Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 426 The Story of the Holy Law God of the Dead (Part 2)

"And as time goes by, the teacher's advantage in talent has been fully revealed. Although Flo is equally excellent, after all, she cannot compare with the teacher's talent of the Son of Light. When he broke through the eighth level, she She had just broken through the seventh level. At that time, the teacher could feel her unhappiness, but didn't think much about it, and told her that she was willing to stay put and wait for her to catch up with his cultivation."

"At the same time, after breaking through the eighth level, the teacher asked my father to propose marriage to His Majesty and agree to the marriage between him and Flo."

"Everything went so smoothly. The emperor happily agreed to let them get engaged. He only waited for the day when the teacher broke through to the ninth level and got married for them. At that time, the teacher was already known as the man most likely to become a god. .The contemporary pope of the Brilliant Holy See came to the empire in person and expressed his willingness to accept him as his disciple and let the teacher accept his inheritance."

"For the sake of the empire and for Flo, the teacher refused. At that time, the Holy See had great power on the mainland. In a sense, the three major empires had to obey the orders of the Holy See. And the teacher could feel the emperor's reluctance. For Royal Family, he would rather offend the Pope than leave the Empire.”

"After the eighth level, the teacher's cultivation speed has obviously slowed down. His teacher at the Royal Academy of Magic told me that this is because he has been simply cultivating and has less experience outside. It is recommended that the teacher go outside. Only by experiencing more of the world and experiencing all the magical places on the continent can the teacher continue to improve with more insights. The teacher accepted his suggestion and told Flo about it, hoping to take her with him to complete it. This experience.”

"However, Flo refused at that time. Although she loved the teacher deeply, she was more strong in her heart. The teacher knew that she had always hoped to surpass him. However, the distance between her and the teacher became wider and wider. Far away. So, she decided to stay in the academy and continue to practice hard, trying to catch up with her teacher's cultivation."

"In order to reach the ninth level as soon as possible and marry Flo. Also for greater glory and the glory of the empire. The teacher embarked on this journey of experience, but he never expected that it was precisely because of the gains from this experience, It’s becoming a lifelong nightmare in the near future.”

"After leaving the imperial capital, the teacher traveled around the mainland. With his eighth-level cultivation, he encountered almost no difficulties. He spent two full years traveling to almost every city in the three empires. He saw different customs and customs , experience the joys and sorrows of the world. Both his vision and cultivation have made great progress. Perhaps because he was chosen by the goddess of light, he has had many adventures in the past two years. And he has gained an unparalleled power. Kung Fu.”

"When the teacher returned to the imperial capital, his cultivation had reached the peak of the eighth level. Seeing Flo again, he happily hugged her and cried with joy. The teacher could feel that he had touched the edge of the ninth level, and was just a short distance away from breaking through. One step away, he believes that it won’t be long before he can marry my favorite Princess Flo. She will also become the strongest person in the empire in the future.”

"The teacher at that time had no scheming at all. He told Flo all the adventures he had experienced in the past two years, letting her feel the joy in his heart and the touching process. But at that time, the son of the Pope actually He also entered the Royal Academy of Magic to study. The teacher at the time was very surprised, why did he come here? Compared with the Pangbo Empire, the Brilliant Holy See's research on magic is more in-depth, and there is no need for him to come here to study."

"However, because of the joy of being reunited with Flo, he didn't think much about it. He shared everything on the trip with Flo without reservation. Flo was very interested in the skills he gained from the teacher's adventure. She was interested and hoped that the teacher would let her learn it, but she was rejected by the teacher. Although that skill is magical, it must not be learned and used easily. Because the price to be paid is too great, and the teacher is afraid that she will be harmed. It hurts!”

"Do you know what kind of skill it is? Speaking of it, I also find it very magical. Although the skill is only fragments, it requires the fusion of souls to practice. It seems to be the ability of an ancient race from another world. .It’s called the soul technique. This technique has a very weird name, called turtle shell technique. It has been completely lost, and I have not obtained this inheritance.”

"When I first got that skill, the teacher thought it was just a defensive skill. But later, after careful study, I found that it had nothing to do with defense. It was a prophetic ability. At that time, the entire continent Only in the Brilliant Holy See can there be prophets, and the teacher also knows a little about it. The seers of the Holy See can only predict the future. But the function of this technique is to predict the present, which can be said to be a kind of divination. It has one of the most important The overbearing part. That is the absolute validity. In other words, once the turtle shell technique is activated, all creatures within its scope will bear its effects. Even the caster is no exception. In its introduction, it is said , even if the gods are within the scope of the turtle shell technique, they are still bound by the absolute validity, and they are also not immune to its power. What a terrible skill! However, the absolute validity also brings absolute validity Danger. This technique is extremely uncertain. After it is performed, the user cannot control the result of the divination. In other words, the result may be good or bad. In any case, the performer will not be able to control the divination result. The practitioner himself has to bear part of it. Therefore, once he uses this ability and is unlucky, he may become a sacrifice of the turtle shell technique after using it a few times. How can such a skill teacher be willing to learn it? How can I learn it from Flo?" (For the story of the Great Tortoise Shell Technique, please see my book "The Great Tortoise Shell Master" for details)

At this point, the voice of the Holy Law God of the Dead began to turn cold, "However, Flo did not understand the teacher's painstaking efforts. She thought that the teacher was too precious and refused to teach this technique to her. She even walked away. Absolutely. The attraction of being established and having the same effect on gods was so great that she could no longer treat it with a normal mind. She also didn't think about it. If the teacher was really self-conscious, there would be no need to tell her about this matter. ah!"

