Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 82 Nine Spiritual Apertures

Holy City Arena?

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were very unfamiliar with this name. There was no such place in Tenglong City.

"Don't talk incoherently. Please tell us what you do. From now on, when Dangdang and Kongkong are in need, I can come to you directly. Boss, let's start with you." Mr. Ling spoke.

Ling Feng responded respectfully to the old man, and then said: "I am the general person in charge of the Holy City Auction House on behalf of the Holy Church. Some important institutions in the Federation are in charge of both the Government Affairs Office and the Holy Church. Which aspect does the agency work focus on? , the representative of one party is the principal, and the other is the deputy. Because many of the items in the large auction house are related to professionals, and only the items related to professionals are more valuable, so I am the person in charge there. At the same time, , I am also a preparatory to the Magic Temple, majoring in the wind system. Speaking of which, Dangdang’s teacher is my junior brother.”

What? Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were both shocked. They didn't know the arena, but they knew about the auction house! That was a place where money was made every day, not to mention the big auction house here in the Holy City. Is my uncle in charge of the Holy City Auction House? Also, the Magic Temple Preparatory Temple? what does that mean? Zi Tianwu, Hai Jifeng, and Na Ye are all considered to be preparation churches.

There is only one condition for preparing the temple, level nine! In other words, my uncle is a ninth-level powerhouse and a ninth-level Dharma God!

"It's my turn." Lin Lei said with a smile: "I am the second in command in the Holy City Arena. Originally, according to my characteristics, I represent the Holy Church and should be the first in command. But because the eldest brother is already the general manager of the big auction house. I am in charge, so to avoid suspicion, I can only be the second-in-command. But there, my third uncle’s words are still somewhat useful. Come and play at any time. Oh, I am the preparatory temple of the Soul Temple."

Yes, another ninth level!

Long Kongkong couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, what kind of family is this! Counting grandpa and grandma, there are four ninth levels? No wonder she could cultivate a generation of goddesses like my cousin.

Ling Dian, who had been silent all this time, said with a somewhat cold voice, "I am the senior deacon of the Temple Law Enforcement Hall and the Temple Inspector. I am affiliated with the Magic Temple."

After all, it’s not about preparing the church. However, a senior deacon is at least...eighth level?

"Ahem, cough. I have a lot of free time. I work as a deputy librarian at the Federal Library. It's affiliated with the Soul Temple. I'm on duty on Thursdays and Fridays every week. If you guys want to go to the library, go there at this time. "Fifth uncle Ling Shuang said with a smile. Compared with his brothers, he seems more lively, or less serious...

Finally, it was my aunt's turn. She said with a smile: "I am the youngest and the weakest in the family. I am the seventh level and the head teacher of the first magic class. You all know it. Dangdang, come to our class quickly. My aunt will protect you!"

Ling Feng glanced at his younger sister. Ling Bing was obviously a little afraid of this elder brother, so he kept silent. Ling Feng said: "My second brother is serving in the army and is in charge of the Skyfire Magician Group directly under the Holy Temple and the Magic Temple Preparatory Temple. In the Magic Temple, I am ranked seventh and he is eighth. Your teacher is ninth."

Long Dangdang blinked. In other words, the uncle actually went one step further to reach the Holy Temple? The first six are the temples.

Counting this way, the Ling family has a total of five ninth levels, including two holy churches and three preparatory holy churches. What kind of wealthy family is this?

Long Kongkong murmured to himself: "It's done for the third generation of rich people, it's done..."

This time, even Long Dangdang felt that his brother was right. I am afraid that in the entire federation, the Ling family can be regarded as one of the top big families. The key is to have a successor! In the second generation, there were three people preparing for the temple, and in the third generation, there was even Ling Menglu, a goddess who might enter the priest's temple in the future, so she had no worries about the family's decline.

They all admired their father now. He was able to marry his legitimate daughter from such a big family and elope with her. How courageous was this? And grandpa and grandma actually let him do this. Dad is a bit mighty! Long Kongkong originally thought that he was quite brave, but compared with his father, the gap was still a bit big.

Mr. Ling said: "In the future, when you need these places in the Holy City, just come to your uncles."

"Thank you, grandpa." Long Dangdang said quickly.

