Long Kongkong's expression was ugly. He was already sitting in class.

Reported in the morning, and started the first class after enrollment in the afternoon. The class he is in is the first class of Knight freshmen, which is also the first grade class of Knight Academy.

He had just heard from his classmates that the qualification for admission to the Knight Academy was 20 innate spiritual power, and the requirement for Class 1 was the highest, which was 30.

None of this mattered. Now he just felt that he had been cheated and cheated by Long Dangdang.

Where is the beautiful knight girl we promised? where?

There are a total of thirty students in the first grade class. In his eyes, even the tables, chairs and benches are all male. Yes, not a single girl.

"Why are there no female classmates in our class?" Long Kongkong grabbed the boy at the same table and asked.

"Genius, the entry threshold for our class is high! Moreover, there are very few girls who are willing to be knights. They basically choose the spell system! Even if they choose our internal spiritual power system, they will choose an assassin or something like that. .Our Knight Academy is a famous monk academy. It is said that we have five freshmen classes this time, and there are three girls in total."

"Can I be transferred to a class with girls?" Long Kongkong said sadly.

"That's definitely impossible! I've heard about you a long time ago. You are the number one genius in our Knight Academy. There is no way the head teacher will let you go! By the way, genius, let me introduce myself. My name is Xifeng. With a spiritual power of fifty-five, he should be the highest in our class besides you. I will hang out with you from now on."

Xifeng is a tall and strong young man. His appearance is not outstanding in Tenglong City, but he is also somewhat honest.

"Okay, okay." Long Kongkong lay on the table bored, "Xifeng! Then tell me, which college has the most beauties?"

Xifeng scratched his head and said: "There seem to be quite a lot of spells in all three types."

Long Kongkong sat up suddenly, thinking to himself, you are so good, Long Dangdang, no wonder you chose the magic department, but you are so insidious, you have really been tricked.

At this moment, a tall figure walked in from outside. This man was two meters tall, with an extremely majestic build and shoulders as broad as a city wall. He looked to be in his thirties or forties, and had a beard like a steel needle. As soon as he entered, he felt an intimidating pressure.

The thirty students who were noisy immediately fell silent.

"I am your class teacher Wei Huo. Starting today, I will be in charge of your class for the next twelve years. Of course, the premise is that you can successfully pass the assessment every year." He said that these few who finally passed the assessment As he was writing, there seemed to be a sinister smile on his face.

Long Kongkong lamented in his heart, how come even the teachers are strong men? It would be great if there was a beautiful teacher!

"Who is Long Kongkong, stand up!" Wei Huo shouted.

"Genius, I'm calling you." Xifeng touched a certain genius who was unconscious.

"Ah?" Long Kongkong raised his head and looked at Wei Huo.

"Long Kongkong, stand up." Wei Huo shouted again, making the classroom windows buzz.

Long Kongkong stood up lazily, "I am."

Wei Huo stared at Long Kongkong, but he only felt that the child looked lazy and was not overwhelmed by his own momentum. He couldn't help but secretly admired in his heart, he was indeed a super genius with 87 innate spiritual powers!

"From now on, you will be the monitor of Class 1. Is there any problem?"

"Ah?" Long Kongkong subconsciously looked at the group of students in the class who were obviously much stronger than their peers. Who wanted to be the monitor of a group of muscular guys?

"Long Kongkong, although you are very talented, you still have to work hard. Not only do you have to work hard yourself, but you also have to help your classmates. Try to lead the whole class to make progress together, so that no one is left behind, and everyone can successfully graduate and enter the temple. . This is your responsibility as the protector of the light, and it is also the college’s ardent hope for you. Let me introduce to you, Long Kongkong, with eighty-seven innate spiritual powers, is the knight in the history of our Tenglong City and even Annuo Province. The first genius. Now, everyone welcomes him with warm applause to become the monitor of our first grade class."

"Bah, bang, bang!" The applause was thunderous.

Long Kongkong blinked and coughed to hide his embarrassment, but with this cough, the whole class fell silent instantly. The classmates all looked at him with fanatical eyes.

They have all experienced junior college studies, and they know very well what it means to have eighty-seven innate spiritual powers. This is the existence that has the opportunity to impact the divine seal knights in the future! When the gap is too big, there is no desire to compete.

Wei Huo looked at Long Kongkong with burning eyes and said, "Squad leader, please say a few words."

"Hmm, hello everyone, I am Long Kongkong. From now on, we will all be my own. I will take you flying."

"Squad leader is mighty!" Xifeng was the first to shout loudly. Suddenly, the entire first grade knight class burst into cheers.

Wei Huo waved his hand to Long Kongkong to sit down with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with such an approachable monitor who could get along with his classmates with just one sentence. He was originally worried that Long Kongkong would be proud because of his talent. Now it seems that it is very good.

"Very good! Now tell me, what are the ten rules of knights?"

Suddenly, the whole class shouted loudly: "Humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, perseverance, benevolence, justice."

The only thing that was unclear was that Long Kongkong seemed to be the only one, but in the shouts of his classmates, he seemed to feel his blood boiling, and he immediately started shouting too.

Tenglong City Temple Academy Magic Branch.

Long Dangdang's class also has thirty students. There is no doubt that the first grade of the Magic Academy is in the first class. Eleven boys and nineteen girls.

Tenglong City is the most famous city in mainland China for producing beauties, so when Long Dangdang came to the classroom, he felt that the flowers and birds were everywhere, and for a moment, he felt dazzled.