"At that time, the teacher thought she was just acting out of emotion, and didn't pay too much attention. Just calm down for two days and she would be fine. Sure enough, when the teacher went to see her again two days later, she seemed to have fully recovered, but she looked a little worried. But his attitude towards the teacher was as good as before. He never mentioned what happened that day. However, what the teacher never expected was that this woman with a vicious heart had already made plans for the teacher."

"It was a sunny day. The weather was very good, the sky was cloudless, and the sunshine was particularly abundant. The rich light element made the teacher, a child of light, feel very comfortable. The feeling of being integrated into the sunshine was very beautiful to him .”

"Fuluo asked Teacher to go on an outing. He naturally agreed happily. He also told her that after this outing, she would retreat to the ninth level. As soon as the teacher succeeded in breaking through, he would ask Your Majesty to grant her a marriage and marry her to enter. By then, I believe Your Majesty must at least give the teacher the title of earl and the reward of a court mage."

"They left the imperial capital and came to the suburbs. While they were traveling around, the teacher suddenly found that they were surrounded. A large number of men in black blocked all their escape routes. Even their heads were blackened. Wrapped in cloth, no skin was exposed. As soon as he appeared, he launched a frantic attack on them. At that time, Flo seemed to be stunned. Even though she was close to the eighth level of cultivation, she seemed to have forgotten how to use magic. . As a man, it is natural for him to protect his women. And the teacher at that time was extremely conceited. With the eighth level of peak cultivation, coupled with the various powerful magics painstakingly researched, the strength of those men in black Although he was very strong, he was killed a lot by the teacher."

"However, there are more and more of them. Each of them has a cultivation level above level seven. The teacher thought it was strange at the time, if these were people sent by the other two empires to infiltrate. With so many powerful people, the powerful ones in the imperial capital Were the attackers unaware? If they continued to consume, I was afraid that he and Flo would never be able to get out. So he made a prompt decision and led Flo to break out of the encirclement immediately."

"Fuluo seemed to have woken up at this time and began to use various summoning magic to help him. They rode her summoned beasts to escape towards the imperial capital."

"Just when the teacher thought that the enemy could no longer catch up, they had broken out of the siege, and even saw the walls of the imperial capital in the distance. Suddenly, a chill invaded the teacher's heart. When he looked down, he found that a dark dagger had penetrated deep into the heart of the teacher. It penetrated deeply into his chest. And the handle of the dagger was in Flo's hand."

When they first heard the story told by the Holy God of the Dead, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were more wary, but as they listened, they gradually began to feel immersed in it. When they heard this , they couldn't help but show disbelief and were shocked.

"At that moment, Flo's expression was full of ferociousness. She also murmured, why, why didn't you pass on the turtle shell technique to me? Why? I didn't want to do this."

"The teacher's heart must have hurt at that time, more painful than the wound. The coldness in his chest gradually became numb. He could feel that his life force was pouring out from the dagger. Even at that time, the teacher He still couldn't believe that it was his beloved Flo who attacked him. He loved her so much! In order to marry her, the teacher practiced hard day and night. Just so that she could be happy, happy and proud with him in the future. However, she stabbed the teacher's left chest with a dagger full of poison, which should be where a normal person's heart would be. That stab was so decisive. She knew very clearly that the teacher meant a lot to her. There is no defensiveness. Moreover, the timing of this stab is exactly when the teacher is most relaxed."

"At this moment, more men in black appeared from the front. They seemed to have been waiting there, and they had already anticipated everything in front of them. The previous interception was just an introduction, and Flo's stab was... It’s about depriving the teacher of his chance to escape.”

"A somewhat familiar cold voice sounded, and he said to Flo: Kill him."

"It wasn't until this moment that the teacher came to his senses. The desire to survive made him quickly push away Flo and get off her summoned beast. At that time, Flo seemed to be in a daze. She also seemed to appear because of this stab. Due to his psychological changes, he did not attack the teacher immediately. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the teacher took out a scroll. This was given to him by a scroll-making master, called the Escape Scroll. It teleported twenty miles in parallel in an instant. They Obviously he didn't expect the teacher to have such a thing. The teacher escaped from the encirclement. At the moment when the escape scroll took effect, he still clearly remembered that Flo, who had woken up, hurriedly urged her summoned beast to attack him. Launch an attack. At that moment, there was only cold murderous intent in her eyes, and there was no trace of tenderness like before."

"Do you think that Flo's betrayal alone made the teacher betray the faith of light? You are wrong. If only this is the case, it is not enough to make the teacher change like that. Long Dangdang, you are also a son of light, you should Understand how determined you are as the chosen ones of the Goddess of Light. However, it is not just Princess Flo who betrays the teacher, but also the entire world."

"Through the escape scroll, the teacher escaped from their encirclement. At that time, the teacher only felt that his heart was cold. All the good things in his heart seemed to have disappeared with Flo's betrayal. But even then, he was still He doesn’t hate her yet. He loves her deeply, and no matter what, he is willing to think about her in a good place. The man in black who appeared at the end made the teacher guess that maybe Flo was also under some kind of coercion and was not allowed to For this reason. Although he knew that she was a princess and it was impossible for anyone to coerce her, the teacher was still willing to think that way. He was really stupid at that time. "

"Fuluo's stab hit the teacher on the left chest. But she didn't know that the teacher was different from ordinary people. His heart was on the right side. Therefore, although her poisonous dagger severely injured the teacher, it was not fatal. . The teacher endured the pain and found a tree hole to recuperate. With the help of the elixir obtained during the travels, he first stabilized the poisons in his body, and then gradually eliminated these toxins through his own pure light element. "

"This process is painful and long. But the teacher knows very well that even if he wants to go to Flo to ask for details, he must wait until his body has fully recovered. He heard many sounds in the tree hole while hiding There was a lot of excitement outside, and there seemed to be signs that a large number of troops were mobilizing. But he had not thought at that time why these troops were moving. He was so stupid at that time."

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