Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 394 They are all good things

"The Eye of Light Spiritual Furnace can also be combined with any of my skills, or even any spiritual furnace. After communicating with the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace, it has replaced the Bright Angel and has become my core spiritual furnace. It is good at everything, It just seems a bit overbearing." As she spoke, Ling Menglu took the initiative to walk towards Long Dangdang and made a hug.

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, the vertical eyes on Ling Menglu's forehead had already widened, and an angry female voice sounded: "What are you doing? As a god, how can you hug an ant?"

What the hell? Is there any active consciousness?

Immediately afterwards, Long Dangdang instantly felt a strong and somewhat terrifying sense of oppression suddenly coming from the vertical eyes. It was a kind of superior pressure, as if what he was facing now was really a god. And this god seemed to be looking down at him.

But before Long Dangdang could react, suddenly, the strange bloodline power in his body was like fuel that was suddenly ignited. He suddenly became violent without Longdangdang's urging, and the bloodline power suddenly became violent. Straight into his eyes, a flash of purple gold burst out from Long Dangdang's eyes, causing his temperament to change instantly.

"Ah -" the angry female voice from before suddenly screamed, her vertical eyes closed almost instantly, leaving only a slight and even whimpering voice, "I was wrong, I was wrong. If it is the Supreme God, of course there is no problem. ”

Without the pressure from the opposite side, Long Dangdang's bloodline power also converged on its own, and the pressure that burst out from the two men disappeared almost at the same time.

Originally, Ling Menglu was going to show Long Dangdang the problem of the Eye of Light, but she didn't expect that Long Dangdang would solve it for herself after just one meeting. She suddenly opened her beautiful eyes in surprise, but she still kept her eyes open at this time. arm movements.

Long Dangdang stepped forward naturally, hugged her fragrant and soft body into his arms, and patted her on the back, "Don't worry, it's okay, I'm here."

This is in front of other partners! Ling Menglu reacted immediately, her pretty face turned red with embarrassment. Fortunately, everyone else was still shocked by the sudden appearance of the two powerful oppressive forces and could not react immediately.

It’s so comfortable to hold! It's contentment, well, yes!

"Let me go." Ling Menglu quickly broke away from his arms in shame and looked at Long Dangdang with a bit of innocence in her eyes. She was really angry and funny, this bad guy.

"Ahem, Kongkong, it's your turn. What have you gained? Let everyone see." Long Dangdang turned to Long Kongkong with an expression as if nothing had happened.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "My cousin is going to become a sister-in-law."

"Is your skin itchy?" Long Dangdang said angrily, "Hurry up."

Long Kongkong then said: "What I got is just ordinary."

Long Dangdang looked at him expressionlessly. Wasn't he still familiar with his younger brother? Whenever he starts to pretend, he basically looks like this.

As Long Kongkong spoke, he raised his hand to grasp it in the void. In a flash of light, a long sword appeared in his hand.

If this is a knight's sword, then it is the smallest knight's sword. Compared with ordinary epee swords, it is much more slender. It is only three feet long, tough and moderately wide. It is in the shape of a simple cross sword. There is a diamond-shaped golden gem set in the jaw, and there is no scabbard. However, its sword body does not look like it is made of metal. Instead, it looks like it is made of polished gemstones, because the entire sword is transparent, and the light can be discerned by waving it slightly.

This long sword itself does not have any particularly powerful aura accompanying it, let alone any brilliance. But when it appears, it still gives people a strange feeling. It seems to have a soul and is pulling everything around it. Especially the elemental fluctuations in the air can be felt, and it seems that the light elements are moving towards it. The direction seems to be converging.

"It's called the Ultimate Judgment." Long Kongkong's pride could no longer be concealed.

"The ultimate trial? Is this the ultimate trial? The Knights Temple actually gave this to you?" Ling Menglu exclaimed instantly, attracting everyone's attention.

"You know?" Long Kongkong looked at her in surprise.