More importantly, among the nineteen girls in the class, at least ten had peeked at him, and three wanted to peek but were a little embarrassed. The remaining four were all sitting behind him. At their age, girls develop earlier than boys and are taller.

The girls were still reserved, at least they didn't take the initiative to say hello. The classmate beside Long Dangdang is the girl who is definitely among the best in the class in appearance. Although the ten-year-old girl was not fully developed yet, her delicate appearance still attracted Long Dangdang to look at her a few more times.

At this moment, the classroom door opened, and a beautiful woman who looked like she was in her early twenties walked in from the outside. Her long fiery red hair was spread behind her head, her light pink eyes were gleaming, her figure was slender and well-proportioned, and she was feminine. These three words seemed to be tailor-made for her.

"Hello everyone, I am your class teacher Siyu. I will accompany you to swim in the ocean of magic for a long time in the future. Next, I would like to ask you to introduce yourself. I only need to introduce your name. , just prepare to learn the magic attributes. Regarding your innate magic and spiritual power, the academy will keep it secret for you. After all, talent does not mean everything. Of course, if the talent is really good, that is another matter."

As she spoke, she subconsciously looked in the direction of Long Dangdang and smiled sweetly.

Long Dangdang looked a little dazed. Teacher Siyu's smile was like a hundred flowers blooming that made the stars and moon dim!

"Well, let's start with you." Si Yu pointed her finger directly in Long Dangdang's direction.

"Ah? Me?" Long Dangdang stood up quickly, his face suddenly turned red. He was already good-looking, but now his face turned red and he looked even more shy.

"Hello, teacher, hello everyone. I, I..." He even stuttered a little because of nervousness.

"It's okay, relax. You are the number one genius in our class. It's not that I don't want to keep it a secret for you. I really can't keep it a secret." Siyu smiled, and she immediately felt very interested in this talented but shy little boy. Not a bad feeling.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and managed to calm down his mind, "Yeah, my name is Long Dangdang. I haven't decided which department of magic to choose next." Yes, he hasn't decided yet. He is recognized by seven series of magic elements and can choose at will, even multiple series, as long as he can learn it.

Siyu nodded and said to the other students: "I believe everyone has heard of Dangdang's superhuman talent. I propose that he be the monitor of our class. What do you think? If you agree, please raise your hands."

Except for Long Dangdang, twenty-five of the other twenty-nine Magic Class 1 students raised their hands, and among them, all nineteen girls raised their hands.

"Monitor? Me?" Long Dangdang looked at Siyu in surprise. He couldn't help but feel at a loss for a moment. Perhaps he could only let go when he was with his younger brother.

"Look, this is what everyone wants. Come on, our squad leader, come and say a few words for everyone." Si Yu was the first to applaud, and immediately, other students also applauded.

Long Dangdang blushed a little, "Teacher, I'm afraid I can't do it well. Thank you for your support, I, I will do it well." After saying that, he hurriedly sat down.

"It seems that our squad leader still needs some time to adapt. Okay, let's introduce ourselves now, starting from the first row on the left."

Long Dangdang just felt that his brain was a little confused now. When he and Long Kongkong were in the basic academy, he was dragged out to play by Long Kongkong almost every chance he got. Let alone the monitor, he was not even a good student. superior. Later, he was forcibly separated and studied separately. He made some improvement in his studies, but he was still at the middle level. But now that he has arrived at the higher-level Temple Academy, he suddenly became the monitor. To be honest, he was really caught off guard and his heart beat faster.

At this moment, a tissue was handed to him, "You're sweating, wipe it off." A soft voice sounded.

Long Dang turned his head subconsciously and looked at his seatmate beside him. The girl was looking at him with a half-smile.

"Thank you, thank you..." Long Dangdang took the tissue and wiped it on his forehead. There was a faint fragrance on the tissue.

"Let's get to know each other, classmate and classmate. My name is Ai Xia." The girl smiled at him generously.

"Hmm, hello, I'm Long Dangdang."

Soon, the whole class had introduced themselves, and Long Dangdang, who was distracted, could only remember the names of his deskmates.

"Okay, let's start class now. Since you are here, you should all have received some basic knowledge about magicians. In our world, there are countless elemental molecules, and even every item we come into contact with, Everything we see, even ourselves, are composed of elements. And we magicians want to control those elements that are most intimate with us, so as to mobilize these powers for our use. These are controlled by us. Elements are our magic.”

"Before you officially start studying, I hope you will first clarify what magic attributes you will major in in the future. Only by knowing your own magic attributes can you practice better. You have all experienced the innate magical spiritual power. Awakening, when awakening, the corresponding element statue becomes brighter, which means that you are affinity with that element. If multiple statues become bright at the same time, then which one is the brightest is your best choice. . Of course, if you think you have enough time and ability, you can also choose to practice multiple attributes at the same time. The premise is that these attributes themselves must be familiar to you. But there must also be priorities. According to the experience of the academy, we It is more likely that you will choose a single type of magic, and it will be easier to climb to a higher level with dedicated practice."

"Squad leader, let's start with you. Tell us what you think. When you awaken, several statues shine. What are their brightness? How do you plan to choose?" Si Yu seemed to be very impressed by Long Dangdang. Interested, he called him up again.

Long Dangdang said honestly: "There are seven elemental statues shining, it seems, they are all quite bright. I can't tell the strong from the weak."

Siyu's smiling face twitched slightly, seven elements of blessing?

"Squad leader, please sit down. Well, he doesn't count. He's not in the normal category. Just pretend you didn't hear. I'll ask someone else."

The whole class burst into laughter.

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