Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 14 Timidity is an excellent quality

Na Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Wrong, everyone was wrong before. It turns out that the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace in the past was wasted. Haha, they are all idiots! They are worse than two children. Do you know, Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is a famous useless spiritual furnace. Although it is possible to improve innate spiritual power, the probability is very low. First of all, professionals who can absorb Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace are rare, and the success rate is very low. And obtained After the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, the possibility of improving your innate spiritual power through it is even lower. It may only increase by one or two points in a lifetime. The reason why the Magic Temple took it out before is because you are close to the Son of the Elements. Even a slight increase in magic power will be of great help. After all, once the talent reaches a certain level, it is extremely difficult to make further progress. Therefore, they are just trying. After all, Yuan Vortex Spirit Although the stove is useless, it does not take up space and has no load.”

"You must know the preciousness of the spiritual furnace. Therefore, I can be sure that no one with innate spiritual power as low as Kong Kong has ever tried to absorb the Yuan Vortex Spirit furnace before. As everyone knows, the special thing about this Yuan Vortex Spirit furnace is that it is very possible It needs people with as low an innate spiritual power as possible to absorb it in order to get the greatest help. Especially a top loser like Kong Kong who has low innate magic spiritual power and innate internal spiritual power!"

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, "Teacher, is it really okay for you to say that about your apprentice?"

Na Ye's mood had changed at this time, he laughed and said: "I am praising you!"

"Praise me? Do you feel like you have found a treasure?" Long Kongkong said with a smile, and he also imitated Na Ye and tilted his arms.

Naye gave him a slap in the face angrily, "Stand still for me. I can only say that you are lucky to have picked up a treasure, and it is not completely useless. You may have uncovered it by accident." The mystery of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. For this spiritual furnace, I think the condition for true fusion may be that one’s own talent is poor enough and it contains very little spiritual power.”

"The fusion of the spiritual furnace is guided by the spiritual power of the host. Normally, the spiritual furnace requires the host to reach a certain amount of spiritual power before it can fuse. But this Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace probably does the opposite. , the lower the spiritual power, the better the integration, and the effect will be truly released after it reaches a certain level. The less it is interfered by the host's spiritual power, the better the effect will be when swallowing and absorbing the energy of the outside world. You like this The one-of-a-kind useless talent has fully stimulated its characteristics. When I used Archangel's Embrace before, I discovered that your absorption method is different from your brother's. Your brother's skin and pores fully absorb it. And you almost only rely on the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace to absorb. But the total amount absorbed is a little more for you. This is the role of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace."

"In just one week, your innate spiritual power can be increased by five points. This is absolutely unprecedented in the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. If you can keep improving at this rate, it is not impossible to catch up with your brother in the future."

"Ah?" Long Kongkong was stunned, "Catching up with my brother? I don't want it! I just want to lie down. Why do I need such a good talent?"

Na Ye's eyes became a little sinister, "That's not up to you. Once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. I will teach you well."

Long Kongkong was dumbfounded. He thought that this holy knight was tricked by him before, but now he felt that he was the one who was tricked!

Long Dangdang said with a smile: "Then it's hard work, senior. Well, he just needs better control. Otherwise, he will be too indulgent."

"I pinched my nose and admitted it. However, I have a condition." Naye looked at Long Dangdang with twinkling eyes.

"What conditions?" Long Dangdang asked curiously.

Naye narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "That is, Long Kongkong will be a genius of the Knights Temple in the future, and you will only be a member of the Magic Temple. No matter when, you cannot join the Knights Temple, especially you cannot worship The Holy Knights of the Knights Templar are my masters. If you agree, I will forgive you for your deception just now.”

"Brother, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so I can't agree to it." Long Kongkong immediately ruined the situation.

"Shut up!" Naye angrily sealed his mouth with a light element.

"Then can I learn knight skills from you? I'm worried that I need to cover up Kongkong before his talent grows." Long Dangdang said.

"Of course you can. From now on, you two can learn from me together. But Kong Kong and I have a master-disciple contract, so I can't accept you as a disciple." Having said this, Na Ye was still a little bit resentful. Of course he would rather accept a truly top talent like Long Dangdang! The Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace currently seems to have good growth potential, but who knows whether this thing can maintain rapid growth? How can there be eighty-seven fragrances of innate inner spiritual power?

"Okay. Then shall we go to the Spiritual Furnace Academy you mentioned?" Long Dangdang asked.

The corner of Na Ye's mouth twitched, "No need. What is he going to do with his current talent? Will he be ridiculed? Just stay here and practice, I will teach you here. When necessary, Dangdang you still have to play his identity. By the way , who gave you such a damaging idea and asked you to pretend to be someone else? And you also dared to defraud the temple’s spiritual furnace. You two are really brave!"

"No one, it's just the two of us who came up with it. The main reason is that I don't want my brother to be bored at home." Naturally, Long Dangdang would not confess his father or mother.

"Okay, you go back first. I will make Kongkong have the conditions to absorb the Holy Spiritual Furnace as soon as possible, and then find him a Holy Spiritual Furnace. This will be regarded as fulfilling the previous promise. It will also make it easier for you to hide your identity."

It wasn't until he left the Knights Temple that Long Dangdang felt his back was soaked with cold sweat. That was a ninth-level knight! Long Kongkong looked indifferent.

"Where are we going to play?" Long Kongkong put his arms around Long Dangdang's neck. The feeling of being protected by his brother at the critical moment made him forgive his brother.

"You still want to play? Go home quickly. You must tell your father and mother immediately about this matter. That is a ninth-level holy knight. Do you know what a holy knight is? That is the top strongman in the Federation. It’s still the strongest temple. If your Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace hadn’t really allowed your innate spiritual power to grow, I don’t know how it would have ended.”

