Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 368 Dual cultivation of protection and punishment?

As the saying goes, once you make great efforts, you will be exhausted again and again. He is exhausted and I am full, so I can overcome him. This is the perfect word to describe the battle between Long Kongkong and Discipline Priest.

After Long Kongkong blocked the first round of deliberate explosions from the Discipline Priest, although the opponent tried to explode again, Long Kongkong, who was prepared, did not give his opponent a chance at all. With the Shield of Fear and Sorrow in his hand, he can steadily resist the opponent's attacks every time. The opponent couldn't break his defense at all. At the same time, he would also be subject to the emotional repercussions of this immortal shield.

The biggest trouble caused by emotional backlash is the inability to connect attacks. After attacking Long Kongkong once, he would have to pause to relieve the emotional pressure. How could an attack that couldn't be connected break the defense of a guardian knight wearing an adamantine base armor?

At this point in the battle, there is no longer any suspense. Then it's a matter of time. In the end, when the opponent's spiritual power was devoured to the point of being unsustainable, the battle ended, and Long Kongkong achieved two consecutive victories. Defeated the opponent again.

However, when he came off the competition stage, he was not in such a good mood. I was actually a little frightened by my opponent's first attack. This Discipline Priest's attack power is quite strong. If it weren't for the self-protection of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, he might really be overturned.

"Remember what I told you before, what method I would use if I fought with you?" Long Dangdang took over his brother and said in a deep voice.

Long Kongkong scratched his head and said nothing.

"No one who can enter the top thirty-six is ​​weak. Your fighting style is also seen by everyone. How could you not do research and take action? Go back and think about how you should face such a problem. Tomorrow you will face Shi Zeyu. He can become the number one seed in the Knights Temple, and he is absolutely very strong. He is also an Adamantine Base Knight, with a family background, he will not lack a spiritual furnace, and his cultivation level is even higher. He has reached level eight. If you want to qualify from the group of death, he will be one of your biggest opponents. Only if you win this game will you have a chance. If you lose, you will have almost no chance of qualifying in this group. Don't Forgot what we are going to do next.”

After listening to his brother's words, Long Kongkong raised his head to look at him, and then nodded heavily twice.

Long Dangdang patted him on the shoulder and said nothing more.

Without the Kingdom of the Dead, so many things would not have happened. He would rather his brother had been lazy and he would have worked harder to protect him, without him having to bear any pressure.

However, facing an uncertain future and facing the most difficult challenge that is about to come, he cannot bear it on his own shoulders. He needs the concerted efforts of his younger brother. Only in this way can the small trace of possibility be amplified.

After returning to the residence and having a simple meal, everyone gathered together to practice. If you insist on practicing every day in a highly stressful competition like the Inheritance Competition, the effect will be better than when you practice normally. Stress often turns into motivation.

The round robin has been going on for two days, and the situation of each group has begun to emerge. Except for the brave Zisang Liuying, who was a master of arts and had one win and one loss because he gave up one game, some popular players almost all won two games. Among them, the most eye-catching ones are the top seeded players from each major temple.

On the third day of the competition, the most important focus battle was naturally the collision between the No. 1 seed and the No. 2 seed Knight Temple from the group of death. They are both adamantine base knights but have completely different fighting methods. This game will definitely become extremely exciting.

In the previous games, there were basically no upsets. Yue Li had no choice but to meet the Son of Samsara in the same group for the first time. Facing the No. 1 seed of the Assassin Temple, Yue Li was born and restrained the magician. She was defeated again, losing three times in a row. She currently has the worst results among the team.

Tao Linlin's opponent today was a warrior. With the power of the golden demon-suppressing tree and the entanglement of the summoned beast, he finally won his second victory.

Long Dangdang, Ling Menglu, and Wang Changxin won successively. However, in the next scene, Wang Changxin will meet for the first time. It will be her biggest challenge in this group.

