"Aunt San, Xiu, you two tie up all these crabs.

My uncle and I will pull up the other three cages."

After saying that, Jiang Chuan immediately pulled up the other three crab cages.

The crabs in the previous crab cage should weigh about 100 kilograms. If the next three crab cages also have such a harvest, then the harvest of this trip is also quite good.

Soon, the second crab cage was pulled up.

The crabs in this crab cage were not as many as the previous one, but Jiang Chuan saw different species of crabs in it.

Most of them were still orchid crabs, and there were also some red flower crabs and eels...

After putting the crab cages away, the two continued to pull out the remaining two crab cages, and the harvest was also very good.

Although there were not as many crabs as in the first crab cage, the goods inside were also about 60 to 70 kilograms.

In total, there should be about 300 kilograms of goods, most of which were crabs.

There are also a small amount of seafood such as eels and octopuses...

In general, the harvest of these crab cages is quite good.


Binding crabs is a very, very troublesome thing.

Especially for Jiangchuan, who has little experience in tying crabs, this kind of work is even slower.

Uncle San and Aunt San are very fast, and A Xiu is also very fast, only Jiangchuan is slow.

The three of them basically tied up three crabs before Jiangchuan can tie up one.

At this time, a crab was pinching Jiangchuan's index finger, fighting wits and courage with Jiangchuan.

Jiangchuan looked calm, "Oh! This little thing dared to pinch me.

And the force of the pinch is so strong.

It's so lively, it will be delicious when it is steamed later."

After such a long period of strengthening, Jiangchuan didn't feel any pain at all when this little crab pinched his finger, and even felt a little fun.

Aunt San, who was sitting opposite, saw this scene and looked at Jiang Chuan in surprise and asked, "Xiao Chuan, you... don't you feel pain?"

These orchid crabs are all very big, basically about 200 grams.

If you get bitten on the head, you can imagine how sour it feels.

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Chuan was bitten, he not only did not take the crab away immediately, but was still playing with the crab leisurely, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

"It doesn't hurt! I even feel quite good when it's bitten." Jiang Chuan said seriously.

Indeed, this feeling is not only not painful, but also a little bit itchy and pleasant.


After hearing Jiang Chuan's words, He Jinxiu looked at Jiang Chuan with a surprised face.

Then it dawned on her! !

Unexpectedly... Brother Chuan actually has a habit of liking to be bitten.

Uncle San chuckled, "How can you be so tough at such a young age?"


It took four people more than two hours to tie up the 300-jin crabs.

Some of the crabs had broken arms and legs, and were not in good condition.

Such crabs usually do not sell for a good price in the market.

"Xiaochuan, why don't I cook all the remaining crabs later?

Anyway, even if you take them to the purchasing station, the price of these incomplete crabs will be very low."

After cleaning up the remaining goods, Aunt San looked at Jiangchuan and said.

If you keep these incomplete crabs for yourself, the taste is exactly the same as those crabs in good condition.

But if you take them to the purchasing station to sell, the price may not reach one-third.

So it is more cost-effective to eat them yourself.

"Okay, Third Aunt!

Let's take a break first, and then we can cook.

I'll make you a cup of tea first."

After nodding, Jiang Chuan went to make tea.

When making tea, he added some spiritual liquid to the tea.

The few people who worked just now were very tired, and using spiritual liquid to strengthen their bodies can also eliminate fatigue faster.

While drinking tea, Third Uncle also began to report his gains just now.

"Xiaochuan, the crab cages have a very good harvest this time.

Just now I roughly weighed it with the scale on our ship. The number of orchid crabs is the largest, with a total of 192 kilograms.

I didn't add pictures yesterday, so I'll make up for it. Orchid crabs

Then there are red flower crabs, with a total weight of 81 kilograms.

Red flower crabs

There are also 20 kilograms of red hair crabs, two eels, 16 kilograms...

Sea eels

I also roughly calculated that the total value of this batch of goods should be around 80,000 yuan.

If you don't count the crown snails, the harvest of this trip should be around 250,000 or 260,000!"

Uncle San also simply calculated the harvest of this trip.

Compared with the previous ones, this timeSuch a harvest is indeed not much.

However, the shells of the two Tang crown snails, plus the pink pearl, may be able to exceed 1 million.

After all, Xiaochuan said that this thing is extremely precious.

Two shells plus a pearl, it should not be a problem to sell for 500,000 or 600,000.

"Two hundred and five hundred or sixty thousand...

Add two Tang crown snails and pearls, and the harvest is already very good.

Let's return to the ship. I'm afraid that Aunt San and A Xiu can't stand it if it takes too long." Jiangchuan took a sip of tea and then spoke.

In fact, the big head harvest this time is not those sea breams and crabs, nor Tang crown snails and the pearl.

Jiangchuan thinks that the most valuable should be the more than 400 Yuan Datou coins buried in the deep sea for nearly a hundred years.

Although he has no research on Yuan Datou, since it has been buried in the seabed for nearly a hundred years, it must be genuine.

Even if there is a certain degree of corrosion, the price should not be too low.

After returning, I can let Su Zhengtian open his eyes.

"Well, you are right!

These two days, I saw that your Third Aunt and A Xiu looked a little haggard.

Going to the sea is indeed not suitable for women." Third Uncle also nodded in agreement.

"The meal is here...

The freshest halal orchid crab, come and try it quickly.

And I made those swimming crabs into drunken crabs, Xiaochuan, you come and try them, these fresh swimming crabs are the most delicious when made into drunken crabs."

While these two were chatting, Third Aunt came over with two plates.

One plate contained steamed orchid crabs, and looking at the red crabs made people feel hungry.

There was also a portion of drunken crabs, which exuded a faint aroma of wine and smelled particularly delicious.

This freshest swimming crab, when used to make drunken crabs when it is fresh, is indeed the best taste.

"There are also braised pig's trotters. They have been stewed for several hours. They are soft and sticky. It's just right to eat them now."

A Xiu also came over with a large bowl of braised pig's trotters in a large soup bowl.


Today's lunch is so rich!

Drunken crabs are my favorite..." Jiang Chuan pursed his lips and said greedily.

"Come on, you two have been busy for so long, sit down and eat together!" Uncle San smiled happily.

"You and Xiao Chuan eat first. I still have two vegetables that I haven't prepared yet. Come over and eat them after I'm done.

Eat quickly. Steamed crabs are not delicious when they are cold..."

Aunt San said with a smile and ran out of the kitchen again.

A Xiu also ran into the kitchen again, "I'll bring the rice over."

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