Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 344 Challenge the Eighth Level

When Tao Linlin was young, she showed considerable talent, with an innate spiritual power as high as eighty. For him who was born in a small city, this is already the top level. At that time, it was also the time when he was most proud. In their small place, he had always been the leader among his peers and the first in all professions in the college.

He also became the first student in their small town to be admitted to the Spiritual Furnace Academy in the past hundred years with the best results. He still clearly remembered that on the day he left the small town, many people he knew and did not know came to see him off. Many people even gave his parents money to ask him to work hard and bring glory to the town. It was from that time that he made up his mind to practice hard and become a truly strong person.

Full of firm belief and perseverance, he came to Linglu Academy with his head held high and became a member of Linglu Academy. However, it was only the first day he entered Spirit Furnace Academy when he received a blow to the head.

In that palace, under the light of the spiritual furnace of wisdom, he was evaluated as having average qualifications.

His first reaction at that time was: Did he hear wrongly? His qualifications were average? My innate spiritual power is eighty, so I am obviously the best! How come you are here and your qualifications are mediocre?

The dissatisfaction in his heart quickly disappeared. When he actually entered Lingluo Academy, he realized how fair the average evaluation was.

The first time the class was tested, yes, the first time, he was ranked eleventh, and there were only thirty people in the class. What is this if not medium? That time, it was a huge blow to him, and it also allowed him to see what the world of true genius is.

Only later did he realize what the true genius was that overpowered Tongji. The huge Tyrant Hammer left a very deep impression on him. At that time, she was so heroic with that giant hammer that she silenced all other voices in the grade. Even professions like knights and magicians, no one can compete with them. She let everyone know that just because the Warrior Temple was ranked lower than the six major temples, it did not mean that the Warriors were not powerful. At that time, he only felt that he was so small.

However, he was not discouraged. If he had been discouraged at that time, there would be no Taolinlin later.

He began to put in more effort than others and practiced hard every moment. Innate inner spiritual power may not be considered the best, so you should put in more effort in other aspects. No one knows how much difficulty he suffered in tempering his own mental power.

Step by step, his ranking is improving with every assessment. He is as handsome as a girl, but he has a persevering heart of steel. This was not his own evaluation, but the evaluation of his later mentor, the plant psychic in the Soul Temple. It was also the fundamental reason why he was able to worship this ninth-level powerful master.

He has always worked harder than others, spending almost all his energy on cultivation. However, perhaps due to the limitation of his talent, he still could not get the favor of the Wisdom Spirit Furnace of Spirit Furnace Academy. But he is still not discouraged. He always believes that talent is important, but so is hard work.

In the third grade, he shined in the early-arriving Demon Hunting Group Trials, becoming the second summoner besides Cai Caijuan, and his overall ranking was also very high. But even he didn't expect that he could become teammates with the goddess Monroe. At that time, he was very unfamiliar with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. However, to him, what was even more surprising, or pleasant, was that he actually became teammates with the girl who once shocked his soul with a Tyrant Hammer and gave him endless motivation to move forward.

Even his friends have never noticed that he rarely talks to Wang Changxin. That was not because of fear, but because he was afraid that he might accidentally say something. There are some things that have always been hidden deep in the heart.

After becoming a member of the demon hunting group, he worked harder and harder, because now he had become teammates with her! No matter what, you can't hold her back. Although compared to others, his talent is really nothing. Seeing Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong shine, he worked hard to move forward and follow, trying his best to prevent himself from falling behind.

She spoke very little, and he could only watch her silently. But as long as he could see her often, he felt that no matter how bitter cultivation was, there would be sweetness behind the bitterness.

The arrival of the inheritance competition was really unexpected, and he was really not prepared. I even participated in the competition in a daze. In the first round, he was lucky enough to draw a weaker opponent, or in other words, he had become stronger without knowing it.

In the second round, he encountered a strong opponent and almost tried his best to defeat him. And precisely because of this victory, he suddenly realized something. If, if I can win another game, I will enter the top six of this temple. After entering the top six, won't I be able to become a real true person like Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, Ling Menglu, and her? Have you prepared the church? Does this count as catching up with her to a certain extent!

But he also clearly saw how powerful the opponent behind him was. He didn't know who he would meet, but others were also faced with the situation of entering the top six with just one more win. Can he win? Can you defeat those geniuses who are better than yourself, or even older? His heart was hesitant. However, he really wanted to win, really, really wanted to prove himself. One day, he might really be able to stand upright in front of her and speak out what was in his heart. Although, he may still not dare to do it at that time, but at least he has a little bit of qualifications?

Dog licking is a despicable act and will not end well. He had heard this said by many people. But the reason why there are so many licking dogs in this world is because of the longing for inner beauty? Simple love is actually a kind of inner satisfaction. At least that's what he thought. Therefore, no matter what, he has to win, and he must win this game. At least in his own mind, only in this way can he be qualified to approach her.

"Taolinlin, we've drawn lots." Taolinlin was suddenly tapped on the shoulder and frightened her.

The person who photographed him was a familiar friend from the Soul Temple. Tao Linlin said angrily: "Luo Xian, do you know that scaring people can scare them to death?"

Luo Xian looked at him with some doubts and said: "Why do I feel that something is wrong with you today? Do you want to win but are afraid of losing? You can't win in this state!"

Tao Linlin coughed, "Who said I want to win but am afraid of losing? I will win, okay?"

