Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 473 It’s actually possible to exchange for artifacts

"Can military merit be exchanged for artifacts?" Long Dangdang looked at the old magician in front of him in surprise. He really didn't dare to think about it.

Each artifact is a treasure of the temple to which it belongs. They all have extremely important meanings, and they are so easy to take out. Most of the artifacts are controlled by the temples, so that they can exert their maximum power.

Ling Menglu's archangel scepter is the most special. This is because her status in the priest's temple is too high and the expectations for her future are too high. This artifact was given to her and she was regarded as the next priest in the priest's temple. The Lord came to cultivate them. At the same time, with Ling Menglu's current cultivation level, she is already able to use this artifact, which is also one of the important reasons.

As for Long Dangdang's two artifacts, although they are both of high status, don't forget that these two artifacts cannot be used by either the Knight Temple or the Magic Temple. Therefore, giving it to him will not affect the strength of the two major temples.

Therefore, excluding Long Dangdang, among their generation, apart from Ling Menglu, only the elemental saint woman Sang Liuying was given the artifact staff Song of Ice and Fire. Because Zisan Liuying was also trained as the next master of the Magic Temple.

At this time, the old magician in charge of military merit exchange actually said the word "artifact". For a moment, Long Dangdang was surprised, but the faces of the four people who were about to receive the equipment were shocked and showed strong surprise. .

Who wouldn’t want to own an artifact! Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu were able to easily defeat ordinary ninth-level warriors with their eighth-level cultivation and divine weapons. Casting forbidden spells was as easy as eating and drinking. This is the power of the artifact. With the artifact, it would be a huge increase and improvement for any of them.

The old magician smiled slightly and said: "As long as your merits are great enough, it is naturally possible! However, at present, your merits may not be enough."

Long Dang said: "I would like to ask you how much military merit is needed to redeem the artifact?"

The old magician raised his hand, pinched his fingers, and seemed to be calculating something. After a while, he said: "The cheapest artifact that can be exchanged for military merit is 76 million. The most expensive artifact is 163 million." . I see that you have been approved as members of the titled Demon Hunting Group. You can get a 30% discount on your military merit. "

Each of Long Dangdang and the others received a reward of 10 million military merits, plus rewards for destroying the altar of the undead for the first time and rewards for various news brought back from the kingdom of the undead. On the military side, they believe that they have accumulated astronomical figures of merit. However, even if the six people were added together, the total merit would not reach the figure of 76 million. Upon hearing this, his face suddenly fell.

The old magician laughed, his laughter even more hoarse, "What? Do you think that artifacts are so easy to redeem? If so, will it be your turn?"

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu, then at his friends, and then said to the old magician: "Senior, can you please give us some time to discuss it?"

The old magician nodded.

Long Dangdang led his friends out of the tent. Zhongli had been following them, with a confused look on his face.

what's the situation? When did the old magician at the exchange office become so easy to talk to? He also had many military merits and had come to redeem them, but in his memory, the old magician never raised his head, always with his head lowered and shrouded in a cloak.

The origin of this person is probably only known to those at the level of the temple, but what is certain is that there has never been any trouble at the military merit exchange office where this person is located.

And what did he see just now? Not only did this person raise his head, but he also talked and laughed with Long Dangdang and his fellow demon hunters. He even said that he could redeem the artifact? When have you ever heard of military functions being exchanged for artifacts?

However, when I think about the astronomical figures required for military merit, well, forget it, I don't deserve it. Zhongli felt that he might be able to witness history today. Anyway, he had never heard of the fact that the military merit exchange office could exchange artifacts.

At this time, Long Dangdang and his friends had already walked outside. Everyone looked at each other and Long Dang said: "I believe everyone understands the power of the artifact. With our military achievements, if we exchange it for epic equipment, we will definitely be able to arm everyone to the teeth. However, if we exchange it for the artifact , even with the discount of the Titled Demon Hunting Group, I’m afraid I can only exchange it for one piece, let’s discuss it.”

Ling Menglu said: "Let me tell you first, if I had to choose, I think I should exchange for artifacts. Epic-level equipment is easy to obtain, but artifacts are different. Each artifact is unique. The only problem now is that is……"

As she spoke, she also looked at her friends. Although she didn't say it out loud, everyone understood what she meant, that is, if only one artifact could be exchanged, who should this artifact be exchanged for?

This is an artifact, not an ordinary piece of equipment. As the saying goes, we don’t worry about the lack of numbers but the imbalance. We are all on the same team, and we need to concentrate everyone’s merit points to redeem artifacts for one person. So, do other people have ideas in their minds? Neither Long Dangdang nor Ling Menglu could make this decision for their partners.

Long Dangdang had thought of this before, so he turned the conversation to Ling Menglu.

The four of them looked at each other, but the first one to speak was Wang Changxin, who usually spoke the least. Wang Changxin said calmly: "I already have a world-dominating spiritual furnace. A watcher-level spiritual furnace is not as useful as a divine weapon. I don't need a divine weapon first. Woolen cloth."

Ming Xi immediately responded: "My leader of the Soul Sacrifice Furnace knows about it. Although there are some drawbacks, if I use it well, maybe I will improve faster than everyone else."

After using the Soul Sacrifice Furnace last time, everyone has felt her progress. Ming Xi didn't say it herself, and Long Dangdang didn't say the price she had to pay, but she is much more confident now than before. After all, there is a channel for rapid promotion.

Tao Linlin said: "You can't choose me. I'm the only boy. How can I get priority over the girls? Otherwise, choose Senior Sister Yue Li."

Yue Li rolled his eyes and said, "You also know that I am your senior! I am the oldest in the team, so what's the point of choosing my name?"