Ling Feng said: "You are in the Spiritual Furnace Academy and you all have spiritual furnaces. You should understand the importance of spiritual furnaces to us professionals. In fact, after countless years of verification, the cultivation of a professional After reaching a certain level, it is the spiritual furnace, a treasure of heaven and earth, that really determines the strength. After years of research, the Holy Church also began to try to artificially cultivate the spiritual furnace."

"Can it still be cultivated artificially? Can it be a wisdom spiritual furnace?" Long Kongkong asked curiously.

Ling Feng glanced at him and said with a smile: "What good thing are you thinking about? If the wisdom furnace could cultivate it, our world would have become a different place. The current attempts can only cultivate some common things that are not suitable for the growth environment. An ordinary spiritual furnace with less demanding requirements."

"What I'm telling you is that in the future, if you are unable to obtain a sufficient number of natural spiritual furnaces, you can also consider choosing some artificial spiritual furnaces to match your own spiritual furnaces."

Ling Menglu whispered from the side: "Dad is an expert in spiritual furnaces."

Long Dangdang was also curious at this time, "Uncle, what do you mean by matching the spiritual furnace?"

Ling Feng pointed out without hesitation: "It is currently known that the human body's physical endurance limit is nine. In other words, a person can fuse up to nine spiritual furnaces. Generally speaking, it can only be less than this number, not more than this number. At the same time, the number of fused spiritual furnaces is also affected by the professional's own endurance and mental strength. Relatively speaking, the higher the strength of the spiritual furnace you fuse, the greater your endurance will be. For example, if you fuse a The wisdom spiritual furnace will take up a lot of endurance. When it is integrated with other spiritual furnaces in the future, the endurance space will become smaller. But this is caused by the energy intensity of the spiritual furnace itself. For us humans, after Years of research have found that the reason why we humans can only fuse at most nine spiritual furnaces is because there are only at most nine spiritual orifices in our body that can form a contract with the spiritual furnaces."

"What is the spiritual orifice? The teacher never mentioned it!" Long Kongkong said in surprise.

Ling Feng smiled and said: "That's because even the teachers of Spirit Furnace Academy have limited knowledge in this area. The existence of spiritual apertures can only be achieved after one's cultivation reaches a certain level or the number of spiritual furnaces exceeds five. It is necessary to know. Because for most professionals, it is quite good to obtain a spiritual furnace in their lifetime."

"Our human body has a total of nine spiritual orifices, among which the three spiritual orifices, the eyebrows, the chest, and the Dantian, are the three spiritual orifices. The spiritual furnace you are absorbing now should also be in these three spiritual orifices. . But in fact, in addition to these three spiritual orifices, there are six spiritual orifices. They are on the spiritual platform above the head, on the vest, as well as on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Together they are nine spiritual orifices."

"Why is it necessary to know the spiritual furnace after there are more than five spiritual furnaces? Because the five spiritual apertures of the eyebrows, chest, dantian, spiritual platform, and vest are naturally opened and exist in their own right. As long as your body If you can bear it, when the spiritual furnace merges with your body, it will directly integrate into these five spiritual orifices. But when your spiritual furnace exceeds five, the spiritual furnaces do not integrate with each other, and more spiritual orifices are needed. , it is necessary to open the spiritual apertures of both hands and feet. This requires practice to open up the spiritual furnace before it can be accommodated. The method of opening the four-palm spiritual apertures is a secret skill in the temple, and it requires merit to redeem it. Who can do this? There is no way to show favoritism. Everyone who can open up the four palm spiritual apertures has made great contributions. You don’t need to think about this yet."

"The most important reason why I say that you can consider choosing artificial spiritual furnaces in the future is the fusion of spiritual furnaces. I think that for at least ten years, you will not need to consider the four palm spiritual apertures. So, in addition to the spiritual furnaces you already have, How to make the spiritual furnace itself more effective and powerful? One is the evolution of the spiritual furnace itself, and the other is the fusion of the spiritual furnace. If the compatibility between the spiritual furnace and the spiritual furnace is sufficient, there is the possibility of fusion. . As long as you make the right choice, after the spiritual furnace is fused, its power will be enhanced, which will cause some waste, but the occupied spiritual orifices will be reduced. Powerful spiritual furnaces often require fusion. Spiritual furnace fusion is also a very important skill. In this regard, if you obtain it from the temple, you will need a lot of merit to redeem it. But it is not necessary for you, because you already have an existence that can guide you to take this step. Including the opening and selection of the four palm spiritual apertures With those few here, you may be able to complete a spiritual furnace that suits you without needing to exchange credit. This is a great advantage for you."

