Standing on top of the skull, holding the Undead Disaster Staff, Ling Xue's eyes were constantly searching for the familiar figure, but what surprised her was that she did not see her son, nor the God of Eternity and Creation. Seal the glory of the throne.

Where did he go? Ling Xue secretly wondered, which was why she let the undead army launch a fierce attack in the first place. For the other party, only his eldest son's eternal domain can withstand his own natural disaster domain, but now, he is no longer there? With his son’s character, he shouldn’t! Could it be said that the changes in Natural Disaster City were caused by him?

In a flash of thought, Ling Xue quickly made a decision. No matter what the situation of the core undead altar in the Scourge City is, as long as the current battle is won, it won't matter. As long as the human army in front of him is destroyed and they are transformed into undead, then this plane will be completely under his control.

Thinking of this, Ling Xue raised the undead natural disaster staff high in her hand, and the natural disaster field spread forward in an instant, spitting out a cold word: "Kill!"

In an instant, the undead army roared out like a flood that burst a dam, heading straight towards the Temple Federation army. The terrifying undead energy spread rapidly forward like a plague.

The strong human beings are waiting in full formation. They are all ready to fight to the death. The flames of the sacrifice skills have begun to pulse on the five sacred knights. In order to be able to withstand the powerful enemy, they will not hesitate to die on the battlefield. They have no It is possible to retreat, because behind us are all our compatriots!

At this moment, suddenly, the sky above the human side became a little brighter. It was just when night fell, but on the human side, a light suddenly lit up in the sky, making the entire sky seem to have returned to normal. Like daylight. This sudden brightness also caused the undead army's advancing stones to stagnate slightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that there was an extra sun in the sky, and the brilliant golden light fell on the earth. It forcibly reversed the day and night, and the light aura descended.

Immediately afterwards, a bright moon appeared next to the big sun. The sun and the moon competed for brightness, and the overwhelming vitality of heaven and earth fell from the sky, forcibly blocking out the undead energy that spread like a plague.

Under the sunlight and moonlight, a round of nine colors appeared out of thin air, and a figure also appeared high in the sky surrounded by a faint silver light.

There seemed to be stairs in the sky. He walked down step by step, and every time he took a step, the nine colors around him would become a little brighter. The rounds of nine colors The halo continues to expand, bringing large tracts of colorful light rain to the human side that contain the vitality of heaven and earth. What it brings to the undead army is like a corrosive forbidden spell, which continuously purifies the energy of the undead that rushes forward.

Sitting cross-legged in mid-air, Long Kongkong, who originally seemed to be resting, opened his eyes at this moment, and his purple-gold eyes looked directly towards the sky.

It was a figure wearing pure white armor. At this moment, in his hands, each held a heavy sword. On his forehead, eight purple-gold light patterns were looming. With his arrival, the sky seemed to be unable to bear it, with hums and space cracks constantly appearing, just like the previous appearance of the giant undead skeleton.

Ling Xue's eyes immediately focused on this figure. At this time, her eyes were full of shock. It had only been four days! Her son's body has undergone earth-shaking changes. His spiritual power is so powerful that even with her cultivation level, she feels like she can't see the end at a glance. What level has this reached?

The Eternal Realm once again forcibly intercepted the erosion of the Natural Disaster Realm, and with one person's power, he blocked the undead army. Seeing his return, the five sacred knights were greatly relieved. Long Dangdang was able to come back in time, which made them all feel as if they had escaped from the gate of hell.

"Does it have to be like this?" Long Dangdang looked at the mother on the skull.

Ling Xue said coldly: "Shouldn't I ask you this question? Why do you have to stand on the opposite side of our family?"

Long Dangdang's eyes flashed with sadness. He knew that at this time, it was useless to say anything.

The left hand is the sword of life enlightenment, and the right hand is the eternal sword that comes with the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation and is transformed by the eternal angel. At this moment, he has truly controlled the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

A huge dragon roar resounded throughout the world at this time, and eight huge heads seemed to be squeezed out of the air, as if Long Dangdang had awakened the last clone. In the process of his ascension, he had just Xiaoba, who had recently grown his seventh head, also had an eighth head, and his current length has exceeded three hundred meters, and his body is even more majestic. The powerful dragon power shook the heaven and the earth.

"Holy!" Long Dangdang raised the Eternal Sword.

The next moment, a colorful dragon shadow separated from his body and penetrated directly into Xiaoba's body. In an instant, Xiaoba's already huge body immediately began to expand again. The whole body was emitting eight-color light, and bursts of dragon roars continued to erupt, and it unexpectedly grew to a length of one thousand meters.

The Dragon Emperor that Long Dangdang had seen in the past was just like this, and it was far less majestic than Xiao Ba, who had eight heads at this time.

Although it is still a bit small compared to the huge skeleton three thousand meters high, at this moment, its momentum is not weaker than that of the Holy Law God of the Dead.

"In that case, let's fight!" the Holy Law God of the Dead said coldly. The skeleton under him suddenly raised his arms and grabbed Xiaoba in the air.

The huge dark blue claw shadow seemed to scratch the entire sky, instantly covering the space around Xiaoba's body.

Xiaoba let out a huge dragon roar, swung his body, and swept the dragon's tail across.

"Rumble!" A huge roar resounded throughout the world, and the entire sky began to tremble. Huge space cracks appeared in the sky, as if the world was annihilated.

The hall master's expression changed and he immediately ordered, "All personnel retreat a hundred miles."

This is no longer a battle that ordinary professionals, or even people like them, can participate in. Although he didn't know what level of cultivation the returning Long Dangdang had reached now, what was certain was that this battle was a collision close to the limit of plane endurance.

Long Dangdang held two swords and united them in front of him. Behind him, the light and shadow of the huge throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation emerged. The nine-colored light came down from above and suppressed it like the power of heaven.

