Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 398 Fight against the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Again

Facing the heaven-defying dragon falling from the sky, Ling Menglu was the first to react. She slowly raised the archangel scepter in her hand, and a brilliant golden light bloomed instantly.

An artifact is an artifact. When the archangel's scepter bloomed, the depressed feeling disappeared almost instantly. Ling Menglu raised the scepter high above her head, and an all-round angel blessing fell on everyone. Behind her, the angel of light The spiritual furnace then appeared, and Xiao Ming spread out his four wings. At the same time, a vertical eye on his forehead slowly opened. All the gold sublimated almost instantly, emitting a more brilliant light, and even felt like it illuminated the entire demonic realm. .

With the blessing of the Eye of Light Spiritual Furnace and the mastery of the artifact Archangel's Scepter, even Ling Menglu, who was already very powerful, was transformed. Even when facing the heaven-defying demonic dragon in the sky, he didn't feel suppressed at all.

Long Dangdang had already risen and landed on Xiaoba's back. I don’t know why, but when the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon appeared, Xiaoba was particularly excited. The five huge dragon heads raised their heads to the sky and let out a deafening dragon roar. The dragon had just soared up, and it was already soaring into the sky impatiently. He rushed towards the heaven-defying demonic dragon in the air.

"Wait for me!" Long Kongkong dodged and followed up. He still relied on the traction of the Holy Spirit Furnace to land directly on Xiao Ba, and only had time to get on Xiao Ba's back with the pull.

The heaven-defying demonic dragon is in the air, and even the touch of the abyss has a distance limit. Only by following my brother can it devour it.

Tao Linlin has summoned the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree at this time. Compared with when it was first purified, the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree is now larger in size, especially when it is bathed in Ling Menglu's angel blessing. The branches quickly stretched out, greedily absorbing the huge sacred aura. The branches began to intertwine with each other, and there was a faint golden light flowing on the surface.

Wang Changxin was guarding Ling Menglu, while Yue Li was holding the Song of Ice and Fire robe, but her body flickered illusively and split into two. The appearance of the two of them also changed.

Under the influence of the elemental incarnation robe, Yueli transformed into two elemental bodies, blue and red, at the same time. The staff of the Song of Ice and Fire in his hand also became illusory along with his body. He chanted a low spell, and Lan The two colors of red complement each other.

And Ming Xi disappeared quietly without knowing when, and even his friends didn't notice.

The heaven-defying demon dragon's eyes were originally focused on Ling Menglu, and the strong divine light aura made it feel threatened. But then, the high-pitched roar of the dragon diverted its attention. When it saw the five-headed Xiaoba, purple light suddenly flowed in its eyes, and the huge body of a hundred meters long sank suddenly, with a huge body behind it. He folded his wings and dived straight in Xiaoba's direction.

A jet-black light silently shot out from behind Xiao Ba. The hundred-meter-long Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon had no possibility of evading, and was directly connected by the Touch of the Abyss. At the same time, another golden light also fell on it. body, causing its attention to deviate again.

Long Dangdang released the Holy Spiritual Furnace, and Long Kongkong released the Touch of the Abyss. The two brothers did not need to discuss at all, and they had already completed the connection with a tacit understanding.

The last time they faced the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, they were crushed without much resistance. But now they are completely different. Under the bright fusion path of the adamantine base armor, the aura of the two brothers has been raised to the eighth level.

Seeing that the distance between the two giant dragons quickly shortened, and they were within a hundred meters, suddenly the dragon on Xiaoba's back suddenly disappeared.

Although the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon diverted its attention, Xiaoba and Long Dangdang were equivalent to one body before, so it still dived towards Xiaoba. At this time, Long Dangdang suddenly disappeared, but the connection with the Holy Spirit-Yining Furnace was still there. It was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, under the influence of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, it raised its head, and at the same time quickly spread its wings, and its swooping posture changed to raising its head upwards.

The dragon stepped out of the void, right above it. With both hands, I ate the Judgment of Light, and slashed down towards the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon with a single strike of the Sword of Judgment.

