"Sorry, Sister Lu, I was just thinking too dirty." Jiang Chuan said with a red face and a little embarrassed.

"It's okay! It's not your fault.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame this society for progressing too fast, and there are many such things.

So it's normal for you to think in this way just now..." Lu Shengnan smiled generously and said indifferently.

In fact, in this position, at this age, you have seen a lot of weird things.

Some unspoken rules in this society are not just male leaders to female subordinates. Female leaders often salivate over some handsome young male subordinates.

Some thirty or forty hungry wolves with picky tastes especially like young people like Jiang Chuan who have just reached adulthood and are tender and tender.

"Haha!!" Jiang Chuan smiled. There are really many such things in the current society.

However, Lu Shengnan was able to say it so frankly, which surprised Jiang Chuan.

"By the way, just leave the matter of renting the land to me.

I still have some say in these aspects, and I will definitely help you do it properly.

But I hope you can also promise me one thing." Lu Shengnan also quickly returned to the topic.

"Sister Lu, please tell me!" Jiang Chuan also nodded seriously.

"Actually, it's a small matter. The old man has been talking about you recently.

I have always said that I want to treat you to a meal, but I see that you seem to be very busy every time, so I didn't dare to say it out loud.

As children, we naturally want to help the old man realize this little wish of the old man, so if you have time, can you accompany the old man for a meal?

Don't worry, it won't take up too much of your time, at most one or two hours." Lu Shengnan also said directly.

"Okay! Of course no problem.

It's my honor that Mr. Lu wants to treat me to a meal. How can I refuse?

As for the matter of renting the land, I'll trouble Sister Lu." Jiang Chuan also agreed without hesitation.

After all, it was just a simple meal with the other party. It was an easy thing for Jiang Chuan, and he could easily take over the wasteland.

There was really no loss for him...

"Don't worry, leave it to me!

I will do my best to get you the best discount." Lu Shengnan also nodded with a smile.

It was a pleasure to deal with such a straightforward person.


After a while, Lu Shengnan changed her work clothes and put on a black waisted long skirt. After removing her makeup, Jiang Chuan actually felt that Lu Shengnan looked pretty without makeup.

Thirty-something years old is actually not that old.

Especially for those who are rich and know how to take care of themselves, this age is the most charming age.

"It seems that Sister Lu was definitely a great beauty when she was young." Jiang Chuan also secretly praised in his heart.

Of course, this is just a pure appreciation, because Jiang Chuan really has no idea about this big sister who is much older than him.

Moreover, for him who has a golden finger, there is no need to deliberately take shortcuts!

More than half an hour later, Lu Shengnan brought Jiang Chuan to a private manor in the suburbs.

The manor looked like it was about two or three thousand square meters, and it was built very luxuriously and grandly, feeling like the back garden of an ancient emperor.

Around the walls of the manor, there were all kinds of flowers planted, and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

A pair of big stone lions at the door, looking mighty.

"Mr. Jiang, we are here, this is my home!"

After parking the car, Lu Shengnan said with a smile.

"It's so luxurious!" Jiang Chuan also sighed sincerely.

I have to say that rich people really enjoy life.

After entering the manor, the manor was renovated quite grandly, with mountains and water, a scene every five steps, a painting every ten steps, and the scenery changes with every step, which is beautiful!

"When I have money, I must build a manor that is more luxurious and grand than this!" Jiang Chuan thought secretly in his heart.

After walking for a while, under the guidance of Lu Shengnan, the two finally came to the main hall.

Lu Guoqiang was tasting tea at the high-end tea table, and two women dressed as nannies were busy in the living room.

Apart from this, there was no one in the main hall...

Lu Guoqiang, who was tasting tea seriously, did not realize that Lu Shengnan and Jiang Chuan had come, and was still drinking tea seriously.

Lu Shengnan said, "Dad, look who I brought to you!!"

Hearing his daughter's voice, Lu Guoqiang also hurriedly raised his head and looked at the door.

Then he saw the familiar and handsome face.

"Mr. Jiang? Oh my...

Why are you here!!"

Lu Guoqiang immediately put down the teacup in his hand, stood up suddenly, with an extremely excited look on his old face.

The feeling was obviously much more exciting than seeing his daughter, and even his eyes stayed on Jiang Chuan, not even looking at Lu Shengnan beside him.

"Old man, can you stop calling me Mr. Jiang in the future?

It sounds weird, you can call me Xiaochuan in the future! My elders call me that, it sounds intimate."

Jiang Chuan also said with a smile.

Jiang Chuan has always had a good impression of Lu Guoqiang in front of him.

Because this is a very elegant and polite old man.

Every time he calls Jiang Chuan, it is either Mr. Jiang or Boss Jiang, and every time he speaks, he uses a respectful title.

"Okay, okay! Xiaochuan is Xiaochuan, come and sit down quickly.

Just now someone sent me some new tea, how about you try it?" Lu Guoqiang smiled and nodded, took Jiang Chuan's hand and sat down at the tea table.

Then a series of complicated operations began, and Jiang Chuan looked at a loss.

In his opinion, better tea leaves can be directly brewed in a thermos cup, and it is really troublesome to wash and rinse.

"Come, try it!!" After a while, Lu Guoqiang handed a cup of tea to Jiangchuan.

Jiangchuan also smiled and thanked, "Thank you, old man."

Lu Guoqiang couldn't wait to ask, "How does it taste?"

"Well, it tastes good..." Jiangchuan also said with a very polite smile.

For him, it is really hard to taste the quality of tea.

It seems that there is no big difference between tea worth tens of thousands of yuan and tea worth one or two hundred yuan.

Just like wine, it is difficult for people who don't like wine to taste the quality of wine.

"Aunt Li, quickly bring my two boxes of snacks over and let Xiaochuan taste them." Lu Guoqiang said to one of the nannies again.

At this time, Lu Shengnan slowly approached, looking at Lu Guoqiang in astonishment, and whispered, "Dad... didn't you see that I was here too?"

"I saw it! I saw it just now..." Lu Guoqiang nodded seriously.

Lu Shengnan pretended to be wronged, "Then your attitude, is it a little different from what I've seen?"

Lu Guoqiang waved his hand unhappily and ordered directly, "Okay, okay, I can see you eight hundred times a year, I'm tired of seeing you, how many times can I see Xiaochuan a year?

You're already in your thirties, and you're still jealous!

Go to the kitchen quickly to help Aunt Liu prepare more dishes, and take out the two bottles of Maozi in my study, I'm going to have a good drink with Xiaochuan later!"

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