Wherever the nine-color halo passed, the cracks in the space were closed one after another, and the eight-color light originally emitting from Xiao Ba's body also turned into nine-color. Long Dangdang swung out the two swords in his hands, turning into a huge nine-rainbow light and striking straight at the chest of the dark blue skeleton.

At this level of cultivation, absolute strength and domain power coupled with the attributes one is good at are more effective than any technique.

A huge long knife appeared in the hand of the dark blue skeleton, raised it boldly, and struck with the nine rainbow lights again.

The moment the two sides collided, Ling Xue, who was standing on top of the skull, changed her expression. With this blow, the two sides had almost the same spiritual power. However, at the moment of the collision, she heard the mournful cry of the undead calamity staff in her hand. .

Even if they are both super artifacts, there is still a gap. Her undead scourge staff is perfectly restrained by the Eternal Sword in terms of attributes. Just like the previous domain restraint.

It can be clearly seen that the nine-colored halo remains on the sword and quickly spreads to the dark blue skeleton. What is even more terrifying is that the entire world is shaking violently. Invisibly, the energy of heaven and earth in the air is constantly splashing. Next, instead of replenishing the dragon, it directly merges into the dark blue skeleton, allowing the eternal energy remaining in it to continue to increase.

Long Dangdang swung his sword out again, and another huge nine-color ray of light fell from the sky. The dark blue skeleton also raised its sword to greet it. For a moment, the heaven and earth shook violently, but the vitality of heaven and earth that was obviously stronger in the air was gathering rapidly.

Through the improvement of the two spiritual furnaces of the sun and the moon, Long Dangdang has a deeper understanding of the outside world. He has understood that any plane or planet actually has its own will.

Why on this plane, the limit on spiritual power is limited to one million? It is because that is the upper limit that the plane can bear. Once the upper limit is exceeded, it may cause irreversible damage to the plane.

Similarly, a conscious plane certainly hopes that the plane will be full of life and vitality, and that the cultivated life will continue to grow stronger and the plane will continue to evolve. But these are things that undead creatures cannot do. Therefore, the moment the undead creature appears, it is actually standing on the opposite side of the plane.

The will of the plane cannot do anything directly, but it can change things silently, such as making someone's luck better. Let something appear that shouldn't be there and so on.

Just like Long Dangdang, as the Son of Destiny, was able to find so many watcher spiritual furnaces, how could it have nothing to do with the will of the plane?

At this moment, when his cultivation has risen to the level of more than 800,000 spiritual powers, and he is controlling the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the vitality of heaven and earth is naturally warmed by the moonlight in the sky, the Canghai Spiritual Furnace and the sun in Lantian. The spiritual furnace brought him here and became part of his power. At this time, Long Dangdang is equivalent to being one with the thoughts of the plane. The power of the plane is attached to the eternal domain, allowing this powerful super artifact that created the life of this plane to burst out its true power.

"Bang!" The dark blue skeleton finally took a step back when the nine-color light spread to its arms, and this step also set the tone for this battle.

The strong human beings who were watching the battle from a distance all clenched their fists in excitement. After all, the ascended Dragon Dangdang actually controlled the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to suppress the Holy God of the Dead, who also had a super artifact. What could be more exciting for them?

Moreover, this was just the beginning. Long Dangdang continued to attack, forcing the opponent back again and again. The nine-colored light on the dark blue giant skeleton began to become more and more intense, and its body began to shrink accordingly.

This is the purification from the power of creation. Under this purification, it has begun to be unable to maintain such a huge volume.

Ling Xue was already trying her best to mobilize the undead energy to inject it into the dark blue skeleton, but the eternal sword that Long Dangdang slashed was stronger than the other, and the eternal energy brought by the sword was more terrifying.

After eighteen sword strikes in a row, Long Dangdang's aura became more and more powerful, and his cultivation even continued to improve with the continuous attacks. This is the blessing given to him by the power of heaven and earth.

On the other hand, the huge dark blue skeleton has shrunk by nearly one-third in the process of continuous retreat. Even though it still looks extremely huge, it has obviously shown signs of decline.

Both sides know that the outcome of this battle will determine the trend of the entire war!

"Long Dangdang, you're really going to do it! That's our biological mother, you unfilial fellow. Mom, get out of the way and let me do it!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded, and then, a purple-gold figure suddenly shot out like a cannonball, rushing straight towards the dragon in the air, whose whole body was shrouded in nine-color light. Following closely behind, there was a dark golden fat figure as big as a mountain.

Naturally, Long Dangdang had already seen Long Kongkong suspended in the air, and he knew clearly that the previous barrier was broken by this guy. Only his powerful bloodline power, which is full of destructive aura, can break the eternal barrier.


The two brothers' bodies collided fiercely.

Long Dangdang still uses a sword, while Long Kongkong uses his fists.

Long Dangdang's whole body was covered in eternal armor, but Long Kongkong didn't have any armor on his body.

Long Dangdang had just defeated the Holy God of Death who possessed a super artifact.

However, just when all the strong human beings thought that the situation would not change even if they changed their opponents, changes occurred.

With a violent roar, a figure suddenly flew out like a cannonball.

And what flew out was not the purple-gold figure that took the initiative to attack, but the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader who had previously defeated the attacks of the Holy Law God of the Dead!

This scene instantly caused an exclamation from the Temple Federation.

Yes, the dragon was knocked away.

When Long Kongkong flew towards him, with Long Dangdang's cultivation, the Eternal Sword in his hand naturally resisted it. However, Long Kongkong seemed to become illusory in mid-air in an instant. The domain fell on him but it had no effect. The next moment, Long Dangdang was punched hard on the left face by him, and he flew out directly. For a moment, his brain was completely dizzy. .

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