Zisang Liuying, Tang Leiguang, Chuyu, and Cai Caijuan won the competition respectively. The focus battle and the battle for the chief knight will also officially begin.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stood side by side, looking at the playing field. After consecutive games, although everyone’s recovery is good, they are still somewhat mentally exhausted. Long Kongkong was in a special state at this time, he was excited and a little nervous at the same time. After all, he had to face Shi Zeyu, who was definitely not inferior to him in all aspects. The top seed in the Knights Temple.

And the top seed will never be polite to the two brothers. After all, as a dragon knight, Long Dangdang might take away his almost predetermined position as the leader of the Knights Temple.

"Nervous?" Long Dangdang asked.

"A bit." Long Kongkong nodded.

"Is the Rat King done?" Long Dangdang asked.

"It's done. It's a lot of delicious food." Kongkong was also a little helpless towards the Rat King Dragon. My arrogant blood contract mount partner is really a bit unreliable. Don't really listen to him. But facing Shi Zeyu today was different from the previous games. Without a mount partner, he didn't have to fight.

It's no secret that Shi Zeyu's mount is a bright unicorn king. It is also the tenth level of growth potential. Moreover, the unicorn has always been known as the most suitable mount for knights. Although it is not as famous as the giant dragon, it is definitely the top existence. It will be a great blessing to Shi Zeyu. It can be said that wearing the adamantine base armor and riding the Bright Unicorn King, he will never be inferior to ordinary ninth-level powerhouses in terms of strength. How could the number one seed of the Knight Temple, ranked first among the six temples, be Yi Yi?

Long Dang said: "Don't let him eat the Bright Unicorn King! That is a strategic level mount of the Knights Temple."

"Uh..., can you eat a horse leg or something? Can it be cured?" Long Kongkong said with some anxiety.

Long Dangdang was speechless, "Don't make trouble."

Long Kongkong said with some regret: "Okay, forget it. Brother, I did it for you! I heard that the guy wanted to pursue my cousin. I didn't expect you to be such a generous character."

Long Dangdang frowned slightly, "Then..., eat two legs?"

Long Kongkong gave him a look that said he was worthy of you, turned around and walked towards the competition venue.

Haoyue Dangdang Long Dangdang privately chatted with Long Kongkong, "You can use it when necessary."

Long Kongkong paused for a moment, turned to look at him, and saw Long Dangdang nodding to him. Long Kongkong also nodded to his brother before walking towards the competition stage again.

Shi Zeyu walked into the competition stage from the other side. At this time, his eyes were full of determination. A pair of eyes were piercing, his back was straight, and his eyes were looking in the direction of Long Kongkong.

The contestants watching the game were all the top young people from the six temples, and they couldn't help but hold their breath at this time. The battle for the top spot in the First Temple is undoubtedly the most attention-grabbing. The Knights Temple is based on the six sacred thrones. It has led the six temples for tens of thousands of years, and can even be said to have led the federation for tens of thousands of years. The winner of this battle is very likely to be the leader of the next generation of Knight Temple, and even the leader of the Temple and the Federation. How can people not pay attention to it. Even a genius like Zisang Liuying, who has never been born in the Magic Temple for thousands of years, is still in the position of challenger. After all, how far can a genius, no matter how powerful he is, achieve when faced with the Divine Seal Knight who possesses the Divine Seal Throne? Although no one can control the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, it has always been the number one artifact in the entire federation, and can even be said to be a super artifact.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little depressing and gloomy, but it seemed like something was brewing, like a volcano about to erupt.

Both sides stood still and stared at each other. Long Kongkong remained the same, with a somewhat cynical smile on his face. This was the easiest thing to distinguish him from Long Dangdang. Shi Zeyu, on the other hand, has eyes that are like substance, and his whole person feels as tall as a mountain.

The referee's voice seemed to have become a bit slower during this battle, "Both sides prepare!"

Almost at the same time, a golden light lit up behind the two of them.

Behind Shi Zeyu, shrouded in brilliant golden light, a golden fine gold base quietly emerged with brilliant brilliance. His body seemed to be shining with divine light.