Ling Menglu nodded without hesitation, "How is this possible? This is an artifact! This is not immortal equipment."

Hearing what she said, Long Dangdang was also shocked. The Knights Temple actually gave Kong Kong a magical weapon. He really made it happen!

Long Kongkong said: "Essentially speaking, it is not at the level of an artifact. The reason why you think it is an artifact is because when it appeared before, it showed the power of an artifact. But for the display of power, , it takes a long time. Therefore, the outside world says that it is an artifact, but in fact, its essence is still a semi-artifact."

Long Dangdang asked: "What does it do? What is its ability?"

Long Kongkong said: "There is only one function, charging and then releasing."

Long Dangdang was stunned. What could cause Ling Menglu to exclaim was definitely not an ordinary weapon. But what Long Kongkong said was so simple.

Long Kongkong continued: "To put it simply, Ultimate Judgment can continue to absorb light energy. The longer it absorbs, the greater the power it releases when attacking. And its upper limit of charging is one million spiritual powers. . In other words, if you give it a long enough time to charge, plus the user's own spiritual power injection, the upper limit of the power it can emit is one million spiritual powers. Doesn't it mean that if you have more than one million spiritual powers, you are a god? ?So, it is called the Ultimate Judgment, which is equivalent to God's full blow. However, it is difficult to store so much spiritual power. Therefore, it is rarely able to take action. Moreover, when charging it, In order to maintain its own endurance, two-thirds of the elemental power will be used to stabilize itself. Therefore, by injecting three hundred spiritual powers, the actual power exerted is only one hundred. In other words, if you want it to exert To produce the power of one million spiritual powers, at least three million spiritual powers need to be injected. And if it is absorbed naturally, the spiritual power it can absorb every day is about one thousand. Therefore, if you want to store enough spiritual power, It really takes years and months. Or someone continues to inject spiritual power into it. So although its power is huge, the time and energy required are too great, so it has not become a real artifact."

After hearing his explanation, Long Dangdang understood. To others, this may be just an immortal piece of equipment, or even a bit useless, so it has been stored in the Knights Temple, and the senior officials of the Knights Temple charge it for use at critical moments. But for Long Kongkong, it was truly an artifact. What is Long Kongkong good at? The core spiritual furnace is not the wisdom spiritual furnace at all, but the Yuanvortex spiritual furnace. For him, most of the spiritual power swallowed up by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was wasted, especially during battle. And now with this sword, when devouring it, the excess spiritual power can be stored in it. What's wrong even if two-thirds of it is wasted? As long as it is stored to a certain level, such as more than 100,000 spiritual power, then Kongkong will be able to have a blow equivalent to that of a ninth-level powerhouse! The ultimate judgment of pure light attributes. What if he was allowed to store more spiritual power? What about the power that even reaches millions of spiritual powers? That would really be the ultimate judgment!

The most important thing is that this sword can be said to make up for Long Kongkong's shortcomings of not being good at attacking. Even any other artifact could not compare to the effect this sword had on him.

Or else this kid is getting more and more proud as he talks?

I have to say that the rewards given by the major temples for this inheritance competition are really too great. They really spent all their money to get all the good things at the level of the temple's heritage.

"What about the spiritual furnace? What is it?" Tao Linlin asked curiously.

Long Kongkong chuckled, and the old god said calmly: "Don't worry! Just now, my cousin only talked about the spiritual furnace she obtained, and didn't mention what equipment the priest temple gave her, so my brother interrupted me. Cousin, you first come."

Ling Menglu's pretty face turned red, she rolled her eyes at Long Dangdang beside her, and said, "You just gave me a robe and a staff."

"Given two?" Long Dangdang said in surprise.

Ling Menglu nodded. She was still wearing her original outfit, which meant that she had not put on the newly acquired equipment. For the priest, the most core equipment is the staff and the priest's robe.

"The robe is called a hymn. It is quite special. After I put it on, there will be hymns around me, which is generally inconvenient. Immortal level. The hymn itself is one of its characteristics, which can increase the speed of light element condensation. , and at the same time, the robe comes with three magics, Holy Light Spiritual Array, Divine Blessing, and Light Reflection. Immortal level."

