Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 92 Desperate situation?

The biggest difference between the magicians of Spirit Furnace Academy and Temple Academy is that here, almost no magicians specialize in one kind of magic. Generally speaking, everyone has their own innate attributes that they are best at, but at the same time, they also need to master some other attributes of magic. It depends on your talents and abilities.

Undoubtedly, it is rare to find a genius like the elemental saint woman San Liuying who can practice six kinds of magic at the same time without even distinguishing between them. But even for students from other magic departments, it is still very common to practice two or three types of magic at the same time. After all, magic with different attributes has different characteristics and can play different roles in some special situations.

Fire magic is the most explosive magic. Even if the major is not this, many people will choose it as a minor. Another reason is because of the wide application of fire attributes. To put it simply, you need fire when grilling meat outdoors.

Therefore, the four magicians present were all able to cast fire magic. Exploding fireballs shot out one by one, drawing arcs in the air, specifically looking for places with dense concentrations of undead creatures to bomb.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom--" In a series of roars, bones splashed and zombies turned to dust.

Ling Menglu observed the audience attentively. Her mental power must be the highest among all the people. It was the first time for them to come into contact with undead creatures. It was most important to understand the opponent first.

Suddenly, her eyebrows raised slightly, and then she frowned, and Long Dangdang, who was standing in the front row, felt the same.

A round of bursting fireballs indeed killed many undead creatures. However, even these undead creatures with broken bodies had a faint gray air rising up and quickly flew towards the rear. And they're all heading in the same direction.

"Kongkong, are those flying away the undead energy?" Long Dangdang asked in a low voice to his brother beside him.

Long Kongkong shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's so far away, how do I know? You have to touch it to judge."

After a round of fire magic bombardment, the undead army did not stop at all and was getting closer to them.

At this moment, a faint gray halo suddenly appeared in the distance. When it first appeared, it was very weak, but soon it rushed forward like a tide, passing quickly over the heads of the undead army. Stretching into the distance, Long Dangdang and his five teams were also skipped.

Everyone felt a chill all over their bodies, and they couldn't help but shiver. Long Kongkong's body was trembling a little and said: "Yes, it's this kind of very strange energy, with elemental power and spiritual power in it. It seems that there is also There is some unexplainable power. I can’t tell clearly.”

"Look, those undead creatures have changed." A second-year team leader suddenly said.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the approaching undead creatures. Suddenly, they all saw a picture they would never forget.

After the gray halo passed by, all the undead creatures seemed to be frozen at that moment. The next moment, they raised their heads at the same time and looked forward at the same time. From where Long Dangdang and they were, it felt like It's like the other person is looking at me.

There are gray-white flames rising in the eye sockets of all the undead creatures, and their breaths are also changing accordingly. They felt a little lazy and slow before, but at this moment, all the undead creatures seem to have been beaten to death. Generally, it suddenly accelerated and rushed towards their direction extremely fast.

The skeleton that looked like an old man a moment ago was actually leaping like an ape at this moment, with gray-white flames flashing in its eyes, running at high speed.

Although they haven't really come into contact with these enemies yet, everyone has already felt the strong oppression.

Ling Menglu made a quick decision, "Retreat!" She understood that this was no longer an army of the undead that they and others could resist. Being able to cast an auxiliary magic that spreads throughout the field and covers the thousands of undead creatures in front of them is definitely not something they can compete with now.

Long Dangdang didn't care to hide his identity as a magic knight. With the first wave of the silver wave magic in his hand, the light body technique fell directly on everyone, and then the levitation technique. Let everyone's weight be offset by magic power, and everyone quickly jumped down the hillside and ran towards the military camp.

Behind, the undead creatures were chasing after them. What was even more frightening was that the skeletons charging at the front were chasing after them quickly, and they actually started to collide with each other one by one. The bones were reorganized, and soon It turned into a huge skeleton. About ten ordinary skeletons combined together can form a third-level skeleton like the one Long Dangdang and the others killed before.

