Second Life Ranker Webnovel

Chapter 679 - Exuviation (4)

“Hahaha!” Where Yeon-woo had left, Vimalacitra stood bursting out with laughter. Everything around him was in a state of disrepair. Not a single thing remained intact. The space also had some cracks and seemed unbalanced, and divine power sparked within the black mist that spread across the area.

Error messages were constantly popping up and overlapping.

[An error has occurred.]

[An error has occurred.]

[Due to an unknown shock the system has been paralyzed!]

[The degree of damage to the original data has reached critical levels!]

[Data needed for recovery cannot be found!]

Even if the Central Bureau came forward to try and resolve the current situation, it would take a considerable amount of time to fix and recover all the error messages. The damage was so severe that complete restoration was seemingly impossible.

All these errors were the results of a single clash between Yeon-woo and Vimalacitra, bringing out an absurd result. If there were gods or demons who happened to be observing the lower floors, they might have received a huge shock.

Of course, all eyes were currently fixed on the seventy-seventh floor, so there was no need to worry about prying eyes. However, in the first place, Yeon-woo and Vimalacitra would not have cared either way if there were any prying eyes. If the two had more free time, they would have clashed swords all night long.

… Heavenly Demon Ruling Step? It’s something that has only happened in myths and legends, such a thing has occurred here? Sorry old man, but I’ll have to postpone this battle. I have something to urgently do. Yeon-woo spoke out aloud as he leisurely deflected Vimalacitra’s attack, which had been thrown out immediately once Yeon-woo stepped out of the transportation portal.

Of course, Vimalacitra was not kind enough to understand Yeon-woo’s predicament and send him off without a fight. Yeon-woo was the one who had brought Vimalacitra to this place after Vimalacitra had lost all interest in world affairs. No, to be more precise, it was Vimalacitra’s competitiveness toward Yeon-woo that brought him here.

Thus, at present, Vimalacitra could not let go of his competitiveness to clash with Yeon-woo completely. Just the act of quietly waiting for Yeon-woo to develop and be able to compete on an equal footing took superhuman patience from Vimalacitra. It was an action he had never taken before.

Even if Yeon-woo stated that it was not the right time or the main issue at hand, Vimalacitra was adamant about sticking next to Yeon-woo and seeing their fight to the end. If Yeon-woo was not able to focus on their clash due to any outside influence, Vimalacitra was willing to get rid of what was concerning Yeon-woo first. Thus…

‘I could have teamed up with Allforone and cut off this nagging issue.’

Until now, the nagging issue, Yeon-woo’s twin brother, was the main driving force that allowed Yeon-woo to continue to grow through his keyword fight, but now, the nagging issue has become a hindrance and weakness. Moreover, Yeon-woo had increased his sphere of influence and personal connections with others, so the nagging issue did not reside only with his twin brother anymore.

‘Any martial artist wielding a sword must also have the steel and cool rationale to immediately cut off anything that could be a personal weakness.’

Making mention of a sense of cool rationality, Vimalacitra was referring to a sense of cool-headedness and cold-bloodedness. In Vimalacitra’s eyes, Yeon-woo, who had outwardly seemed cool-headed and rational, had always possessed a weakness, his ‘family’.

The problem was that Yeon-woo did not even realize that he had a problem. Thus, Vimalacitra took it upon himself to become Yeon-woo’s rational sword. If he could directly remove the things that could be Yeon-woo’s weaknesses, he could receive Yeon-woo’s undivided attention, his anger, and his resentment. At that time, they would be able to enjoy a real match.

A few floors being blown away did not present much of a problem for Vimalacitra. Since the establishment of the heavenly world, Vimalacitra could not recall being so excited for a real match, so he could not contain his excitement. However…

‘There’s no need to wait any longer.’

Rumble! Rumble! The divine item that symbolized Vimalacitra, the ‘Shizu Sword’, shook greatly.

The Shizu Sword was a sword that was like Vimalacitra’s alter ego, one that he had utilized to ascend to the throne of the six realms after facing countless fierce battles. The sword was full of many small and large chips as if reflecting such long, arduous years of battle. Some parts of the sword were even dull as the sharpness had all been lost.

However, Vimalacitra never considered repairing or restoring the Shizu Sword. This was because he thought that the traces left on Shizu Sword were all traces of the path he had walked, and proof of his myth and legend.

