Lu Yinzhi's expression remained unchanged. Facing Long Kongkong who was rushing towards him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Yes, my momentum has indeed not been completed yet, but this is not a simple magic, but the moon demon's compression and control of the dark elements. Although the power is not at its maximum, you are not under the protection of the Holy Light Spiritual Array. Why do you think you can withstand my attack?

Slowly pushing forward with both hands, the dark purple ball of light first collapsed inward, and then went straight towards the dragon to bombard it.

Above Long Kongkong's head, the stars are shining brightly! Dou Zhuan Xing Yi used it again, but this time, it only caused the purple light to pause slightly. Although the Starlight Spiritual Furnace is powerful, it also has its limits. Without enough spiritual power to support it, it cannot turn it around in the face of too much power beyond Long Kongkong. But after all, it was still slow for a moment.

And at this moment, Long Kongkong's eyes also lit up, also purple, but at this moment, his eyes lit up with a purple-gold light.

When the purple-gold color appeared, Lu Yinzhi, who had already thought he was sure of victory, suddenly felt an indescribable fear and anger bursting out in his heart. The power of the Moon Demon that was originally blasted from the front actually felt like it was collapsing, and its power was reduced by a few points.

The next moment, the surface of the Shield of Fear and Sorrow in Long Kongkong's hand was covered with purple-gold light.


The forces of both sides collided instantly.

At this time, the referees on the field had raised their hands, ready to take action at any time. However, this is an eight-to-four game! Before the final victory or defeat is determined, even as the temple master, you cannot take action at will. Otherwise, it will affect the result of the game, and neither the Knight Temple nor the Soul Temple will definitely do it!

Seeing the forces of the two sides colliding together, most of the temple spectators had already stood up. The summoned beasts that were chasing the Rat King in the distance also stopped for an instant. At this moment, Lu Yinzhi could no longer control them.

A strange light flashed in the Rat King's small eyes, the dark golden hair on his body suddenly dimmed, and his plump body shrank in size.

Share your destiny!

This is an ability that it only possesses after signing a blood contract with Long Kongkong, but it has never been used before. But in this critical moment, it has to be used. Under the influence of the blood contract, if Long Kongkong dies, then it will definitely die too. Life sharing allows you to share your own strength and vitality with the object of the blood contract in an instant, allowing the other party to temporarily possess its abilities. However, sharing it once will definitely be a thorn in the side of the Rat King himself, which is equivalent to giving him The dragon made a sacrifice all at once. What was consumed was basically equivalent to the benefits that the two summoned beasts it had just swallowed could have brought it. Although it hurt, the Rat King had no choice but to do it. In fact, it was the moon demon's power that made it feel fear.

The dazzling purple light covered almost one-third of the playing field, and the auras of both sides had reached their peak at this moment.

Even the referee could not clearly see the situation at this moment. He could only tell that two huge forces were colliding, and there was no crushing gap.

Long Dangdang on the sidelines also had a purple-gold color in his eyes, and even scales appeared on the surface of his skin. He knew that his younger brother had already used their special blood power. Only in this way could he defeat his opponent.

It lasted for several seconds before the purple light slowly subsided.

The two figures became clear again.

The appearance at this time was a bit weird. Long Kongkong still held the shield in the same action, holding the shield of fear and sadness in both hands, lunging forward to push it up. Lu Yinzhi's hands were pressed against the surface of the Shield of Fear and Sorrow, and both of them stood there motionless.

At this moment, Lu Yinzhi's eyes were full of disbelief.

When he had the natal summon of Moon Demon, he deeply felt how pure the power of darkness this summon brought to him was. It could even be said to be the highest level of energy he had ever seen.

However, just now, he clearly felt that his power should be a crushing advantage over Long Kongkong. However, when Long Kongkong hit the power of the moon demon that he had released, the power of the moon demon collapsed from the middle. , such pure dark magic power could no longer be concentrated, but was disintegrated by the impact. There was obviously a level gap between the other party and him, but he just dissipated the Moon Demon's power.

Why is this happening? He was filled with confusion.

The noble purple began to fade away from Lu Yinzhi's body, revealing his pale face. The seven-headed ninth-level monster in the distance quickly turned into seven streams of light and returned to his nine-level robe. However, the nine statues have become seven, with two more blank spaces. This requires the acquisition of two more ninth-level monsters to make up for it, and the loss is not small.

The next moment, Lu Yinzhi's body slowly slipped to the ground and fell into coma.

Long Kongkong still maintained his previous actions. At this time, the furnace of light in his body was almost burned out, and the fine gold base armor on his body was also mottled, which was caused by the corrosion of the power of the moon demon. His heart was beating at least three times as fast as usual. At the moment when the two sides collided, he really felt the threat of death. And at that moment, the power of blood in his body burst out with extremely powerful power, and actually knocked away the opponent's attack from the center, allowing himself to resist it. Also, the Rat King's support came so timely. He felt that the power of his bloodline was about to ignite his vitality, but with the Rat King's support, he was able to maintain his condition.

At this time, he only felt that his body was really empty, and there was no trace of the power of his blood left. A strong feeling of weakness kept coming.

The shield fell to the ground, and Long Kongkong supported the edge of the shield with both hands, panting heavily, and his whole body was covered in sweat. There were constant waves of fear in my mind, it was too dangerous, it was really too dangerous! It was almost gone! You can never do this again, safety comes first!

Only at this moment, after confirming that he was still awake, did the referee loudly announce: "Long Kongkong wins."

He won, he actually won. At this moment, many contestants watching the match had similar thoughts in their minds. Lu Yinzhi was so powerful, and with the power he had just shown, he might not lose even if he faced a member of the Holy Temple, but he still lost to Long Kongkong. How incredible this is! Long Kongkong's strength is actually so strong?

