Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 464 Ming Xi’s opportunity

Xiaoba told Long Dangdang that when Ming Xi launched the attack, it couldn't feel the fluctuation of Ming Xi's soul for a while.

What does it mean to not feel the soul fluctuation? Long Dangdang knew it all too well. In other words, at that moment, Ming Xi was probably close to death. Why did he come back to life later? It should be because he successfully killed the bone dragon. In other words, the price of Ming Xi's blow should be her own life. If she couldn't kill the bone dragon, would she die?

At this time, Ming Xi had already started meditating and it was difficult to interrupt. Long Dangdang suppressed the worries in his heart and quickly started meditating with his friends. Now is not the time to ask, we can only wait until everyone comes over to rest.

With the destruction of an altar to the undead, the rear of the undead empire was like a powder keg being ignited. The undead powerhouses in Shimen City received the news immediately, and soon, more than a dozen undead powerhouses arrived at the sun-drenched undead altar site.

Looking at the ruined altar of the undead, and then looking at the bright sunshine in the sky that made them deeply disgusted. The soul fire in the eyes of each undead powerhouse was beating violently.

"Who is it? Human beings have sneaked in. Look for them. No matter what, we must find them." The next moment, extremely powerful mental fluctuations covered hundreds of kilometers in an almost instant, searching for everything that might exist. The breath of life.

Under the influence of the elixir and magic circle, Long Dangdang and the others rested for half an hour. This is also the limit of time they can rest here. Because the sluggish domain of the Light and Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace can only cover them for so long, and then the aura here will be emitted uncontrollably.

Everyone woke up at the agreed time almost at the same time, and the paleness on the faces of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu had disappeared. They were the main force of this attack.

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu with a questioning look, and Ling Menglu nodded to him.

"Let's go." Long Dangdang walked out of the cave first, and his friends filed out. Without any pause, identify a direction and take action immediately.

Long Dangdang privately chatted with Ming Xi in the temple spiritual crystal, "Ming Xi, is the cost of using the Soul Sacrifice Furnace your life? If you couldn't kill the bone dragon just now, would you just..."

Ming Xi privately chatted with Long Dangdang in the Temple Spiritual Crystal, "Captain, you are observing very carefully. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

In the temple spirit crystal, Long Dangdang privately chatted with Ming Xi, "Ming Xi, even if we can't continue to complete the mission, we have destroyed an altar of the undead. Everyone's safety is the first priority in my mind, do you understand? ?”

In the temple spiritual crystal, Ming Xi privately chatted with Long Dangdang, "Captain, I am not willful, but I have to do this. Otherwise, I will never be able to catch up with everyone. And in that case, for me Said, it is more uncomfortable than death. My Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace and the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace I first met have always been the two major spiritual furnaces of our Assassin Temple. Thousands of years ago, the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace followed the reincarnation saints of that generation. The female Saint Cai'er, the wife of Chairman Long Haochen, shined with dazzling brilliance and became widely known. She surpassed the Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace and became the first spiritual furnace and the most powerful spiritual furnace in the Assassin Temple. From then on, our Lightning Thorn lineage was suppressed. It was not because the Soul Sacrifice Furnace was not strong, but because the probability of death of the owner of the Soul Sacrifice Furnace was too high. Later, the continent returned to peace, and the Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace had no chance to become a complete body. The Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace’s Evolution depends on killing. And it must be a leapfrog killing in order to gain anything. I really hate the feeling of getting further and further away from you. I really don’t want to be a drag on the team, so, return to Saint After I found the teacher, I asked him to help me. The teacher later told me the secret of the spiritual furnace of sacrifice. To use the spiritual furnace of sacrifice, you have to sacrifice your own soul, and if you can kill the opponent, you can use the opponent's soul. To make up for it, if the opponent's strength is equal to mine, then there will be no change. If the opponent's strength is lower than mine, I will still lose my soul. And if the opponent I kill is stronger than me and has stronger soul power, then, the extra The soul energy can make the Sacrifice Soul Furnace evolve and feed it back to myself. This is the only way that can speed up my improvement. I have been hesitant before, and I am also afraid of death. But now I have figured it out. I have made a firm decision. Becoming stronger is the only thing I want to do. I will follow you all and be your powerful help. I will also clear the name of the Sacrifice Soul Furnace and let everyone know that our Flash Thorn The Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace is by no means inferior to the Hidden Thorn’s Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace.”