Among these imperfections, there were two scars that Vimalacitra was most proud of. One was a thunderbolt scar that ran across the center of the sword face, which Indra, the main god of Deva, had left in their battle after abducting Vimalacitra’s daughter. The other scar was the light-based scar left near the handle of Shizu Sword when the Heavenly Demon’s Ruyi Bang clashed with his sword.

And now, another scar was born. On the right side of his blade was a large crack that sizzled with darkness. It was a blazing fire-based scar at the exact spot where Shizu Sword collided with Yeon-woo’s sword.

The moment Vimalacitra saw this, he intuitively realized something. If he waited just a little longer, he would be able to harvest a much more bountiful fruit. The burning fire that left a scar on Shizu Sword had just ignited, so it would soon burn with greater majesty. Once that happened, if Vimalacitra could face Yeon-woo then, Vimalacitra would feel an even greater joy.

Thus, Vimalacitra did not decide to pursue Yeon-woo, who had moved out of the area to reach Allforone. Rather, Vimalacitra was certain that Allforone would be providing firewood that would allow Yeon-woo to burn with greater intensity. So, until then, Vimalacitra was going to wait. He was going to wait right here.

“Aze-Aze, Barazeh… Bara-Seung Aze, Moji Sabaha…” From a certain point, Vimalacitra always called out for someone like a mantra. It had now become a habit; something he would recite while looking up at the sky.

The world of light…was becoming dyed in red.

Let’s go, let’s go… Let’s go to that otherworldly world. Let’s all go to that faraway world together.

Oh, enlightenment. Become a blessing.


‘What is…this?’ With the sudden development of events, Cha Jeong-woo could not make a clear judgment about what was going on. His memory was clear until Allforone initiated the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps. Jeong-woo vaguely remembered that the world of light that filled the seventy-seventh floor was transformed into a strange flame. But what happened after that was the issue. Even Cha Jeong-woo, under the elder gods’ protection, was overwhelmed by the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps.

When the second and third steps ensued, everything was burned to a crisp. It reminded Jeong-woo of the terrifying fire that occurred when the universe fell into ruin during a certain mythical legend. After the terrifying fire, a powerful wind soon followed and tore up what was left, and water sprung out from some unknown source and cleared away all the mess. Countless gods that covered the sky fell or disappeared one after another.

During that entire period, Cha Jeong-woo was protected by the elder gods and somehow managed to persevere and survive. Of course, in front of the fire that devoured many gods, his level of protection was not enough.

Thus, Cha Jeong-woo had prepared for his own ‘death’. If he died once more without a soul, even Summon of the Dead would no longer work to bring him back, but, in his heart, he felt refreshed that he momentarily made Allforone angry. It was the first time Jeong-woo had ever seen Allforone shake with emotion. ‘The rest could be left to my older brother and father… It’s a pity that I won’t know what will happen, but I’ve at least done my job.’

However, to his surprise, Cha Jeong-woo realized he was still alive. Dragon Slayer, which acted as a booster for his magic and divine power, was in a state of disrepair with many cracks formed on its surface.

In front of Jeong-woo, Laplace, the Vampiric Lord, and Count Ferenc stood with an even more miserable appearance. They were all covered in blood and barely supporting the illusory barrier as they huffed and puffed from the strain.

「Are you okay, child?」 Lana stroked Cha Jeong-woo’s hair with a concerned gaze. For Jeong-woo, Lana was a master just like Galliard and Brahm. She was the one who made him feel a mother’s affection once more. Her eyes were full of concern.

Cha Jeong-woo soon realized that Lana was shaking and quivering so much that she was putting herself in a precarious situation, as if she would break at any moment. Jeong-woo then realized how he was able to withstand the dominating pressure, a whirlwind of fear, and the outpouring of anger that Allforone released just a moment ago because Lana shielded him from the incoming attacks.『Master…!』

「Oh. I’m glad to see you’re okay.」

Jeong-woo tried to argue with Lana about what harm she put herself through, but he stopped himself. He realized that Lana’s gaze was…perhaps too warm. Those eyes were just like a mother’s eyes who was anxiously asking her child, ‘Have you had breakfast?’ with sincerity and concern.

「I couldn’t protect you before, but I’m glad I was able to protect you now. It was so much fun to be with you, even if it was for just a little while…!」 Lana gave a faint smile as she slowly disappeared.

