Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 400 The Mirror Demon and the Lucky Demon

"Where did they come from? Why did they turn into Ming Xi and attack us?" Tao Linlin also looked surprised at this time.

"It's not a human being." Ling Menglu had fully reacted at this time. She looked at the semi-conscious man who was suppressed by the demon-suppressing tree with a surprised expression, and said: "This should be the seventy-first among the seventy-two pillars of demon gods. The mirror demon Dantalion."

"Mirror Demon God Dantalion? Is this the Demon God? So weak?" Long Kongkong blinked.

Although Dantalion's sudden sneak attack shocked everyone, it didn't take much effort to capture him, and his strength was obviously far inferior to the previous Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon.

"That's right, that's him." Yue Li pointed to the distance, where a demon pillar was shining with light.

After the snake demon god was killed previously, its demon god pillar disappeared silently. At this time, the new demon god pillar appeared as smooth as a mirror. It was obviously not the snake demon god pillar, but the seventy-one demon god pills. Talion's Demonic Pillar.

Ling Menglu said: "It's not that he is weak, it's that the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon is strong enough. The last twelve of the seventy-two pillars of demon gods are all eighth-level peak strength. But the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon we face is a ninth-level powerhouse. But It should be that the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon has just grown up, and is not the strongest yet. Moreover, the most powerful ability of the Mirror Demon God is its mirror power. In terms of pure combat power, it should not be as good as the Snake Demon God Andumali. If it were not Yutong, Dangdang It was dangerous just now. Dantalion's mirrored ability is almost the same as the original ability. Weapons will also be mirrored as long as they do not exceed his ability. The adamantine base armor may not be able to block the Sword of Sacrifice."

After hearing her explanation, everyone immediately understood and became wary. Demon gods are not easy to deal with.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "It's better to have Yutong! Every family has an old man and a treasure."

"Who do you think is old?" With a flash of golden light, a golden arm poked out from Long Kongkong's chest and hit him on the head.

"Ouch, I was wrong." Everyone couldn't help but smile.

Dantalion's total amount of spiritual power is similar to that of Andumari. Xiaoba has just evolved, but it has absorbed the huge life energy of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon and cannot fully absorb it for a while, so this time it is almost independent of Long Dangdang. After enjoying it, Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace once again received a large amount of life energy injection.

When Dantalion was devoured and turned into ashes and disappeared, everyone immediately arranged their formations and prepared to fight again. Long Dangdang stood at the front, Long Kongkong and Wang Changxin were on the left and right respectively. In the center of the three were the three magicians, and behind them were the golden demon-suppressing trees taking root.

They don't know whether a powerful one like the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon will appear next, or whether they will continue to fight against the Demon God.

"Here it comes!" Long Dangdang raised his head and looked in the direction of the sky. In the distant sky, a small black spot was rapidly enlarging in everyone's field of vision.

The opponent is getting closer and closer, but compared with the previous Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, there is no strong momentum appearing with it. Gradually, everyone was able to see its appearance clearly. It was a handsome man who looked very similar to a human being, riding a Pegasus. It's not a unicorn, because it doesn't have a horn, but this pegasus is more than four meters long and looks very majestic. The man is also close to three meters tall. He looks like a human, but his figure is obviously not human.

"The Lucky Demon God is you." Ling Menglu immediately gave the hint.

Regarding the seventy-two demon gods, she is the one who has the most research, while others are relatively at a loss. Long Kongkong asked: "What does the Lucky Demon mean? Is this guy very lucky?"

Ling Menglu nodded and said seriously: "Everyone, be careful. Although the legendary Demon God of Luck is a low-level Demon God, he is very difficult to deal with."

The first one to attack was Yue Li. She spread her clone again, water and fire merged, and a red and blue ball of light flew out directly. In terms of attack distance, it was definitely the farthest among magicians.

Blue is on the outside and red is on the inside. The water element acts as the accelerant for the fire element at this moment. The light ball flew not very fast, but it locked onto the opponent.

But just when the light ball was less than thirty meters away from the Lucky Demon God, Yue Li suddenly froze for a moment. Then, the water element on the periphery of the light ball suddenly moved inward, and the fire element instantly ignited and exploded. A huge roar followed, and the entire sky was lit up by the exploding fireball.