Long Dangdang took the reluctant Long Kongkong back home directly, and immediately told his parents what happened in the Knights Temple today.

"That leaf? That leaf, Gou Knight?" Long Leilei and Ling Xue looked at each other.

"Dog Knight? Dad, Mom, are you polite to say that my teacher is polite?" Long Kongkong said with some dissatisfaction. He didn't know why, but it seemed that after having the master-disciple agreement, he felt a special sense of closeness to the old man.

"It's not a dog, it's the last word of Gou Gou in Flying Camp." Long Leilei explained.

"Dad, it would be better if you didn't explain." Long Dangdang said quietly.

Long Kongkong was a little nervous, "Is this person bad?"

Long Leilei shook his head, "There's nothing wrong with it. He's also a Holy Knight after all. It's your chance. However, I really didn't expect that the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace could have such an effect. Kong Kong, this is your big opportunity. ! If your innate spiritual power can continue to improve and you have a ninth-level knight as your teacher, your future will definitely be limitless and you will not be inferior to your brother. You have to work hard yourself."

Long Kongkong looked depressed, is this what I want? I just want to lie down! When he thought about the two days of desperate weekend, he couldn't help but feel even more sad and angry. How will we live from now on?

After the two brothers went to rest, Long Leilei and Ling Xue looked at each other. Ling Xue couldn't help but murmured: "Birds of a feather flock together, and Kong Kong's character really goes well with that Gou Knight."

Long Leilei said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with it. I have always believed that timidity is the best quality of a child. As parents, do we still expect our children to have the courage to save us in times of danger? ? What we hope more is that they can protect themselves when they are in danger, and hope that they can be safe. Therefore, it would be good if Kongkong learns from this Gou knight and learns to be timid. It is better than him being late all day long. It’s so easy to be lazy.”


Early the next morning, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong returned to Temple Academy. As soon as they arrived in their own classes, they received notice that the first general meeting of the first-year students would finally be held one week after entering the school.

Although it is only one grade, each branch has five classes with 150 students, and the six branches add up to 900 students.

The meeting was held in the central square of the college. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong each walked at the forefront of their own classes and arrived at the square one after another.

As soon as Long Kongkong and his squad of knights arrived at the square, his eyes began to look around, especially towards the three magic systems.

Sure enough, compared to knights, warriors and assassins, there are much more girls among magicians, summoners and priests, especially in the priest academy, where almost two-thirds are girls.

Long Kongkong only felt that his eyes were almost not enough. Tenglong City was full of handsome boys and beauties. Looking around, it was really dazzling. However, he felt that the average appearance of the magician class was the best.

Long Dangdang stood in front of the magic class. At this time, he was thinking about the control of elements. His meditation effect has been very good these days, especially last night. After his body was washed by the Archangel's Embrace, his mind became clearer and his perception of the elements became clearer. Early this morning, when he was trying element manipulation, he was able to successfully condense the light element. For a magician, although this is the first step, it is also the most important step. As long as the elements can be condensed and controlled, the next step is to form magic by guiding the elements. In practice, it is to condense the elements and transform them into one's own magical spiritual power.

As for what the plenary meeting was going to do today, he didn't think much about it. What could happen at the plenary meeting?

At this moment, a group of people walked up to the platform about two meters high in front of the central square. They all seemed to be older teachers, and their different clothes showed their different professions.

Long Kongkong glanced at the stage in boredom, and the next moment, his body tensed up.

Who is that? His hair and beard were messy, and he had changed into clean clothes. He looked much more energetic, but his lazy temperament had not changed much. Wasn't it the same Na Ye they had just met yesterday and accepted him as their disciple?

Naye's eyes immediately found Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. Judging from their appearance alone, he couldn't tell who the two brothers were, but from their school uniforms and demeanor, he could quickly tell which one was the most talented. He is his disciple.

When Long Kongkong found that he was also looking at him, with a mysterious smile on his face, he didn't know why, but he felt something bad.

At this moment, an old man walked to the front of the platform and said in a calm voice: "Hello, classmates. I am Tong Lei, the dean of Tenglong Branch of Temple College. Today is the second week of your school. First of all, on behalf of the college, I , welcome you to join.”

"As we all know, Temple College is the only way for you to get to the temple. But this road is not that easy to walk. According to our statistics, among the branches in all provinces and cities of the federation, in the end, The average probability of being able to graduate successfully and enter the temple to become a formal member of the six major temples is only 4.3%. Yes, it is that low. Now is a peaceful era, and the operation of the temple requires a lot of resources, so, The assessment for new members is particularly harsh. If you fail to become a fifth-level professional in the graduation exam in twelve years, then you will have to find your own way out and will not be able to enter the temple."

"Therefore, hard work never means waiting until the last moment to sharpen your skills, but starts from the day you enter the academy. Only in this way can you surpass others and become the ultimate winner. Become a glorious saint. Members of the palace. In the academy, you will have a unified examination every two years. Those who fail the examination will also be expelled. Therefore, I have said so much to you today, hoping that you can have a sense of urgency in your hearts. Be able to really tense up and enhance your subjective initiative. What I hope most is to see that you can all successfully graduate from the college in the future. Although I think this is impossible now, I still hope that in the future you can make it happen. I saw a miracle happen."

"Today is our first meeting. Now, let me introduce to you the new first-year group leader. He will be responsible for the overall affairs of all first-year students in the six branches."

As he spoke, the old dean turned around and made a gesture of invitation in the direction of the teachers standing in a row behind him.

As Long Dangdang's eyes straightened, Long Kongkong opened his mouth wide. With a smile on his face, Naye walked to the front in a normal manner and stood next to the old dean.

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