Cha Jeong-woo reflexively reached out with his hand. He wanted to grab Lana if he could. However, his hand passed through Lana in vain, and Lana’s image soon shattered as she continued smiling. It was, unbelievably, total annihilation. Jeong-woo was about to yell that this could not happen again, but before he could…

[The fourth step of the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps shall commence!]

Boom! Along with the loud ringing of a bell, a new sense of pressure amplified several times more than in the previous steps, weighed down on the entire stage. Cha Jeong-woo felt as if his body was about to crumble under immense pressure. He could not help but wonder if the floor, let alone the stage, would soon collapse.

However, a great sense of rage engulfed Cha Jeong-woo as he immediately looked upward. He could see Allforone slowly climbing the stairs leading to the sky.

[Player, Vivasvat, is preparing to enter the seventy-eighth floor!]

‘Allforone has to be stopped.’ This singular thought filled Cha Jeong-woo’s mind. Even though his Channels with the ‘Day’ and other beings had been cut off, he did not have time to worry about those matters. He had to somehow avenge his master. He had to somehow bring Allforone, who was about to ascend to the sky, down. But…he couldn’t possibly bring Allforone down in his broken state. Currently, with his hands and feet essentially tied up due to the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps, he wondered if there was anything left that he could do to counter Allforone.

‘Perfect Adaptability!’ It was at that moment that Cha Jeong-woo recalled his own unique characteristic trait. He opened all his senses. Even though his soul and body were bound by the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps, the steps could not bind his cognitive function and system!

[Trait, ‘Perfect Adaptability’, has been activated!]

[Your cognitive domain has been greatly expanded. It is now possible to search and scan beyond the floor.]

[Your heightened senses are looking for something.]

[Your heightened senses are looking for something.]

[You have successfully found a Channel connection that has been left relatively unscathed amongst the disconnected Channels.]

[Attempt to connect with Channel.]


[Attempt to connect with Channel.]


[You have forcibly connected with the disconnected Channel due to your characteristic trait ‘Perfect Adaptability’. Restoring all other disconnected Channels.]

[Current recovery rate: 1, 2, 3… 6, 7… 89%.]

[Your lost Channels have been partially restored.]

[You have restored some of your keywords.]

[Communication with the main elder gods has been restored and is operational.]

[The connection is unstable!]

[You are reinforcing the unstable connection with cognitive information from your character trait ‘Perfect Adaptability’. The level of your previously acquired information will increase by two or more levels.]

[You have acquired the authority to glimpse some of Akasha’s records!]

[The title, ‘Rightful Successor of Day (Eros)’ has revealed its ability!]

A complete recovery could not be achieved, but this much was enough. It was enough for one chance. Cha Jeong-woo was planning to tie Allforone down for just one moment.

[The Heavenly Demon expresses interest in you.]

‘Sorry.’ Cha Jeong-woo raised his sword up once more, apologizing to the Dragon Slayer which was on the verge of breaking. No, to be more accurate, he tried raising his arm, which was restricted due to the pressure of the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps.

Bam! Dragon Slayer could not withstand the pressure and shattered. The shattered pieces scattered out and shimmered beautifully, and a simple line was drawn between the shattered pieces. It was a trajectory without a flash of light or sound. It was just a picture Jeong-woo had in his mind, but real space was pushed away. The atmosphere split and reached for something beyond.

Cha Jeong-woo was aiming to cut Allforone’s toes. Slice! And, with the sound as if paper were being torn, some of the light emanating from Allforone was cut off. With the Heart Sword, Jeong-woo had cut his enemy. It was not a critical strike, but it did disturb some of the light being dispersed from Allforone.

『What did you do…?』

Thanks to the attack, Cha Jeong-woo was able to see a shocked expression on Allforone’s face.

[The fourth step of the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps has failed due to an unknown cause!]

Jeong-woo was able to delay Allforone’s ascension up the stairs.

[The spring of time is operating!]

Cha Jeong-woo bought just enough time for Yeon-woo to arrive.

『Good job.』

After hearing such a blunt but warm compliment, the world turned upside down.

[Server Back-Up is operational!]

Rumble! A strange sound rang out as if the gears that made up the world were rotating in reverse. At the same time, all space seemed to turn upside down. All the phenomena that had unfolded were rewound.

