The stick grew bigger and bigger, and even slowly became longer than the diameter of his life planet.

It was growing every moment.

"Don't worry about it, let's completely perfect the life planet and become the Supreme God first!"

Finally, Mo Yu came out, and Passerby A took Mo Yu back to the abyss.

Entering the abyss, Mo Yu needed to find a passage to the human world.

Soon, he came to the passage of SCP-1762.

At this moment, the zombie army had retreated, and the demons, Zerg, and humans were also scattered.

There was no more war, and everyone's Supreme God was now in a cooperative relationship, and they could not fight each other.

After Mo Yu arrived here, he saw those humans, and the voice of SCP-722 sounded in his mind.

"Your life planet is already habitable. Now, you need to let life settle in your life planet and let them perfect your life planet."


Mo Yu looked around, and then the dimensional space appeared, aiming at the Foundation agents near SCP-1762 without hesitation.

The terrible devouring power directly swallowed them all into the dimensional space.

At this moment, Mo Yu devoured everything. Even the gods could not stop his devouring. How could the humans around him resist it?

Suddenly, one by one, the human agents were swallowed into the dimensional space before they could react.

After entering the dimensional space, Mo Yu asked them all to land on his life planet.

At this moment, this life planet has been full of flowers, plants and trees as Mo Yu expected.

The most prominent one is the stick, which directly connects the sky and the earth...

All the agents came to the life planet, and they were all confused, thinking that they had come to the primeval forest.

Wang Ming is the commander of the SCP-1762 channel. He gathered the agents around him and wanted to check the surrounding situation.

Mo Yu's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, "Panlong Star will be destroyed soon. This is my world. You will all survive here in the future. Use the knowledge you have learned to develop a new human world here!"

Wang Ming looked at Mo Yu in confusion, and the other agents were also full of question marks, not understanding what Mo Yu meant.

"You... take care of yourself!" Mo Yu said, and disappeared instantly.

Wang Ming and other agents looked at each other, and then they continued to explore this world until they saw many huge figures suddenly appear in the sky.


Mo Yu brought all the survivors of the abyss in, and they fell from the sky and fell into a lake.


Wang Ming and others saw these demons falling from the sky and thought of what Mo Yu had just said.

Suddenly, dense Zerg fell from the sky.

Then, there were densely packed zombies…

“Is this world really his world? Has he become the Supreme God?” Wang Ming took a breath.

He could be said to have watched Mo Yu grow up step by step. Only the Supreme God could create the world.

Now, Mo Yu has created a brand new world. He has thrown in humans, demons, Zerg, and zombies.

This is the rhythm of wanting all races to survive in this world.

“What is that!”

At this moment, an agent pointed at the stick that grew to the sky in shock.

“What a big stick!” Wang Ming was stunned.

“It’s not a stick, it should be a tree, but where in the world can such a big tree come from!”

Wang Ming led the agent and rose towards the stick, wanting to take a closer look.

The demons, Zerg, and zombies in the abyss were all swallowed by Mo Yu into the dimensional space and became the first batch of life in his world.

In the abyss, there was no living creature in an instant...

"What's going on!"

As the master of the abyss, the Lord of the Abyss immediately felt that his abyss had become an empty world, without any living creatures.

"Humans, demons, Zerg, zombies, all disappeared!"

The Supreme Gods such as God were also stunned.

The Emperor looked at the abyss solemnly. The abyss was empty, which also caught him off guard.

He frowned tightly and couldn't figure it out...

At the entrance of SCP-1762, Mo Yu passed through SCP-1762 and directly entered Panlong Star.

After arriving at Panlong Star, Mo Yu devoured all life unscrupulously.

Whether it was human or animal, as long as he felt the life, he devoured it all.

During this period, he saw the undertaker and the homeless old man.

These two actually came to Panlong Star, and the undertaker was chasing the homeless old man.Mo Yu was also stunned. The Undertaker was actually chasing after the homeless old man. What kind of rhythm was this?

Mo Yu originally wanted to swallow the Undertaker and the homeless old man into his own world, but he thought that these two guys were both destroyers. Once they entered his world, his world might be killed by them.

Therefore, Mo Yu only swallowed other lives except the homeless old man and the Undertaker.

The lives on Panlong Star were quickly swallowed by Mo Yu.

The number of lives in his life planet was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually, it reached a terrifying number.

Then, his life planet seemed to come alive.

"The life has reached the standard, and this life planet is about to take shape!" SCP-722 said excitedly.

Then, the dimensional space began to tremble wildly.

Mo Yu's figure couldn't help but appear in the dimensional space. His figure was suspended above his life planet and was seen by everyone.

"A human!"

Demons, Zerg, and zombies were all looking up at Mo Yu, and humans were also looking at Mo Yu in surprise.

The world trembled crazily, and then, ten thousand planets in the dimensional space simultaneously shot out a beam of white light, which passed through the world and instantly shone on Mo Yu's body.

Ten thousand rays of light filled the tank, and Mo Yu looked up to the sky and roared, and his aura increased crazily.

"He is going to become the Supreme God!"

Everyone had such an idea in their hearts.

Sure enough, ten thousand rays of light continued to pour into Mo Yu's body, and his aura increased crazily, shaking the world. He was like the master of the world, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body.


The dimensional space trembled crazily and completely evolved into a complete world. This is a world belonging to Mo Yu, with ten thousand planets, equivalent to a small universe.

However, as Mo Yu's strength becomes stronger in the future, the number of planets will become larger and larger, and the area of ​​the dimensional space will also become larger and larger.

At the same time, in the outside world, the five Supreme Gods such as the Emperor Lord looked at Panlong Star at the same time.

"Someone has become the Supreme God!"

This kind of aura is very familiar to them. When they became the Supreme God, it was also this kind of aura of creation.

However, this supreme god was actually on Panlong Star, and the faces of God and Panglaus changed.

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