After listening to Ming Xi's words, Long Dangdang fell silent. Frankly speaking, if it were him, seeing being left behind by his friends, he would probably have the same idea. However, Ming Xi was really taking a risk by doing this! Taking risks at the cost of your own life.

After calming down his mind, Long Dangdang chatted with Ming Xi privately again: "I understand your mood, but you should have told us about this earlier. This is not a matter of just one person. We are partners. The furnace needs the conditions for promotion. You should not bear it silently, but let us all help you. You are right about one thing. Facing the undead may be an opportunity to sacrifice one's life for the furnace."

Ming Xi was stunned for a moment. Originally, she thought Long Dangdang would continue to persuade her not to use the Soul Sacrifice Furnace, but she didn't expect him to say that.

Long Dangdang turned to look at her, looked at her surprised eyes, smiled slightly, and said privately: "The risk of sacrificing the spiritual furnace is huge, but at the same time, the benefits to you are also huge. Then if we can reduce the risk as much as possible, Isn’t it just a benefit? Isn’t it just an over-level kill? Next time, we will create opportunities for you while ensuring safety. However, you have to promise me that you will never take risks by yourself again.”

Only then did Ming Xi understand, and her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up. She immediately understood what Long Dangdang meant. yes! Under normal circumstances, it is of course difficult for the Sacrifice Soul Furnace to achieve the power of devouring souls to improve itself. It is not easy to defeat powerful enemies by jumping through levels, and there is actually no way to judge the soul strength of normal professionals. The mental power of the profession is still stronger, but as an assassin, you can't just kill other professions casually. Once the Soul Sacrifice Furnace burns the power of the soul with all its strength, it is almost a narrow escape from death. During the long war against the demons, there were actually three strong men in the Assassin Temple who were in charge of the Sacrifice Soul Furnace, but they all died before fully growing up. However, the Samsara Spirit Furnace on the Shadow Thorn side was destroyed by the then The Saint of Reincarnation finally took shape, and the Sacrifice Spiritual Furnace never emitted its true brilliance.

But now they are facing undead creatures, so it becomes different! You know, the core support of the undead creature itself is the power of the soul. The soul power is stronger than that of normal professionals of the same level. If you can satisfy the requirements of the Sacrifice Soul Furnace by killing high-level undead creatures, will it be possible to accelerate the evolution of the Sacrifice Spirit Furnace, and subsequently increase Ming Xi's own strength? Also continuing to evolve? The bone dragon that had just been killed had already given the answer. He was promoted to more than four levels of spiritual power at once! This was simply unimaginable before.

Ming Xi originally launched the attack with a desperate intention, but now that Long Dangdang said this, it seemed that it had become a shortcut.

At this time, everyone had begun to accelerate and move forward quickly in the established direction. This had been planned for a long time. They had even walked through it through teleportation, so they could be said to be familiar with the road now.

Soon, they saw the second target not far away. This target was also near Shimen City, but in another direction of Shimen City. It was about 500 kilometers away from the previous Altar of the Undead. It is close to the limit distance of Longdang's medium-distance teleportation.

They can't tell what is the current situation of the altar of the undead that they destroyed on the other side, but it must have caused chaos and reinforcements from the kingdom of the undead. Looking at the power of the undead rising in the distance like wolf smoke, Long Dangdang nodded to Ling Menglu. Contempt appeared again, and the realm of slowness opened up.

This is why they, relying on the powerful recovery ability of Ling Menglu's God of Light body and their preparations, were able to activate again in such a short period of time.

Ling Menglu was still standing on the golden demon-suppressing tree, chanting incantations nourished by the life energy of the golden demon-suppressing tree. The golden demon-suppressing tree naturally bathed in the sacred light breath, exuding more intense life energy, serving everyone Recovering the previous consumption, this is also their second level of recovery after a short rest, which is also within Long Dangdang's plan.

