Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 487 Holy Knight Dragon Dangdang

Of course, the Holy Church will not really do anything to encourage others. Everything the six Holy Churches are doing at this time is to enhance his foundation and prepare for the subsequent test of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

In the words of the hall master, since you have decided to train him, you must spare no effort to truly cultivate a glorious and leader-like Divine Seal Knight. This leaves the Kingdom of the Dead with no chance at all.

The heavenly materials and earthly treasures used on Long Dangdang are not just these three, but mainly these three. Next, some sub-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures belonging to the elemental attributes possessed by other Long Dangdang were also used on him one by one, allowing Long Dangdang to absorb them continuously.

The effect of the Yunling Array is not just to condense the power of elements and thereby improve one's cultivation level. Its most important role is still in the word "yuan". The treasures of heaven and earth that Long Dangdang absorbed were continuously absorbed by him at a steady speed under the control of Yunling Formation, instead of rushing into his body and bursting him.

With the blessing of such huge resources, Long Dangdang is not only improving his own cultivation, body, and mental strength, but also absorbing the spiritual furnace he owns and his contracted partners, thereby improving the overall situation.

The six holy churches accompanied Long Dangdang for three days. When they felt that the Yunling Formation was completely operating smoothly, they left quietly, leaving Long Dangdang here.

The war with the Kingdom of the Undead has reached a critical moment, and there are too many things that need to be done to prevent the Holy Law God of the Undead from causing chaos within the federation again.

The front line temporarily stopped. In order to attack the Holy City this time, the army of the Kingdom of the Undead forcibly attacked the Temple Federation's front line formation, causing considerable losses, and retreated again to distance themselves. The Federation, on the other hand, was also worried that the Kingdom of the Undead would bloom again in the rear. The Federation held multiple emergency meetings to discuss countermeasures and carry out all-round joint defense and control of major cities. For a while, both sides temporarily lost the idea of ​​continuing to attack.

After discovering that the Kingdom of the Undead possesses a super artifact, the Holy Church understood that it was almost impossible to annihilate the Kingdom of the Undead in one fell swoop. This was only possible if the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation reappeared. This is also the reason why there is a unified opinion within the temple to support Long Dangdang to become the glorious and leader of the Divine Seal Knight. The more important thing now is to wait. While waiting, nothing will happen to the rear.

In order not to create opportunities for the Kingdom of the Undead, the Federation reluctantly cremated all the remaining remains of some important heroic spirits and focused more on defense. And they began to spend ten thousand years of accumulation to establish teleportation arrays in some megacities to ensure that they could go to support in the shortest time when attacked.

Long Dangdang knew nothing about the outside world. He was completely immersed in cultivation. In fact, his own cultivation level did not improve too fast, which was about the same speed as when he, Ling Menglu and other partners were together. , not even as fast as the data increase speed of Long Kongkong’s spiritual power.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon. Under the influence of the Spirit-accumulating Formation, Long Dangdang himself is like a treasure of heaven and earth being constantly nurtured. The entire process of accumulating allows him to transform from body to spiritual power, and then to The sea of ​​spirit and even the spiritual furnace are also being nurtured.

Even the Eternal Heart was nourished in this process and became more consistent with Long Dangdang. Especially with the continuous absorption of the Holy Dew, this feeling also made Long Dangdang's feelings more and more clear. It was as if the Eternal Heart had become a part of his body, beating with his own heartbeat. At the same time, the Eternal Heart's increase in the major spiritual furnaces he owned also continued to increase. The compatibility between Dragon Dangdang and the two major artifacts, Heart of Eternity and Anchor of Time and Space, has also been improved and strengthened.

"Ang——" The excited dragon roar suddenly sounded in Long Dangdang's sea of ​​soul, awakening Long Dangdang from deep meditation. He first felt Xiaoba's breath in his own sea of ​​spirit.

The spiritual sea, which is at least twice as large as before, is no longer what it was when it first entered the ninth level. The sea water is clear and vast, with undulating waves.

At this time, just above this vast spiritual sea, a huge golden dragon spread its wings and soared in the air.

Xiao Ba's six big heads are held high, and his length has actually exceeded a hundred meters. The seventh one's neck is already bulging high, and there are faint signs of breaking through. Its spiritual aura and the spiritual aura of Long Dangdang complement each other, and the huge dragon is full of joy and excitement.

Is this... a breakthrough?

Long Dangdang was surprised to find that the aura exuded by Xiaoba at this time had actually reached the level of a tenth-level monster. Yes, unknowingly, under the influence of his Soul-Absorbing Formation, Xiaoba had broken through to a level equivalent to the ninth level of a professional. Even so, its seventh head had not yet grown.

The ninth-level dragon, this is the real dragon. Xiaoba has finally entered the growth stage of the dragon clan and has become a truly top existence. And from its seventh head that has not yet grown, it can be seen that its potential is still huge, and it still has the basis for continuous improvement in the future. After all, it is the Golden Dragon Clan, the royal family of the Dragon Clan!

Feeling Long Dangdang's consciousness descending, Xiaoba let out a dragon roar full of joy, swooped down, and actually dived directly into the sea of ​​Long Dangdang's spirit.

Suddenly, Long Dangdang could clearly feel the integration of his own mental power with Xiaoba's. As his cultivation level reached the ninth level, Xiaoba's own strength not only increased dramatically, but he also awakened some innate abilities belonging to the Golden Dragon Clan. For example, fields!

At this moment, Long Dangdang was suddenly stunned, because he was surprised to find that he seemed to feel the same power. field? Could it be that……

The consciousness left the sea of ​​spirit and returned to itself. Long Dangdang suddenly discovered that the spiritual power in his body was as heavy as lead and mercury. The huge spiritual power was running in a stable but slow way, and the spiritual power continued to increase. But it has reached an overflowing level.

