Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 506: Finale, Return, God of the Sky Guard

Austin Griffin looked at the figure in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Long Haochen."

Long Haochen looked at him with a gentle expression, "Have you remembered everything?"

Austin Griffin's eyes were obviously a little complicated, "I remembered it, but you know, now that my power has been fully restored, aren't you afraid that I will start the road of destruction again and become a god?"

Long Haochen shook his head and said, "As long as Haoyue is here, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Austin Griffin said solemnly: "You have worked very hard to create all of this."

Long Haochen sighed softly and said: "I am not doing it for you, I am doing it for Haoyue. You have killed too much and destroyed too much. In fact, from the perspective of my heart, I dislike you very much. I would rather only Haoyue recovers." , and you will sleep forever, but no! You are one, and if that happens, Haoyue will not come back. He is my brother, no matter what, I have to find a way to keep him alive."

Austin Griffin said with a wry smile: "I'm really unpopular."

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "No, you are no longer the same person you were before. Everything that happened during your last rebirth was under my watch, not to mention that you are now united with Haoyue. First, there is a part of Haoyue in your body, and it is a very important part, isn’t it?

Austin Griffin said fiercely: "It's a shame you can think of it and let him be your brother in this life."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "When you were resurrected last time, I heard you tell the story of the past. Only then did I understand why you changed from the God of Heavenly Guard to the God of Divine Punishment. Perhaps, in your heart, you have a deep understanding of the creation of the world. God is very unwilling, but in fact, when you were born, you were not his opposite, but his guardian, or the corrector of the entire world. Therefore, you should be the guardian god, not the divine punishment. God. However, coming to the human world has caused you to suffer a tragic fate, which is related to your own special abilities and various coincidences."

"Coincidence, do you think that is a coincidence? Even if you let me be a human again, I have no good impression of humans at all." Austin Griffin said coldly.

Long Haochen said: "But you have to admit that when you came, you were a human being. Your father and mother were human beings. Your lover was a human being. Aren't they positive images of human beings? It's just because of their tragic experiences. , the evil of human beings has been overly magnified in your heart, allowing you to embark on the road of destruction with your unparalleled strength. Therefore, after listening to your story, I understand that if I want to keep Haoyue alive, Tianshou. God must return."

"So you resurrected my parents? Resurrected Hepburn, and you were able to do it?" Austin Griffin's expression was a little gentler.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "I actually couldn't do this with my own strength, but I turned to a powerful force for help, and with their help, I succeeded. They also hope that the Heavenly Guard will be able to do this." God can return and make the entire universe more orderly, instead of constantly releasing space-time turbulence due to forced correction of the universe, causing instability in many planes."

"With their help, I resurrected your parents and also resurrected Hepburn. This was actually completed thousands of years ago, and it took me a long time to prepare to build everything now. Even you The undead and natural disaster staff in my mother's hand was obtained with great difficulty from another disciple of the former undead holy law god, the undead and natural disaster, Electrox. He is now the leader of that big force. I will introduce you to him in the future. "

"After I was ready, I let your evil thoughts and Haoyue have a body respectively. Haoyue did Dangdang, and your destructive thoughts became empty. I even had a little influence on your character. Everything else, in fact, More of it develops naturally. Of course, I also have plans. For example, Yu Tong and Hepburn are the identities I deliberately arranged. This is the most important guarantee. I believe that with Hepburn around, , you don’t go crazy that easily.”

"The world you have experienced can be said to be real or illusory. This is the most difficult. The entire Temple Federation is real, but the Kingdom of the Undead is illusory. But this memory will remain. It exists as a warning in the hearts of all humans. All those who became undead because of your parents, the original dead will still be restored to their bones, and those who were originally living and turned into undead will be resurrected and forget the process of being undead. Order will be gradually restored over a period of time."

"After doing so much, you have good intentions." Austin Griffin said.

Long Haochen said: "I said this is all for Haoyue. Haoyue is my best brother. Without him, I would not be who I used to be. We would not be able to defeat the demons, lead humans to regain control of the entire continent, and let the holy demons The continent and our planet have regained order.”

"Actually, when I was helping you arrange all this, I also thought about many problems. For example, why can't you control your thoughts of destruction and insist on continuous destruction? In addition to the reasons for your tragic experience, there are also Another important reason."

Austin Griffin was stunned for a moment, "What?"