There was a look of surprise on Yue Li's face. There was no doubt that the fireball erupted a little too early. It exploded before it hit the opponent. But at that moment, she seemed a little confused, and her control over the water and fire elements was a little bit worse, which caused the magic to explode in advance.

Xier rode the Pegasus directly around the exploding fireball, and then the Pegasus swooped down from the sky.

Xiaoba, who had just completed his evolution, didn't need Long Dangdang's reminder at all. The six big heads had already been raised, and he opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar, forbidden in the air!

You know, it has now been upgraded to the eighth level. If the Lucky Demon God System is also the eighth level according to what Ling Menglu said, then the forbidden air is enough to pull the opponent directly from the air. Falling from high altitude is no joke. Is the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon strong? Still fell half to death.

However, a strange scene appeared again. Xiaoba who had just let out a dragon roar appeared again. The six big heads coughed at the same time. The dragon roar was immediately interrupted, and the forbidden air could not be released.

If Yue Li was just a mistake, then this time it was obviously not as simple as a mistake.

The Lucky Demon doesn't seem to be how lucky he is, but that as his opponent, he will get bad luck!

Xi'er fell from the sky, but did not directly attack Long Dangdang and the others. Just riding a Pegasus, with a faint smile on his face, a dark golden halo expanded from under him. In the distance, a demon pillar appeared clearly, and it also exuded a dark golden brilliance.

Suddenly, everyone felt obviously a little awkward. Nothing actually happened, it just felt wrong.

"This is the halo of doom. We will fall into doom. Don't move, everyone." Ling Menglu immediately reminded, and at the same time, she raised the staff in her hand. Just when she was about to give everyone a sacred blessing, she suddenly felt that her heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat, and the magic was directly interrupted, and even had a backlash.

Ling Menglu's body clearly lit up with a layer of golden light, and then suddenly collapsed like a burst balloon. She snorted softly. The constitution of the light god's body played a role at this time. Even if the light element backfired, it would not What harm would it do to her.

The corner of Xier's mouth turned up slightly, "Do you think you can resist my aura of doom by not moving? My aura of doom is at the level of laws. Unless your mental power is superior to mine, you can interfere to a certain extent. It doesn't seem to me, but it seems that your pure mental power is not that strong."

Yes, the combat power of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is enough to fight against ninth-level experts, but ultimately they are still seventh-level strength. Only Ling Menglu’s mental power is very strong, but she also needs the help of spiritual power. Only the power of the furnace is enough, and her own mental power is definitely not comparable to the Lucky Demon God at the peak of the eighth level.

Soon, everyone understood what he meant by the law. On both sides of the Demon God Pillar of the Lucky Demon God, two rays of light lit up respectively, and another Demon God Pillar appeared on each side. The two Demon God Pillars looked familiar to everyone, especially the Demon God Pillar on the left, which was clearly entangled with a giant snake. It was clearly the Snake Demon God Pillar of the Snake Demon God Andumali who had just been solved by them not long ago. !

Look carefully, isn't the one on the right the mirror image of the Demon God Dantalion's Demon God Pillar?

The halo of doom changed the rules and allowed the two demon gods who died in battle to directly resurrect in advance. The rules they did should be the laws of the demon realm. The aura of doom made the demon realm's ability to resurrect the demons appear in advance.

The huge demon snake had begun to swim rapidly in their direction, and standing on the back of the demon snake was the resurrected snake demon god. On the other side, a man shrouded in a silver-white robe slowly floated towards them. He should be the mirror image demon Dantalion who had just been devoured to death by them.

"Can you still play like this?" Long Kongkong said dumbfounded.

Ling Menglu said softly, "Get ready to fight, that's all. Although his aura of misfortune is strong, it will be consumed after being released with all his strength once." Sure enough, everyone discovered that the Lucky Demon God Xier's feet were previously The dark golden halo has disappeared. After he used the law to resurrect two demon gods at once, the aura dissipated.

However, this time they were also going to face three powerful demon gods at the same time, and everyone was subconsciously nervous.

