Marvel Universe

"So shocking..."

Loki still couldn't come back to his senses. The most primitive and wild battle between Super Tengen Breakthrough Crimson Spiral and the Anti-Spirals deeply stimulated Loki's giant blood.

And as a mage, who doesn't have a dream of close combat?!!

The most primitive and wild battle was almost beyond his words, and the blood in his body seemed to start burning!

At this moment, Loki finally discovered a terrifying thing!

That is, the spiral is the power of will! Life resonates with that world because of the power of the double helix!

Therefore, the spiral energy is extracted from the spiral world and converted and released by the nerve center of the spiral life. A life form can release as much energy as the entire universe!

A life form...Can it release as much energy as the entire universe? It sounds so unbelievable, but what is even more unbelievable is the so-called spiral god's wrath! The spiral god's wrath does not destroy the universe at all, but the worldview of that world!

Just like their Marvel world, even if everything is destroyed, as long as the concept of the Marvel world is still there, it still exists, but that world concept is destroyed.

"No wonder it had to be sealed...."Loki murmured in shock,"This power is too terrifying."

A book emitting a faint green light slowly flipped open, and the previous page was the figure of the Anti-Spiral Clan and the Super Tengen Red Lotus Spiral Rock, and the true nature of the Spiral God's Wrath!

So what story will the next guy bring?

Loki raised an expectant smile.

【Doctor Who World】

【Question: How long can an intellectual life endure the years of despair?]

In the painting, an old man in a suit with white hair looks serious and sharp.

【Only three contestants will be given the chance to answer each question.】

【Now start answering——Ding, Nobita Nobi, Sora, Daiko】

Doctor Who World

The doctor showed a trace of surprise and a wry smile on his slightly old face.

He didn't expect that he would be chosen, and this means that his identity will definitely be exposed!

And about this question...

The Doctor knows that although the life spans of the Time Lords vary, they are roughly the same, and each rebirth brings a new continuation, but in the desperate time...What is the meaning of infinite rebirth?

Why did he have to spend such a long time in despair?

And why was he so desperate?

Seeing this, Clara hurried over to comfort the doctor.

In the Ten Thousand Worlds, everyone looked at the old man in the painting. This time, it was not...Humans?

Everyone took a look and determined the answer in their hearts. To be precise, it should be a certain race in the universe. Countless powerful beings can even clearly see the traces of time on them.

A certain race about time?

And the question this time is how long can the sentient body survive the desperate years?

The figures of Homura Akemi and Kamijou Touma emerged in everyone's mind.

Could it be that the doctor this time is the same?

【Tomoe Mami:"How many years of despair can a sentient being endure? This question makes me feel uneasy."】

【Merlin:"If it were a being without any intellectual characteristics, this would have been the answer, but for an intellectual being......It's difficult. This kind of existence has infinite possibilities.~"】

【Thanos:"Haha, infinite possibilities? It's just a few million years. I don't believe anyone can endure despair for more than a few million years.""】

【Deadpool:"Don't use your short and weak thing to see the world, Purple Potato Head!"】

【Thanos:"I must chop you off!"]

Tiga World

"The long years of despair, is it to save the world or save a certain existence?"

Da Gu looked at the old man in the painting in a trance.

Could it be that such an existence still has to fight against something?

Doraemon World

""Hurry up, Doraemon, give me the answer! This may be the last time I beg you in my life!" Big Bear was both happy and anxious. He was happy that he finally got the chance to answer the question and could reach the peak of his life from now on. He was anxious because he had no idea of the answer.

"Even if you say so, I don’t know, Big Bear," Doraemon said helplessly.

"Please~~Doraemon you are the best~~!.!", Big Bear said coquettishly.

Seeing this, Doraemon's stomach churned and almost vomited because of Big Bear, so he quickly agreed.

Doraemon took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and looked at the doctor in the painting.

"Immortal species?" Doraemon understood. He saw strong traces of time on the doctor. He must be a race related to time and even traveled through time countless times.

But even so, its total lifespan should only be a few billion points longer than other species.

Doraemon thought about it and was afraid of saying something wrong. Big Bear said it was his responsibility, so Doraemon said bluntly,"Big Bear, the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years, humans have existed for about 3 million years, and the average lifespan of each person is about 77.5 years."