Each of the four people was more humble than the other, but Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If there was a conflict over the artifact, it was the last thing they wanted to see. But now it seems that the friendship between everyone is obviously better than the artifact. more important.

Ming Xi opened her mouth and almost blurted out, it would be great if Kongkong was still here. In her heart, if Long Kongkong was still there, given his importance in the team, there would be no need for humility for this artifact, just give it to Long Kongkong directly.

Long Dangdang said: "In this case, you don't have to be humble. I have an idea. Let's talk about it for everyone to discuss. According to what the senior just said, military merit can be exchanged for more than one artifact. And based on the artifacts I have seen It seems that not every artifact can be very useful to us. There are many types of artifacts, and some artifacts are even invisible to us even though we know they are artifacts." Zhong Li was beside him, but he didn't say anything clearly. His time and space anchor is of this type, and no one in the Magic Temple could use it before.

"At the same time, it also depends on the compatibility between the artifact and us. The higher the compatibility, the better the artifact can be used. We are not yet at the ninth level of cultivation, so we cannot use all artifacts. So I think, We might as well apply first to see what artifacts are available in the military merit exchange, and then choose the artifact that is most suitable for one of our team members, has the highest value, and is the most helpful to our team. "

The artifacts that can be exchanged for more than 70 million military merits and more than 100 million military merits are definitely different. Artifacts also have strengths and weaknesses.

After hearing Long Dangdang's words, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up. This was undoubtedly relatively fair. With everyone's eyesight, they could naturally tell what kind of artifact was most suitable for their team, and it also had to be consistent.

"No problem, I agree." Tao Linlin was the first to raise her hand.

Yue Li and Wang Changxin also nodded. Ming Xi smiled and said, "Okay! That's settled then."

Zhong Li was a little dumbfounded as he watched, but at the same time he couldn't help but secretly admire it. It was truly a title-level demon-hunting group that had been upgraded to an exceptional level! This unity alone is commendable. Although all the members of the demon hunting group are united, what they are facing at this time is the temptation of the artifact.

Returning to the strange tent, Long Dangdang came to the old magician and said respectfully: "Senior, before making the exchange, can we check what artifacts can be exchanged for military merit? Then make a choice. ?”

The old magician smiled and said: "Actually, you don't have to look. As long as it is an artifact owned by the six temples and currently has no owner, it can be exchanged. Of course, if you want to confirm whether the artifact is there, that is also possible. ”

Long Dangdang was stunned, "Are the military merits exchanged for the artifacts owned by the six major temples as well?"

The old magician said: "Otherwise? Could it be that the military can conjure artifacts out of thin air? The federal army is originally composed of professionals from the six major temples. The treasures exchanged for military merit do not come from the six major temples. Where did it come from? It’s just that few people’s achievements can be redeemed for artifacts, so you can consider what to exchange for it now.”

Now it was Long Dangdang's turn to be in trouble. He knew some of the artifacts owned by the six major temples, but certainly not all. Even Ling Menglu only knew what artifacts the priest temple possessed. Moreover, the thirty-six Holy Temples must have carried a lot of artifacts. For example, the six Holy Temples of the Knights Temple have already controlled all five Divine Seal Thrones except the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, so they don’t need to do it now. If you know which artifacts are still there, you need to check them.

"Senior, let's take a look at the artifacts remaining in the six major temples." Long Dangdang said.

The old magician said: "According to the rules, each time you check the artifact-level equipment retained in a temple, you need to spend one million merit points. Which temple do you want to check?"

"Ah? This also costs money?" Ming Xi said in surprise.

The old magician chuckled and said: "That is an artifact. Do you think the six major temples are willing to exchange the artifact? What's more, what artifacts the six major temples retain are themselves the most important secrets of the Federation. They can be used casually. Let people know?"

Trouble is coming. Even if Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu are not taken into account, it would cost as much as four million merit points to check the remaining artifacts in the temple to which the other four partners belong. Their meritorious service in exchange for artifacts is already very limited, and four million meritorious services is not a small amount.

Long Dang said: "We are a title-level demon hunting group, don't we have this authority?"

The old magician said: "This is the military headquarters, not the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group. Discounts are your only authority."

When Long Dangdang didn't know how to choose, Ling Menglu on the side suddenly had an idea and said: "Senior, can we know which of the artifacts currently preserved is the most valuable? Of course, eternity and creation Except for the Divine Seal Throne."

The area around the old magician's face trembled, and he said: "With the exception of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, it cannot be exchanged, and you cannot take it away if you exchange it. For the most valuable preserved artifact, you need to pay 500,000 to inquire. Merit."

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang. After making eye contact with his friends, Long Dangdang nodded and said, "Okay, senior, I am willing to pay half a million merit to find the most valuable artifact in existence."

The old magician nodded and scratched out half a million meritorious deeds from his merit bracelet.

Zhongli on the side didn't know what to say. That’s five hundred thousand meritorious deeds! Do you know how difficult it is to earn half a million merit? Did you know that half a million meritorious deeds can even be exchanged for a more common epic-level equipment? Only a few people in the entire federal army have achieved so many meritorious deeds! Are you spending money just to check a message?

Long Dangdang and the others now have more than 70 million meritorious deeds, so naturally they don't think too much about it.

The old magician lowered his head again, his face once again covered by the huge hood, and inside the tent, the spatial fluctuations obviously began to become stronger.

"Let me see, let me see which artifact is the most valuable in existence, huh huh, let me look for it, Knight Temple? No, Magic Temple, no..., huh huh, it should be This is it. Compare it again, well, this is it, this is it..."

Listening to the old magician's muttering, everyone involuntarily became nervous, especially Wang Changxin, Ming Xi, Yue Li and Tao Linlin, who were even more nervous and excited.

At this moment, the old magician raised his head, his clear eyes showing a bit of brilliance...

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