The running speed of the third-level skeleton is much faster. Zombies don't seem to have such characteristics, and there is no way to detect them in combination, so soon only skeletons will be seen by those who are chasing them.

After the skeleton group reaches the third level, it seems that they can no longer advance. However, there are already hundreds of third-level skeletons chasing them.

If it were just them, it wouldn't be insurmountable, but there was still an army of undead behind and the terrifying existence hidden behind.

The two summoners were summoning while running. They summoned several elk-like summoned beasts one after another, allowing priests and magicians to take priority, thus allowing everyone to maintain their speed.

"Right side!" Long Dangdang shouted a reminder.

Ling Menglu turned her head to look, her pupils couldn't help but shrink, right? There were a large number of undead creatures surrounding them on the right side, getting closer and closer to them.

At this time, they were still more than twenty miles away from the military camp. Although those running undead creatures all looked like large third-order skeletons. But the shock brought by the gray halo before was too strong.

But at this moment, Ling Menglu's heart suddenly tightened, and an indescribable premonition of danger suddenly appeared. At this time, the undead creatures seemed to be quite far away from them.

"Everyone, be careful." Ling Menglu subconsciously reminded. And soon, she understood where her premonition of danger came from.

No one noticed that strange shadows suddenly appeared on the ground. If these shadows were not consistent with their actions, they would even be mistaken for their own figures.

A series of gray-black shadows rose from the ground and rushed toward everyone quickly.

After being reminded by Ling Menglu, everyone subconsciously made some preparations and hurriedly used their spiritual power or waved their weapons to try to resist.

But all this is of no use. Those gray-black shadows were invisible and had no substance. They actually bypassed their defenses and directly adhered to their upper bodies.

Everyone felt their whole bodies tense up, and suddenly there was an extremely cold feeling on their bodies, as if their blood was freezing to the point of congealing at this moment. Not only did his speed slow down, his face also became visibly pale.

"What is this?" Long Kongkong exclaimed.

Ling Menglu's eyes shone with light, a golden halo flowed, and powerful spiritual power burst out directly, and the gray-black shadow that possessed her body was shaken away.

"This is an undead creature on the spiritual level. Use your spiritual power to resist." She shouted quickly.

However, more shadows quickly entangled them. Although she was extremely mentally strong, it was easy to deal with a single shadow. However, on the ground, a large number of shadows visible to the naked eye had surrounded them, and they were quickly approaching them. launched an attack.

Disturbed by the shadows, their speed was greatly reduced, but the undead army was getting closer and closer.

Everyone who had been very calm when facing the low-level undead creatures before had their expressions become extremely ugly. They never expected that in such a short period of time, they would be in a desperate situation.

what to do? Now how to do? Ling Menglu's brain was running rapidly, was it on a mental level?

The next moment, golden light burst out from her chest, and the Sacred Hammer Spiritual Furnace suddenly appeared. The void shook. Immediately, a large number of shadows around her collapsed, and faint screams could be heard.

Everyone also felt a lightness on their bodies. However, more shadows still entangled themselves, and those shadows that were dispersed by the sacred hammer were able to regroup and continue to entangle like tarsal maggots.

Ling Menglu took a deep breath and was about to summon the angel to come. Under the use of the angel, the sacred hammer can exert greater power.

"Wait a minute, Kongkong. Tianyuan Domain!" At this moment, Long Dangdang's voice suddenly came.

Long Kongkong had just asked for the suppression of the shadow with the help of the Holy Hammer, and his face was still a little ugly. Hearing this, he subconsciously used his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, and the Devouring Domain was opened directly. The second-level Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace was instantly It unfolded its devouring power.

A strange scene happened. The shadows around him quickly flew in his direction. After coming into contact with Long Kongkong's devouring domain, they blended into it instantly. Long Kongkong's originally pale face changed almost instantly. Got to be rosy.