Everyone was ready to fight again. Five minutes later, the sluggish field of the Soul Breathing Furnace was gradually unable to suppress the huge sacred energy emitted by the archangel's scepter. Long Dangdang and his companions were ready, and Ming Xi once again Disappearing in the air, she even looked forward to facing the undead powerhouse, maybe she would have another chance to improve!

Although the Soul Sacrifice Furnace is overbearing, the soul energy feedback obtained after sacrificing one's life has almost no side effects. At most, the foundation of cultivation after improvement is unstable, but if it is not stable, it is not stable. Let's go back and adjust slowly. , the most important thing is to improve first. They were going back after the attack plan was completed. After passing this village, there would be no such store. Of course, Ming Xi was not willing to give up such an opportunity.

Brilliant golden light rose into the sky again, and everyone's vigilance was immediately raised to its peak. The dark sky was opened by the golden light pillar, and the extremely powerful power of sacred light coincided with the sunlight again, allowing light to return to the earth.

The archangel's scepter was used again, and the figure of the six-winged seraph appeared in mid-air again. If it weren't for a physique like the Light God's Body, Ling Menglu's current cultivation level was only at the eighth level. If she wanted to use the divine weapon twice, it would definitely not be possible to complete it with such a short rest. But the goddess is a goddess. Whether it is her own innate physique or the magical weapon in her hand, it is incomparable with her. Even under continuous use, Ling Menglu still looks very stable and there is nothing forced.

What surprised the other partners was that when the sacred light soared into the sky and even the six-winged Seraphim appeared in the sky, the undead altar in the distance did not rush out of the ninth-level undead powerhouse again. In Long Dangdang's long-range mental exploration and perception through Xiao Xie, he just felt that the undead defenders over there were a little panicked.

An altar of the undead without the protection of a top powerhouse? In the previous inspection, there were two ninth-level undead experts here! The reason why we chose this place for the second target is because the defense strength here is relatively low, but now, it seems to be even lower than expected!

However, after a brief moment of surprise, Long Dangdang understood what had happened. It's not that there are no ninth-level strong men to guard this place, but after their previous attack, the ninth-level strong men originally stationed here went to support the destroyed Altar of the Undead, which caused this place to become empty. . Under the cover of the Soul Breathing Furnace, the undead warriors who have rushed to the other side will definitely not be able to arrive in a short while if they want to get back. They are probably still hundreds of kilometers away now. I won't be able to come back soon.

This can also be regarded as an unexpected surprise, and it went more smoothly than planned.

The huge golden holy sword fell from the sky again, falling violently, making the land in the distance become bright and bright. The wolf smoke in the sky was wiped out almost instantly, and the huge undead energy began to evolve rapidly.

Ling Menglu fell from the sky and landed next to Long Dangdang with a pale face. Long Dangdang did not fight this time. He took her hand and used two angel blessings on her. As a knight, he also used the auxiliary magic of the light system. Yes! There is no need to fight, so naturally he will provide auxiliary treatment to his girlfriend.

On the ground, Qingman had already carved out the teleportation circle. Looking at the altar of the undead with increasingly dazzling light elements in the distance, Tao Linlin couldn't help but said: "It would be great if everyone could be so relaxed."

"Let's go!" Long Dangdang activated the anchor of time and space on his own and started the space teleportation. The six people filed in and escaped from the battlefield through teleportation again. The destruction of this second Altar of the Dead went very smoothly.

The light flickered, and they had appeared in another cave, which was another place for rest.

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu and said: "Our plan needs to change. According to the situation of the previous altar of the undead, the country of the undead has to deal with the federal army on the front line, and the number of strong undead men stationed in the rear is limited. We destroyed the first one After the Altar of the Undead, the surrounding strong guardians of the Altar of the Undead ran to support. The thinking of the undead should be relatively rigid. In other words, our third target is likely to have no enemies here. Monroe, this One round, I will destroy the altar, and you will assist me in purifying the undead energy."

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