The heaven-defying demon dragon let out a roar, and suddenly raised its upper body. With its huge wings spread out, its huge body suddenly dived into a hover. It raised one of its claws and headed directly towards the dragon. Caught it. The front end of the dragon's claw spit out a purple-black claw light that was about ten feet long. At the same time, with its body as the center, the surrounding air became viscous, and the huge power of darkness shrouded it like a big net. Dang to the dragon.

A bright blood-red light rose from behind Long Dangdang, and strong murderous intent burst out almost instantly. In the vigorous murderous intent, Long Dangdang's whole body seemed to have turned into a sickle of death, with an extra touch of the sword of judgment. Thick blood color.

"Boom -" Long Dangdang's body was thrown away in response. The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon's ninth-level cultivation, powerful bloodline power, and physical strength were not something he could completely compete with now.

But although Long Dangdang was knocked away by this claw, the Judgment of Light also cut open the claws of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, leaving a deep mark on its huge dragon claws. This is the demon-breaking power of Shura Zhan.

At the same time, a huge golden figure had already impacted from bottom to top.

The huge body of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon swung to avoid its abdomen, and its left dragon wing flapped directly upwards, colliding directly with Xiao Ba who was rushing up.

"Ang——" Xiaoba's five big heads simultaneously let out exciting dragon roars, and the dragon language magic was also released, and the sky was forbidden!

Even for an existence like the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, its huge body sank suddenly when it was suddenly restricted from the sky, and there was a short fall. The dragon wings that were shot suddenly failed to hit Xiaoba head-on.

Xiaoba's front paws quickly grabbed out and caught the upper edge of the left wing of the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon. Although his body of more than thirty meters was shaken by the slap, he successfully hung on the Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon's left wing. On the dragon's wings, five huge dragon heads lowered their heads and bit it without ceremony. At the same time, the long dragon tail wrapped directly around the root of the dragon's wings.

This change was indeed unexpected by the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon. Although Xiaoba was only over thirty meters long, which was very small compared to the hundred-meter-long body of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, it was still quite large among the World of Warcraft. , with all the weight of its body hanging on it, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon instantly lost its balance, and began to fall toward the ground as soon as its body tilted.

The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon was furious, turned around, and grabbed the dragon claw on the other side directly at Xiaoba who was hanging on his wings. At the same time, the whole body instantly erupted with intense dark power, and thick purple-black water spurted out, corroding towards Xiao Ba.

But at this moment, a golden light burst out from below, hitting the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon accurately. When this golden light shot out, a pleasant hymn even sounded.

The strong and pure dark power of the heaven-defying dragon suddenly stagnated, and golden runes appeared around its body, forcibly suppressing the dark power it sprayed outward. At the same time, a figure had already blocked its sharp claws, and it was the dragon that returned dangdang.

A white halo of light was released from his dantian, and the sharp claws of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon were obviously half a beat slower. The next moment, Long Dangdang's Judgment of Light was slashed out again. It was still judgment, but this time it seemed It became different. The heavy sword, which didn't seem to be swung very fast, suddenly accelerated almost in the next moment, and struck directly on the claws of the heaven-defying demon dragon.

"Boom--" A violent collision sounded, and Long Dangdang was knocked away again, but this time, the sharp claws of the heaven-defying demon dragon that struck Xiao Ba were swung away.

The slowness of the Spitfire Furnace is combined with the eternity of the moment. This attack does not use the demon-breaking power of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, because the purpose is to deflect its attack.

How much does a huge body that is 100 meters long weigh? Even an existence like the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon cannot keep such a huge body flying in the air purely by relying on spiritual power. It must rely on the power of dragon wings to maintain it. But now, the dragon wing on one side was restrained by Xiaoba, and there was constant pain from being bitten. Its body is falling faster and faster. The distance from the ground to the ground dropped from over a thousand meters to less than 500 meters in almost a short period of time.

