"Okay, I'll feed you this much today. Your body can't bear too much.

Remember to notify me in time if you encounter these treasures in the sea again."

Seeing that Xiaotie and Dazui were completely unable to absorb the golden liquid, Jiangchuan also touched their big heads and said.

The two little guys nodded like rattles, and it was obvious that the golden liquid still had a huge temptation for them.

"Okay, send me up first! Then you two can do your own things..."

When Xiaotie sent Jiangchuan to the surface of the sea, less than half an hour had passed.


"Xiaochuan, how is it? Is there any good stuff down there?" Seeing Jiangchuan floated to the surface, the awakened uncle hurriedly asked.

Since he knew Jiangchuan's diving skills a few times before, he was no longer worried about encountering any danger.

As long as you don't encounter that kind of particularly vicious and brutal predator in the deep sea, there will generally be no danger.

So he was more curious whether Xiaochuan saw any good stuff down there this time?

"No... I just wandered around and encountered some ordinary fish." Jiang Chuan shook his head after getting on the boat.

The matter of blood coral and purple gold coral also needs to be kept secret, so it is best not to let Uncle San and A Gang know.

"It's okay, our harvest this time is already very good. Even if there is no good stuff, you don't have to feel discouraged." Uncle San also hurriedly comforted him.

"Well, I know Uncle San..."

Jiang Chuan smiled and nodded, but he was very happy in his heart.

The bulk of the income from this trip to the sea was originally the 20 or 30 large yellow croakers, but now, the income from those large yellow croakers may not be as much as the fraction of these two corals.

"Brother, my uncle and I had nothing to do just now, so we used a fishing rod to fish a few times. In just over half an hour, we have already caught several snappers and groupers!

The resources in this area are much richer than those in the near sea. I think these locations are more suitable for placing sticky nets and row hooks." At this time, A Gang on the side also spoke up.

Just now, after Jiang Chuan went to the sea, he felt that there was nothing to do, so he took out his fishing rod and started fishing.

Unexpectedly, he caught a grouper weighing more than two kilograms after fishing for a few minutes. This kind of grouper is not only delicious, but also very expensive.

This grouper weighing more than two kilograms should be able to sell for thousands of yuan.


Although it is a bit insignificant compared to the total income of this trip, it is also a very considerable income, at least it can add a hundred kilograms of oil.

"Yes, yes, I just caught two blue groupers, and I estimate that they are two or three kilograms.

The grouper resources in this area are very rich, and the fish are growing very well. Why don't we put some hooks here?" Uncle San also hurriedly said.

There are many varieties of groupers, but the taste and price of each type of grouper are very good.

Even the cheapest grouper can be sold for one or two hundred yuan per kilogram. It is very normal for the more expensive ones to be sold for 1,000 yuan per kilogram.

"Really? OK, then place the sticky nets and hooks here." Jiang Chuan also nodded with a smile.

When I came up just now, I did see a lot of grouper schools above the coral reefs and in the gaps.

If we can catch hundreds of kilograms, it will be a very considerable income.

"Okay! Leave the nets and hooks to me and Agang.

You just came down from the sea, take a shower and rest." As they said, Uncle San and Agang started to get busy.

For them, placing sticky nets and hooks is already a familiar thing.

Jiang Chuan also simply went in and took a warm shower, and then began to study the corals in the space...

After the mind entered the space, Jiang Chuan found that the blood coral was very, very bright, just like it was made of drops of blood, exuding a kind of enchanting feeling.

The purple gold coral looked even more beautiful and eye-catching.

The purple skin was dotted with countless small golden dots, reflecting colorful light.

It looked a bit like the skin of the Golden Horned King in "Journey to the West"!

"What a good thing..."

"And... the speed of gold liquid production seems to be faster than before!

Is it because of these two corals?"

After careful observation, it was found that the speed of the water spirit bead producing gold liquid was a little faster than before.

It was as if the water spirit bead could absorb energy from these corals and then transform it into pure gold liquid.

At this time, the water spirit bead had halfFrom cyan to green, the evolution speed is quite fast.

"There are still two contract quotas, but no creatures that can be contracted have been found during this period.

Alas! It would be great if I could also contract the big mouth..." Jiangchuan thought secretly in his heart.

Just then, A Gang walked in.

He said to Jiangchuan excitedly, "Brother, my uncle and I just caught two more groupers, which are bigger than before.

The fish resources in this area are really rich."

"Really? That's great...

This is another extra gain." Jiangchuan also smiled.

"Brother, why don't you go out and fish with us?

I find fishing so interesting. I rarely fished before and couldn't feel the fun of fishing.

This feeling of gain is so addictive.

I feel itchy in my hands when I put down the fishing rod now!" A Gang rubbed his hands and said.

Fishing is really like this. It is easy to get addicted, otherwise there would not be so many fishermen.

The typical representative of fishermen is Emperor He Qiang.

I would rather not have a wife than not stick to my fishing career.

"Okay! I've almost rested, so I'll go out and play with you guys." Jiang Chuan nodded with a smile.

In the past, because of my busy work, I never had free time to go fishing, and I had no time to cultivate these hobbies.

Now that I have so much time and money, I can indeed cultivate this hobby.

"Okay! Brother, let's compete, okay?

I feel that I'm very lucky today, and I will definitely catch more fish than you." A Gang was obviously a little inflated because he caught a few groupers at this moment, and his face was full of confidence.

Jiang Chuan said unconvinced, "Yo, yo, yo! You are so lucky, even if I close my eyes and don't use bait, I will definitely catch more fish than you."

"Hehe! That's hard to say!

I feel that the goddess of luck is on my side today." A Gang was still very confident.

"Okay, okay, I just like your rebellious look.

What if you lose?" Jiang Chuan was also aroused by his damn desire to win.

A Gang said tentatively, "I lose? Then I will wash your stinky socks for a month?"

Jiang Chuan nodded immediately, "Okay, it's settled!"

It just so happened that the stinky socks had been accumulated for half a month. A Gang, this kid, likes to wash stinky socks so much, so he will meet his weird request.

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