After investigating the situation in the underground warehouse of the soul crystal exchange shop, Long Dangdang did not take any action, but quietly left with his friends.

After returning to the ground, follow the memory and go to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. There are three main tasks when entering Shimen City. One is to observe the situation of the defenders in Shimen City to confirm the proportion of undead creatures sent by the Undead Empire to the front line, and the second is to explore the soul crystal shop. The third and most important one is to try to find the location of the Altar of the Dead in Shimen City.

There is no doubt that this kind of undead altar in a top city is the most important to the undead empire. If such an altar of the undead could be destroyed, the blow to the empire of the undead could be imagined.

Moreover, after so many days of continuous exploration, although Long Dangdang did not take any actions with his partners, he already had some plans in mind. The reason why he didn't act rashly was not that they couldn't destroy an altar of the undead, but that he wanted to do more.

From a distance, the City Lord's Mansion is already in sight. This was the original city lord's palace, but now it became completely silent.

About a thousand meters away from the city lord's palace, everyone stopped.

Ling Menglu said: "Logically speaking, if there is an altar of the undead in the city, it should be built in the city lord's palace, where there are the most powerful guards."

Long Dangdang nodded slightly, but whether they sensed it through mental power or observed it with their naked eyes, they did not see anything similar to the undead altars they had already explored.

You must know that the changes in the sky that the Altar of the Dead can cause are very obvious. In this city, although they could feel the stronger energy fluctuations of the undead, there was no obvious sign of the existence of the altar of the undead.

I walked around the outside of the city lord's palace and didn't find much. Unless you go deep into the city lord's palace, it is not easy to find information about the altar of the dead.

Long Dangdang has no intention of going in, so there is no need to take risks. Based on the information that has been detected now, they can do a lot of things.

Before nightfall, he had quietly left Shimen City with his friends. Return to the wilderness outside again.

He first reported the situation detected in Shimen City to Marshal Xi Che through the Holy Temple Spirit Crystal. Then he and his friends gathered together to discuss further actions.

"Through investigation, we discovered the specific locations of more than a dozen altars of the undead. At present, the defense of the altars of the undead at the rear is relatively relaxed. However, there are also a lot of strong undead men responsible for guarding them. But there are so many altars. There is a large army on the front line, so it is impossible for every altar of the undead to have strong undead people that we cannot fight against. And we only have one chance to act. Once we destroy an altar of the undead, we will definitely face a large-scale manhunt by the strong undead ones. , it will be difficult to take action at that time. We cannot take the risk of staying here. So, my idea is to use this opportunity of action to achieve as many results as possible."

Seeing the light shining in Long Dangdang's eyes, everyone felt that the wise leader of the past had completely returned.

Tao Linlin said: "Captain, just tell us what to do, and we will fully cooperate with you."

Others also nodded, and they all recognized Long Dangdang's wisdom.

Long Dangdang unfolded a map that he had marked. On this map, there were markings on the specific locations of all the undead altars they had explored so far, as well as the spatial coordinates he left behind.

"At present, with the recent improvement in cultivation. If I rely on Xiaoxie's spiritual power, the medium-distance fixed-point teleportation distance that I can control is about 300 kilometers to 400 kilometers. But if, plus Qingtun With the control of the slow breathing furnace, the teleportation distance can be increased to 500 kilometers. Coupled with the blessing of the anchor of time and space, the distance can even be doubled to 1,000 kilometers. This is the limit of my medium-distance teleportation. But as the distance becomes longer, my preparation time before teleportation will also become longer. If I want to teleport a thousand kilometers, my preparation time will be about one minute."

"You see, among the altars of the undead we have explored, there is no distance between two adjacent altars more than a thousand kilometers. In other words, after we attack an altar of the undead, if we teleport immediately After leaving, we can continue to attack the second or even the third altar of the undead. But the premise is that we need to break through the defense of the altar of the undead and destroy it in the shortest possible time. This will affect our continuous combat ability. A very big test. But the advantage is that once we destroy the first altar of the undead, we will definitely attract support from the surrounding undead strongmen, making it easier to destroy the next altar of the undead we target. So , I think there’s a lot to be done.”

Ling Menglu looked at the map, and her beautiful eyes lit up, "I think it's okay. As long as the attack sequence is chosen well and we can maintain sustained combat capability, then it is not impossible to destroy multiple altars of the undead."

Long Dangdang clicked on Shimen City on the map with his hand, "This time, our main goal is to operate with this Shimen City as the center. The action route must first be surprising. Make it impossible for the enemy to judge. The route setting is not difficult, now The difficulty is that we have to maintain continuous combat capability. Monroe, this may be up to you."

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "I can draw the recovery circle in advance according to the route of our action. After we start the action, we will try to break the sky and attract the power of light to penetrate the body, so that everyone can be blessed as much as possible, thus speeding up the process. recover."

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "I can also store part of the spiritual power through the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and instill it into everyone when the time comes."

Ming Xi rubbed his hands and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it. Maybe after this one vote, our demon hunter achievements will be enough to be promoted to the Dao Emperor level demon hunting group after we return."

There was a hint of coldness on Long Dangdang's face, "Then, let's see how big our hearts are. How many altars we want to destroy." As he spoke, he picked up the pen and began to draw on the map. This time, he will be a master of time management.

Three days later.

Six figures appeared quietly five kilometers away from the nearest altar to the undead in Shimen City. This is also the first altar of the undead that Long Dangdang and the others have explored since they came here.

Everyone hid behind a small hill, squatting on the ground and observing the huge vortex of undead energy rising into the sky like wolf smoke in the distance.

