Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 406 The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is repaired

Success, success!

At the beginning, when Long Dangdang was selected by Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, almost no one was optimistic that he could successfully repair this watcher-level wisdom spiritual furnace. Because the requirements are really too harsh.

And it has only been five or six years since he obtained this spiritual furnace, and he has actually accomplished this feat. All the hard work finally comes to fruition at this moment, and the next step will be the harvest season.

Canghai stood in front of Long Dangdang, crossed his arms and caressed his chest, and bowed deeply to Long Dangdang. His voice was even choked, "Thank you, thank you Dangdang."

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Congratulations, senior, on the completion of the repair. Can senior find your partner now?"

Canghai smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that easy. After the repair is completed, it will only make it easier for me to find him, but it will not necessarily confirm his location. My sensing range will increase a lot, as long as his breath appears in me Within the induction range, I will definitely be able to find him. Therefore, I will have to trouble you to take me around more in the future. There will be a chance. Of course, after I complete the repair, all my abilities will be restored one after another, etc. I'll help Shura and Xiongba repair it first."

Long Dangdang said: "Then please repair Senior Xiongba first."

Canghai nodded. He was Long Dangdang's spiritual furnace of wisdom. Of course he could understand what Long Dangdang was going to do. Without saying anything, a moon-white light with a faint blue halo covered Wang Changxin's body. And go.

The dark golden Dominant World Spiritual Furnace quickly emerged from Wang Changxin's body, exuding obviously very excited mood swings.

Wang Changxin also woke up from her meditation. When she saw the sea in front of her, she suddenly understood something. She, who had always been very emotionally stable, couldn't help showing a bit of excitement at this time. Ever since she was able to use the Dominating World Spiritual Furnace, she had a deep understanding of how powerful this wisdom spiritual furnace was. It was already so powerful when it was damaged. How much more powerful would it be after it was repaired?

Of course, the repair was not accomplished overnight, it would take some time, so everyone continued to practice and consolidate their improved cultivation in the demonic realm. Coupled with the various rewards obtained after the inheritance competition and the improvement in the demon realm, the entire 19115897 Demon Hunting Group can be said to have once again been reborn. The overall strength has improved again. If they want to make a higher leap next time, they need to raise their overall cultivation level to the eighth level. At that time, they could really stand among the top leaders of the six major temples.

During this period, the federal policy also made important changes. Regarding the Kingdom of the Undead, the federation began to disclose to the public through various propaganda methods. He also described this as another huge crisis that might cause a human disaster after the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, thus promoting cremation and starting the mobilization of the entire federation.

There is no doubt that the Federation has realized deeply that it must not continue to allow the Kingdom of the Undead to develop, otherwise it will really subvert the rule of the Federation and destroy mankind.

For a time, the atmosphere in the Holy City began to become tense, and there was no longer the prosperity and peace that existed during peacetime. Cremation has begun to be carried out all over the country, especially for the cremation of the skeletons of heroic spirits. This must be a very difficult thing, because there are many big families passed down by heroic spirits. Who is willing to let the corpses of their ancestors be dug out and burned again? It was precisely for this reason that the policy could not be implemented before. But this time, the Federation is very determined and has been recognized by the vast majority of high-level officials. The implementation is very strong and will even be enforced. After all, if these heroic spirits are acquired by the Kingdom of the Undead, they will become strong men at the level of their lifetimes and stand on the opposite side of the entire human race! If you want to truly annihilate the kingdom of the undead, this step of clearing the country is indispensable.

At the same time, the Federation also enacted a new law, and all soldiers who died in the battle were cremated as soon as possible. And a battlefield cleaning group composed of fire magicians was specially established for this purpose. Once there are large-scale casualties, they will enter the scene as soon as possible, not to kill the enemy, but to cremate all the corpses and not give the Kingdom of the Undead a chance to replenish its strength.