"Hey, it's so fast to swallow this thing!" As he said that, the golden light flashed in Long Kongkong's eyes, the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace was activated, and the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace advanced!

Behind him, black strips of light were coiled up. The Devouring Domain was instantly upgraded to the Tianyuan Domain, and the coverage area was also suddenly enlarged. The diameter of the Devouring Domain was directly expanded from ten meters to thirty meters in diameter. Under the control of Long Kongkong, those strips of light effectively avoided all his companions. And without him having to do anything, the shadows were directly absorbed into the Tianyuan realm by him like moths flying into the flame.

Long Kongkong's face began to turn red. At this moment, he felt as if he had taken a Shiquan Dabu Pill. Not only was his spiritual power instantly filled, but the sea of ​​​​spirits was also boiling. These shadows were being absorbed by his Tianyuan. After the domain was devoured, a large amount of spiritual power was injected into him. After being purified by the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, the spiritual power was extremely pure.

Except for Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, who had known about his ability for a long time, everyone else's eyes widened in shock when they looked at Long Kongkong, who was standing there with black light bands surrounding him like a demon.

They all knew that Ling Menglu's team was very strong, but in their hearts, most of them must be stronger than Ling Menglu, but they never expected that this one looked the least impressive, and was also said to be the weakest in the first-year knight class. , actually possesses such a powerful ability. That was clearly the power of the spiritual furnace, but what kind of spiritual furnace it was was absolutely unheard of for them.

Long Kongkong vibrated the Spirit Ascending Shield in his hand, and the Spirit Ascending Array was released again. With sufficient energy support, the effect of the Spirit Ascending Array greatly increased, quickly replenishing the consumed spiritual power for everyone. The only pity is that this Spirit Ascension Formation cannot replenish spiritual power.

As long as those shadows get close, they will be included in the Tianyuan Domain, and the originally ferocious offensive suddenly slows down. However, everyone was not excited because during the short period of time they were fighting against the shadows, the undead army had already surrounded them.

One after another, huge third-level skeletons rushed towards the crowd with evil shapes, waving the bone knives in their hands.

"The knights and soldiers are outside, and the assassins are supporting. The legal profession is inside, and we are breaking out in the direction of the military camp." Ling Menglu's calm voice sounded, and then her delicate body floated up from the team. About two meters above the ground, a brilliant white halo suddenly expanded outward from her body. It is the repulsive aura of the repulsive spiritual furnace.

"Boom——" The sudden burst of white light expanded instantly, erupting into a range of fifty meters in diameter. Except for the shadows that were not affected, almost all the undead creatures that entered this range were instantly destroyed. After being blown away, the bodies of the third-level skeletons were shattered one after another. For a moment, bones were flying all over the sky, as if they had entered purgatory.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and immediately found the direction and ran quickly. The magician's magic had also begun to be released. The two summoners summoned their own summoned beasts to open the way ahead.

The summoned beast of one of the summoners is a sub-dragon. This sub-dragon has two wings on its back. It seems that the wings are a bit small and should not be able to fly, but its body is extremely strong, more than seven meters long, and its whole body is covered with With extremely thick scales, when it ran wildly, its huge body made the earth tremble continuously, and it kept spitting out breath of ice from its mouth. Wherever the cold air passed, the undead creatures in front would be immediately frozen by it, and then be frozen by it. The extremely strong body was smashed into powder.

Another summoner's natal summoned beast is not weak either. It is a very special creature. It looks like an ape with short limbs, a big head, and a pair of dark eyes without any white. Nightmare Demon Ape! A purely spiritual creature.

It has only one natural skill, and that is Spiritual Storm. And this spiritual storm will become stronger and stronger as its own cultivation grows. It is said that if it can evolve to the ninth level, it will be possible to cast a forbidden spell-level spiritual storm. It is a high-growing and very terrifying summoned creature. Taking it as his natal summoned beast, this summoner himself is also good at mental power. In terms of mental strength, among everyone present, only Ling Menglu can compare with it.

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