Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 443 The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation

Yun Na, the master of the Priest Temple, looked at Long Dangdang's face with a look of relief on her face. She nodded slightly to him and said: "Very good, Long Dangdang, you passed the first round of the test. Please also invite all the Holy Temple members." Consider the subsequent voting questions. Next is the second test, Dragon Dangdang, which requires you to swear an oath in front of the throne of the Seal of Eternity and Creation in the Knights Temple. Are you willing?"

Listening to the words of the Master of the Priest Temple, at this moment, Long Dangdang couldn't help but recall what his mother had told him before in the Mithril Castle of the Natural Disaster City. He understood that as long as he swore an oath, he would be gone. The second option is to go to the end according to what you originally wanted. And no matter what happens in the end, I'm afraid it won't end well for me.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes became firm in the next moment, and he nodded vigorously, "I do!"

In fact, in his heart, he had already reached a certain conclusion as early as in Mithril Castle. He is a human being, and he cannot destroy human beings. On one side are humans and the six temples that nurtured him, and on the other side are his biological parents and even his younger brother. How to choose? What he has chosen is a path of redemption. He is not entirely sure how to redeem it now, but what he can be sure of is that he will never stand on the opposite side of mankind in any case, and he absolutely does not want to see this world. Ruled by the undead, it fell into deathly silence.

Mother said that in such a world, there would be no intrigues. However, if a world where even the breath of life disappears and even emotions are gone, is it really still a living world?

These days, he has thought about this issue many times but his conclusion has never changed. Perhaps as my mother said, human beings have many bad qualities, but there are also many beautiful things in the human world! What's more, he has always been a human being. If he were to change himself into an undead mentality and destroy human beings, he would not be able to do it anyway.

At this moment, Long Dangdang was even a little relieved. Perhaps, making this spiritual wish was equivalent to strengthening his confidence. Let yourself only have this path to go on. Regardless of the final outcome, he has no regrets.

At this moment, Xuan Hanyan, the owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit; the Knight of the Knights Temple’s Divine Seal of Education and Inheritance, walked in from outside. In the first round of assessment, due to Long Dangdang's status as a knight and a magician, neither the Knight Temple nor the Magic Temple were allowed to participate. But she was always here at headquarters.

"Long Dangdang, come with me, and ask all the saints to come and witness."

Long Dangdang performed a knightly salute to Xuan Hanyan and walked to her side. Although he had just experienced a battle, except for his slightly pale face, he did not look weak. This also made all the saints marvel. You know, he just used skills like sacrifice and deflagration to fight with the Holy Lightning Thunder! But now it looks like nothing is happening.

How did they know that Long Dangdang was guarded by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, which not only helped him control his physical condition at all times, but also nourished his body at critical moments, solving the load brought to him by skills such as sacrifice, and quickly Repair his body so that his continuous combat ability far exceeds that of professionals of the same level.

Under the leadership of Xuan Hanyan, Long Dangdang and other saints came to the Knights Temple headquarters. From beginning to end, Xuan Hanyan did not have any communication with Long Dangdang. But whether it was the temple on site or the temples watching through light and shadow, they were all observing Long Dangdang's every move.

The atmosphere at the Knights Temple headquarters was solemn. The moment he walked into the headquarters, Long Dangdang immediately felt calm. In his mind, the declaration of the ten codes of knights echoed, recalling every bit of what he had learned as a knight, and his expression became calm.

At this moment, he thought a lot, and even thought about some strange words the Dragon King said when he chose him. Perhaps the Dragon King at that time had already felt the special blood in his body. But he still chose himself. At that time, this powerful man might have anticipated the situation he would face today. At that time, I don't know if he had thought of his choice today.

Deep in the hall, the six huge statues of the Divine Seal Throne soon appeared in front of everyone. The saints were the first to stop, while Xuan Hanyan took Long Dangdang to the central position surrounded by the six sacred thrones and stood there.

Facing the six statues of the Divine Seal Throne, Long Dangdang's eyes immediately fell on the one in the center.

Compared with other Divine Seal Thrones, it seems to be the least dazzling one. It is completely black, with a tall backrest that is simple and steady, and has a faint aura of grandeur. On the backrest are engraved the sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, fish, insects, and various plants. It looks detailed, but seems a bit chaotic. Coupled with the black background, it seems that it should be the most inconspicuous one.

However, around it, there are five other dazzling Divine Seal Thrones surrounding it.

The last time he came here, the thing that impressed Long Dangdang the most was the throne of the God of Doom and Killing.

The high backrest is inlaid with countless gems, and you can vaguely see a human figure on the backrest. A sharp, majestic, and even terrifying pressure spreads out from it.

At the top of the backrest is a semicircular bright red gemstone, looking down at the earth like a half sun. But its light is a slightly dim orange-red, exuding a terrifying pressure as if the end of the world is coming.

On the chest of the figure and above the back of the throne, the most eye-catching thing is a golden-red diamond-shaped gem. Every ridge on it is so sharp. This is where a huge part of the brilliant light comes from.

On the wide seat, the left and right hands were carved like two lions, crawling there and roaring. Countless magnificent patterns covered the throne as if flowing down from the back of the chair.

But even such a dazzling Divine Seal Throne of Doom and Killing can only serve as a foil to the dark Divine Seal Throne in the center.

Not just it, there are four other divine seal thrones around the black divine seal throne.

The Sealed Throne of Fear and Sorrow;

The Divine Seal Throne of Protection and Mercy;

The Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit;

The Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law.

