, he also specifically targeted the great god zombies, which was much more powerful than other anomalies.

Almost all the anomalies dealt with zombies below God.

Except for Uncle 682, other anomalies could not deal with zombies above God.

Not to mention the great god zombies.

682 became the focus on the battlefield.

The number of great god zombies chasing after him is also increasing.

All the great god zombies want to kill him.

However, he is very cunning.

Moreover, he has a terrible regeneration power.

Even if he is attacked by zombies, he will not be transformed into a zombie.

The regeneration power will squeeze the zombie virus that has entered his body out of the body, and it will not be able to effectively infect him.

Therefore, 682 is very arrogant.

Now, except for the Supreme God.

In the abyss, there is no zombie that can stop Uncle 682.

Even if humans, demons, and Zerg are added together, no one can find a way to deal with Uncle 682.

The three human parties are also glad that 682 is now on their side and is helping them resist the zombie army.

If 682 attacks them, then they can't stop it at all.

In the universe, the Lord of the Abyss looks at the battlefield below.

Seeing that their people are still holding on, he is relieved in his heart.

He thought the Abyss had been occupied by the zombie army.

However, their situation was still very bad.

The zombie army had forced everyone to the exit of SCP-1762.

There was only such a small area left, and most of the other places had been occupied by the zombie army.

The Lord of the Abyss was very uneasy, this was not a good situation.

He looked at the battlefield below, although the three human parties were still holding on.

However, this persistence might not last long.

However, he was powerless now, they had not defeated the Emperor, the Emperor was too powerful.

"Alas!" The Lord of the Abyss sighed, they had already tried their best.

"Hold on, we still have hope." God said in a deep voice.

So far, Mo Yu has not appeared in the Abyss.

He has asked the system to tell Mo Yu to come to support as soon as possible.

If Mo Yu comes, they should be able to stabilize the situation in the Abyss.

Therefore, God is now looking forward to Mo Yu's return to the Abyss.

At the same time, in the universe, Mo Yu is devouring non-life planets one by one.

By constantly devouring non-life planets, the number of planets in his dimension space is also increasing.

It is unknown how long it will take for the battle in the Abyss to end.

The war between the Supreme Gods usually takes a long time.

In the past, the God of Flesh and Blood and the God of Brokenness fought in the universe for countless years before the result was determined.

Now, the battle between the three Gods and the Emperor will probably take many years to end.

The battle between the Supreme Gods cannot be resolved in one or two days.

Mo Yu calmly devoured non-life planets one by one.

Unknowingly, the number of planets in his dimension space has reached 100.

These 100 planets are all non-life planets.

He must first create 10,000 non-life planets before he can create a life planet.

100 planets is also a huge progress for him.

As long as he continues to devour, then one day he will have the hope of creating 10,000 planets.

"Host, God asks you to go to the abyss for help!" the system said solemnly.

Mo Yu frowned slightly. God has asked him for help through the system more than once.

However, he is very busy now. He wants to devour non-living planets to create his own planet.

"You just said that I still need some time..." Mo Yu said.

"Host, I think you canYou can go to help the Abyss. If the Abyss is occupied by the zombie army, then the Abyss will fall into the hands of the Emperor. At that time, Panlong Star will not be spared. The Emperor is likely to turn all humans into zombies, which is not good for you, because you need life to create a life planet in the later stage. You may need some humans to help you create a life planet. "The system said.

"Why do I need humans to help me create a life planet?" Mo Yu asked in confusion.

"If there is no life on a life planet, what kind of life planet is it? Humans are the best life. They reproduce very quickly. Moreover, they understand technology and can develop your life planet faster! "The system said.

Mo Yu frowned.

Then, he asked SCP-722 about this question carefully.

Now, he didn't believe what the system said.

He had to ask SCP-722.

He felt that SCP-722 was more professional in creating the world.

Professional questions should be asked to professionals.

After hearing Mo Yu's question, SCP-722's answer was almost exactly the same as the system's.

"Okay, then I'll take some time to go to the Abyss!" Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

Originally, he planned to devour non-life planets in this universe and create 10,000 planets as soon as possible.

However, now he heard that both the system and SCP-722 said that he would need human help to create life planets in the future.

So, he went to help the Abyss.

"Go and come back quickly! "

He quickly went towards the abyss.

He tore through space, traveled through the universe, and quickly came to the abyss.

At this moment, the situation in the abyss was indeed very bleak.

The three human parties basically only had the last position left.

Soon, it would be lost.

Mo Yu frowned, it seemed that the situation here was worse than he thought.

He came to the right place this time, he must stabilize the situation here.

Therefore, his figure appeared on the battlefield.

He devoured the zombies around him frantically, his target was those great zombies.

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