The three demon gods stood side by side. The next moment, the mirror demon god looked at Long Dangdang, who was standing in the front. His whole body became blurry in an instant, and the robe on his body flashed with light, as if it reflected Long Dangdang directly. The appearance, and then, the exact same dragon Dangdang appeared. He is also holding two swords and wearing a fine gold base battle armor. This time, the person he chose to mirror was Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang said in a deep voice: "Leave the Mirror Demon God to me. Leave the rest to you. Come on!" As he spoke, he immediately launched a charge. Even if there were three demon gods in front of him, he did not hesitate for a moment.

The reason why I chose the Mirror Demon God to mirror myself was because I was worried that it would be too similar and my teammates would misjudge it during the battle. After all, there is still a Lucky Demon God around, so it’s hard to say. The Lucky Demon and the Mirror Demon are likely to undergo special changes. Therefore, Long Dangdang directly chose to challenge the Mirror Demon God in a one-on-one fight to minimize the interference from Xie'er's luck.

At the same time that Long Dangdang launched the charge, Ling Menglu's magic had already fallen. The two amplifying magics of Divine Blessing and Angel's Blessing fell on Long Dangdang. The Mirror Demon God could mirror Long Dangdang, but he couldn't even mirror his girlfriend.

Everyone is a tacit partner. When Long Dangdang made a move, Long Kongkong also started at the same time. The Holy Spirit Furnace directly went to the Lucky Demon God. In his opinion, this guy is the most difficult to deal with. The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace did not activate the Touch of the Abyss, but maintained the third level of the Abyssal Sea to cover the three demon gods at the same time and weaken them at the same time. At the same time, the devoured spiritual power is passed to the partners through the spiritual shield. Even though the level of the Soul Ascension Shield is not high, Long Kongkong has always kept this piece of equipment. At this time, he directly acts as a shield with both hands. His right hand is naturally the Shield of Fear and Sorrow, and his left hand is the Soul Ascension Shield responsible for transmitting spiritual power. Only in a special place like the Demon Realm, he would choose this way.

The snake demon god Andumari rode a huge demon snake straight towards the crowd and launched a charge. However, a huge figure appeared out of the sky, rushed out from the side of Long Dangdang at a faster speed, and faced the Snake Demon God. It was Xiao Ba who had just completed his evolution and had the six elements gathered at the same time.

Compared with the previous five-headed golden dragon state, the six-headed golden dragon not only has one more head and improved cultivation, but the most important thing is the balance of the six elements. At this time, Xiaoba's six big heads were raised, and they let out a low roar at the same time. The voices of the six big heads each have different cadences. But in the air, a storm of elements instantly set off.

Yes, the elemental storm of the six elements. The terrifying elemental storm swept directly towards the snake demon god Andumari. The snake spear in Andumari's hand was raised, and it suddenly slashed down. With a powerful momentum, with the help of the power transmitted by the giant snake under him, a huge black blade light Then he slashed towards Xiaoba.

The six-color elemental storm collided with the blade he cut out almost immediately. It can be clearly seen that when the black blade light cuts into the elemental storm, the black color on the surface of the blade light quickly fades as it goes deeper. When it approaches Xiaoba, it is directly shattered by the elemental storm.

Andumari's expression changed, but Xiaoba was already close, and the six heads brought out elemental storms and exhaled at the same time. The six breaths rushed into the elemental storm like a torrent, directly igniting the elemental storm, and the six-color streamer was spectacular.

Andumari hurriedly raised his snake spear, and the giant snake under him also spit out a stream of black air. The demonic pillar in the distance behind Andumari shined brightly, causing the purple-black color on his body to instantly ignite, and every scale on his body radiated. Purple light. Form a layer of shield to protect yourself and the giant snake under you.

"Boom -" A violent roar resounded throughout the world, and the shield barely blocked the breath of the six elements. However, Andumamari and his snake were pushed backwards and slid backward by the huge power of the breath, and were constantly oppressed. Xiao Ba approached step by step and actually suppressed the Snake Demon God by himself.

"Xiaoba is so strong!" Tao Linlin couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration. At the same time, on the other side, Long Dangdang and the Mirror Demon God had also collided.

When two disciplinary knights collide, the competition is naturally about offense. What Long Dangdang is best at is also attacking.

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