Russia Lostbelt...Eastern Lostbelt...Atlantic Lostbelt...British Lostbelt...South American Lostbelt!

When we have gone through the ugliest journey in human history, when we reach the end of this journey, we find that we have been rejected by human reason.

What is evil and what is good?

What is blank paper?!

"Chaldea, you need to prove your innocence, you need to settle everything"

【Chuuni Shan:"Hahahahahahahaha! This makes me laugh to death! Such a farce! Such a farce! My abdominal muscles are going to burst!"】

【Tatsumi:"Wait! Isn't Fujimaru Ritsuka the savior of mankind and the representative of mankind?! Why does he need to prove his innocence to humanity?! He saved the world!"】

【Chaos Evil Gudako:"Tsk! This by-human logic is really endless!"】

【Gabriel:"So saving it is too troublesome. Since he wants to destroy it, then just give him a hand!"】

【Homelander:"As long as you have the ability, you can do whatever you want!"】

【White-haired man:"So disgusting! Give it shit to eat!!!""】

【Li Huowang:"No! It's fake! This must be fake! Yi Donglai! Where is Yi Donglai! My brain is broken again! Come and heal me!"】

【Zuowangdao:"Boss Renli is so funny! Boss Renli is so funny! Hahahahaha!" 】

Daogui World

Countless Zuowangdao saw this scene, and at the same time, a fun plan suddenly emerged in their minds.

The plan was too interesting, so interesting that it even made countless Zuowangdao's bodies tremble!

If a group of Xinsu were gathered together, and they were asked to save the world, save the world they thought was right, and finally overturn everything......

Just like Fujimaru Ritsuka, who saved the world, but in the end found out that they were the enemy of the world!...By then!!! The power of the"263"

Zuwang Dao comes from deception, but now countless Zuwang Dao no longer care about this!

They care more about having fun!!!

Thinking of all this, Zuwang Dao was so excited that his scalp was numb!

The Seventh Lostbelt

"Camazotz is forgetfulness...Camazotz is the beast of oblivion...Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

A dark and bloody figure crossed the sky, and the rich blood energy stretched for thousands of miles. Camazotz laughed like crazy.

His expression was distorted and crazy!

Camazotz forgot? He didn't forget anything! What else is there for him to forget!!!

Death World

"Seven Lostbelts, Beast..."

Everything is as Aizen expected. The so-called human evil is the deformed human love.

Beasts are the essence of human beings. They kill the strong out of pity and destroy the present because of the desire to return.

They fall because of the desire for love and the desire for pleasure.

They compare because of differences, fight because of comparison, and kill because of fighting.

As for the final survival,...Aizen smiled, and the smile on his face was even somewhat meaningful.

Perhaps to survive and to perish? Why was it rejected by human reason?

Disapproval? Disapproval? Prove its innocence, what on earth did Chaldea do to fall to the point where a hero needs to prove his innocence?


"this...How could this happen?!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's lips trembled, and she used all her strength to say this. She pointed at the Chaldea in the painting, you need to prove your innocence, you need to settle everything. The brain was confused and almost unable to think.

After the burning of human reason, there was still the freezing of human reason. This kind of thing was no longer the most important thing. What really made Fujimaru Ritsuka feel devastated was what they had done to be rejected by human reason, and they needed to prove their innocence and settle everything....

Who to settle accounts with? Them or someone else?!!

Thinking of what she had said all along that she was the savior of humanity and the continuation of humanity, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt ridiculous and nauseous at this moment.

Mashu on the side hurriedly supported Fujimaru Ritsuka who was about to fall, but the girl didn't know what to say at this moment.

Dr. Roman on the side was also silent and said nothing.

He suddenly remembered that although he had seen the end of mankind at the beginning, was what he saw really the end brought by Goetia?

What kind of scene was seen in that last moment, even he couldn't tell clearly.

Moreover, Romani's mind once again emerged with the scenes of Director Marisbury at that time.

He didn't feel anything at the beginning, but why does everything now look like him, as Solomon, being led step by step into a deep pit.

If this is really the case...Romani shuddered.

Even Solomon at that time was regarded as a chess piece by Marisbury, so what exactly was Marisbury's purpose?!

The Crown Time Temple

Goetia snorted coldly. Although he now somewhat recognized Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, it did not mean that he thought he was wrong!

Like Solomon, Goetia naturally saw the end of human history and the freezing of human reason.

But even Goetia could not be sure whether the so-called freezing of human reason was true.