Long Haochen said calmly: "Too powerful power, uncontrollable power. You and the Creator God are one and the same. The Creator God turned into the universe, and the power you have left behind is too powerful. Originally, you were born The guardian who came out, but once you become dark, there is no power in the entire universe that can restrict you. This allows you to do anything according to your own likes and dislikes, just like a boy who slays a dragon and becomes a dragon. , If you want to fundamentally solve your problem, your power needs to be weakened, or at least restricted. "

Austin Griffin was stunned, but also fell into thinking and silence.

Long Haochen let him think, but at this time he turned to Ling Xue and Long Leilei, who were also Audrey and Osei Griffin in the previous life, "After experiencing so much, I think you also understand. "

Ling Xue was silent. From the conversation between Long Haochen and Austin Griffin, she had already understood something. At this moment, she felt a mixture of emotions in her heart.

"Thank you for giving us another chance to live and see our son again." Long Leilei said sincerely.

Long Haochen said: "It is a part of your son, that is, Haoyue, who was once my best partner and always accompanied me. I did this for him. Maybe you have also studied my history, yes, Haoyue is my mount partner that I deliberately concealed in the historical inheritance. Therefore, there are very few records about Austin Griffin in the history of the Holy Demon Continent.”

"Chairman Long, you said Dangdang is Haoyue, but now, he..." Ling Menglu said anxiously.

Long Haochen looked at her gently and said, "Don't worry, he will stay by your side. All the undead are illusions, but you are all real, and everything you have experienced is equally real."

As he spoke, he turned to Austin Griffin again, "Old man, have you figured it out?"

Austin Griffin looked at him with complicated eyes, "You are right, too much strength will make me unscrupulous. If there was no absolute strength, perhaps such a problem would not occur. This is why you asked me The reason why it is divided into Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.”

Long Haochen nodded, "Yes, powerful power needs to be restrained. And after going through these last few reincarnations, don't you think that it is safest for the God of Heaven to be divided into two parts?"

Austin Griffin said: "Then what if I become the God of Heavenly Guardian?"

Long Haochen smiled, "Of course he will stay in this plane. As the inheritor of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he will continue to guard this place on my behalf. He will also be filial to your parents. Of course, you can come back at any time." "

Austin Griffin said angrily: "Let Dangdang protect this place for you, what about you? What are you going to do?"

Long Haochen said: "I joined the big force that asked for help. They have a very grand goal. I'm going to do it. I hope you will come with me. You are back, right? Tianshou God!"

Austin Griffin looked at him deeply, "Thank you, Long Haochen. Yes, I think I am back. Dangdang also made an oath through our common identity not to destroy any planes again. "

Long Haochen said: "Actually, your oath needs to be changed a little, not to destroy any plane that does not affect the balance of the universe. Because sometimes, you really need to take action to solve many problems."

Austin Griffin nodded, "We'll talk about this later. I'm a little confused now. I just want to know, what is the force you are going to? How powerful is it."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "That force is called the Great God Circle."

(Complete book)


In fact, I have wanted to tell you for a long time that by the end of February this year, it will actually be the 20th anniversary of my debut. Unconsciously, I have been writing it for twenty years. How many books have been written in total? It may take me a long time to figure out how many books I have written. It is probably close to 60 million words.

I originally wanted to write "Bright Moon in the Sky" longer, and even include some conflicts between brothers, but then I thought about it carefully, and I still didn't want Kong Kong to be darkened. That's not what I wanted. A younger brother who is loved and cared for by his elder brother must always have a conscience and family affection.

So, although the ending may be a bit sloppy, I actually prefer this ending. Perhaps this is also a different view after my mentality changes as I grow older.

By the way, I have something very important to inform you. From my debut in 2004 to now, I have been creating and updating continuously for 20 years. Little Tang also became Old Tang. It’s really hard to work in our industry. I have writer friends who are ten years younger than me, and they all suffer from occupational diseases. Therefore, Old Tang also needs to take a rest. I don’t know how long I will rest. I haven’t decided yet. It depends on my physical condition. I also hope that I can settle and accumulate more, so that when I write again, I can bring you better works.

I remember when I first debuted, I often said that the support of readers is the biggest motivation for my creation. It is still the same now, 20 years have passed! Many readers have also accompanied me for 20 years. Here, Lao Tang bows to everyone. Thank you for your companionship in the past 20 years. It is your encouragement and help, your love and support that have brought me to where I am today. In the past 20 years, many things have happened, but every day when I create and let you see my (updates) every day, it is my happiest moment. It is no exaggeration to say that you are my most important spiritual support and my bread and butter.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, I thank you all again. Please continue to pay attention to my Weibo and WeChat public account. When I have new works, I will notify you as soon as possible. Thank you, I love you forever.

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