"The staff is the archangel's staff. It's the staff you've seen that can summon the Seraph to come."

Yue Li said: "Archangel's scepter, isn't that a divine weapon?"

Ling Menglu smiled slightly, but everyone understood it instantly. Although she is not the champion, the Priest Temple still gave her an additional artifact. Who makes her status in the Priest Temple transcendent? What happened to the next palace master taking charge of the artifact in advance? Who can measure her with a seventh-level cultivation level?

Long Kongkong blinked, "Suddenly I felt that my Ultimate Judgment was not that good. After all, I could only attack once. I obtained a new spiritual furnace called Ethereal Hidden. Its function is to put me in a special state of emptiness. , immune to any damage. But the time is very short. With future evolution, some duration may be enhanced."

Long Kongkong already has many life-saving abilities, and this spiritual furnace has undoubtedly further enhanced his life-saving abilities. The value of being immune to any damage is immeasurable. This is definitely the best item in the Knight Temple.

"Brother, we all told you, it's your turn."

Long Dangdang said: "Due to some special circumstances, I can't get the reward of the artifact for the time being. So the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple each gave me an immortal-level equipment as a reward. The Magic Temple also gave me a Wisdom Spirit. furnace."

"The Magic Temple gave me a very special piece of equipment called teleportation. Wherever the heart is, the soul is in tune. I can use my mental power to imprint on it places that have deeply impressed me. And teleport yourself there. The price after using it once is that you cannot use it again for nine days."

Long Kongkong's eyes widened instantly, "No limit on distance?"

Long Dangdang said: "Judging from the known transmission records, there is no distance limit."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. Even though this necklace has only one ability, it has become an immortal-level equipment. In fact, just this ability can already be called an artifact! If it weren't for the nine-day restriction, it would simply be an artifact.

"Why does it take nine days? How great would it be if this could be teleported at will?" Long Kongkong couldn't help but say.

Long Dangdang said angrily: "It is a real artifact to teleport casually. What good thing are you thinking about? The reason why it takes nine days is because it takes time to use your mind to build the place you want to teleport to, and it must be completely constructed. This thing The disadvantage of the equipment is that it can only teleport one person at a time.”

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "It's better than nothing, it's better than nothing anyway!"

Long Dangdang ignored him and continued: "The Knight Temple gave me a sword named Blue Rain Light Lotus." As he spoke, he held it in the air with his right hand just like Long Kongkong did before. The long sword fell into the palm of his hand.

It is also not as thick as the knight's epee, but it is very slender. What is even more strange is that when this long sword appears, it has a gorgeous blue halo. The blue and gold complement each other. Just wave it slightly. The sword shadow ripples in the air, which is very strange. It seems as if there are thousands of rays of light intertwining around it to form light and shadow.

"This sword... why does it sound familiar?" Ling Menglu said with some confusion.

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said: "When this sword was first forged, it was just a brilliance-level piece of equipment. However, its first owner continued to upgrade it through continuous cultivation and transformation, and even drank it. The blood of the devil.”

Ling Menglu was suddenly shocked and blurted out: "I remembered, this is..., this is one of Chairman Long's swords back then. The Knights Temple actually gave this to you. I really hope that you can become the eternal and creative one." The successor to the Divine Seal Throne!"

"Which Chairman Long?" Yue Li asked curiously.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "He is the one you all know, and he is also the most famous one in history."

When he said this, everyone understood, and only one person had such qualifications. That is the only former owner of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation Throne, the first chairman of the Temple Federation, the one who led the powerful men of the Federation to finally defeat the Seventy-Two Demon Gods, the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader. The knight Long Haochen is here.

The Magic Temple gave Long Dangdang the most urgently needed super teleportation equipment, and the Knight Temple went even further and directly gave him Long Haochen's former sword. The profound meaning is self-evident.

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