Behind Long Kongkong, the white-gold fine gold base of fear and sorrow slowly emerged, and the white-gold brilliance was dazzling. Under the cover of the white golden light, Long Kongkong's entire aura seemed to have changed. His body straightened, his eyes shone like stars, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared and his expression became serious.

He knew deeply that this was not an ordinary game. If it were before, he would not even want to participate in such a game. He was not interested at all in the talk of the future top management of the Knights Temple. But not now. His parents were arrested and Hepburn disappeared. His brother could not just carry all this by himself. He also had responsibilities on his shoulders. He could only carry everything with his brother and find his relatives and lovers.

Ever since his parents disappeared, he had never slackened in his cultivation, and he felt anxious and sad. He had seen his brother tensing up and looking up at the sky, and had felt the heartbreaking anxiety caused by the disappearance of his parents and Hepburn. He was able to become the Knight of the Adamantine Base not only because of Dragon Dangdang, but also because, in fact, he had already been working really hard. And his talent is constantly improving with the evolution of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. They have long ceased to be dragon brothers and mouse brothers.

He must win this battle. Only by defeating Shi Zeyu can he have the possibility of entering the top eight. He must improve his ranking as much as possible, help his brother and cousin escort them, and reach the highest point as possible. If they could control an artifact, their chances of rescuing their parents and Hepburn in the future would increase.

Shi Zeyu had a firm and persistent desire to win, so why didn't Long Dangdang have a reason to win?

"Five..." The moment the referee started counting down, the two people standing in front of the fine gold base sat down almost at the same time.

In an instant, the gold and platinum colors rolled upward at the same time. All the contestants watching the battle couldn't help but feel excited when they saw pieces of exquisite and magnificent armor rolled up and put on on their bodies.

The Divine Seal Throne, the Fine Gold Base, and the Mithril Base are the foundation of the Knights Temple. It is also a heritage that is unmatched by other temples to this day.

Under thirty years old, the younger generation, has already become the Knight of the Adamantine Pedestal. This is the top genius cultivated by the Knights Temple!

"...Four, three, two, one, the game begins!"

Almost at the same time when the referee shouted the words "start of the game", the two people on the field jumped up almost at the same time. The adamantine base battle armors on their bodies even made a similar clanging sound, and Qingyue was as excited as the roar of a dragon coming to the world.

However, what was different from everyone's imagination was that the figures of the two adamantine base knights did bounce up at the same time, but they did not rush towards each other instantly and start a heart-wrenching battle as they imagined. Instead, one rushes forward and the other retreats...

Yes, Shi Zeyu rushed forward in an instant, spreading his hands on both sides of his body, and suddenly took two heavy swords. At this moment, he brought an absolute shock. Because everyone who is familiar with him knows that he is a guardian knight with top-notch abilities in all aspects and is very balanced. At this moment, in his hands, what he holds in his right hand is the Judgment of Light attached to the adamantine base armor. But what he held in his left hand was not a shield, but a crimson heavy sword. The fiery brilliance made the surrounding air ripple like water waves. The way he holds two swords is clearly that of a disciplinary knight!

Is he still a Retribution Knight? Dual cultivation of protection and punishment?

You must know that in the entire history of the Knights Temple, the person who practiced both protection and punishment and had great achievements was the first Federation Chairman when the Temple Federation was established, and he was also the leader of the Knights Temple of that generation. He was also the leader of the entire Federation history. The only legend who has ever been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

As the number one seed of the Knights Temple, Shi Zeyu, who has always been recognized as the number one genius by the Knights Temple, also chose the dual cultivation of guardianship and punishment. What does this mean? Does it mean that the Knights Temple wants to once again cultivate a peerless strong man who can carry the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation?

If the Knights Temple really does it, there is no doubt that he will be the leader of the future Federation, the entire Temple Federation.

It was also the first time that Shi Zeyu's double swords appeared in a formal occasion, in order to compete for the first place in the Knights Temple, and undoubtedly to prepare for the final championship in this inheritance competition.

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