"Dangdang, I'm sorry, I really didn't know that you were suffering from such great pain. Because no matter how I imagined it, I couldn't imagine that it would be your parents who created the Kingdom of the Undead. And even Kong Kong would become Supporter of the Kingdom of the Undead. Dangdang, now I understand why you are in so much pain, you know? I feel really, really sad."

Ling Menglu was transmitting messages to Long Dangdang through the spiritual crystal, because her lips were always kissing him, as if she was afraid that after she let go, he would go away from her.

"But please also believe in me, your lover will be as strong as you. No matter what hardships you face, I will stand unswervingly by your side. Even in such difficulties, I I have to face it with you. The worst outcome is that we die together. Don’t reject me. I just told you that if one day you die, I will never live alone. I will accompany you. Together, by your side. Forever. From now on, no matter what difficulties you face, you will have me by your side, I love you!"

"I love you too." Tears slid down Long Dangdang's cheeks silently. At this moment, at least his heart had a harbor again.

When Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu quietly returned to the cave, everyone else was still in meditation, as if they were not aware of their departure at all.

Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang looked at each other, their pretty faces already filled with blush.

The sky outside finally dawned, and although it was still gray, it was much better than being blind at night.

Everyone walked out of the cave together, and the halo of the Soul Breathing Furnace shrouded them. Relying on the isolation of the slow field and the aura released by Xiaoxie, Long Dangdang was sure that even if it was an undead creature at the level of the temple, it would only You can't find them even with mental scanning.

Of course, everyone could only act together, and Xiaoba was not suitable to be released. They each spread their spiritual wings behind their backs. Long Dangdang made a simple judgment and took everyone to fly in the direction where the undead energy was stronger. Judging from the previously destroyed Altar of the Undead and the information collected by the Federation, the intensity of the undead energy is directly related to the Altar of the Undead. Although this method of searching is a bit clumsy, it is also the most direct. In addition, there are some evil spirits. The mental detection scan is still more suitable for their actions now.

After Xiao Xie was promoted to the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, and with the blessing of the Soul Stone, when he was only exploring in one direction, his detection distance could be as high as more than thirty kilometers. This distance is far beyond everyone's sight, so even if you find the target, you don't have to worry about being noticed.

Everyone flew very fast, but kept flying at a low altitude, passing about thirty meters above the ground.

After flying for about an hour, at a place about 800 kilometers west of Shimen City, the concentration of undead energy in the air increased significantly. Faintly, a gray vortex similar to a funnel could be seen in the distance. hover.

Long Dangdang asked his friends to slow down and stare in that direction. No need to ask, they should have found the target. And judging from its scale, it should be larger than the altar of the undead that they destroyed on the front line.

Everyone's eyes showed excitement. When performing missions deep behind enemy lines, the most important thing is to find the target first. Only with the target can we have the possibility of further action.

Slow down and keep moving closer. The thick undead energy in the air, even with the isolation of the slow field, still makes everyone feel depressed.

But everyone is still excited. Even if it is just destroying an altar of the undead in the rear, it will definitely be of great help to the front line. The establishment of these altars of the undead will definitely require a lot of resources for the country of the undead, and it is not that easy. can be established.

Continuing to move forward for fifty kilometers, Long Dangdang asked his companions to stop. The pupils of his eyes began to become as dark as ink. The pupils of Xiaoxie on the side shrank to only the size of a soybean grain. His mental power was clearly visible in the distance. The vortex of undead energy approached, and the exploration was launched quietly.

An altar of the undead that was twice the size of the one they destroyed before was about twenty kilometers away from where they were at this time. Surrounding this altar, there are at least nearly 50,000 undead creatures, many of whom have powerful auras.

It is still unclear how many ninth-level guards there are, but there must be more than two, and there may even be temple-level undead creatures. But there is no doubt that this altar of the undead has a great effect, and it can radiate at least within a diameter of 500 kilometers. If such an altar of the undead could be destroyed in the rear, its usefulness would be undoubted.

After Long Dangdang pondered for a while, he led everyone to a nearby hilly area and stopped, then placed a spatial imprint in a hidden place. The cooldown time of the Dongtian Spiritual Furnace has not yet expired, so now is not a good time to take action. Moreover, it is not a problem of an altar of the undead for them to go deep behind enemy lines.

With the existence of the Anchor of Time and Space, the number of space marks that the Different Cave Spiritual Furnace can imprint is greatly increased, because this is the ability that the Anchor of Time and Space is best at, and it also enhances the effect of the two major Space Spiritual Furnaces. In a sense, spatial markers are also spatial anchors.

After imprinting this space mark, Long Dangdang immediately retreated with his friends, chose another direction, and left towards the distance. At the same time, Xiao Xie's mental detection was used to identify the concentration of undead energy in the air.

They spent the next day conducting such explorations. Through investigation, although they did not directly fight any undead creatures, they obtained a lot of information.

First of all, they discovered that in the kingdom of the undead, the concentration of undead energy is also different. The energy of the undead will be more concentrated near the altar of the undead, and the concentration of the energy of the undead will weaken if it is farther away from the altar of the undead, or at the edge where the control ranges of the two altars of the undead come into contact.

It can be judged from this that among the undead army on the front line, there must be a very powerful undead altar to support the undead energy needs of the undead army.

