"Okay, I'll think about your words carefully." Seeing that Jiang Chuan was so serious and didn't seem to be joking, Gou Fugui nodded seriously.

He didn't expect to have a child in this life, but if he could have a companion at this age, it might be really good.

"Okay, then the construction site will continue to be handed over to you!

I'll accompany them around..." Jiang Chuan said with a smile, and then started to walk around.

At this time, the foundation was almost completed, and Jiang Chuan didn't know much about this, so he walked around for a while and then accompanied A Xiu back.

A Dong didn't know what was going on, so he said something to Jiang Chuan and went to play with A Gang.

Jiang Chuan bought some cigarettes and alcohol at the store, and then went to his third uncle's house.

"Oh my! It's Xiaochuan and Axiu who are back. Look how well they match each other!

They are both so tall and good-looking.

If they have a baby, it will definitely be very, very beautiful."

After seeing Jiangchuan and He Jinxiu coming over, the uncle at the door hurriedly said to Bao Xiaojuan with a smile.


After a few days of getting to know each other, I think Axiu is really good.

She looks thin, but she is a good worker. She is as strong as a man. Her physical fitness is good." The aunt also smiled and nodded.

"It's okay to be thin.

Our living conditions are good now, and we will slowly gain weight in the future."

While the two were chatting, Jiangchuan and He Jinxiu had already arrived in front of them.

Seeing what Jiangchuan was holding, the uncle and aunt didn't hesitate to pick it up.

If it were in the past, they would definitely not accept it, after all, they all knew how bad Xiaochuan's situation was before.

But now that living conditions are better, they can accept those cigarettes and alcohol with peace of mind.

After returning home, they actually talked about the progress of the chicken farm.

"Xiaochuan, the chicken farm is almost built now.

The problems of drinking water and feed have also been solved. Next, we just need to order a batch of chicks, and then the chicken farm will be officially established.

What do you think is a better name for our chicken farm?" Aunt San also asked with a smile.

When she talked about the chicken farm, her expression was obviously happier.

"Aunt San, let the name be decided by you three. I really don't have any talent in naming." Jiang Chuan shook his head and said.

The main thing is that naming is too troublesome for a while.

The elegant one doesn't sound loud enough, and the loud one doesn't sound elegant. It's better to let them pick one at random.

"Okay, then I won't bother you with such a small matter!" Aunt San nodded.

As they chatted, they talked about the problem of cars and houses.

In the past, because of the difficult family situation, I never thought about buying a house or a car.

But now I have more money, and I definitely have the desire to buy a house and a car.

In the current environment, if there is no house in the county or city, it will be very troublesome for the children to go to school in the future.

At this time, the third uncle asked seriously, "Xiaochuan! Now you have built a villa in the village, have you considered buying another one in the county?

With the money you have now, it should be easy to buy a house in the county."

The couple discussed this matter last night.

Now they have about 1 million yuan in spare money, and they do plan to buy a house in the county.

A Long is now 20 years old, and after graduating from college, it is time for him to find a partner to marry.

In the current social situation, if the man has a house, the success rate of blind dates is also higher.

They also knew that it would be difficult for their eldest son to find a partner with his personality, and he would probably have to go on blind dates.

"Well, I did have such an idea!

House prices have risen very fast in recent years, and there is still room and trend for growth.

So I plan to buy a few more houses, and when I get older and can't go out to sea, I will be a landlord in the county town." Jiang Chuan said half seriously and half jokingly.

Hearing that Jiang Chuan also had this idea, the third aunt immediately said excitedly, "That's great! It just so happens that we have the same idea.

When you want to buy a house, we will go with you.

When we buy a few more houses, it will definitely be cheaper."

If you buy a house in the county town, you will be proud when you go out in the future.

Although it sounds tacky, this damn vanity is still like this.

"Okay! Then let's go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..." Jiang Chuan agreed with a smile.

Anyway, he has a lot of money, so he can go anytime.

In addition, he also wants to buy the land he liked last time to do some business.

"Okay, okay, then tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

After buying a house, you don't have to listen to your uncle bragging during the Chinese New Year..." Aunt San was obviously more excited than Uncle San at this moment.

Every Chinese New Year, when Jiang Chuan's uncle came back, he would brag to them about how good life in the city was and how much people in the city enjoyed themselves.

Every day when you get up, you just need to dance square dance and practice Tai Chi, unlike in the village, where you have endless work to do as soon as you open your eyes.

Many times she wanted to refute, but she couldn't refute it, because they didn't have a house!

"Uncle? It's really a strange name!" Jiang Chuan's expression changed slightly, and he murmured.

Seeing the change in Jiangchuan's expression, the third uncle also hurriedly said to the third aunt, "Okay, why did you tell Xiaochuan this?"

"I just said it!"


After dinner, the two returned home.

Not long after returning home, there was a knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong...

"Who could it be so late?" Jiangchuan asked in confusion.

"Master, it's Pei Xiangnan, I can smell his disgusting smell.

Do you want me to go out and bite him to death?"

Just then, Lele's voice rang in Jiangchuan's mind.

"Pei Xiangnan? What is he doing here?"

After hearing Lele's voice, Jiangchuan became even more confused.

Since the last conflict, he hasn't seen Pei Xiangnan. I don't know what's going on this time?

Does he still want him to compensate for his sticky nets and hooks?

Jiangchuan walked to the door and opened it.

Pei Xiangnan was seen holding a chicken in his left hand and a fruit basket in his right hand, with an unnatural smile on his face.

Jiang Chuan asked in a lukewarm voice, "Boss Pei, what's wrong with you? Are you drunk? Did you go to the wrong door?"

Pei Xiangnan's appearance really confused Jiang Chuan.

"No, no, no, I didn't drink, and I didn't go to the wrong door.

Xiao Chuan! I came here this time to apologize for what happened last time." Pei Xiangnan's smile was even more exaggerated, but it seemed extremely unnatural.

"Apologize? Are you serious?

I'm really a little flattered..." Jiang Chuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his tone was still calm.

"Very serious, especially serious!

Last time, it was indeed because we brothers were too reckless. I have thought about it carefully during this period of time. No matter what, it is the fault of both of us brothers.

I also hope that you can forgive the villain's fault and be tolerant, and don't bother with us small characters." Pei Xiangnan lowered his head, and his voice was particularly sincere.

"Tsk tsk tsk! You are talking in a set way, are you preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Jiang Chuan was indeed very surprised by Pei Xiangnan's apology.

These two brothers are notorious scoundrels in the village, and their hearts are very, very small.

Last time, not only did they lose face in front of everyone, but they also took out 20,000 yuan in compensation.

Did they compromise on this matter?

"No, no, no, why should I take the postgraduate entrance examination at my age! It's a bit difficult to roast sweet potatoes." Pei Xiangnan continued to laugh.

It feels that the muscles on his face are a little stiff at this moment.

Jiang Chuan continued to ask, "Tell me! Is your apology sincere or just a sham?"

"Absolutely sincere.

Okay! Actually, I have seen your recent changes and developments.

I know that you are not on the same level as us now. Going against you is like hitting a stone with an egg, and there will be no good end.

So I really hope that you can forgive my mistakes and forgive my brothers for their recklessness before.

From now on, we will never have any intention of making things difficult for you again. I swear..."

As he said this, Pei Xiangnan used the hand holding the chicken to free up his index and middle fingers and made a swearing gesture.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chuan almost couldn't hold it in.

Pei Xiangnan's words were honest.

Indeed, now they really don't have the qualifications to go against Jiang Chuan in any aspect.

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