The next morning, when it was still light, Jiangchuan finished washing up, had a simple breakfast, and then drove a tricycle to the beach alone.

It was still the reef where he dived last time...



At this time, Xiaotie was excitedly flapping his huge body in the sea, and occasionally jumped out of the sea. His two ping-pong-ball-sized eyes showed a pure and stupid meaning, and he smiled at Jiangchuan.

A line of small words also appeared on his head.

"Master, long time no see! Today I will take you to show off and fly..."

Killer whales are very, very smart creatures, but they cannot communicate normally with humans.

But after completing the contract, Jiangchuan and Xiaotie can communicate without obstacles.

At this time, Jiangchuan also found that Xiaotie's body shape has changed dramatically in the past few days.

The body, which was only two meters long before, has now doubled to about four meters, and its size is completely different from before.

It seems that in addition to the extremely fast natural growth rate of killer whales, the effect of this golden liquid is also very large.

"Xiaotie, come on, let's do a wave of cooperation this time, how about a fancy diving?" Jiangchuan said with a happy smile.


Xiaotie nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I'm here! Take it..."

After Jiangchuan finished speaking, his body jumped down from the cliff, with a standard 5253b action, and jumped directly into the sea with a splash.

After a moment of silence, there was another splash, and the sea surface suddenly stirred up a huge splash.

Xiaotie's huge body jumped up from the sea surface, directly jumping out of the sea surface by three or four meters.

And Jiangchuan sat steadily behind Xiaotie, leaning on Xiaotie's dorsal fin, with a face full of excitement.


There was another huge sound of falling into the water, and the figures of Xiaotie and Jiangchuan completely disappeared from the sea.


Xiaotie swam very, very fast in the sea water, and it felt like he was flying freely in the sky.

Jiangchuan also experienced the long-lost pleasure.

When staying in the sea water, the speed of the water spirit bead producing gold liquid was also significantly accelerated.

Along the way, Jiangchuan saw the most dazzling coral reefs and the most beautiful ornamental fish, which jumped in groups in front of him.

However, Jiangchuan was not very interested in these ornamental fish today.

It was mainly to experience the feeling of flying freely in the sea.

By the way, you can also go to deeper waters today to see where the limit of deep-sea pressure your body can withstand is?

Time passed by minute by minute, and two hours passed unknowingly.

Xiao Tie carried Jiang Chuan into a cave-like cave, and below was a vast ocean.

The deeper you go, the lower the visibility. The beautiful coral reefs and those beautiful ornamental fish are no longer visible.

Fortunately, his eyesight is very good, especially when he is in the ocean. His eyesight seems to be more enhanced. Even in the dark deep sea, the visibility range is still 20 to 30 meters.

However, the deeper he goes, the more Jiang Chuan feels the pressure from the deep sea...

The pressure from all directions keeps squeezing his body, but he can bear it.

Of course, this pressure is not only physical, but also psychological...

"The depth of the ocean we are in now should be beyond the depth of 700 to 800 meters. This depth has completely exceeded the limit of human beings."

Looking at the dark environment around, there are occasionally one or two shining stars, which should be the light emitted by some special fish.

Ordinary people can only dive to a depth of ten to fifteen meters when diving without any equipment. Professionally trained people may go deeper, but it is difficult to exceed fifty meters.

The record holder for the deepest diving without equipment should be the Russian lady, who dived to a depth of 237 meters.

And the depth Jiangchuan is now at is more than twice her depth.

"Master, do you want to continue going down?"

At this time, the words of inquiry appeared above Xiaotie's head again.

Obviously, in Xiaotie's opinion, this depth should be close to the limit of the master.

And this is the first time it has come down to this deep sea.

First of all, the pressure in the deep sea is too great. Ordinary adult killer whales can only dive to about one thousand meters at most.

And the deeper the sea, the more it is accompanied byThere will be more dangers, so generally speaking, killer whales will not go too deep into the deep sea.

"Keep diving, I can still bear it..." Jiangchuan gently patted Xiaotie's back and communicated with his mind.


After receiving Jiangchuan's order, Xiaotie immediately continued to go down.

If you can still see a faint blue light at the depth just now, then at this moment there is only a dark area, and you can't see anything at all.

Of course, except for some luminous marine creatures that occasionally flash by.

"Isn't it the bottom yet? How deep is this sea?"

Looking at the deep sea that is still like the abyss, Jiangchuan also felt awe in his heart at this moment.

No wonder no matter how human technology develops, it is still unable to detect the deepest part of the ocean.

"Master~ um um ah ah, no no! I feel I can't bear it anymore, it's so uncomfortable~"

Just then, a line of words appeared above Xiaotie's head again.

Jiangchuan didn't know how deep the sea was at the moment. Anyway, Xiaotie's body couldn't bear it, so the depth must be more than one thousand meters.

Even Jiangchuan felt the huge pressure.

If it weren't for the water spirit beads and the body strengthened by the golden liquid, the pressure of this ocean depth would definitely crush an ordinary person without any protective equipment into a meat pie.

"Okay! Let's go back!

It seems that there should be no sunken ships or treasures at this depth~"

Jiangchuan saw that Xiaotie couldn't stand it anymore, and he himself felt a huge pressure, so he had to choose to go back first.

Wait until the body is strengthened again in the future, and then see if he can go deeper into the sea...

Just when Xiaotie turned around and was about to leave,

Jiangchuan suddenly called Xiaotie, "Wait..."

Because just at that moment, he suddenly felt a sense of being monitored by some mysterious eyes.

This feeling was extremely clear at the moment of suddenness, and it was definitely not out of thin air.

It was completely the feeling of being stared at nakedly.

Then Jiang Chuan also hurriedly looked around, but in the dark sea, except for those deep-sea fish that were shining with light, he could not see anything.

He looked for nearly two minutes, but did not gain anything.

But the feeling of being spied on and monitored always existed, and it became more and more intense, as if there were more eyes spying on him.

"Fuck you, is it haunted?"

Feeling the hairy feeling all over his body, Jiang Chuan suddenly had this idea in his mind.

The moment that feeling appeared just now, he suddenly felt the hair on his body stand up instantly.

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