Luo Xian pouted, "Come on. Let's see who your opponent is. Everyone else has drawn lots, and you are the only one left. Just go through the motions."

Tao Linlin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that when he was stunned before, everyone else had already finished drawing lots. And except for him, everyone else has finished smoking. In other words, his opponent has actually been decided.

"Who am I with?" Tao Linlin blurted out.

Luo Xian pursed his lips in one direction, "It's her. Let's just go through the motions. You can't win."

Tao Linlin looked in the direction of his mouth, and her face suddenly turned pale.

He couldn't help but be white. It was a woman with long black hair and wearing a black magic robe with feather patterns on it. He looks like he is in his early twenties. But Tao Linlin and the others knew that she was already twenty-seven years old. Her name is Black Feather, and she is the third seed in the Soul Temple, yes, the third seed. You know, the white phoenix Cai Caijuan, who is as famous as Zisang Liuying and Ling Menglu, is only the fourth seed. This year’s Soul Temple is really strong. And Heiyu is exactly what Tao Linlin and Long Dangdang told them yesterday, one of the three spiritual emperors whose cultivation has reached the eighth level.

Summoners, the seventh level is the Spirit Guider, the eighth level is the Spirit Emperor, and the ninth level is the Psychic.

It has to be said that luck is really bad. Even if we don't take into account the situation of the seeded players encountering each other, there is only a three-eighth chance of winning the top three, but Tao Linlin won the prize. Although this was by no means a reward he wanted.

There was a moment of hesitation in my heart, seventh level vs. eighth level, and the eighth level that can participate in this kind of inheritance competition, how can it be an ordinary eighth level? Is this something I can defeat? Perhaps Luo Xian was right. It was really just a formality. It was absolutely not unfair to lose to the eighth-level Spirit Emperor. What's more, this Spirit Emperor was still her. She could really be said to be a legend under the age of thirty. ah!

No one knows what Tao Linlin is thinking at this time. Today, the inheritance competition in the Summoner Temple has begun.

Tao Linlin took a look at his lottery position. He played in the third group of confrontations, which was a good position. At least he didn't have to be the first to play and was caught off guard.

Sit down in a corner by yourself. If you are not a seeded player, you will not have a fixed position. She peeked at Kuroyu, who was just sitting there calmly, expressionless, just like she usually did.

Tao Linlin rubbed her eyes, lowered her head, and did not look at the game going on in the field. Facing such a powerful opponent, what should I do? give up? It's impossible. Before coming, I had already made up my mind to give it my all. You must enter the top six. Only in this way can you stand in the same position as your friends and participate in the finals together.

If it were Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, or even Long Kongkong and her..., would they shrink back because the opponents they faced were powerful?

Could it be that the opponents he faced were stronger than Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong? They can even defeat the Adamantine Pedestal Knight. What they can do, why can't they do it themselves? What's more, Dangdang is so helpful to himself. Must win!

Subconsciously, he clenched his hands. It lasted for more than ten seconds, letting his nails pierce into the palm of his hand, and feeling the sting, he gradually let go of his hand.

He released his summoner's staff from the storage bracelet, which was not very outstanding, just a brilliance level. He pressed the cold staff against his forehead, feeling the cold touch from it, and feeling the With the cold stimulation, Tao Linlin's eyes gradually calmed down.

Perhaps the eighth-level opponent is stronger and older than him. But why do they have such a unique opportunity? With the help of my friends' wisdom furnace, my cultivation level has been improving very, very quickly. Why should we have no faith? No matter what, we must use all our strength to win this battle. Slowly closing his eyes, his whole body gradually became calm.

Perhaps feeling something, Heiyu, who was sitting in front, turned around and glanced in Tao Linlin's direction, intentionally or unintentionally. When she saw Taolinlin calmly closing her eyes, she couldn't help but feel... There was a flash of surprise, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He had an interesting opponent.

Examining oneself and adjusting the state, this is what Tao Linlin did in the previous two Summoner games. He did not go to watch other people's games, but focused all his attention on his own upcoming game. Empty yourself completely, don't think about gains and losses, just focus.

It wasn't until his name was read that Tao Linlin slowly opened her eyes and stood up. Kuroyu, who was sitting in the front row, was already walking into the trial venue.

The two of them walked into the trial venue one after another and stood on either side.

The referee said solemnly: "Both sides prepare, five seconds countdown."

Without any hesitation, Tao Linlin immediately raised her staff, and at the same time the space around her opened up, summoning her natal summons, the Demon-Suppressing Tree.

The black feather on the opposite side looked more calm. There was a faint halo of light rippling on the black magic robe on her body, making her look more and more agile. And around Heiyu, layers of faint energy ripples appeared. He grasped the void in his right hand, and a black light followed. It was a strange staff. The staff was completely black, with a black gem on the top. The most peculiar thing was that there were a pair of black wings spread out on both sides of the gem, just like her name. Obviously, this is not a staff with inheritance, but one completely customized according to Black Feather's own requirements and abilities.

The staff passed through the void, and a dark light door opened in front of him. With the appearance of the light door, a sharp bird song also sounded. Amidst the flapping sounds of wings, each eye was red, and the wingspan Large crows nearly two meters tall with dark golden beaks swarmed out and flew straight towards the peach forest. Instant, Raven's Gate! Specific summoning magic.

The spell in Taolinlin's mouth was always chanting. In the light door beside him, the huge demon-suppressing tree had turned from virtual to real, exuding powerful aura fluctuations, and thick branches were flying in the wind.

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