As the Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps rewound and its effects were negated, Allforone fell to the area where Cha Jeong-woo was located. The Fire of Origin, which had engulfed the entire stage just moments ago, returned to its original place. The burnt gods rematerialized and were restored. The entire floor was restored to its original state. The injured Ghost Giants, Laplace, and the others stood next to Cha Jeong-woo with completely intact figures.

Lana, who had been annihilated, returned to her original state and was stroking Jeong-woo’s cheek.

『Ah…!』 In front of the unraveling absurd miracle, Cha Jeong-woo admired the scene with trembling and astonishment-filled eyes. His brother, Yeon-woo, was standing with his broad back to Jeong-woo.

“You okay?”

[All deleted data has been restored!]

“Well, you look fine, so you’re probably okay.” Yeon-woo did not wait to hear Cha Jeong-woo’s answer and flew straight at Allforone.


Cha Jeong-woo stared blankly at the blurry afterimages that Yeon-woo left behind. Then, Jeong-woo smiled as he said, 『Lana.』


『We’ve won, right?』Cha Jeong-woo’s words seemed to convey certainty.


[The Heavenly Demon is silent.]

[The Heavenly Demon observes you quietly.]


『What are you doing…?』 Allforone deflected Yeon-woo’s sudden attack and shouted out in disbelief.

Allforone was still processing the issue of having part of his emanating light being disturbed by Cha Jeong-woo’s recent attack, which had somehow overcome and cut through the restrictions of his Heavenly Demon Ruling Steps, but now, he had a bigger issue to contend with. Yeon-woo had somehow manipulated the wheel of time to turn back the ‘phenomenon’ that Allforone had exacted upon the floor.

Through Thousand Li Eyes, Allforone quickly recognized that Yeon-woo had become the strength of the king of gods and was able to freely manipulate the spring of time. However, even so, it should have been impossible for Yeon-woo to ‘ignore’ all the traces and effects that Allforone had left.

Allforone was the incarnation and ego of the Tower system, which governed and controlled everything that happens in the Tower. He was a user who confirmed the phenomena and results of events that happened within the Tower by extorting the faith sent by all beings who were bound to the Tower.

Wondering how Yeon-woo was able to ignore his intentions and turn the system upside down, Allforone could only come to one conclusion: a virus. He guessed that Yeon-woo was an existence that existed outside the system, rather a virus consumed the system itself.

“What do you mean what am I doing?”

However, Allforone did not understand to what extent of a virus Yeon-woo was.

“It’s the sound of me stealing what’s yours.”

Yeon-woo was not just a simple virus, but rather an existence that looked to take over the Tower’s entire management system.

[Abuser ### has changed his name and has made it public!]

[All of ### names that were recorded privately in the ‘Hall of Fame’ on each floor have been made public!]

[1st floor rank 1 ### → Cha Yeon-woo]

[2nd floor rank 1 ### → Cha Yeon-woo]

[3rd floor rank 1 ### → Cha Yeon-woo]

[76th floor rank 1 ### → Cha Yeon-woo]

『…!』Only then did Allforone realize what Yeon-woo was aiming for. As the incarnation of the system, Allforone was able to maintain his status because he extorted the faith of all beings living in the Tower.

Even from transcendents, including the elder gods and conceptual gods, Allforone could pull from a seemingly unlimited power reserve that was based on every single being’s achievement. This was the reason why no player could defeat him. However, if someone snatched some of the faith that poured into him…

[The scores recorded in all Halls of Fames regarding Abuser Cha Yeon-woo are being added up!]

[Congratulations! Cha Yeon-woo has succeeded in setting a record that has never been achieved before!]

[A new No. 1 ranking user has appeared!]

[Rank 1: Vivasvat → Cha Yeon-woo]

There was no better way to extort faith than to take away the undisputed No. 1 position.

Whoosh! Just like that, the faith headed for Allforone twisted and detoured towards Yeon-woo. The rushing faith appeared in the form of light, making Yeon-woo immersed in bright light. Soon, the emanating light surrounding Allforone slowly grew dim…

[An unidentifiable power resides in the Abuser Cha Yeon-woo!]

[Yin Soul has been activated!]

Yeon-woo’s exuviation began, something that he had put off for a long time.

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