The huge body of the heaven-defying demon dragon suddenly twisted in the air, and the huge force drove the left wing and Xiaoba to swing up. It suddenly turned back and bit Xiaoba directly. In order to avoid the influence of the Holy Spirit Furnace's pulling on him, the dragon wing on the right side shot directly towards Long Dangdang, which was equivalent to attacking him at the same time.

It is worthy of being the most powerful race of the demons. Even in this situation, it can still react so quickly.

However, at this moment, a blue-purple electric light shot from below, hitting the head of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon with great precision.

It's obviously impossible to harm the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon with an attack of this magnitude, but it would be just right if it just paralyzes it.

The head of the heaven-defying demonic dragon suddenly paused, and then, a nihilistic figure quietly appeared on its huge head.

When the other members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group saw this figure, they couldn't help but be shocked.

The person who suddenly appeared was none other than Ming Xi.

After being recognized by the Spiritual Furnace of Surrendering Life and Forgetting Death, Ming Xi's courage seemed to have grown a lot. That was the ninth-level heaven-defying demonic dragon! She is only at the seventh level of cultivation, but she dares to appear on the most powerful dragon's head.

Long Dangdang had flown back again at this time, and the fine gold base armor on his body had turned into red gold. The Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace was fully activated, and the sharp heavy sword directly struck the dragon wings of the heaven-defying demon dragon.

"Keng——" The Judgment of Light took advantage of the fact that the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon was paralyzed and could not fully use the power of darkness on the dragon's wings, and cut into its wings several feet deep, obviously cutting off the dragon's wings. a piece of bone on.

The heaven-defying demon dragon felt pain, and its dragon wings retracted subconsciously, which also made its fall a little faster.

At the same time, the life-sacrifice sword in Ming Xi's hand had been stabbed down, targeting its left eye.

The Sword of Sacrifice exudes a colorless sword light. Although the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon has subconsciously closed his eyes, trying to resist the piercing of the sword with his strong eyelids, the Sword of Sacrifice is too sharp. , actually forcibly pierced the eyelids, and directly thrust into the eyes of the heaven-defying demon dragon.

Ming Xi didn't want to fight. The moment she almost completed the puncture, her body suddenly disappeared.

And at the next moment, the heaven-defying demon dragon let out a thundering roar, and the purple-black color on his body suddenly burst out like it was burning.

Whether it was Xiao Ba or Long Dangdang, they were all thrown away at the moment when the purple flames exploded. At this moment, the spiritual power erupted by the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon was almost twice as powerful as before.

At this moment, two golden bubbles enveloped Long Dangdang and Xiao Ba respectively, as well as Long Kongkong on Xiao Ba's back. In the huge wave of darkness, they were only thrown away, but they were not injured.

The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon naturally burns its fire of life, which is a bit like the knight's sacrificial skill. Only in this state can it suddenly burst out with such powerful power.

However, this still cannot affect its huge body's continuous decline. At this time, it was less than a hundred meters from the ground.

The severe pain caused by having one eye blinded made him lose his mind a little, and he didn't even notice that he was about to approach the ground. It flaps its wings completely instinctively.

However, the acceleration caused by the continuous fall of a hundred-meter-long body from a thousand meters altitude, even if it wants to stop the fall with its strength, it will take a certain amount of time and all-out effort. But in the rush, there was no time.

Especially at this time, a huge branch made of unknown numbers of paper strips tangled together came out of the void and struck the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon hard.

Suppress the devil!

A thin and dense golden light suddenly appeared on the surface of the body of the heaven-defying demon dragon, and the power of darkness in the whole body, even the burning fire of life, paused briefly. And this became the straw that broke the camel's back. The next moment, its huge 100-meter body crashed down and hit the ground hard.

This fall was really hard, especially when he was unprepared, and the whole earth roared like an earthquake. It can be said that the damage caused by Long Dangdang, Xiaoba, Long Kongkong, and Ming Xi to the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon before was not as serious as this fall.

A huge pit was directly smashed into the ground, and everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group rushed forward.

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