Long Dangdang also thought about whether to ask the hall master to let his partners improve their cultivation together with him, so that the overall strength of their demon hunting group would become stronger, but in the end, he rejected this idea in his heart. Because he understood what he was going to face, and since he had made a decision in his heart, there was nothing to hesitate about, and there was no need to involve everyone.

The construction of the Yunling Formation will take some time because it consumes a lot of resources, and the temple has not been used for a long time. So Long Dangdang will have to wait for a while. The Holy City decided to help Long Dangdang improve his cultivation as soon as possible to try the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. This time, he was really frightened. If Long Dangdang hadn't broken that little gap, I'm afraid the Holy City would have really been doomed. Everything happened so suddenly, how many residents of the Holy City could evacuate? If a real disaster strikes, it may directly reverse the course of this war. The senior leaders of the church know very well that the most terrifying thing about the Kingdom of the Undead is the spread of the plague. According to calculations, if one-third of human beings are transformed into undead, then everything will become irreversible.

It was rare for Long Dangdang to have a few days to rest. He did not practice any more these days. In addition to daily meditation, he liked to walk on the streets of the Holy City, look at the dim lights, and eat in the Holy City. gourmet food.

The impact of the catastrophe on the Holy City was more psychological, and it was resolved before it could cause substantial damage to the Holy City. Therefore, the people of the Holy City quickly returned to normal life. The streets are still bustling with people, and the shops are still doing brisk business. Just walking on the street, Long Dangdang can often hear some discussions about the Kingdom of the Undead.

The Federation has begun to spread the existence of the Kingdom of the Undead, but the harm of the Kingdom of the Undead is just the moss disease, and the Federation is already destroying it. The attack on the Holy City, also said to be a counterattack by the Kingdom of the Dead, was easily resolved, thereby stabilizing the people's mentality. But not all people believe the federation's explanation so easily. After all, the movement that night was too great, and the horrific oppression that seemed to destroy the world really frightened the people, not just for a short while. You can adjust your mentality.

Walking on the street, Long Dangdang looked at the living lives and felt the fireworks in the world. The pain between his brows gradually melted away. This world full of life is what you love, and it is the most important persistence in your heart! No matter what changes we face, these cannot be changed.

Gradually, a smile began to appear on his face again. He walked into each store and tasted delicious food. His favorite thing to do was to go in and eat a signature dish, then change to another restaurant, eat another signature dish, and then change again. It wasn't until I was really full from eating that I walked back to the temple headquarters.

After this incident, Long Dangdang's reputation in the temple headquarters can be said to be at its peak. Regardless of whether they were in the middle or high levels, when the powerful men from the six major temples saw him, they all responded with respect and even worship, and even seemed to have forgotten his age. Forgot that he was just a young man in his twenties. This time he destroyed the influence brought about by the arrival of the Holy Law God of the Dead, and even surpassed him in winning the inheritance competition championship.

Temple Spiritual Crystal, Hall Master, "Dangdang, come to me, get ready."

At this time, Long Dangdang was sitting in a shop, chewing on a chicken leg. This was his third visit to this shop in the past few days. The charcoal grilled chicken legs here are delicious. The charcoal fire grills the chicken fat like transparent jelly in the chicken skin perfectly into the chicken. The chicken skin is crispy and fragrant, and the chicken is tender and juicy. It may seem like a simple dish, but it can bring you the ultimate taste enjoyment.

Long Dangdang usually orders two chicken drumsticks and a glass of fresh ale brewed in the store. After eating, he goes to another store he likes.

The Holy Spirit Crystal, Long Dangdang, "Received."

He stuffed the remaining half of the chicken leg directly into his mouth, propped up his cheeks, and then pulled out the chicken bones, leaving all the chicken in his mouth. He ate it happily, and drank the remaining wine in the glass in front of him. Long Dangdang called the waiter to pay the bill with a smile on his face.

The waiter is a girl of 17 or 18 years old. When she looked at Long Dangdang, a blush would appear on her pretty face unconsciously.

The young man in front of me has been here three times. He is so handsome! The most discussed topic among the waitresses in the store in the past two days was him. Although he was dressed very ordinary, his handsome face full of sunshine and tall and slender figure could almost be said to be the best lover in the dreams of girls like them. When he came, everyone unconsciously rushed to serve him.

"Is this ready?" The waitress gave her the sweetest smile she thought she could.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "After eating, I have something to do and I have to go back."

The waitress couldn't help but asked: "Then will you come again tomorrow?"

Long Dangdang was slightly startled, with something in his eyes, but he shook his head gently, "Maybe he won't be able to come for the time being."

The waitress mustered up her courage and asked, "How long is this temporary?"

Long Dangdang shook his head, "I don't know either."

After paying the bill, Long Dangdang walked out of the store under the disappointed look of the waitress. The waitress' eyes followed his figure, but for some reason, the tall figure she was looking at seemed to be gradually fading. When she thought she was dazzled, the figure had quietly disappeared.

Silver light flashed, and Long Dangdang had returned to his residence at the temple headquarters. I went to the bathroom and wiped my mouth. The smell of chicken and ale still lingered in my mouth. The water element surrounds the mouth, reluctant to get rid of these tastes. He then walked out of the room and headed towards the Knights Temple headquarters.

The hall master is not waiting for Long Dangdang alone. With him is the master of the Magic Temple, and one from each of the other four major temples.

Seeing the tall and tall Long Dangdang arriving, the hall master couldn't help but reveal a faint smile on his face. Long Dangdang's performance in the catastrophe this time fully proved that he did not choose the wrong person. After Long Dangdang activated the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, even the Magic Temple could no longer compete with the Knight Temple for people.