Then, in all cities of the undead, there must be an altar of the undead, and it is the largest altar of the undead. Compared with the undead altar in the wild, the undead energy in the undead city is the most uniform. Although it is not as rich as the undead altar itself, this kind of uniform undead energy obviously requires a more solid foundation. Therefore, although they did not actually see it, they could also judge that the source of undead energy in the city must be the altar of the undead.

In one day, they discovered a total of four altars of the dead within a thousand kilometers around Shimen City. The one discovered first is the largest, and the remaining three are smaller.

Long Dangdang recorded all the results of these inspections, and then relayed them to the frontline commander, Marshal Xi Che, through the temple spiritual crystal. And told Marshal Xi Che that they needed further preparations before taking action. Strive to destroy more than just an Altar of the Dead.

Xi Che told him that all actions must be carried out while ensuring safety. At the same time, we also hope that they can achieve results in the rear. Undoubtedly, if they can destroy multiple altars of the undead, they will be able to shake the foundation of the undead kingdom and have a huge impact on the undead army on the front line.

Through the reconnaissance of these undead altars, Long Dangdang could vaguely guess that the largest undead altar in the entire undead empire was probably located in the mithril mountain he had visited before. It was the Mithril Mountain under the Mithril Castle where his mother, the Holy God of the Dead, lived. As for how his mother transformed the undead energy into such abundant elemental power, he didn't know. But he believed his guess, because the energy contained in the mithril mountain was so huge that it could almost be said to be unreasonably huge.

He even had the feeling that if he could destroy the altar of the undead in Mithril Mountain, he could completely lose the power of the kingdom of the undead. Of course, this is obviously not what they can do now. Although he didn't know what level his mother's strength could reach, if Mithril Mountain was attacked, I'm afraid his mother would be able to return immediately, no matter where she was.

Returning to the cave from the previous night, Long Dangdang sat around with everyone, and the light of the night pearl brightened the light in the cave.

They have been deep behind enemy lines for two days, and there is still one day left before the cooling time of the Biyoudongtian Spiritual Furnace ends.

"Captain, do you want to do it tomorrow?" Ming Xi couldn't wait.

Everyone else also looked at Long Dangdang. Judging from the current situation, if they destroy the smaller altars of the undead, judging from their previous experience of destroying the first altar of the undead, they are almost 100% able to do so. successful. If you want to destroy the largest undead altar that has been detected, whether you can succeed depends on a certain amount of luck and the number of strong undead people on that undead altar. But even if it cannot be destroyed, with so many spatial coordinates set up by them, safety is guaranteed.

As for the altar in Shimen City, it is obvious that they cannot destroy it now. The specific location of the altar of the undead in such a big city is unknown. At the same time, it must be guarded by a super undead powerhouse.

Listening to Ming Xi's excited inquiry, Long Dangdang slowly shook his head, "There's no rush. This time we go deep behind enemy lines, the opportunity is the best. Then, we must make the most of this opportunity to get more Judging from today's situation, the locations of these altars of the undead that we have explored are new information that is not available in the Federation. After the altar of the undead was built, at least what we have seen is It cannot be moved. So I plan to further explore the location of more undead altars and provide more information to the federation. Once launched, we must make the best preparations and strive to destroy multiple undead altars. altar."

After investigating and discovering so many altars of the undead, Long Dangdang had other ideas. It was not just as simple as their mission. Through the ten-second teleportation of the Unique Cave Spiritual Furnace, he can definitely bring more powerful people over. If everyone acts together, there is no doubt that more altars of the undead can be destroyed at the same time, which can really devastate the undead empire.

"Dangdang, there is a question you need to think about." Ling Menglu suddenly said.

"Huh?" Long Dangdang turned to look at her.

Ling Menglu said: "After what happened last time, maybe the Knights Temple has absolute trust in you, but other temples may not. Otherwise, there would not be that assessment. We have discovered more altars of the undead. If we want to remove them To destroy them all, or to destroy most of them, would definitely require the strength of the temple level, and not one or two people. Do you think they would be worried that this would be a trap? That is a loss that the Federation cannot bear."

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but frown.

Ling Menglu's worries were justified. According to the Federation's knowledge, her parents and younger brother were all captured by the Kingdom of the Undead. And he successfully explored many altars of the undead to provide information, and if he brought a large number of strong human beings through teleportation, assuming this was a trap, it would not be the country of the undead that would be shaken, but the Temple Federation and the entire world. Human beings. Can the Federation trust itself to this extent?

"The leader has already activated the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. How can he still convince them to trust him?" Tao Linlin couldn't help but ask.

Yue Li shook his head gently and said, "It's hard to say. It's a very important matter, and the top federal officials will definitely consider it a lot."

Ming Xi said: "Then it's better for us to act on our own and destroy as much as we can. We won't have to worry about them."

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang and said: "There is another possibility, which is also the best result. That is that you truly become the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leadership. By then, no one will doubt you anymore. No matter what suggestions you make There will definitely be strong support from the federal side.”

Long Dangdang nodded slightly. Ling Menglu was right. If he could become the second glorious and leader divine knight in history, all problems would naturally be solved. But this is obviously not an easy task. First, he has to break through the ninth level. And he has just broken through to the eighth level, and there is still a long way to go before reaching the ninth level, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

After thinking about it, Long Dang said: "No matter what, we will continue to conduct exploration. First, we will detect more altars of the undead behind the Kingdom of the Undead. Then I plan to enter Shimen City to see if there is a chance to capture a High-level undead creatures, get some information about the altar of the undead. The total number of altars of the undead and their distribution are just based on our groping exploration, which is too time-consuming."

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