At this moment, many planets in his world have disappeared, which has shaken his foundation.

If his planets lose more and more, then his strength will also decline.

Moreover, he can clearly feel that his strength is still declining, which means that the other party is still devouring the planets in his world.

"What should I do?"

The Lord of the Abyss is also at a loss.

The Insect King thought of the horror of that terrifying existence, and at this moment, he had the idea of ​​running away.

He was not going to stay in the abyss. If that terrifying existence came, he would even be in danger.

"I'm sorry, if it is really that terrifying existence, I have to take my people away from the abyss." The Insect King said in a deep voice to the Lord of the Abyss and God.

"Is that terrifying existence really so terrifying?" God said solemnly.

"You haven't seen that terrifying existence. If you have seen it, you would even think of escaping at the first time!" The Insect King said with lingering fear.

"The Emperor is powerful enough, but when the Emperor saw that terrifying existence, he ran away as soon as he saw it." The Insect King said calmly.

After God and the Lord of the Abyss heard what the Insect King said, they also looked at the Emperor opposite.

The Emperor didn't know that the terrifying existence was coming.

Therefore, the Lord of the Abyss thought for a while and said to God, "Why don't we tell the Emperor about the arrival of that terrifying existence? We can't fight with the Emperor anymore, otherwise both sides will suffer, and that terrifying existence will benefit. We have to find a way to resist the arrival of that terrifying existence now."

After God heard what the Lord of the Abyss said, he also nodded in agreement.

The Insect King next to him naturally had no objection and naturally agreed very much.

He didn't want to fight the Emperor for a long time. He couldn't beat him and it was a waste of time.

"Okay, then let's talk to the Emperor!" God nodded.

Then, after the three supreme gods collectively launched a fierce attack on the Emperor, they retreated frantically and distanced themselves from the Emperor.

At the same time, God shouted loudly to the Emperor.

"Emperor, that terrifying existence is here and is devouring the planets of this world. Do you still want to fight with us?"

After the Emperor heard what God said, his pupils shrank.

He felt a chill rising from his feet to his head. He stopped attacking instantly and stared at God solemnly, "What you said is true."

"Really, why would I lie to you? More than a hundred planets in this world have been devoured." God said solemnly.

"Emperor, don't you find that I am getting weaker and weaker? This is because my planet is being devoured, and I am still weak. That terrifying existence is madly devouring my planet." The Lord of the Abyss said with an ugly face.

The Emperor's eyes instantly locked on the Lord of the Abyss. After a careful sense, he did sense that the Lord of the Abyss's breath was much weaker than before, and he was really still weak...

However, his brows were tightly furrowed, "It shouldn't be. According to the time, he will take at least a few years to come." The Emperor whispered in confusion.

He had calculated the time. If that terrifying existence wanted to come to the Abyss World, it would take at least several years.

However, it was ahead of schedule now, which was impossible!

Therefore, in his heart, he did not believe that it was that terrifying existence that came. It was very likely that something else had happened.

"Are you sure that it was that terrifying existence that was devouring your planet? How long has it been devouring?" The Emperor said in a deep voice.

"It should have been many days, at least more than a hundred planets have been lost!" The Lord of the Abyss said in a deep voice.

"It can't be that terrifying existence. If it really came, your planet couldn't have been devoured so little. He could devour tens of thousands of your planets in a day, or even more." The Emperor shook his head.

He was also relieved in his heart. If it was really that terrifying existence, then the Lord of the Abyss couldn't have devoured so few planets.

Therefore, he concluded that it must be something else that was devouring the planets of the Abyss World.

"Not a terrifying existence?" The Lord of the Abyss and God were both stunned.

The Insect King beside him thought for a moment and suddenly nodded, "The Emperor is right. If that terrifying existence really came, then your planet cannot have only swallowed up so much."

The Insect King had fought with that terrifying existence before, so he naturally knew how terrible the other party's swallowing speed was.

His world was swallowed up by that terrifying existence within a few days.

Therefore, he is now certain that the person who is swallowing up the Abyss Lord's planet is not a terrifying existence, but anotherThere are others.

"So, it's not a certain supreme god who is devouring my world..." The Lord of the Abyss suddenly roared angrily.

"It should be!" The Insect King nodded.

"Could it be that the guy who devoured the abyss before, he left the abyss and went to devour your non-life planet instead." God suddenly said.

"It's very likely!"

The Emperor on the opposite side shouted.

"Damn it, he dared to devour my planet, I'm going to kill him!" The Lord of the Abyss roared to the sky.

"This person is too hateful, even more hateful than the Emperor!" The Insect King said coldly.

Although the Emperor is domineering, the Emperor is openly robbing their world and has not secretly attacked their world.

In this case, they were defeated by the Emperor, which only shows that they are not as strong as others.

But now this guy is secretly devouring the planet, which is taking advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

This kind of behavior is what they dislike the most.

Therefore, at this moment, several supreme gods are very angry with this guy.

Even the emperor is very angry with this person who secretly devours the planet.

"Emperor, let's get rid of this guy first, and then fight to the death, how about it?" God said in a deep voice.

"You know his location, right? If you know, I can go with you and kill him first." The emperor said calmly.

Now, he also has a killing intention towards this guy who secretly devours the planet.

This abyss world has been targeted by him, and it can be regarded as his thing.

Now, this person who secretly devours the planet is devouring the planet of this world, then it is equivalent to devouring his planet.

He can't stand it, what he hates most is that others devour his planet.

"Okay, let's go find him!" God nodded.

The consciousness of the Lord of the Abyss began to spread to the whole world.

Start looking for the guy who is secretly devouring the planet.

The entire world was created by the Lord of the Abyss. If he wanted, he could indeed reach every corner of the world.

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