Net after net, they just couldn't stop.

At this time, Jiangchuan and the other three had smiles as bright as flowers on their faces. Even Adong, who had a more dull personality, raised his mouth from time to time and smiled secretly.

Although he knew that these fish had nothing to do with him, the fun of this crazy harvest might only be experienced by the parties involved.

In a short while, seven or eight nets of hairtails were caught, jumping actively on the deck, most of them were silvery, especially under the sunlight, they were even more dazzling.

However, after all, it was a hand-casting operation, and the quality was definitely not as intact as the hairtails caught.

Some of the skin was also damaged, but Jiangchuan was too lazy to care.

After all, the number was too large, and it was impossible to guarantee that all the hairtails were intact.

Each net had a harvest of seven or eight hundred kilograms, and at this time, several thousand kilograms of hairtails had been harvested.

Except for Jiangchuan, the three were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"Uncle San, you and Adong go and prepare to collect the trawl net!

Agang, you also take a short break and just operate the mechanical arm." Seeing that the three of them were sweating, Jiang Chuan also hurriedly spoke.

It seems that their physical fitness is still a little poor. In the future, they will have to get more diluted spiritual liquid to strengthen their physical fitness.

"Okay, you should also take a break quickly.

But it's strange to say, how can you be so physically fit?

It feels like you have endless energy."

After muttering, Uncle San walked into the cab.

Jiang Chuan was constantly throwing and collecting the net, and his body did not feel the slightest bit of fatigue, and he was having a lot of fun.

However, the harvest of the next few nets was obviously not so good, only about three or four hundred kilograms, and Jiang Chuan finally stopped at this time.

Uncle San was also ready to raise the net, after all, the number of hairtail in this area just now was really terrifying.

So there was no need to let the trawl net stay in the water for too long.

When the trawl net was dropped by the net-lifting machine, it felt like it was stuffed like a ball.

There was no movement below, but the hairtail below was jumping actively.

"Xiaochuan, you come to untie the net for the first time!"

Uncle San also gave this precious first time to Jiangchuan.

"Okay!" Jiangchuan was not polite and nodded directly.

Then he grabbed the rope head and pulled it hard.

Hula la...

In an instant, all the hairtails flashed with dazzling silver-white light and began to jump actively on the deck.

Some of the luckier ones jumped back into the sea directly, but most of them struggled in vain.

The fresh hairtails just caught are very, very bright in color, especially under the sunlight, they will show colorful colors and look very beautiful.

"Oh my god! There are so many hairtails. I feel like I have never seen so many hairtails in my life."

"I estimate that our net will weigh about 8,000 to 9,000 kilograms, right?" Ah Gang's face was full of joy.

"Yes! I have been to the sea countless times, but this is the first time I have seen so many hairtails in one net.

This scene is really exciting!" Uncle San's mouth was almost grinning to his ears.

Although Ah Dong on the side did not speak, the same shock and surprise can be seen on his face.

After all, being able to play with so many hairtails in one net is probably a shocking scene he has never seen in his life.

"Come on, let me take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments."

Looking at the three people with shocked and happy faces, Jiang Chuan also said jokingly.

He would naturally not post such things on WeChat Moments.

After all, each of these hairtails is pure silver. He still understands the principle of not showing off wealth, which is easy to arouse jealousy.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't just be happy, let's quickly put all these hairtails into the live warehouse."

"Although the size of these hairtails is uniform, we still need to pick them a little.

According to the size, there are three levels in total, those that are more than five fingers wide, those that are three to five fingers wide, and those that are less than three fingers wide."

Uncle San also immediately told everyone to start working.

Jiang Chuan and the others also immediately began to divide the work and cooperate, after all, hairtails are easy to die if they leave the sea water.

Because the water pressure in the sea water is completely different from that on the boat, it feels like taking people from the foot of Mount Everest to the top of the mountain.

Jiang Chuan can only hope that the spiritual liquid will also work on these hairtails.

Otherwise, if all these hairtails die, the price will definitely be greatly discounted.

While disassembling, the few people were also constantly chatting to relieve boredom and dullnessatmosphere.

"Adong, you have never seen such a shocking scene before.

I guess you have never seen so many hairtails in your life." Agang also looked at Adong with a smile.

It seems that Agang likes Adong very much, and the relationship between the two is heating up very quickly.


Adong looked up at Agang and nodded honestly.

They had been out to sea several times before, but most of the time they drove the old fishing boat of Gao Bo's family. There were no such advanced high-tech equipment on it. Even if they could really catch so many fish, they probably couldn't pull them up.

"It's okay! It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it. In the future, I, Fatty, will take you to see the world." Agang patted his chest and said.

Although his tone had a bit of a big brother feeling, the smile on his face was still very sincere.

He didn't have the idea of ​​bullying Adong because he was a new member.

Maybe it was because he had been caught in the rain, so he thought about holding an umbrella for others.

"Thank you, Fatty..." Adong forced a smile on his face, his voice still very dull.

Uncle San knew that Adong was a man of few words, so he simply didn't chat with him at all, but put all his thoughts on picking hairtail.

Jiangchuan looked at Adong, smiled and asked, "Adong! Looking at so many harvests in the past, what do you feel in your heart?

Do you think that the salary I give you is too low?"

In fact, even if Adong has such thoughts in his heart, it is a reasonable thought for a normal person.

After all, human nature is greedy, and Jiangchuan understands this truth.

But their thoughts will not affect Jiangchuan's decision.

If Adong really feels that the salary he is paid is too low because of their harvest, and he feels unbalanced, then Jiangchuan can only abandon him next time he goes out to sea.


Adong looked at Jiangchuan and shook his head with a very firm look.

After a moment of hesitation, he said, "My sister said that both of our lives belong to you, Brother Chuan."

This time, Adong unexpectedly said a lot of words.

This should be the most words Jiangchuan heard him say...

"Do you really think so?"

"We can make at least a million each time we go out to sea. Are you sure you won't be jealous?" Jiangchuan continued to ask with a smile.

Adong shook his head firmly, "No..."

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