"Last night and this morning, with the help of Xiaoxie, I conducted separate inspections. There was no change. There were still three ninth-level undead powerhouses. They should all be ninth-level juniors and did not have the power of the temple level. Everything went according to plan. "

Everyone nodded. Even Ling Menglu, at this moment, had a bit of excitement in her eyes. Because they all know that if they can complete it as planned, then they will contribute huge help to the front line this time.

Long Dangdang raised his head and glanced at the sky. Although it was blocked by thick clouds, there was still no problem in judging the time. Although undead creatures will not be destroyed by sunlight under the blessing of undead energy, they are still naturally afraid of light. Therefore, noon is the time when all undead creatures are least active, because during this time in the middle of the day, they The undead energy will be suppressed to a certain extent and will also become dull.

Long Dangdang nodded to his friends, "Get ready."

Ming Xi's figure disappeared silently into the air. The light behind Tao Linlin flickered. The huge demon-suppressing tree appeared behind him with dark golden light, but it did not take root. As the branches unfold, the undead energy in the air will naturally move away from its surroundings, as if it has been dispersed. This is the effect of the demon-suppressing tree itself. It is naturally resistant to undead energy and dark attributes. Powerful suppression ability, especially after evolving into a golden demon-suppressing tree, this effect becomes even more powerful.

A white light shot out from Long Dangdang's Dantian, and Qing Nuan was released by him. With a wave of his hand, a soft white halo surrounded everyone, isolating their breath in a slow way. Otherwise, whether it is the golden demon-suppressing tree or Ling Menglu who has taken out the archangel scepter, they will be as bright as a beacon in this world full of undead aura. And with his slow domain control, it will take at least half an hour. Only the breath fluctuations here will be transmitted to the distance.

Others also stood up. Yue Li's robe with soft elemental fluctuations flashed, and there was a figure exactly like her beside her. This was the ability of the elemental incarnation robe, which could transform into another figure. A she. What's strange is that the "two" Yue Li's bodies are shining with different lights, one is blue and the other is red. The sun and moon spiritual furnace also quietly appears between them, the halo flickers and harmonizes. "Two" Yue Li chanted the mantra.

The elemental incarnation robe allows Yue Li to have one more elemental body at the same time. Her main body remains in the state of the body of the fire element, while the clone is in the state of the body of the water element. The two chant spells together, complementing each other, and their power is also It will then more than double.

Wang Changxin stood next to Yue Li, covered with armor. At the same time, the God of War Furnace and the Dominate the World Spirit Furnace emerged at the same time. His momentum began to rise, and the air around the legendary Tyrant Hammer even cracked. Variety.

Long Dangdang stood at the front, his whole body covered with fine gold base armor. He held two immortal-level long swords, the Lotus of Blue Rain Light and the Judgment of Light, in both hands, one light and one heavy. His momentum was even more concentrated.

Scornful did not stop after casting Slow Domain, but began to carve something on the ground, and a strange space fluctuation appeared.

Ling Menglu floated up and landed directly on the top of the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree. The Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace appeared behind her, spreading her wings. The rich breath of life rose from the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree and poured into the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace. Within the body, light suddenly burst out. Under the nourishment of the breath of life, the power of the Angel of Light doubled, and the increased light elements quickly poured into Ling Menglu's body.

On Ling Menglu's forehead, a vertical eye opened silently, as if calling for something. A brilliant golden light burst out from her body in an instant, with an awe-inspiring and inviolable sacred aura, even for everyone who was her teammates. , all have the feeling of wanting to worship. At this moment, she seemed to have transformed into the goddess of light.

The melodious chanting of mantras began to sound from Ling Menglu's mouth, and the archangel's scepter bloomed. The golden divine light on Ling Menglu's body burst out like a blowout, but was firmly suppressed by the slow field, preventing this power from breaking through the scope of the slow field. However, it was precisely because of this suppression that the golden sacred energy was growing rapidly. thickening and becoming stronger and stronger.

Affected by the power of this sacred light, everyone else's bodies were also colored with gold, causing their respective auras to rise rapidly.

If another demon hunting group were here, it would be incredible to see this scene. Priest, in any team, the most important role is to play a supporting role, while Long Dangdang and theirs, Ling Menglu has become the absolute main attacker. hand.

Long Dangdang waved the Judgment of Light in his right hand in front of him, outlining a door of light. The huge Xiaoba quickly got out of it. Instead of taking off, he crawled in front of Long Dangdang and everyone. Six big heads appeared at the same time. A low chant sounded, dragon language magic.

It has to be said that with the increase of the Anchor of Time and Space, the ability of Qingtan and the Soul Breathing Furnace at full level is too powerful. While Qingman is carving the magic circle, he can also completely suppress the aura of Long Dangdang and their entire team within his own domain. Inside. You know, there is dragon language magic here, there is the artifact Archangel Scepter, there are beings like Ling Menglu who have the body of the God of Light, and there are powerful summoned creatures like the Golden Demon Suppressing Tree that are naturally capable of restraining the energy of the undead. In addition, the aura of everyone's creatures was not leaked at all. And the distance of five kilometers is not enough for the undead creatures to observe everything here without detecting changes in the aura here.

Long Dangdang glanced at Qingman, but he didn't even expect that Qingman's domain isolation effect of the Spiritual Breathing Furnace could be so good, and this would undoubtedly be of great help to their operation this time, allowing them to have More time to prepare.

Ling Menglu's spell chanting became louder and louder, and the surging sacred light breath continued to rush outward from the artifact in her hand. The white halo of the slow field continued to fluctuate under the impact of this powerful sacred breath, but it was able to stabilize the oppression. , and even because of its suppression, the sacred energy around Ling Menglu's body became more intense, and even the golden demon-suppressing tree under her was rendered into a more brilliant gold.

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