In this match, Lu Yinzhi showed strength beyond everyone's expectation. Whether it was the immortal-level robe or his destiny to summon the moon demon, he was almost invincible to someone under the age of thirty. .

Lu Yinzhi himself is the next temple master that the Soul Temple has secretly cultivated for many years. He even shoulders the important task of leading the Soul Temple to achieve a higher ranking in the six major temples. In this inheritance competition, we are determined to win the final crown. However, what no one expected was that he would stop at the top eight, not even entering the top four, and he even had an inexplicable feeling of losing. Whether it was the unconscious Lu Yinzhi or the saints in the Soul Temple, they couldn't understand why Long Kongkong was able to block the invasion of the moon demon's power in the final head-on collision. It was definitely a ninth-level terrifying power, and it was also an extremely pure power of the moon demon. It was not easy for even a strong man at the temple level to block such an attack. However, Long Kongkong just did it. arrive.

Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu almost rushed into the field and picked up Long Kongkong. He stood there and looked like he could still hold on, but in fact he no longer had the strength to even walk out.

The quarterfinals battle is over. The top four of the inheritance competition were born, Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang, Zisang Liuying, and Long Kongkong.

There is no doubt that the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group has become the biggest winner. The top four occupy three positions! Who would have thought of this before the game, but no one would question it. Compared with the previous games, the four games in the quarter-finals gave people the feeling that this was not a competition at the same level at all. Is this really the fighting power that the next generation of inheritors can possess?

The saints have not yet fully woken up from the shock.

Ling Menglu overpowered the Son of Samsara, and even the power of the Samsara Soul Furnace could not defeat her. She, who was called the goddess of the Priest Temple, even used the ability of the Discipline Priest. The comprehensive strength is so strong that it can definitely be called a shock among his peers in the history of the Priest Temple.

But in today's competition, the person who showed the most powerful aura was not Ling Menglu, but Long Dangdang in the five-dragon-in-one state and Lu Yinzhi in the Moon Demon state.

Long Dangdang successfully defeated his opponent, but Lu Yinzhi still lost the game. How incredible is this? You must know that the power they erupt when they explode with all their strength is already at the level of the temple. Less than thirty years old! Especially Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are too young. If before the inheritance competition, there were still people who questioned the identity of the two adamantine base knights, then after this competition, there was absolutely no voice of doubt anymore. Unknowingly, they all had the combat power to challenge the ninth level with their seventh-level cultivation.

Not to mention Zisan Liuying, as an elemental saint, her status in the Magic Temple is by no means inferior to that of Ling Menglu in the Priest Temple. Such a top four, even if the temples had raised their expectations very high before this inheritance competition, it was still unexpected.

Among these four powerful and outstanding young people, who can make it to the end and become the ultimate champion?

If such an inheritance competition were announced, I don’t know how many jaws would be dropped.

At this moment, Long Kongkong was leaning on his brother's arms, with a look of helplessness on his face, "Brother! I can't help you anymore! I can't survive, and I can only rely on you and my cousin."

Seeing his helpless look, Long Dangdang said angrily: "Isn't it just exhaustion? Don't make it sound like we are parting from life or death."

Long Kongkong's current condition is indeed not very good. The strange blood power in his body is almost exhausted. Both brothers know that spiritual power is easy to recover, but it will take time to recover the blood power. It will definitely not take one day to recover, and facing Zisang Liuying, the weak Long Kongkong is simply no match for him. Therefore, the result of tomorrow's semi-finals in the second half is already determined.

Ling Menglu patted Long Kongkong's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, your brother is here, trust him. Didn't you see how strong he is today?"

Long Dangdang looked at her helplessly and said, "Is this really okay for you?"

Ling Menglu smiled slightly and said: "What's wrong? Originally, our Priest Temple didn't have too high requirements for me. Entering the top four is enough. Speaking of which, this time the Magic Temple won a big victory. You Come on, if your trick today is just to scare people, it will not be easy to win over Zisang."

Except for Ming Xi, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group returned to their residence together. Because Long Kongkong was too weak and couldn't practice together, they each went back to their own rooms. There are three of them among the top four, which makes Tao Linlin and Yue Li equally proud. Even if they fail to win the final championship, their demon hunting team will definitely gain the most this time. Everyone can see how important this inheritance competition is to the Federation. After the competition, the resource tilt they can obtain will definitely be huge.

Long Dangdang took Long Kongkong back to the room. Long Kongkong had recovered a little now and lay lazily on the sofa.

"Brother, the power of our bloodline is indeed very strange. At the last moment, I thought I was going to be unable to resist it. But when I injected the power of bloodline into the shield of fear and sorrow, the shield and the opponent's strange When the dark power of his collided, his pure dark power actually collapsed, as if he didn't dare to touch the power of our bloodline at all. Only then can I block his attack. Otherwise, you may have to watch No more your dear brother."

Long Dang said: "That is the power inherited by the Moon Demon God Agares, who once ranked second among the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon Gods in terms of Moon Demon Power. It is certainly powerful. I didn't expect that the power of our bloodline can actually withstand it."

"Moon Demon God Agares? What's going on? Then Lu Yinzhi's natal summons is the Moon Demon God? Isn't it the resurrection of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods? Oh my god, what about the Federation?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Use your brain, okay? If that's really the case, can the temples watch your competition calmly? It should be the power that the Federation has studied from the original seventy-two demon gods. It can't be It’s the inheritance of the Moon Demon God, but it must be the power of the Moon Demon clan.”

Long Kongkong blinked, "Then tell me, is the power of our bloodline also related to the seventy-two demon gods?"

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