That was an uncertain unknown. It was this unknown, coupled with pity, that pushed him to want to burn human reason at this time!

Now it seems that he was right!


Chaos Evil Gudako whispered something, and the curious eggplant came forward and heard the little face turn pale, and his heart instantly sank.

"Hey, Timothy, beast Nero, that sorghum Chihuahua counts as half, gay also counts as half, human reason haha fuck***……!"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, senior?" The sexy eggplant wanted to smooth things over, but was choked back by Chaos Evil's fierce face.

"Enough, Mashu! No more words! How can a man be depressed and inferior to others for a long time! I can replace you with mere human reason!"

"Just wait and see, he will show his loyalty to me soon!"

Sexy Eggplant trembled, looking at the confused and unbearable predecessor, she seemed to understand who the Eighth Beast was!

【Fate Easter Egg——Ultimate Creature UO! 】

JOJO World

"JO, JOJO! Ultimate Creature?!!", as if he had a special sensitivity to this word, Dio suddenly widened his eyes with excitement!

That world actually���Is there an Ultimate Creature?!

I wonder how it compares to him? Can it match his Ultimate Perfect Form!

No, this is impossible, right? Although DIO cannot deny that the power of other worlds is extremely terrifying and far exceeds his, what he cannot deny even more is that there is no Jo-level creature more perfect than him! In the

Fate World

Clock Tower, the Wandering Sea, and countless magicians in the Atlas Academy frowned suddenly.

Ultimate Creature...Could it be that thing from South America?!!

The Ultimate Life - UO, one of the originals, also known as Aristotle, the spokesperson of planetary consciousness, the strongest individual on each planet, even the Death Perception Eye cannot kill it.

Because it has no concept of death, it can only be physically destroyed. As far as the UO of the solar system is concerned, they belong to the nine planets of the solar system.

Lunar UO, King of the Moon, Princess of the Moon - Brunstad of the Vermillion Moon, blonde hair and red eyes, a beautiful princess.

The prototype of the True Ancestor, replaced the Earth Consciousness Gaia, who was uneasy after humans became primates but could not solve the problem, and created the real world to actually rule the earth.

When the restraining force Gaia deems it necessary, it will create a population named the True Group based on the blueprint of the Moon Throne. It is a natural mediator, the touch of the stars, and Gaia's direct means of self-defense against humans.

After the battle with Zelrich, the body disappeared

Clock Tower

Regardless of whether they knew about this or not, all the members of the Clock Tower raised their heads proudly!

Their own magic marshal is so awesome!

However, everyone was more shocked and terrified. The planetary consciousness and the ultimate creature UO were actually killed.

In the imaginary space, the white-haired magic marshal Kishu Yazelrich felt a dull pain in his body, and his life was slipping away all the time.

Awesome? He paid with his life.

In the Ten Thousand Worlds, the restraining force is divided into the unconscious aggregate (Alaya Consciousness) of the primates who want their world to survive, and the world's own instinct (Gaia).

Someone mentioned this before. If Alaya is a collection of human consciousness and represents humans, then Gaia represents the planet. What is the attitude of the planet towards humans? The ultimate creature was created by the planetary consciousness?

And its purpose does not seem to be simple? (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Great Spider of Oort, Oort Nebula, came here in response to Gaia's consciousness on Earth. It was originally a disc, and passed by Mercury and ate Mercury UO.

It arrived on Earth 5,000 years earlier than the agreed time, landed in South America, and began to sleep. It is about 40 meters long and has a strong attack ability. As an offensive creature, it has different dimensional abilities! The

27 ancestral apostles of the previous generation captured it and were killed instantly.

At the same time, Oort will also use the Crystal Valley, which is like an inherent barrier, to permanently change the rules of reality!

【Star Swallowing:"Hungry...Very hungry"】

【Sakata Gintoki:"It... ate it?! Not UO bro, you eat everything?!"】

【El-Melloi II:"There is nothing on earth that can compare to it....It is not a life that can be destroyed at all!"】

【Laughing Bat:"Hahahahahahaha! Compared to this, isn't it more concerning the real purpose of Gaia, the will of the planet, summoning it?"】

【Doctor Who:"Didn't the planetary consciousness of the Earth give birth to its own UO? There are only two possibilities for actively summoning a powerful and terrifying existence. One is to protect, and the other is to..."】

【Doctor Strange:"Could it be that the planet's will sensed that it was about to be destroyed, so this UO came to destroy Goetia?"】

【Kenpachi Zaraki:"It's possible."