With enough life energy, it took five days to repair the Dominating World Spiritual Furnace and restore its glory. How much power can be increased will only be revealed after the Xiong Domination Spiritual Furnace and Wang Changxin get used to it.

"Okay, it's time for everyone to go back and have a rest. After so many days of seclusion together, the war will soon start in full force. Let's take a rest each time. You can't always practice intensively." Long Dangdang said to his friends with a smile.

Since the start of the inheritance competition, they have been busy competing, and then entered the Demon Realm War, and then they have been cultivating to stabilize their realm. Everyone is more or less mentally exhausted. It's time to take a break too.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Long Dangdang, but no one moved.

"Why are you all looking at me like this? Shouldn't you rest?" Long Dangdang said helplessly.

The first one to speak was Yue Li, who usually didn't have a strong sense of presence. "Captain, we know that you and Kong Kong want to save your parents. If you want to get away from us and go secretly, it's impossible. We are a team." , I will definitely go with you and face the problem together."

Long Kongkong looked at Yue Li curiously and said, "Sister Yue Li, when you say that, aren't you afraid that my cousin will be jealous?"

Ling Menglu said calmly: "I told them that we were planning to run away."

Long Kongkong's eyes widened instantly, "So cruel?"

Ling Menglu still said expressionlessly: "Don't I understand you two? We all know that it is dangerous to go to the Natural Disaster City. However, now that the federal army is about to invade the Kingdom of the Undead, we do not have no chance at all. Let's work together and act together. Isn't it good? Why do you have to take the risk yourself?" Although she looked at Long Kongkong and said these words, it was self-evident to whom she was speaking.

Tao Linlin said firmly: "Anyway, don't think of leaving our leader behind. We will go with you. Everyone has decided. So what about the danger? It's not like we haven't faced danger together."

Long Dangdang sighed and said: "What are you doing? Going to the Kingdom of the Dead is not only dangerous, it can almost be said to be a narrow escape from death. Frankly speaking, there is no difference between the two of us going with everyone else. If the two of us go If we can successfully rescue our parents, it won’t be a matter of you. If we can’t, it will be the same with you. There are so many powerful people in the country of the undead. We will act according to the opportunity and protect ourselves as much as possible. You don’t have to worry.”

Ming Xi said: "Captain, Sister Monroe said, no matter what you say, we will pretend we didn't hear you. Anyway, you two can't leave our sight for a moment. Wherever you go, we will go. If you want to sneak away, then It’s impossible.”

Long Dangdang sighed softly and looked at Ling Menglu helplessly, "I knew you had already seen that we were leaving after this inheritance competition."

Ling Menglu looked at him coldly, "But you still have to leave us, right?"

"Monroe, I'm sorry. If there is a second, more difficult option, I would not be willing to separate from you. However, the Scourge City is really too dangerous, and I can't let you accompany me on the adventure. I can't imagine it at all, What would happen if I saw you become your undead selves, that would be unbearable pain for me. So, I’m sorry.”

Long Kongkong sighed and said: "Yes, my brother and I have discussed it. Just the two of us will go. If you want to help us, just follow the army and attack the Kingdom of the Undead. The stronger the army's offensive, Our chances are better.”

Long Dangdang raised his hand and patted Long Kongkong's shoulder, "No, what you said is wrong. There is no us, only me!"

Long Kongkong was stunned and turned to look at Long Dangdang, "What do you mean?"

Long Dang said: "If both of us die, won't the Long family be extinct? Your Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace will play an extremely important role in the war between the Federation and the Kingdom of the Undead. As long as you can successfully advance to the ninth level, you can Maybe you can become the terminator of the Kingdom of the Undead. If I fail to save my parents, you must be strong and live well. When you lead humans to destroy the Kingdom of the Undead, you will avenge us. Our family, too It’s up to you to continue the family lineage.”

Long Kongkong became angry instantly and grabbed Long Dangdang's arm, "Long Dangdang, are you crazy? Didn't we agree?"

Long Dangdang rolled his eyes, "I told you that I didn't want to take you with me from the beginning!"