The people Ling Feng mentioned were naturally the Wisdom Spirit Furnace. The Wisdom Spiritual Furnace has a history of tens of thousands of years, and there are definitely not many secrets that we don’t know.

At this time, even Long Kongkong listened very seriously. What is the real rich third generation? This is it! This is the power of knowledge. There is no doubt that with the support of the Ling family, their future cultivation journey will definitely avoid many detours. What's more, the Ling family's resources are behind it.

Long Dang said: "Uncle, where can I get these artificial spiritual furnaces? Even if they are artificially cultivated, they must be valuable, right?"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Yes, it is a spiritual furnace after all. It is a powerful support that can be obtained outside of one's own cultivation. Some people will regard the spiritual furnace as an important piece of equipment, and some will regard the spiritual furnace as their own powerful skills. At present, there are only two ways to obtain artificial spiritual furnaces. The first is to exchange them in the temple through meritorious deeds. The second is to obtain them through auctions in big cities. The reason for these two ways is not to mention the first one. The auction is to obtain enough funds from society to support the continuation of research."

Auction bidding to obtain? The uncle is the general manager of the Holy City Auction House...

As he spoke, Ling Feng's hand flashed with light, and two flashing dark gold cards appeared in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, they flew towards Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong respectively, "These are VIPs from the Holy City Auction House. Card, you can get 20% off.”

Taking the card, Long Kongkong said with a smile: "Uncle, do you have a VIP card that can give you a 10% discount?"

Ling Feng said angrily: "What good thing are you thinking about? Obtaining items at the auction house also costs money. The normal commission is only five to ten percent. A 20% discount means that if the bidding price is not ideal, the auction house will Everyone will lose money. This is already the highest level of discount. It is applicable to all official auctions across the continent."

"Thank you, uncle." Long Dangdang put the card away with a smile. Then he looked at the third uncle beside him, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you looking at?" Ling Lei said with a smile.

Long Kongkong immediately said: "Third uncle, my brother is very greedy. He must have seen that uncle gave him a meeting gift, so doesn't he want a share from you?"

Ling Lei glanced at Long Kongkong with some surprise, "You two boys, sing and sing together, okay, okay. Of course the third uncle also has a greeting gift." As he said that, the same two cards flew out and flew towards Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

"This is a VIP card for the Holy City Arena. You can watch any level of competition in the arena for free. When you participate in the competition on your own, you can prioritize the arena times. Don't underestimate this priority. Our arena is very Busy. Under normal circumstances, it takes at least a week or more from registration to participating in the competition. Low-level ones are more likely to be arranged a month later. Well, the competitive entry threshold for the large arena is level four. You should all enough."

Ling Dian shook his hand, and two exquisite purple badges flew in front of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. The badges automatically hovered, allowing them to easily follow them.

"The badge of an external employee of the Law Enforcement Palace. It can be used to call for help when necessary. It can also be used to prove identity."

Long Kongkong's eyes lit up, "This is great, Fourth Uncle! Does that mean that even those who commit crimes don't have to be held responsible?"

Ling Dian said calmly: "You don't have to take responsibility. You will be taken directly to the Law Enforcement Hall. I will personally do it to see if your hands or legs should be broken as a criminal."

"Uh..." Fourth uncle is a bit fierce!

"Thank you, fourth uncle." Long Dangdang saluted respectfully.

"Don't look at me, you two. I don't have anything good. Here are the library membership cards, one for each person. You can come in and read books at will. Except for the confidential level, you can read them. Sometimes to check some information and history, come to us The library is right."

Long Dang was moved and took the membership card.

Finally, I arrived at my aunt. She spread her hands and said, "I don't have any power, and you are not under my control in Linglu Academy. Come on, each of you will have a card with three thousand gold coins in it, which will be used as pocket money for you."

Long Dangdang naturally took the two gold coin stored-value cards and put them away under Long Kongkong's sad and angry eyes.

Mr. Ling smiled slightly, stood up, and said, "You two, follow me."

Is this a greeting gift from grandpa?

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