"How about choosing one from these three special time periods?"

Big Bear nodded in agreement, and after thinking for a moment, he made a decisive choice.

After all, how could 4.5 billion years be possible? The life span of the Earth is only 4.5 billion years. If you say that someone can survive 4.5 billion years, he would never believe it.

So 4.5 billion years is ruled out first.

And the average life span of everyone is 77.5 years?

Big Bear felt that he could survive 77.5 years, so he didn't choose that either. Then there was only one answer.

"That's 3 million years!"

Game Life World

"Bai, what do you think?", the brother and sister sat on a chair, it was like Sora hugged Bai's petite body.

Bai held her skirt with her hands to prevent exposure, she whispered,"You can refer to the deeds of Homura and Kamijou-san."

Homura reincarnated hundreds of times in despair. If Kyubey hadn't told Homura the truth and Madoka hadn't taken the initiative to take responsibility for everything, Homura would definitely have been reincarnated to a terrifying number of times.

And Kamijou Touma experienced billions of deaths in the endless world of Othinus. Even if one death is counted as four days, it would have been nearly 1 million years in total.

This terrifying number is already the limit in the eyes of the two.

""But what?" Kong laughed.

Bai glanced at Kong and continued softly,"But if this is the limit, then this old man would not be on the list this time, and this problem would not have arisen."

"So I guess this is a desperate time that is longer than a million years."

"That's right, but there are too few clues. We don't know anything at all, so we have lost the guessing game this time."

The two smiled at each other without any negative emotions, because each of the beings who could be chosen was beyond their cognition. Losing to such a being was not disappointing.

What the two wanted to know more now was what the real answer was.

Soon the countdown ended, and the answers of the three people appeared on the screen.

【Nobi Nobita:"3 million years"】

【Sora:"Life is the years of despair spent"】

【Dagu:"Tens of thousands of years"】

【Ding——Three people answered incorrectly】

【Correct answer: Intelligent life can survive a long period of despair - 4.5 billion years!

Doraemon World

Big Bear looked at the numbers on the screen, stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears!

Isn't this the answer he came up with first!

"Doraemon!!!" Big Bear choked up.

Doraemon showed a helpless look.

"Big Bear, are you a child who never grows up?...Billions of years?!

Everyone's expression suddenly became solemn and horrified.

Billions of years?

4.5 billion years, the earth would have exploded, right?!

And this old man actually has to live through 4.5 billion years?!

At this moment, everyone was full of disbelief! Not to mention whether he could live through it, they didn't think he could live through hundreds of millions of years!

And at this moment, the curtain officially began.

Once upon a time, there was an emperor who asked a shepherd boy,"How many seconds are there in eternity?" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The shepherd boy answered honestly that there was a diamond mountain, and it took him one hour to climb it and another hour to go around it.

Every hundred years, a little bird flew over and sharpened its beak on the diamond mountain.

When the whole mountain was smoothed out, the first second of eternity had just passed.

When you came into this world, something was born at the same time.

You started your life, and it also started its journey.

It moved slowly, but never stopped.

No matter which road you took, it would follow you.

Not fast or slow, always on the road, you would run, but it would walk.

You would rest, but it would never stop.

One day, you would linger too long in a certain place, or sleep too deeply.

When it was late, you got up and left, and you would find that there was another shadow beside you.

Your life - ends here!

In the ancient palace, the instrument lit up with a dazzling light, and the doctor emerged from the instrument.

The moment his shoes touched the sand, the doctor realized that this was not an illusion, and that Clara's death was real!

The doctor grabbed a handful of sand and felt the sand slipping through his fingertips.

He said angrily,"If you think her death will make me vulnerable, then you know very little.

If her death is related to you, you are still fearless.



"Then you are completely ignorant, so for your own sake, listen up, I'm a doctor! I'm coming for you!"

"And I will never, ever stop!"

The doctor continued to explore deeper. Looking down from above, he saw that this was a castle, about 25 meters deep, and the equipment in the room before was probably an ultra-long-distance transmission device.

He was probably no more than a light-year away from London!

The doctor carefully observed every corner, not missing any subtle traces.[]

He leaned over the window, trying to determine the direction by the position of the stars, but he could not see anything outside.