In the Bankai, could it be that it was really summoned to destroy Goetia?

Everyone was extremely curious, and at the same time, they were somewhat certain of this. Logically speaking, if it wasn't for Romani, Goetia would be almost impossible to defeat. With his anti-summoning ability, he could eliminate all the heroic spirits except Solomon...0

And if Goetia succeeds, the entire human history will be completely changed. Both Alaya and Gaia will suffer a devastating blow and eventually cease to exist.

It seems that it was summoned to deal with Goetia, everyone was certain, but the next moment, everyone's expressions gradually became stunned.

The real purpose of Gaia summoning Ort!

The Land of Steel - the so-called Land of Steel refers to the world that has entered its end due to the death of the planetary consciousness Gaia after the disagreement at the end of the world. All of this is caused by human beings' endless consumption and exploitation of resources, excessive pollution, and overdraft of the planet's vitality, which eventually led to the Earth losing its vitality and entering death.

The death of a planet means the death of the planet's will, and the death of the Earth means that all life on it will perish.

The fifth fictional element, the true ether, which is enough to kill any creature of the old era, will instantly permeate the entire planet!

The entire planet will turn into a gray desert death star that has lost all vitality.

Seeing this, countless viewers in the

Ten Thousand Worlds were stunned and shocked, and then their mouths turned up, with malicious intent undisguised! It turns out that it has nothing to do with Goetia~!!!

It is better to say that the idea of the planetary will Gaia is exactly the same as Goetia!

Because humans have caused a devastating blow to their own mother planet, and will eventually even kill the planet, so the planetary consciousness chooses to kill humans?!

That's right! Everyone agreed very much. It was obviously just a group of parasites that killed Mother Earth!

No one can tolerate it!

Just when everyone thought this was the answer, the scene that appeared again made everyone's heart suddenly chilled!

Humans are the children I gave birth to, but they were killed by their own children and perished together with humans.

Gaia thought this was reasonable and accepted it without any regret or resentment, but...What shocked Gaia was painful and even unacceptable.

Humans had developed extremely terrible technology for their own survival. They struggled desperately!

They created hundreds of next-generation primates, born from humans, far superior to humans.

Even in the wasteland death star filled with true ether, they could still survive!

Gaia was silent, and an uncontrollable panic rose in her heart!!!

She died, but her children surpassed her death and are still alive....

I can't accept it, I can't accept it, I can't accept it!

It's like watching flies living on a rotting corpse. They are obviously dead, but their children are still alive....

Gaia could accept destruction, could accept being killed by her own children, but she simply could not accept such a horrible fact!!!

【Leaky Pot:"Feeling...My scalp is trembling, you humans are so disgusting, killing your own mother is not enough, you even want to live on your mother's corpse!!! This is the human who claims to have intelligence?!"】

【Vaccine Man:"Hahahahahahaha! Goetia is right! See?!""】

【Thanos:"Disgusting Parasite 1.3!"】

【Yagami Light:"Humanity has infinite possibilities...Haha, this sentence is both ironic and exciting."】

【Anti-Spiral Tribe:"This planet was about to be destroyed. Goetia chose to burn humanity to save the world. You stopped it, so the progress of humanity in this world will be hundreds of millions of times slower."

Chaldea's bloody facts were before them.

The Chaldeans could no longer say a word, and they felt indescribable disgust and self-mockery in their hearts. The evil they claimed to defeat was actually themselves....

Goetia's vision is for the entire planet and the future of all human beings, but they live only for the present, this short time.... but...

"call...That's right! We just want to live! Everyone wants to live, what's wrong with that!" said Fujimaru Ritsuka firmly.

Now that they know the reason, they will look for the answer to this reason!

They want the earth to survive!

【fate world ends——】

【Timeline clearing——】

【Characters being cleared——】

【Rewards are being cleared - (Note: The biggest reward is for the protagonist of the video, and the rewards are distributed according to the most suitable person)】

【Three people answered incorrectly in this question.】

【Rewards settlement - Romani Achiman: Super EX has skills: self-determination (those who reach the realm of nothingness can change their own or others' fate. When changing their own fate, the power of fate has no upper limit and they are not controlled by cause and effect), master the five great laws, and gain true knowledge of all things (see through all confusion, see through the past, present and future)]

At the same time, a new round of videos appeared on the screen

【Gurren Lagann World——】

【Question: How far can humans reach with a drill?——】

A thin, black-haired, goggled, and frail boy appeared in the painting.

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