In the dark, a sense of enlightenment naturally arose in his heart. The next moment, Long Dangdang suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, the entire Yunling Formation lit up with two beams of bright golden light, and the extremely strong sacred aura was almost instantaneous. With the promotion, the sacred aura fluctuations in the entire formation became extremely intense.

The spiritual power in Long Dangdang exploded outward like a blowout, and an indescribable sense of huge power came. At this moment, Long Dangdang felt as if he had the power to move mountains and reclaim seas with every move he made.


There was a bit of surprise in Long Dangdang's eyes. He didn't know how long he had been practicing. He was in the process of deep meditation, as if everything had just experienced a short moment. But at this moment, the spiritual power in his body has completely broken through to another level. The condensed huge spiritual power continued to rise, completely compatible with his body. His whole body looked as clear as crystal. The overflowing holy aura filled everything around him.

The ninth-level knight is a holy knight!

Yes, at this moment, he has officially become a holy knight. And he didn't even feel that he encountered any bottlenecks when he broke through. Everything seemed to be completed in a matter of seconds. Let him reach the current level. If Xiaoba's breakthrough hadn't awakened him, he would have continued in this state.

From the first day he entered the branch of the Knights Temple to practice, he had longed for the day when he could become a holy knight and stand at the top of the knight profession. It seemed that only a short time had passed, but it also seemed like an extremely long process. Now, he finally broke through to the ninth level and became a holy knight with more than 100,000 spiritual powers.

The first of the six professions, the Holy Knight!

He took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He was not surprised at all that he was able to break through so smoothly. Although he didn't know what kind of heaven and earth treasures the Hall Master and the others used on themselves, he could feel from the feeling at that time that it was at least not inferior to the existence of divine weapons. If you can't break through the ninth level even in this way, then you don't need the body of the God of Light.

Yes, the body of the God of Light. His talent has not been reduced because the effect of the medicine has disappeared. He is still in the state of the body of the God of Light. Otherwise, even a breakthrough holy knight would not be able to completely become a luminous body like he is now.

Not only that, he could clearly feel that his mental strength, including his body, had been greatly improved. Even all the spiritual furnaces have advanced to varying degrees in this process of cultivation.

Long Dangdang even felt that if he challenged the other five Divine Seal Thrones in addition to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he would definitely succeed and become a Divine Seal Knight.

Looking around intently, he saw that the surrounding Yunling Array was still operating stably, but the light pattern of the array was obviously dimmed. The amount of spiritual power provided to him has also been reduced a lot, and it has obviously been absorbed by him.

Long Dangdang stretched his body and then stood up. Although he knew that he had broken through the ninth level, he still didn't know the extent of his true spiritual power. It just feels like it's not as simple as entering the ninth level for the first time. The foundation is very solid and even the field has touched some insights.

That's it, ninth level!

Next, it should be the assessment of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. Well, go after you understand the realm and truly become a Holy Knight.

Obtaining the recognition of this super artifact and becoming the divine knight of glory and leadership is the only way for him to solve the dilemma he faces. So, no matter what, he must succeed.

After briefly moving his body, Long Dangdang sat down again. The effect of the Yunling Formation is still there. Although the spiritual power has been reduced, it is still much stronger than practicing outside. Of course, he is not willing to give up such a good opportunity. Continue to practice, and at the same time understand the areas where you should awaken. At the same time, you should also seriously feel the changes in your breakthrough to the Holy Knight, master this power, and let yourself have enough precipitation. After completing these, it was time for him to challenge the throne assessment of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation.

Closing his eyes again, Longdang subconsciously began to mobilize his spiritual power. At this moment, suddenly, a burning heat suddenly rose from his heart, which surprised him slightly.

Quickly looking inside, Long Dangdang clearly saw that within his body, a familiar purple-gold color suddenly rose up extremely vigorously.

The power of blood? Is it because he has broken through to the Holy Knight level that the power of his bloodline has changed?

Before he could think too much, the power of the blood began to become extremely hot. The purple-gold color spread rapidly, covering every corner of his body almost instantly. The spiritual power in the Yunling Formation suddenly became more intense. The rapid speed converged towards his body, and Long Dangdang clearly felt that the power of his blood was combining with his own.

His sacred body of light, which was originally presented as brilliant gold, was rendered into purple gold almost instantly, and pieces of purple gold scales even began to appear on the surface of his skin.

Long Dangdang suddenly felt a tearing pain all over his body, but he also found that his strength seemed to become stronger because of this.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ears, "My dear brother, do you still remember your promise to me? Now, it is time to fulfill your promise."

Long Dangdang was startled and quickly opened his eyes, "Kongkong!"

And the next moment he saw that the purple-gold color on his body burst out quickly like boiling, the huge purple-gold color covered his whole body, and everything around him also quickly became distorted. An invisible force suddenly pulled him, and the next moment, Long Dangdang was already trapped in a strange force.

The spiritual energy in the Yunling Formation was also swept away by the strange force, disappearing together with Long Dangdang. And here, it has been isolated from the outside world for a long time, and the outside world has not noticed any changes at all.

Long Dangdang only felt as if he was being pulled by a big hand and pulled into a space. Even with his cultivation level that had just broken through to the Holy Knight level, he was unable to resist, until the surrounding space suddenly shook, and everything Everyone seemed to have regained their composure, and then he was shocked to find that he appeared in a cave.

This was a dark cave with flashing red light. Everything around him felt a little familiar, and the air was filled with elemental fluctuations of darkness and fire. Not far in front of him, another figure was already sitting cross-legged, with a half-smile on his face, looking at him with interest.

Looking at the familiar face but the unfamiliar evil temperament, Long Dangdang's heart, which he thought had calmed down, suddenly tightened.


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