"Dragon dang dang, you!" Ling Menglu suddenly showed a mixture of shock and anger. When she raised her hand, the archangel's scepter appeared in her palm, but she was still a step slower.

Long Dangdang, whose arm was grabbed by Long Kongkong, saw silver light flashing on his arm. He looked at Ling Menglu, surrounded by silver light, his eyes full of reluctance and apology. And just before Ling Menglu's holy light spiritual formation shrouded him, there was already a flash of silver light on his body, and he disappeared like a ghost. The spiritual furnace at the end of the world is so close, teleporting over short distances.

"He must not have gone far, look for him quickly!" Ling Menglu had never been so panicked as at this moment. She had always guessed that Long Dangdang was leaving to rescue her parents, but she didn't expect that he wouldn't even take Long Kongkong with him. He actually teleported away through the nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace.

Long Kongkong was completely confused at this time. He never thought that he would be the one abandoned by Long Dangdang. This guy didn't even take me with him?

"Long Kongkong, where are the teleportation scrolls given by the two major temples?" Ling Menglu grabbed Long Kongkong's front and asked urgently.

Long Kongkong was about to cry, "Of course it's all with him! Don't you know who is in charge in my family?"

"I didn't leave any for you?" Tao Linlin asked from the side.

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, "Since this bastard has a plan, he can leave me a hammer..."

Ling Menglu's judgment was not wrong. Long Dangdang was not far away. The teleportation distance of the Tianya Spirit Furnace was limited, but the place he teleported to was something that no one else could have imagined. He actually teleported a short distance, to be precise, in the bathroom next door. It was only a few dozen meters away from everyone.

The slow breathing of the spiritual furnace distorted the speed of time around Long Dangdang and isolated his breath. At the same time, Long Dangdang opened the newly acquired spiritual furnace for the first time.

There is a Cave Spirit Furnace that can open up a space channel for random teleportation. Even the user does not know where he will be teleported. It takes time to open the channel, and the teleportation is completely random.

From a practical point of view, this spiritual furnace is actually not that good. It is more useful in space collapse and can be used as a powerful auxiliary or attack method. With enough spiritual power, space collapse is extremely powerful.

At this time, Long Dangdang, under the cover of Qingtuo Lingtuo furnace, quietly opened a random space passage in the bathroom.

In fact, he had always known that his friends had long planned to follow them to the Catastrophic City to rescue their parents. Even their actions were watched by teachers and federal officials, and they would even use means to prevent them from making the trip. Through the inheritance competition, they have completely proven their potential. The Holy Church also pays special attention to them and will definitely not be willing to let them take risks easily.

Therefore, from the beginning, Long Dangdang was making preparations. No preparation for the dragon.

In the eyes of everyone, including their partners, they all thought that the two brothers were one. Even if they went to rescue their parents, they would definitely act together.

Long Dangdang took advantage of this, so in his plan to leave, there was no part of Long Kongkong at all. He even concealed this from Kongkong. Long Kongkong also always thought that it was impossible for him to leave. Bring your own.

The reason for choosing random teleportation is so that even I don’t know where I will be teleported to. How can the church trace it? After leaving here first, then go to the Natural Disaster City. With Long Dangdang's current cultivation level, it would be difficult to be discovered.

What should be said, he just told Long Kongkong that if he runs away like this, there is another advantage, that is, my brother will definitely be watched more closely. Whether it is his friends or the temple, it is equivalent to a change of direction. He helped him keep an eye on his younger brother and prevent him from taking risks like himself.

The opening of the space channel took a full three minutes to complete. Although the teleportation of the Bidou Tianling Furnace was random, the teleportation distance was extremely far, and the selection could be made within a range of ten kilometers to a hundred kilometers. This is also why it takes so long to open a space channel. And Long Dangdang itself also has the bonus of the space element elves, which can increase the transmission distance by more than 50%.

Step into the space channel and the journey to rescue your parents begins!

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