
Is this the name of Jiangchuan's new boat? It's quite rare." The boat was getting closer and closer, and Yang Yaoxiang also saw the three big characters on the bow.

Generally speaking, when fishermen name their boats, they will give them names such as Pinganhao, Hexiehao, and Facaihao.

I have never seen a name like Jiangchuan's, but it is quite easy to read.

"Wow! So fast... This boat is almost at the dock so fast." Wang Guihua's body was shaking with excitement.

She knew that this new boat belonged to Jiangchuan, but she couldn't help but get excited.

"Yes! This is the first time I have seen such a fast fishing boat. It looks so new and beautiful!" Bao Xiaojuan also nodded excitedly.

They haven't seen new fishing boats in their village for many years, and they have never seen such a large fishing boat.

Most of them are wooden boats of more than ten meters. Those with better family conditions also have tempered fishing boats, and they are now dilapidated.

So in comparison, the first impression of this fishing boat is indeed very stunning and beautiful.

Soon the fishing boat has docked at the dock.

Jiangchuan and the others also went ashore together.

"Xiaochuan, congratulations!"

"Xiaochuan, you are really promising. This is the largest fishing boat in our Qinglong Village, and it is also the most beautiful one."


Everyone also came forward to congratulate Jiangchuan.

Yang Yaoxiang, Dong Laosan, Gou Fugui, Fat God and Aunt Kuaizui were all there.

Most of these people also had some gifts in their hands.

At this time, a slightly hunched figure came forward.

"Congratulations, Xiaochuan! I wish you can ride the wind and waves in your future career and reach a higher level.

I, an old man, don't have much to give, so I can only send some blessings.

I asked others for advice."

The speaker was Uncle Wang who was sweeping the floor in the village committee.

"Thank you, thank you, Uncle Wang...

Your blessing is better than any gift to me." Jiang Chuan smiled sincerely.

Then he said to everyone, "Thank you, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick us up.

I can't express my gratitude in words. Let's all go to my house for a drink! Just to express my gratitude."

"Okay, okay, you kid, you talk like a college student, a sow wearing a bra, one set after another."

"I say, Old Xu, where did you learn this jingle?"

"This is much better than what college students say."

Hearing Jiang Chuan's polite words, everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles.

Then A Gang and Uncle San moved down all the ingredients purchased in the county, including a lot of cigarettes and alcohol, and some packaged banquets.

These were ordered by Jiang Chuan at Liu Bo Hotel when he went there in the morning, and he took them when he came back.

The group walked towards Jiang Chuan's home in a mighty manner.

Meanwhile, at Shangzhuangtou, Pei Xiangnan looked at the scene on the dock with a gloomy face.

Smelling the smell of firecrackers in the air, it always felt pungent, and it was completely incomparable to the feeling during the New Year and other festivals.

"Fuck! Little bastard, didn't he just buy a broken boat? Look how proud he is." Pei Xiangnan clenched his fists tightly, obviously envious and jealous.

"Boss, this is not a broken boat.

The boat looks at least 17 or 18 meters long, and it's so beautiful, it should cost at least 800,000 or 900,000 to buy it, right?

It seems that Jiangchuan is really rich, otherwise we should not confront him in the future?

I always feel that it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of Jiangchuan now." Pei Xiangdong looked at the new ship docked at the dock, and then said to Pei Xiangnan earnestly.

If it was Jiangchuan a month or two ago, they could indeed control him at will.

But now Jiang Chuan is obviously different from the past, and even his personality has changed drastically. Perhaps he is not someone they can provoke...

Reason told him that it would be a very unwise decision to go against Jiang Chuan again.

"Second brother, why are you so ruthless?

Have you forgotten the scene of being humiliated by that little bastard a few days ago?" Pei Xiangnan said unhappily.

When he thought of being threatened by that kid a few nights ago, and cheating them out of 20,000 yuan, he felt angry.

"Boss, I am not ruthless. There is a saying that a man who knows the current situation is a hero.

I think we are now small characters in front of Jiang Chuan. Let's be smarter in the future!" Pei Xiangdong said, and then turned around and left.

He knew that Jiang Chuan had made a lot of money during this period.

He also knew that money can make people reach the gods.

If they were to be enemies with Jiangchuan now, they would be enemies with money, and they would be no match for him anyway.

In Jiangchuan's house, the lights were on and it was very lively.

The air was filled with the aroma of food and wine.

The sound of chatting and finger-guessing was endless!

The atmosphere was exactly the same as during the Chinese New Year, and even more lively than during the Chinese New Year.

This lively atmosphere lasted until the early morning, when everyone gradually dispersed, and Jiangchuan also received a lot of congratulations.

This was more useful to him than those gifts.

Those who came to congratulate him today may become good friends in the future, and they will probably help him when he encounters something in the village in the future.

But after everyone left, the old lady and the third aunt also started cleaning up, and Jiangchuan and Agang also hurried to help.

After cleaning up, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

"Grandma, Auntie, thank you for your hard work tonight!

I'll take up another ten minutes of your time. I'll tell you about buying a boat."

After Jiang Chuan finished speaking, several people hurriedly sat down and began to listen carefully.

"The total cost of buying a boat this time is two million, plus some handling fees, a total of more than 2.1 million, let's calculate it based on 2.1 million.

You two families each have a share, so you need to give me 210,000...

Please rest assured, I think we can make back these investments in three trips at most." Jiang Chuan said very seriously.

"Okay, okay... I have brought the money!

Is 210,000 enough? If not, we still have some here." Wang Guihua hurriedly took out her bank card and mobile phone.

Bao Xiaojuan followed closely.

"Enough, enough, I am not short of money now, if I am short of money in the future, I will definitely ask you." Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

After all, there are still more than 20 million quietly lying in the card, so it is indeed not short of money.

"Okay, then when you need money in the future, you must ask us.

We are all family, so don't be polite." Aunt San also hurriedly said solemnly.

"Okay, I will..."

In the next ten minutes, Jiang Chuan also transferred 420,000 yuan to his card.

Although he didn't lack the money, it was better to calculate the accounts in this regard.

"Brother... then shall we go out to sea tomorrow?

I can't wait to try our new boat." A Gang asked excitedly.

Jiang Tao obviously wanted to ask the same question.

It took more than half an hour to drive from the county dock to the village dock, and he didn't drive enough.

"Well, we'll go out to sea tomorrow...

Our ship can travel a long distance, so this time we must return with a full load, and the time out may be longer.

So we must bring enough fresh water, food, and daily necessities.

I'll trouble Grandma and Aunt San to prepare these things for us, after all, you women are more delicate." Jiang Chuan nodded.

"Okay! Leave this kind of small matter to us, right?

What time are you going to leave? We'll go back and prepare now." Wang Guihua and Bao Xiaojuan nodded at the same time.

"No hurry, you go back and have a good rest first.

We'll leave at nine or ten o'clock tomorrow morning, so there's still plenty of time." Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

Since it's a long voyage, there's no need to set off on time.

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