This massive killing spree lasted for more than ten minutes. The sardines seemed to have found a breakthrough and soon disappeared in a long line in the distant sea.

At this time, the group of real dolphins and white-eyed sharks were still devouring the scattered sardines.

Fortunately, these sharks and dolphins did not seem to be interested in Jiangchuan's boat, but simply came out to look for food.

At this time, the net was already full.

Thousands of kilograms of sardines were caught on the boat, and all the live warehouses were basically filled at this time.

"Uncle San, what is the price of these sardines in the market?" Jiangchuan also asked.

Jiangchuan knew that the price of these sardines might not be high, and this harvest would definitely not be as good as the last time.

But since all of them have been caught, it is obviously a bit unlikely to release them back to the sea.

Uncle San hesitated for a moment and said, "It's hard to say, because the sardines we see on the market are relatively small.

Those smaller sardines are only about ten yuan per catty, and some smaller ones may be cheaper, a few yuan per catty is possible.

But the sardines we caught are generally large, so I think the price should be higher.

But it is estimated that the price per catty is unlikely to exceed fifty yuan..."

Uncle San also roughly estimated the price of these sardines.

Because the number of sardines is huge, the number caught in one net is very large, if you encounter a sardine school.

Some larger fishing boats can easily catch tens of thousands of catties.

In addition, sardines are generally not very big, so the price is indeed not high.

But the sardines they just caught are estimated to be about 10,000 catties. Even if they are sold at 20 yuan per catty, this is an income of 200,000 yuan.

It is already a very good income.

"Oh! That's really cheap." Jiang Chuan nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

Perhaps the fish caught before were too expensive, so there was such a sense of gap in his heart.

However, it should not be a problem to sell this boat of fish for 2 million.

Such a harvest is actually not bad...

"Okay! Uncle San, let's just leave it for this trip, let's return."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chuan also prepared to return, because the diesel they had in stock was only enough for a week.

Now there is about one-third left, and this diesel should be enough to go back!

"Well, okay..." Uncle San and A Gang also nodded.

Then several people turned the rudder, turned on the GPS navigation, and headed towards home.

Time soon came to the next morning.

Uncle San and A Gang sat on both sides of the boat and started fishing, while Jiang Chuan immediately changed into a diving suit and prepared to go to the sea to have fun.

The moment he jumped into the sea, Jiang Chuan felt that his whole person became refreshed.

Then, Hu Niu and Tiechui were released immediately, and they were allowed to fly freely in the sea for a while.

The big turtle found Jiangchuan at some point.

Several pets were playing happily, and Jiangchuan quickly dived into the deep sea with a depth of more than 300 meters.

"What is that? It's so beautiful!"

At this moment, Jiangchuan suddenly saw something shining in the distance.

It looked bright and colorful, and it should be some kind of marine creature with a self-luminous system.

Jiangchuan also swam over quickly.

After swimming over, he found that the glowing object was actually a conch, about the size of a palm.

The color of the conch was very bright, and it looked like a layer of fluorescent powder was sprinkled on the conch, flashing with starlight.

"What a beautiful conch! It can actually glow in the deep sea. It's the first time I've seen such a magical thing.

I wonder what this thing is called?"

Looking at the colorful conch that was also flashing with starlight, Jiangchuan was also confused.

Because in his inherent impression, conchs don't glow.

The only things that can glow in this deep sea are glowing fish or jellyfish.

He had never seen or even heard of conchs glowing before.

"Forget it, take this beautiful conch back and give it to A Xiu!!"

Jiang Chuan was too lazy to worry about what kind of conch this was. It was so beautiful anyway, and it would be a bit too buried to leave it in the deep sea.

Girls generally like this kind of colorful and sparkling things, maybe A Xiu would like it...

After putting the conch away, Jiang Chuan continued to explore this deep sea area.for a while.

But it seems that there is only this one thing, and I haven't found it after searching for a long time.

"Don't look for it! I guess Aunt San and Grandma don't like this kind of fancy things."

After giving up the search, Jiangchuan returned to the boat.

Uncle San and A Gang also caught several fish with good prices, but they were a little smaller.


It was the seventh day, and the few people returned to the county dock at nine o'clock in the morning.

When contacting Xia Chun to unload the goods, Jiangchuan also called the old man before.

Xia Chun quickly brought seven or eight workers to unload the goods.

Although most of the goods this time were ordinary, he was also surprised because these sardines and hairtails were very energetic.

Especially these hairtails, even some of the hairtails caught will die soon after they are out of the water.

But every time Jiangchuan and his team dragged the fish with a net, the vitality was very good.

This kind of fresh fish is very popular in the market...

Soon, the old man who bought the yellowtail amberjack came over in a hurry!

The old man looked at Jiangchuan with joy and asked, "Boss Jiang, you didn't sell the two yellowtail amberjacks, did you?"

"No, Mr. Lu, I'll keep the two fish for you." Jiangchuan also said with a smile.

"Okay! Boss Jiang, you are thoughtful, and I am grateful.

The fish you bought here is really delicious, and the effect is particularly significant.

So, for these two yellowtail amberjacks, just name a price..."

Lu Guoqiang said with a smile.

Because he knew the effect of Jiangchuan's yellowtail amberjack better than anyone else, no matter how much Jiangchuan offered, he felt it was worth it.

"Old man, you are open-minded. Of course, I can't ask for an exorbitant price.

We have already weighed the two yellowtail amberjacks when they were on the boat.

The total weight is 37 jin. Let's calculate it based on the price I gave Chun Ge last time, 2,000 yuan per jin.

The total is 74,000 yuan."

Jiang Chuan naturally did not ask for an exorbitant price. This price is similar to the market price.

And the efficacy of these fish is indeed better than that of other people's fish.

"Okay, okay...

I will give you 75,000, and the extra 1,000 will be used as a cup of tea to thank you for calling me specially."

Lu Guoqiang nodded repeatedly and transferred 75,000 to Jiang Chuan with a smile.

The smile on his face looked like he had gotten a great deal.

After dealing with the two yellowtail amberjacks, Jiang Chuan began to weigh the hairtail and sardines with Xia Chun.

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