At this time, Auntie San also understood what her husband and Wang Guihua meant, and then she said, "Xiaochuan, Auntie San can see that you are extraordinary! Your future development will definitely not be limited to this small Qinglong Village.

You must go to a big place to make a living and show your talents on a bigger stage, so you will need more money at that time.

The idea of ​​your uncle San and I is very simple, that is, to find a wife for A-Long and A-Hu, and buy them a house, so that we will fulfill our obligations as parents.

As for their future achievements, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, it depends on their abilities...

So we really don't need too much money."

"Yes, brother, although... but... anyway, I think grandma and uncle and aunt are right." Ah Gang nodded innocently.

Looking at the people's firm and persistent appearance, Jiang Chuan's words of persuasion were finally not spoken.

Then he could only nod, "Okay! In that case, let's do as you say.

But I can assure you that after we buy a big ship, even if it is 10% of the income, it is far from what we can do now."

In fact, what Aunt San said just now is not wrong at all. Although Jiang Chuan does not have much ambition at present, as his net worth continues to change, he may have more places to spend money in the future.

In fact, it is often like this. When you reach a certain height, even if you don't want to move forward, there will be an invisible force pushing you to move forward.

"Okay, okay...

Since the previous two things have been said, it's time to say the last thing."

After seeing Xiao Chuan agreed, Uncle San also asked with a smile.

The eager look seemed to be afraid that Xiao Chuan would object.

"The third thing is not particularly important, but I still want to remind you.

It's about the two brothers Pei Xiangdong and Pei Xiangnan.

Those two families have always been very narrow-minded, and they are the kind of people who will never let go of any grudges.

Although we did not have a direct conflict with them today, the difference in income between the two sides is so obvious that the two brothers will inevitably be dissatisfied, and they may do something against us in the future.

So I just want to remind everyone to stay away from those two families as much as possible and not to conflict with them.

Especially you two, Grandma and Third Aunt, if we are not in the village, you must not conflict with those two families. I am not afraid of them, I am just afraid that you will be hurt."

Jiang Chuan's voice was very, very serious and very, very solemn.

Because Grandma and Third Aunt are very, very important people to Jiang Chuan, they are his relatives and occupy a very important position in his mind, so naturally he does not want to see them hurt.

After hearing Jiang Chuan's reminder, the old lady nodded and promised, "Okay, okay! Don't worry, Xiao Chuan.

Your third aunt and I are usually weak-tempered and never like to have conflicts with others, so don't worry about this.

Even if they take the initiative to come and provoke us, we will try our best to avoid them.

If you are not in the village in the future, we will go around them when we see them."

She was not afraid of the two families. After all, she was in her early 70s and had already reached the age of dying. Although she did not put life and death aside, she could already face life and death calmly.

So if she was afraid, the most feared thing should be that it would cause trouble for Xiao Chuan and A Gang.

As for the Pei brothers, they might be as scary as hungry tigers to others, but she didn't care at all.

I don't want to provoke them, mainly because I'm afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Xiaochuan and the others...

Aunt San also nodded and said, "That's right, don't worry about this, Xiaochuan.

My grandmother and I will try to take a detour when we see them in the future."

Agang on the side said with a frustrated look on his face, "Brother, aren't we too frustrated like this?

Are we just going to let those two families ride on our heads?"

I always feel that this will make them look very cowardly.

"Stinky boy, shut up!

Do you think your brother is afraid of them?

Your brother thinks more than you do, he just doesn't want to see me and your third aunt being wronged and hurt." Grandma immediately scolded Agang.

She naturally saw more clearly than Agang, and could fully understand Jiangchuan's thoughts.

Looking at Agang who looked aggrieved, Jiangchuan smiled and said, "Okay, Agang, don't feel aggrieved.

I'm just reminding you. We don't take the initiative to cause trouble, nor are we afraid of it.

If they want to ride on our heads, do they really think we are soft persimmons?If they say so, I don't mind letting them feel my methods. "

Sometimes forbearance can indeed keep things calm, but sometimes forbearance will only make you more angry.

So this matter depends on whether the Pei family is smart or not?

If they really think they are easy to bully, then they have chosen the wrong target.

In this world, money can make everything happen. As long as you are rich enough, you can do whatever you want...

Dong Dong Dong...

Just then, there was a sudden and heavy knock on the door outside.

At the same time, there was also an arrogant shouting outside the door, "Jiang Chuan, you little bastard, get out! You must give us an explanation for what happened today, otherwise I will never let you go."

"Get out quickly, don't stay in there like a turtle.

If you don't come out, we will break the door..."

"Brother, it's the voice of that old dog Pei Xiangnan.

This bastard, you just said not to provoke them, and they actually came to the door first.

I'm going to smash their heads. "

Agang's face changed, and he rushed to the kitchen, picked up the kitchen machete, and prepared to rush out.

Jiangchuan did not stop him. Sometimes being too polite will really make people think he is a coward.

"Uncle San, go out and take a look~~"

Jiangchuan got up and walked outside the house, picking up the half steel pipe at the door.

If the Pei brothers really come to cause trouble in the middle of the night, let them lie down and go back today!

"Auntie, Xiaojuan, you two stay in the house, don't come out.

Don't worry, I'm here, and I won't let Xiaochuan and Agang act impulsively. "

After Uncle San told Grandma and Aunt San, he hurried out.

Young people are full of blood and sometimes when they are angry, they may really use whatever they can get.

And he is naturally much calmer...

"Woof woof woof..."

Le Le also gritted his teeth and was ready to go.

As long as the master gave the order, it would definitely bite the enemy's balls into pieces at the first time.


The courtyard door was opened, and Pei Xiangnan and Pei Xiangdong's hands, which were about to smash the door, stopped in mid-air.

When the two saw Jiang Chuan holding a steel pipe, A Gang holding a kitchen knife, and a big yellow dog with bared teeth, their arrogant and domineering aura suddenly weakened.

At this time, Jiang Chuan saw who was coming. In addition to Pei Xiangnan and his brother, Yang Yaoxiang also followed behind, and there were five or six middle-aged and elderly people in the village.

Jiang Chuan looked at Pei Xiangnan and Pei Xiangdong with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice, "You came to smash my door in the middle of the night, you better have something wrong, otherwise... I'll chop off your paws and feed them to the dogs!"

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