Each of the five Divine Seal Thrones is so magnificent and eye-catching, but they can only surround the inconspicuous and most unsightly Divine Seal Throne in the center. Against their backdrop, the dark throne of the Divine Seal had a supreme majesty and mystery. Like a black hole, it attracted Long Dangdang's attention.

This is the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation! The head of the six Divine Seal Thrones, or the true source of the Divine Seal Throne, the other five Divine Seal Thrones are actually just imitations of it.

At this moment, a strange change suddenly appeared on Long Dangdang's body. On his chest, a light blue halo first rippled out, and then, an illusory blue figure floated out. It was exactly sea.

As soon as he appeared, all the saints watching from behind were startled. Some people immediately wanted to take action, but at this moment, a majestic and deep voice sounded, "Be patient."

The saints are naturally familiar with this voice, it is clearly the voice of the church master. Only then did they stop moving.

At this time, after Canghai appeared, he bowed towards the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, and then retreated sideways behind Long Dangdang.

For the six major temples, the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation is the only super artifact, the representative of the Knight Temple, and the most noble symbol of power in the entire federation. But for the former Watchers of the Soul Furnace, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation has always been their leader, the leader of the Twelve Watchers!

Immediately afterwards, a red light lit up behind Long Dangdang, and a slender red figure quietly appeared. He also bowed towards the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, and then retreated to the other side behind him. Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace was also a former watcher.

Just like its name, the Qingtun Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace always slows down a beat, and the third one appears. His white figure looks slim, slender and enchanting, with a slight blessing, and then walks behind Long Dangdang. Both Shura and Canghai took a step away at the same time, seeming to avoid him.

The three watchman spiritual furnaces stood behind Long Dangdang, and even his own temperament seemed to have changed slightly.

Sheng Shan Lei felt the most profoundly. He had faced these three spiritual furnaces before. It can be said that the most important thing for Long Dangdang to be able to persist in his attack is these three spiritual furnaces. Even as the master of the Assassin Temple, he could only feel that these were three spiritual furnaces of wisdom, but he did not know their specific names and effects. I can just guess that the red one is good at attacking, the white one is good at control, and the blue one should be for support or something.

Xuan Hanyan kept looking at Long Dangdang until his body showed no change, then she said in a deep voice: "Long Dangdang, now you can swear an oath to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation."

Long Dangdang nodded, took a step forward, looked up at the super artifact that represented the entire human world, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Respected Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, I am from the Knights Temple and Dragon Dangdang of the Magic Temple. Under your witness, I now swear an oath. No matter what difficulties I face in the future, I will never betray humanity and always take it as my duty to protect humanity. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth."

His voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the hall. Every church present and those watching through light and shadow could see it clearly. Some churches are even nodding silently. Xuan Hanyan even showed a bit of unbearable look in her eyes.

Long Dangdang did nothing wrong. In order to save his family, he went deep into the Kingdom of the Dead and risked his life and death. Now all his family members, including his younger brother who has been fighting side by side, have fallen into the Kingdom of the Dead. After returning, they will be questioned by the six temples. If it were anyone else, he would probably have some grudges in his heart, but he still looked determined. As a Divine Seal Knight, he was in charge of education and inheritance. Xuan Hanyan could clearly feel every word of Long Dangdang. From the heart, there is no way to tell a lie in front of the throne of the six divine seals. She became more determined in her heart. No matter what, the Knights Temple must safeguard the future of mankind.

"Buzz--" Suddenly, without warning, a slight buzz sounded.

The buzz was not loud, but the changes that followed shocked the churchgoers present.

The Sealed Throne of the God of Doom and Killing;

The Sealed Throne of Fear and Sorrow;

The Divine Seal Throne of Protection and Mercy;

The Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit;

The Divine Seal Throne of Order and Law.

At this moment, the sculptures of the Five Divine Seal Thrones all burst out with dazzling brilliance as the buzzing sound appeared. The dazzling brilliance caused the entire Knights Temple headquarters to be illuminated by the dazzling brilliance. And the oppressive force they produced even made the saints present feel as if they were shivering.

This is……

But Long Dangdang, standing in the center of the six sacred thrones, had another feeling. At this moment, he suddenly felt that a vague connection seemed to appear in his heart. When he swore the oath, his heart was firm, but this firmness was full of determination. And at this moment, what suddenly appeared in his heart was a soft warmth, as if it was soothing the determination in his heart, soothing his tense heartstrings, just like when he was a child, he was surrounded by his mother. In his arms, she gently touched his back.

At this time, both those present and those watching the second test through light and shadow were in an uproar. Because they were all surprised to see that in the center of the main hall of the Knights Temple headquarters, the center of the most important super artifact, the Seal of Eternity and Creation Throne, lit up with a faint white halo. Although this white The halo is not strong, but with their perception, how could they not feel that the previous buzz was released from here!

You must know that this super artifact has been silent for nearly ten thousand years. Since the only time it was controlled by the first chairman of the Federation, no one has been able to touch it. At this moment, it was actually touched by Long Dangdang's oath. What does this mean? Was there a lie in Long Dangdang's oath that angered it? Or is it that Long Dangdang’s oath awakened it and gained its approval?

Since the creation of the Knights Temple in the Dark Ages, there have only been six people qualified to challenge the throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, but all failed in the first five times without exception.

Being able to qualify for the challenge already shows their talent and ability. Long Haochen, the first chairman of the Federation, will be the sixth person to challenge this honor. He was also the only one who succeeded.

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