The doctor's expression did not change, but his tone was a little cold,"When the sun sets, I can determine an accurate position by the stars, and then you will have two choices."

"Come out and reveal your true self, or continue hiding and face destruction!"

【Aqua:"You look very wise, don’t you?"】

【Sato Kazuma:"Have you ever used the adjective 'wise' to describe yourself? Don't mind, I just want to judge whether 'wise' is a positive or negative word in your opinion."】

【Aqua:"Kazuma is so strange, but although wisdom is not worthy of this goddess, it's still okay to use it."】

【Blue Hair:"That's right, it's a derogatory term"】

【Conan:"With his careful judgment and observation of the surrounding environment, could it be that this old man is a detective?"】

【Lu Murphy:"Detective game? That's really interesting.~"】

【Homelander:"He looks like just an ordinary person"]

Conan World

"This time it's not absolute force, but intelligence, right?" Conan showed an excited look, staring at the screen closely.

At the same time, he analyzed in his mind all the useful clues that had appeared so far.

The doctor, the blocked castle, the unobservable location, the purpose of the person who imprisoned the doctor, as long as these clues are connected step by step from a God's perspective!

Conan showed a proud look. When it comes to intelligence, he is not inferior to others!

Foundation World

A white man sat alone in the office, a beam of moonlight hit his face.

His iconic soft felt hat was swinging carelessly on the table, and a bent cigarette was casually placed beside him, slowly burned to ash by the slow fire.

There was blood on his shirt, some of which might be his own, a glass of bourbon in his hand, a pile of lead bullets buried in his chest, and 6 waiting to entertain the next bastard who broke in.

But at this moment, all the realities around him were flattened and turned into a story.

Lu Murphy fiddled with his hat, his eyes full of interest, a detective story of 4.5 billion years...How wonderful it would be~

The World of Black Robes

Under the Crescent Moon

Homelander stood at the top of the building, his face full of disdain.


He looks like a poor guy imprisoned! If it were him, he would have smashed the castle with one punch, found those who imprisoned him and shot these bastards to death with his laser eyes! The evening breeze blew, the cloak rustled, Homelander licked his lips, it's time, it's time to drink milk

The doctor continued to explore every corner here, and he found a shovel at the corner. The shovel was full of dirt. The doctor looked at the empty castle, and he was a little confused about what was going on.

The castle, the shovel with dirt, and the sky without stars.

The doctor became more and more impatient, but at this moment, the device next to him suddenly lit up a black and white picture, and on it was his own figure!

And this perspective...The doctor hurriedly looked towards the opposite side of the castle!...A hunched figure wrapped in a body bag!

The doctor's pupils suddenly contracted, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head! The heavy footsteps echoed in the castle, and seemed to step on the doctor's heart, step by step, step by step, walking towards the doctor.

The stench of dirt and decay came to his face, and the buzzing of flies echoed in the doctor's ears. The doctor stepped back unconsciously.

But at the end of the passage, a locked door suddenly appeared!

The tall rotten figure wrapped in the body bag had stretched out the dark and rotten big hand, approaching the doctor step by step.

The stench and fear came, and death approached step by step.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the doctor's forehead, and he quickly leaned on the door and whispered rapidly,"Obviously, you can't establish true telepathy with a door."

"The reason is obvious, because the door is always angry. Imagine that the door is always pushed and shoved throughout its life. There is always someone knocking at you, but it is never you."

"And you are locked up every night, so if you are a little kind."

The door rang gently, and the doctor smiled,"The sword is still sharp."

But the next moment, his expression froze, because there was a wall behind the door!!!

At this moment, the rotten figure had already come in front of the doctor and was about to reach out to touch the doctor!


's mouth twitched. They thought that the doctor whispered to the door and then really opened it, which was abstract enough.

But what was even more abstract was that there was a wall behind the door?!

Who would build a wall behind the door?

But the interesting thing is...

Everyone is curious about what the figure wrapped in the body bag is.

Some powerful beings feel the two auras of immortality and death from it.

Death is the strongest among them. It can even be said that the figure is the entity of the concept of death!

What is the purpose of sending such a monster?

Everyone is more and more curious about what will happen next and how should the doctor deal with it?!.

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