Soon, Jiang Chuan drove a tricycle to the purchasing station of Dong Lao San's family.

It was still early at this time, and most of the fishing boats that went out to sea had not returned, so the purchasing station seemed deserted and quiet.

Dong Lao San and his wife were sorting things. When they saw Jiang Chuan driving a tricycle, they immediately showed joy on their faces.

"Ah! Xiao Chuan, didn't you go out to sea today?" Dong Lao San also quickly took off his rubber gloves, wiped his hands, and took out a cigarette and handed it to Jiang Chuan.

"Thank you, Uncle Dong."

After taking the cigarette and thanking him, Jiang Chuan said, "I didn't take Uncle San and A Gang with me today, but I went out for a while by myself. I was lucky enough to catch a fish, so I brought it here."

"Just... a fish?!"

Dong Lao San and his wife looked puzzled, "Big yellow croaker?"

They probably knew Jiang Chuan's luck. It was said that this kid could make more than 100,000 every time he went out to sea.

It seemed a bit unreasonable to catch a fish this time.

But if it was a wild yellow croaker, then it would be completely understandable.

After all, catching a large yellow croaker casually can be equivalent to a fishing boat going out to sea two or three times.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the two, Jiang Chuan did not keep them in suspense, "No, it's a grouper, a giant grouper, it should weigh about 100 kilograms..."

"What?! A hundred kilograms of giant grouper?"

After hearing Jiang Chuan's words, the two people's faces suddenly showed extremely shocked expressions.

Giant grouper can indeed grow to more than 100 kilograms, but this kind of fish is very, very difficult to catch.

Especially if you use hooks and trawl nets, it is basically impossible to catch giant grouper.

Because this kind of fish generally lives near coral reefs on the seabed, and fishermen are afraid that fishing nets and hooks will be caught by coral reefs, so they dare not put the nets so deep.

So the probability of catching a giant grouper is naturally not that high.

That is, those large fishing boats can catch some larger giant groupers by fishing in some deep-sea areas.

"Well, the fish is in the carriage, covered with that quilt!

It's dead, but it should still be fresh."

Before Jiang Chuan finished speaking, Dong Laosan and his wife had already come to the carriage, and couldn't wait to open the quilt, and saw the grouper about one meter long.

Looking at such a huge grouper, Dong Laosan's wife was surprised, "Oh my God! It's so big and fat..."

"We haven't seen such a big grouper for a long time, right?"

Although they had seen a lot of groupers before, and those weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms were common, but those weighing more than 50 kilograms were extremely rare.

Like this nearly 100 kilograms, basically it has not been seen for many years.

Moreover, even if someone could catch this kind of fish, it would be impossible to sell it at a small purchasing station like theirs, but to a larger purchasing station in the county or town.

After all, the price there is really high. For slightly more valuable or larger seafood, everyone is willing to spend more time and energy to sell it at a higher price.

"Good boy!! Yes, yes..." Dong Laosan also nodded excitedly.

Then he looked at Jiangchuan with an inquiring look, "Xiaochuan, are you really determined to sell this big thing to me?

I have to tell you honestly that this thing may not be sold at the highest price here. You should have a way to get it at the purchasing station in the county. If you take it to the county, the price will be higher."

He knew this truth, and Jiangchuan naturally knew it too, so he had to ask clearly.

It's not that he doesn't want to make money, but he doesn't want to take advantage of Xiaochuan. As he said before, Xiaochuan is a poor child. Even if he makes money now, in his opinion, children without parents are pitiful and need sympathy and special care.

"Uncle Dong, I brought all the fish to you, so I want to sell it here!

I'm a little too tired today, so I don't want to go to the county town, so just take it.

As long as you ask, you say how much this fish is worth, and I believe Uncle Dong will not cheat me." Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

"You kid..."

Dong Laosan shook his head happily.

He naturally knew that Jiang Chuan didn't go to the county town to sell the fish because he was afraid of being tired or afraid of being tossed, but mainly to take care of his business.

Otherwise, it would be the same if Jiang Tao or A Gang went.

Then he continued to say to Jiang Chuan seriously, "Xiao Chuan, you are open and honest, and I appreciate this, but I really can't give too high a price for this fish.

I can give 200,000 at most. If you can get it ready, this fish is likely to sell for250,000 or 300,000.

Do you want to reconsider it? ? "

Jiang Chuan shook his head without hesitation, "No need, Uncle Dong, 200,000 is 200,000!

For me, an extra 50,000 or 100,000 is not important. If this 50,000 or 100,000 can warm up our friendship, that is the most important thing."

Dong Lao San still has a certain prestige in the village. What he did last night was undoubtedly an olive branch to him, so he would also do a favor.

Knowing such a person will make you more comfortable in the village in the future.

Seeing Jiang Chuan so happy, Dong Lao San stopped talking nonsense. After all, this is also a very good opportunity for him to make money. After selling this fish, he should be able to make tens of thousands of yuan.

For a small boss like him, tens of thousands of yuan is also a very good income, "Okay, okay, well said...

Then I won't hesitate, come on, transfer the money! ! ”

For Jiang Chuan, the income of 200,000 yuan did not make him feel excited or excited. There was no ripple in his heart.

And the sapphire was the biggest harvest of his diving this time, and the grouper was just the icing on the cake!

"Xiao Chuan! It just so happened that my aunt made some stewed dishes today, and now it's time for dinner. Hurry up and go in to eat with your uncle and have a couple of drinks."

As she said that, my aunt pulled Jiang Chuan's arm and dragged him into the house.

The two were so enthusiastic, Jiang Chuan naturally didn't want to spoil the fun. After eating some food and drinking some wine, the three of them had a harmonious atmosphere.

"Uncle, aunt, sister Lina should be graduating this year, right?

And Xiao Yong, it seems that he didn't get into high school this year, right? What are you doing now? "

During the meal, Jiang Chuan also chatted about family matters.

Dong Laosan's family has a son and a daughter. The eldest daughter is Dong Lina and the son is Dong Yong. The eldest daughter never got into college before. I heard that she went to a junior college, but I don't know what she studied specifically.

It was only heard that Dong Yong didn't get into high school this year, and Jiang Chuan didn't know what he did specifically.

Because Jiang Chuan rarely asked about or inquired about what happened in the village before.

"Yes! Lina came out this year. I found some ways. She studied nursing and should go to the county hospital to be a nurse.

As for Yong, that bastard, he has been a mess in his studies since he was a child. The two of us thought about it for a long time. We didn't expect a good major, so we sent him to New Oriental to learn to be a chef...

Although it may be a bit hard to say, we have also thought about it carefully. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are things that people can never do without, and food ranks second, so if you become a chef in the future, even if you don't make a lot of money, you shouldn't be unemployed and hungry. "Dong Laosan said while drinking.

For rural parents, it is very good to raise their children healthy.

As for their future development, it depends on their own abilities.

Rural parents have never studied much, and they don't have much ability to pave the way for them...

"Well, nursing and cooking are both very good majors, at least for ordinary people like us.

It will be easy to find a job in the future, and you don't have to worry too much. "Jiang Chuan also nodded sincerely.

Children from rich families may develop in the direction of art when they grow up, and they are all pursuing higher levels and grades.

But for children from poor families, as long as you are healthy and well-fed for a lifetime, your parents will be satisfied.

"Yeah, Xiaochuan, you think it's good too.

This shows that our old couple’s idea is still good...” Auntie also said with a smile.

Although they both knew that Jiangchuan had made money by fishing recently, they did not mention fishing or going out to sea, which made Jiangchuan feel at ease.

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