If it were in peacetime, perhaps the Magic Temple would still be unwilling to give in, but now facing the huge threat from the Kingdom of the Undead, the emergence of a brilliant and leader Seal Knight who can hold the Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation has a profound impact on the entire federation. That would be a huge help. Even in the eyes of these holy churches, the Kingdom of the Dead will no longer be a problem. Whether it is the Knights Temple or the other five major temples, they all have fanatical beliefs in the Sealed Throne of Eternity and Creation.

Long Dangdang raised his right fist across his chest and saluted all the saints present.

"No need to be polite. The Yunling Formation is ready. Are you ready too?" the hall leader asked Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang nodded, "I have no problem."

"Okay, come with us." As he said that, the church leader and the five saints walked towards the back.

Long Dangdang followed the saints. At this time, his mood was unusually stable, his eyes were calm, and his heart was equally peaceful.

The peaceful life these days has made many distracting thoughts in his mind disappear. It was also in the past few days that Xiao Xie finally broke through the bottleneck and became a real evil-eyed tyrant master. Yes, a tenth-level monster, an evil-eyed tyrant master, and his spiritual attributes were comparable to the cultivation of a ninth-level strong man. Under its feedback, Long Dangdang's mental power has reached the ninth level. This made his temperament seem to have changed.

For high-level professionals, if they want to go further, there are two aspects that are the most important and the most difficult to improve. One is mental power, and the other is external spiritual power. The higher the level, the more important the two become.

After passing through a door that seemed to have ripples of light, Long Dangdang was taken to a room that looked a little strange.

This room is hexagonal in shape, with a dome that is about ten meters high. As soon as he walked in here, Long Dangdang immediately felt that his body began to become sluggish. It was not that his body became sluggish, but because the air was too thick, so that his movements began to be restricted. slow.

This rich elemental fluctuation was even greater than what he felt in Mithril Castle.

The church leader walked to the innermost part of the hexagonal room and stood in one of the corners. The other five saints also walked to a corner respectively.

The hall leader said to Longdang: "Come to the center."

Long Dangdang followed the instructions and walked to the center of the room.

The hall master's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Dragon Dang Dang, the Soul Containing Formation was jointly established by our six major temples, and will only be used under extremely special circumstances. It requires a lot of federal resources. Its function can help professionals enter the ninth level in a short period of time. In a sense, it can even be considered to exist specifically for the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Only people are qualified to use it, so they can try the test earlier. However, you have to remember that the Yunling Formation can help you improve your cultivation, but it cannot help you gain the insight to break through to the ninth level. It is equivalent to defeating the purpose. Therefore, when your cultivation level breaks through, you must do your best to consolidate and feel your own changes so that you can truly reach the ninth level. Although you have successfully integrated the Eternal Heart and successfully activated the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. , but it does not mean that you will definitely be able to pass the test of this super artifact. You have also learned history. In the entire history of mankind, there is only one person who has passed the test and became the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leadership. This is the most difficult moment for the Federation. The Kingdom of the Undead is more terrifying than we imagined, and you will become the Federation's greatest hope. The responsibilities on your shoulders will become heavier as your cultivation level increases, and you will truly take the lead. Let me ask you one last time, are you ready?"

When the hall master said the last words, his voice became high-pitched.

Long Dangdang's eyes were solid, but he didn't hesitate at all. He nodded vigorously, "I'm ready."

When he said these words, the six saints present looked at him with burning eyes, and at this moment, the six saints were surprised to find that Long Dangdang at this time was actually unusual. firm.

They are all super strong men with extremely strong mental power, and they are concentrating on perception, so they can more deeply feel Long Dangdang's determination at this time. It is not just determination, but even a bit decisive, his eyes Firm and clear, without any hesitation. This made the six saints nod secretly. I admired in my heart that he was worthy of being the champion of the inheritance competition.

"Okay, sit down where you are and meditate. No matter what changes happen in the outside world, just ignore them and just concentrate on practicing." The look on the hall master's face softened.

Long Dangdang nodded and sat down directly on the spot. Close your eyes and start meditating.

Perhaps because of the clarity of his heart at this time, he entered a meditative state in just a few breaths.

After entering meditation, he could deeply feel how strong the elemental fluctuations in this room were. The thick elemental power lingered around him and began to swarm into his body. His spiritual power didn't even need to be stimulated, it was already running at high speed.

At the same time, the church leader and the other five saints had also sat down on the spot. The hall master waved his right hand, and suddenly the entire area became brighter. Strange light patterns fell from the dome and quickly spread to every corner of the entire area. The strange light patterns suddenly made the room completely magnificent.

Various elements in the air also began to fluctuate according to strange rhythms. During the fluctuation process, the power of these elements also became more and more active.

The hall master waved his hand again, and a jade bottle flew out from his hand, directly to the top of Long Dangdang's head. The jade bottle was turned upside down, and drops of milky white liquid quietly spilled out. Suddenly, the sacred energy in the air became extremely rich like a blowout. It was like rain falling on Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang only felt his whole body heat up. He suddenly felt the extremely rich sacred light element begin to penetrate into his body, which greatly improved his own light attributes. His perception of the light element, absorption and fusion of the light element were all affected. Increased by several times.

Before today, he had only felt this kind of pure sacred energy from Ling Menglu. He was surprised to find that the power of divine light not only improved his efficiency in absorbing light elements, but also improved his qualifications. His light attribute innate inner spiritual power soared to a level comparable to that of Monroe. In other words, he seemed to have been forcibly given the body of the God of Light, possessing the same divine talent as Monroe.

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